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Texas Style Beef Ribs | Chuds bbq

May 31, 2021
What's going on? Everyone, welcome back to Chad's BBQ. My name is Bradley Robinson and today I'm going to show you how I made these delicious, tender and soft



. Coming soon, these are



, also known as plate ribs. Since you won't get ribs, this is what you will get. The chucks are also very tasty, they are a little smaller, so if you are looking for that classic, gigantic beef rib, this is what you are looking for. to pick them up at the grocery store, they were labeled as plated beef ribs, so you can't go wrong, I got all the names.
texas style beef ribs chuds bbq
I often recommend beef ribs to beginners or people who are new to smoking because, like pork butt, they are very forgiving. and there's no butchering required, you just have to season them and place them, so to open them up, you basically have really beautiful marbling, that's what makes them super tasty. They are located between the belly and the breast, so I have a very nice marbling there. I don't really do much to them if there's a piece of fat hanging out or something, maybe close it, but I like to leave all the fat on, it's going to melt. a really nice crust, like you get on a pork brisket or shoulder or something, there's also this big membrane on the back, sometimes I remove it, sometimes I don't, it's just a matter of presentation, sometimes I remove it The thing about the membrane is that it can really help hold these ribs together once they get super tender they want to fall and slide off the bone which can help keep the whole rack together and just like the ribs there's a lot of it. fat underneath that I want To keep me there today I'm going to leave the membrane on, as you can see the bones are very thick on this end and very thin on this end, so this will probably pull back a little bit, we're going to have some bones. it sticks out but when we put it in the smoker you always want to point the big tip towards the fire, generally speaking I'm not a big fan of spreaders, I don't think they're really necessary most of the time. but for beef ribs I like it because I want to get a really nice thick coating here.
texas style beef ribs chuds bbq

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texas style beef ribs chuds bbq...

