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Testing The Creepy Talking Angela App Theory *DO NOT DOWNLOAD*

Apr 27, 2024
but it was like moving, yes,


, Angela is really a front for child predators who looks like a cute kitten, but apparently they say she hides a big secret, like someone is behind the eyes watching you at all times, even if you are out of place. app that many parents and children believe that behind those big blue eyes there are predators tracking your child's every move, just touch me guys, that's right, I'm back with Shane Dawson's


intro because today we're going to investigate another conspiracy of spooky app game if you haven't seen my last two


conspiracy app game videos.
testing the creepy talking angela app theory do not download
You can find them in the description below, but in my last spooky conspiracy video I was asking about other apps that you haven't heard good enough things about that I should look into them for you. Many of you told me to check out the Talking Angela and Talking Tom apps, so after doing some research, I found a lot of things that point to this Talking Angela app, including the news article I showed earlier how people did it. legitimately scared of this app and yes this is an older app so besides what the news article said let's see what real people are saying about the app and why people are so scared it's fantastic everyone has than delete this app now.
testing the creepy talking angela app theory do not download

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testing the creepy talking angela app theory do not download...

I'm just saying because there could be stalkers there oh there could be stalkers there you went from saying it's a s


app to it could be a sock cap we don't know it's okay if you don't believe me but just make sure you're very sure and that changes to child mode so that she doesn't ask you anything personal, there is a child mode, well, we are not going to activate it, no, no child thinks that someone is looking at you like a predator, a pervert or stalker whatever you want to call it, so basically there is a lot of rumors about this but I suggest that for your own safety you delete this game now it's scary so I've noticed some strange things in his eyes and people say that there is a rumor that there is a man his eyes are very strange and creepy.
testing the creepy talking angela app theory do not download
I have had this app since I was 2 years old and I am very lucky that nothing bad has happened to me, but I have heard some stories about some unlucky children who apparently did not have good luck, but I am telling you there is a man in your weight heard some stories about some unlucky children what happened to these children I didn't hear this sometimes you just see a room with the shelf in the background and sometimes you see a man in a white t-shirt it's very strange and scary please don't


this app it's a trick ok so let's take a look at the eyes I got it and don't turn on child mode I got it basically I'm reading these reviews to tell me what I should do listening to what people say I shouldn't do because I'm a smart person it's scary AF, okay i know a lot of people comment bad things for fun but my friend and i


