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Texas Smoked Chicken Recipe - Crispy Skin Smoked Chicken Easy

Jun 05, 2021
Welcome back to my channel. I'm Joe and I smoke Joe's BBQ. Do you work during the week but also want a good barbecue during the week? This is the video for you. Let's smoke some


on my Yoder Y640 pellet. smoker stay tuned as you can see look at this bark it's crazy oh man it's perfect it helps to start with a good sharp knife okay omg look at that so we're starting with two four pound


s and a half and me. I'm going to get one out of the way so we can focus on one for now.
texas smoked chicken recipe   crispy skin smoked chicken easy
Okay, so we're just going to focus on this chicken for now and I'm going to turn it upside down so that the column is. Get up and I'll show you how to shoo a chicken and then eventually we'll split this chicken in half. Well, I have some kitchen scissors here and what you want to do is grab this tail and we. We're going to cut both sides of the tail all the way to the neck right here, okay, so just grab the tail, grab your scissors and go ahead and start cutting that spine. I also have a knife here because sometimes it just doesn't work.
texas smoked chicken recipe   crispy skin smoked chicken easy

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texas smoked chicken recipe crispy skin smoked chicken easy...

Cut the


like this, then I'm going to turn it over so it's easier because I'm right-handed, grab the neck and cut along that back line right here, okay, just grab your knife if it doesn't cut. the


and go ahead and remove it right now, you can save this backbone and use it for chicken broth or other


s as well, so to spit out the chicken, what you want to do is find the breastbone which is right here, just grab your knife. and make a little cut like this and just split it, okay, this will make the chicken flat like this.
texas smoked chicken recipe   crispy skin smoked chicken easy
Now you can smoke the chicken like this too, but here in Texas again we like to split our chickens in half. So you want to make sure you don't have excess skin on one side of the chicken than the other. That way, okay, just grab a nice sharp knife and let's cut it in half, okay. so, okay, now we have two half chickens, so at this point what you also want to do is remove a little bit of this excess fat, you see, you don't need this, okay, and a little bit of this excess skin because you won't need it.
texas smoked chicken recipe   crispy skin smoked chicken easy
I need to, as I mentioned before, I'm going to smoke this in my yoder y640 pedal smoker. I must tell you if you are a working man or woman, people always call these pellet smokers


bake ovens, but I think in today's world. where the man and woman work I think every home needs a pellet smoker so I will do this the night before that way when I get home from work tomorrow my wife would have already fired up the pellet smoker and everything I have to do. What I do is I put the chickens in, okay, so I'm just trimming the excess skin off the chicken and that actually looks really good to me, here we go, so without further ado, I'm going to set them aside and I'm going to cut this other chicken and I'm going to bring them in.
I come back so I have the chicken cut up and now we are going to brine it overnight so I have a 5 gallon bucket here, 22 quarts and I filled it up to the 8 quart line right now which is 2 gallons of water so I'm going to add a cup and a half of salt and this is the key ingredient for a brine okay there's a cup and here's the half cup so one and a half cup of salt for two gallons of water . I also have two medium onions that I'm going to put in here that I cut into quarters and also eight cloves of garlic that I just crushed with my knife.
I'm going to throw them here too. I'm going to add about a quarter cup of crushed red pepper which will give it a nice flavor and I'm also going to add a half cup of some Italian herbs and seasonings. Okay this is going to give the chicken a really good flavor so half a cup of that is just going to whisk it all together so this brine is ready and I have to tell you it smells really good these Italian herbs and spices have basil, oregano, seeds fennel, lavender, parsley, tarragon, rosemary, sage, thyme, really good stuff.
Okay, it's going to give these chickens a really good flavor, so I'm just going to put my half chickens in the brine and again the important piece is the salt. Okay, that will really tenderize this chicken and make it nice and juicy on the inside. so the chicken will be brined overnight tomorrow around five o'clock. My wife will fire up my pellet smoker and set it to 350 degrees. That way I'll get home, season these babies and put them in, stay tuned guys, that's it. The next day, I just got home from work, my wife turned on the smoker earlier and it's running at 350 degrees, so I'm going to take the chicken out of the brine, I have my cambro bucket here, call it my brine bucket and let's pour it in.
A look. Chicken man, this smells good, ooh, the water is cold, so here we are, now we're going to rinse off the salt and those dry ingredients, the herbs and spices that we put in there, but you know, the chicken is pretty and plump, as you can see. It's going to be very tender, so I'm going to rinse it. I'm bringing them back, so I rinsed off the brine and dried the surface of the skin with just some paper towels, okay? I don't want too much moisture in that skin to make it nice and