I want everything to stick together and especially on the sides where there are bones and this membrane on the back is a little slippery so I like to add a little bit of spread. To this, and this is usually what I have on hand, you're not going to add much flavor, it's just a matter of getting a little stickiness so the dough will stick. You can use oil, mustard chutney, a mixture of all three. I used mayonnaise. Once it worked pretty well, but today I'm going to go with some Laroy Lewis Beet BBQ Sauce with a smudged label.
texas style beef ribs chuds bbq
Rub a little, rub, this will help everything stick here really well, on sale now at Leroy Lewis. com this could also add some nice color look it already has a little bit of pepper rub this on the sides and now it's time to apply some rub and since I'm a member of the crispy crust club I'm going to To do the same thing I did on pork butt, which is two parts 16 mesh black pepper, you can also find it sold as table ground, sometimes that's pretty close and one part kosher salt, very similar to the pork butt video, which you can find in the corner here right now.
texas style beef ribs chuds bbq
I'm going to make a very thick layer because it's two parts pepper. You can use it very heavy without having to worry about over-salting it and again, don't forget the sides you don't really want. to rub it in every time you're applying any gum that you don't want to like, massage it too much, you really just want to pat it to make sure it sticks, take off the extra and that looks really good to me so now Let's throw them away to the hole, as you can see, this hole is already at temperature and then some, so again I'm going to point the thickest part of the bones towards the fire, we'll go right in the middle. and I'm not going to watch them again for several hours, man, I can't believe this is my eighth video, this is my first time cooking meat, I call myself a Texan, as far as beef rib cook goes.
It's pretty simple, you're just trying to maintain a constant temperature. I like to stay between 275 and 315. You know, it's a pretty forgiving cut of meat. It's also a pretty tough piece of meat, like a brisket you normally see. braised ribs, you know, because they're trying to break down that connective tissue and everything and break down all the fat, that's why low and slow cooking works so well for ribs, you know, I don't really baste too much, maybe if They start to look a little crunchy I'll hit them with a little bit of cider vinegar or something.
Today I don't have a water tray sometimes I do, sometimes I don't, I really don't. I noticed too much of a difference, maybe for something like a pork butt, I'll keep a pan of water in there for something I'm going to shred, but for beef brisket and ribs, I'm trying to get a really nice crispy crust, so no. we're going to put containers of water in there today, that being said, beef ribs, cook super simple, leave the membrane on, leave all the fat, very simple, rub them, baste them if you want and then keep 20 degrees on either side of 300 degrees and I will have a very good cook now.
I'm going to leave them like this for the next six to eight hours and I'm going to go do some soldering, but we'll check back on them in a moment since 115 is starting up. to come, very nice, get some qualifications, okay, I've been keeping this fire going for about three hundred hours for about five hours, now let's take a look, oh yeah, very good bark meat that starts to recede if these bones never start to get too dark too. I could wrap them in aluminum foil, but I still have a ways to go, but the crust looks phenomenal, so let's build some racks and then check back in a couple of hours.
Its 115 gallons come in handy and drilling a hole through 3 8 inch thick steel is not ideal, a pain in the butt, it has to be done, well here we are at eight o'clock on the dot and these things look very good, that crust is super crispy, you can see it just by clicking on it. it's nice and tender, oh this back is especially tender to the touch, it feels very tender, it might last a little longer, clocking in at around 190 195 192, so this might even last a little longer, but I think the remnant will will take care of it, that's what we do.
I'm looking again with no sprinklers or bowl of water just the easiest cooking ever so I'm going to do that we'll let it sit but first I'm going to go check on the smoker so I've got these grates ready I've got the bottom. shelf, I have the thermometer on this door, oh Jesus, that's a heavy door, but yeah, a little sneak peek at 115. I'll have a full video on this coming out next week, so stay tuned, I might even have it . To cook something I just have to light the old fireplace and this will be ready to go.
I'm going to take these bugs out, let them sit for a while while we come right back. These beef ribs have been resting for a few hours, as I mentioned in the pork ribs video, a long rest can really save you when it comes to the texture of the ribs, especially with brisket, beef ribs, pork ribs, anything What are you looking for. tooth some texture not necessarily as tender as possible a long rest will help re-solidify everything if it's overcooked or will also give you that remaining cooking time if it's undercooked so it's really a good idea no matter how difficult it may be of doing.
Let it rest as long as possible. That said, I think it's time to cut them now that you have this close look here, you can really see how crunchy and crunchy the crust is and how everything is really nice and fluffy. soft to the touch the bottom a little twisted still spicy looking that crispy membrane nicely the bones didn't darken too much which is something to watch out for if you're not burning a clean fire that will happen yes these They look great, very nice crispy crust, so when it comes to cutting them, I usually grab a Dexter Russell bread knife, like everyone else in the barbecue community.
I have mine in red so I can always tell which one is mine. like a little darth vader vibe, don't be afraid to replace them from time to time because when they get dull, if you're doing a lot of shredding of beef brisket or rib then it's probably time to buy a new knife if you look at this bone on the left here it has about half the meat because it shrunk so if I went down and followed the bone I would end up with so much meat there so I'm going to make a little bit deeper cut on an angle here cut on an angle here trying to maximize as much beef bones as possible some people like to cut them upside down, that's a great move too.
I really like to do that with ribs, pork ribs, but for these because of the shape. the meat is shaped I'm going to go from the top and just hope for the best oh yeah it looks pretty good so far and here we go guys some beautiful beef ribs this one in the middle is always the one that makes money so that is what we're looking for nice juicy hashtag really tender don't crowd the meat very nice crispy crust nice smoke ring if that's your thing oh it's like brisket on a bone oh I got Than take a bite out of this one.
One reason you may want to remove the membrane beforehand is that it is not very attractive. You can always remove it before serving, but at the end of the day all this meat stays on the bone and looks great. guys, and that's my super easy tutorial on how to cook beef ribs, there really isn't much to do, just no tricks needed, no water containers, no spreads, no special seasonings, none of that, all that stuff is nice and fun to play with. Don't get me wrong, but at the same time all you need is to make some good ribs, a little patience, sometimes some good wood, a really clean smoke, a good smoker and you will find them very easy to prepare and they are super impressive to Any of your friends coming over if you offer someone you have a friend for life with that being said if you try this recipe hit me up on Instagram let me know.
I'd love to see what you guys are cooking. Also let me. Let me know in the comments below what you want to see me cook next or if you have any questions or concerns about what I did in this video. Also in the description below you will find links to everything I used in this video and all of them. to my other videos, please like and subscribe, help the channel grow, hit me up on Instagram at


bbq and until the next time I see you, go cook something outside mm-hmm, that's something special, you must love one beef rib, oh yeah.

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