ed this app to see if it was haunted saj hack me too so we played the app for a bit and then like 10 minutes after we got a random number, he texted me and at exactly the same time I heard him start now quietly like he was recording us. and right before I finished speaking, Angela copied what I was saying, my friend is crying right now, so basically reading all these reviews saying it's creepy or a stalker app, I basically need to keep an eye out for things in her eyes like a man or a room. and also that she repeats what you say, which is creepy and asks you personal questions.
testing the creepy talking angela app theory do not download
Ok I am ready. I mean, I hope some things go down. I need microphone access to hear you, of course I do, that's how these apps always start, kids. Don't try this at home, it will give you access to my microphone, dear gamer, what year were you born, you would love to know, wouldn't you? Angela, I am an old lady in child mode, do you want to use this application in childhood? Hell no, I'm not a kid. Oh no hello I don't like this oh let me look into your eyes show me your eyes told me they can read your facial expressions the app also encourages you to look at the camera and then makes a faces that you make to May I copy you too, sir. tweets the news told me that Oh what expressions when Angela presser expresses she sneezes oh my god I'm so scared I just tried to touch her and she told me no no what is this teaching children oh no there is no way for me oh my god I'm done to give him a gift What are these noises that make him strange noises?
My articles. Okay, we could do her makeup. There's your makeup. You look beautiful. Oh look, I bought you another one. Oh, warp potion. Here's a heart, how can we have a conversation? Well, I have a fortune. Just because you don't have a prince doesn't mean you're not a princess. Great, thanks Angela, oh my god, what the hell did you guys see that? The eyes were like separated from her head, no, not her eyes, the surroundings like her eyelids, like something could be behind her eyes, but it was like moving, yeah, okay, I know it's supposed to be makeup, I think I added to it, but apparently that was creepy.
You used to be able to talk to her, but now, like everyone was complaining, oh, you're listening, how long will you listen? Let's see, because everyone was complaining that they were possibly child predators behind the cat's eyes and liked to ask personal questions. chocolate, it seems that it is just a voice imitator now, don't eat yellow snow. Thanks, apparently they changed it and his eyes look different so instead of continuing to play I'll look on YouTube and see if anyone has footage of I like what the old game was like and why people were so scared of it so I found photos of what people thought they saw in Angela's eyes and I can attest that there is something in the old man's eyes because look, this is footage. which I found out that someone recorded like the previous version of the game and asked this kid how old are you, seriously, there used to be a chat feature and they got rid of it, but you can see in his real eyes there's like a glow of some guy so if you go to Google it looks like someone zoomed in and yeah this is the image I keep seeing in this corner here in a lot of different videos and photos it looks like some kind of office but then this is also one that people follow saying see this is a face, they look a little fake down here, but this one I've definitely seen over and over again, yeah, look at that, it's so creepy there's no way to see there's that office again, I guess that someone. kind of photoshopped people, I mean, I'll give the app the benefit of Damned, but this is pretty much what it sounds like, but in the new game there's, oh my god, that's so scary it's not real, yes, it looked like that. like that office, yeah, and the new game was completely gone, the glow was completely gone, so they asked who are you and Angela said kidnapper, said who are you, kidnapper, kidnapper, kidnapper, that's why, because that's how it is every time They say who you are. says kidnapper you kidnap children that's creepy what color is my red hair wrong answer cool sometimes things go terribly wrong we should talk about car accidents not really what color are my blue eyes they are blue can you see I'm looking at you?
As we speak, I'm a polite kitten, are you ready to consider how much your body parts are worth? Then we'll see what the body snatchers are doing with West, so I want to point out a really strange thing I just found. I looked for Talking Angela's eyes and there is a random news. The Amber Alert from six years ago says that a ten-year-old girl has been missing since morning. The girl's name is not Angela. There's nothing that even mentions talking Angela, but when I clicked on it. see if she had anything to do with the app and scroll down it says it's from talking to Angela when I click here and it says yes.
He was just looking into talking to Angela. I guess Angela went to this video. I got here seeing Angela. So our video is about talking to Angela, which leads to videos of missing kids because that's literally creepy, it's just random here, let's move on to talking to Tom, which I think is now the same as talking to Angela, in You can't actually talk to either of them. but he wants to access my microphone- cool, oh god this is creepy, yeah he's doing the same thing, he's just listening. I can't talk to you, boy. Oh, violence, oh, you could turn violence on or off. more listening time, fart, creepy, okay here's a Good pop, there you go, this is wrong and just like the Talking Angela app, the Talking Tom app also has not so good reviews talking about creepy things like dangerous, this game is dangerous, watch you and check your photos please if you want. you're reading this listen these are lies don't play don't understand this game first of all it's super inappropriate for little kids because most of what you do is hit the cat oh my god yeah I know the whole thing app literally imitates your voice. and then you're beating up a cat.
I don't understand, don't understand this game, there is someone literally looking into Tom's eyes, hit him and you can see the shadow covering your camera, okay guys, this app is dangerous for anyone. Better delete this app, it's bad and when I received it it said I'm looking at you when I didn't even say anything, well I guess that'll be it for me looking into the Tom and Angela talking apps, that's them. You're pretty creepy even without everything, like maybe there's a predator behind the eyes. It's strange, number one, that there was a twinkle in their eyes that has now been removed and it was strange that you could chat with them and they would ask you personal kid questions. but it also says weird things like what we saw on YouTube and basically without all that the Talking Tom app is essentially just hitting a kid in an alley and then the talking edge turn is basically trying to sense a cat that you're in a date with these were like some of the first viral apps that were available for kids.
I guess we had to start somewhere, but yeah, like the other apps, don't download or try them yourself. I cannot guarantee if this is the case. real or not, I'm sure it's not, but who the hell knows, that'll be it for me guys, and in fact, I might even get Angela to talk to us.

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