. Okay, so go ahead and dry the bottom of the top.
As for the rubs, I'm going to use two LC Barbecue rubs in two. Of these, the first one is this rawhide, which is like a base, so to speak, and I'm going to add just enough on the bottom sides, just a light layer, okay, it has a good flavor, a little bit of garlic, a little onion, a little pepper and the second rub again from lc BBQ this is a certified rub now I just tried this rub on some pork it was fantastic and it says it's good for chicken so let's try it with the chicken, this will give us a nice red color, so again just a light coating, nothing too heavy, okay, like this, like this, grab the leg, let's turn them over, so when it gets to the top , this skin because we're going to cook at 350 degrees, this skin could I get up on you, so what I do is I just grab it and put it under like this and then I'm going to stick a toothpick right here, okay, you can thread it and thread it into that skin just like that and that's going to Make sure the chicken skin doesn't lift up okay a little trick but you gotta remember you put the chopsticks right so I put the chopsticks back on a light coat of the leather mix raw followed by a light coating of the certified mixture.
Okay, these two are ready now I'm going to season them with my spg. This is salt, pepper, garlic and paprika again, just a very light coating. I'll leave the ingredients for my spg in the description box and I have to tell you that I used this dressing more than any other I have, it's okay, it tastes great, Texas style, with salt and pepper, now I add paprika and a little bit of garlic just to give it more flavor and that's it, see you outside. from the smoker, okay, we're outside my smoker and again the temperature is set at 350 degrees.
Sorry for the mess, my smoker is a little dusty. I have some work in the backyard, as you can see in the background, but uh. let's try to focus on this smoker so I'm going to put the chickens with the breast facing the firebox here on the left okay so give them a little bit of room now we'll rotate them probably in an hour so that's my spg chicken there and here's the LC roast chicken breast back into the fire pot or firebox if you want a beautiful chicken again 350 degrees in an hour I'll come back and rotate them from left to right stay tuned Alright we've had one cooking time, let's take a look at the chicken, oh man, it smells really good, it's getting nice and warm, that skin is nice and dry and that's what you want, so I'm going to move the chickens. again from left to right and I'm also going to rotate them, okay, so the leg quarters will be in front of my fire pot, so I'm going to move this one to the side here, slide this one to the right and rotate. it's over here and these smell amazing okay put this one here that LC BBQ rub right there so I turned the chicken over and we'll give this about another hour actually I'm leaving. go ahead and take an internal temperature right here, I'm sitting at 159 that breast, I'm at 140 145, let's call that, let me check this one here 146.
Okay, in fact, I'm going to wait 30 minutes because they're almost ready, so I'll be back in 30 minutes. I'll take an internal temperature. Pay attention. It's been an hour and a half since I put the chicken in. Let's check the internal temperature. The color looks fantastic, by the way, look at that. so I'm going to take the internal temperature in the breast 167 169 162 163 so you know why we brined it and 166 so they're all ready except that one, now let's check the thigh, we're 185 180 185 186 so technically they're ready, but like we grind them we can bring them to a little bit higher temperature, so I'm going to drizzle a little bit of this.
I can't believe it's not butter, just a spray of butter. You can use a spray can. I can use real butter, but I don't want to brush it on because it ruins the dough we're applying, so I'm going to drizzle on a little bit of this. I can't believe it's not butter, I'll probably close the lid. for three minutes and let the skin get nice and


, okay, it's already crispy, but it's going to get a lot crispier with this butter spray on that surface, so two more minutes with the lid closed I'll take it off and we'll see. you guys in, okay, so our chicken has been sitting for about 15 minutes and again the total cooking time was about an hour and about 35 minutes at 350 degrees.
Today I was using walnut balls from Bnb and I have to tell you I was surprised at how fast this was. I was going to take, I was hoping for two hours, but hell, I'm fine with an hour and a half, especially on a weeknight. You know, you come home from work a little tired, so this is my LC roast chicken again. I use the rawhide dressing and also the certified rub. I'm going to try this first, so I'm just going to remove a small piece of the breast and it's extremely juicy. Okay, look at this nice little smoke ring.
I hope you can see the juices in here, but. man that's extremely juicy okay I'm going to take a chunk out of this one too this is my spg oh man look at those juices running out from here it's like piling up right here I hope I can see it on camera but look how much. There's juice here, I mean, it's forming a puddle here, okay, look at this, okay, it's going to be really good and it smells amazing. I'm also going to take a little piece of this leg here. I like a little dark meat, so.
I'm going to take some off again good smoke ring can you hear that skin how crispy it is this is really good okay look this is going to be good let's try it okay let's try this chicken and see how. We did it, first I'm going to try the LC BBQ seasoning, that skin is so good with that seasoning, oh my goodness that's good, so let's try some of that dark meat, I'm not sure if you guys can see that but got a nice smoke ring again. an hour and a half 350 degrees here we go, okay, that's good chicken, okay, I gotta tell you, those LC BBQ certified spices and rawhide together are fantastic, let's try my spg, the juice is flying out of this one, OK.
It's super good too and try some of this dark meat, the skin on both chickens is really nice and crispy and I must tell you 350 degrees is what did it, it has a nice smoky flavor so both chickens are extremely tasty again, that LC barbecue just has that extra touch. I must tell you that I am very happy that this was made in just an hour and a half again 350 degrees in my yoder, it has a good smoky flavor, the rubs are fantastic, the skin is nice and crispy, I hope you enjoyed this video, If this is your first time here, hit the subscribe button and if you have any questions, leave them below until next time, Joe with Smoke Joe's Play Barbecue, see you around.

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