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Testing PREGNANCY Gadgets w/ my Pregnant Sister!

Mar 13, 2024
strips, we place them on Moe's belly and then it hardens. Yes, you have some kind of plaster gauze, so you cut it into strips and then wet them to activate them. the cast and then place it on your belly and body in any area where you want to have a cast. I love this kit. There are a lot of kids out there, but this one even comes with gloves and tarps for his bathroom floor because I'll need them, I mean, it's all the food in here and the gauze pads, this is them and the most important part, the gelatin to put in the puppies' fur before starting to put it on.
testing pregnancy gadgets w my pregnant sister
Comes with Vaseline. It comes with everything. which is wonderful, okay? Let's do this and show you what we have there. Come on, my God, look at this. It's Molly's belly. She reminds me of an Italian Renaissance art. Oh my gosh, if she was


, she could be my little one. Look at me. like being


is so special I love celebrating it I love celebrating Mo being pregnant I think this activity is really fun it's a little quirky but I love it it's a silly activity it's very artistic so if you like this kind of thing I would say which is definitely a win, you should try it, so it's a win for both of us, okay Mo, I have one more thing we can try, it's supposed to be for comfort, you know, when you're pregnant, there's


. pillows there are a lot of things for Comfort now this was like inflatable and I wasn't really sure how to use it so I'm going to go get it and we'll show it to you, we'll check it out Okay, okay, I'm really excited about this one, it was pink, okay, and it's called Cozy Bump, so I was hoping it would be something cozy for you.
testing pregnancy gadgets w my pregnant sister

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testing pregnancy gadgets w my pregnant sister...

I like everything you just said, look how cute the little logo is, it's ours. tummy oh, that's okay, here's a picture Molly, it's this gauze, okay, okay, don't look at this, it has a hole in it at all and that's because I think where your belly goes it hangs down, you put your belly in the middle, do you just lie on your stomach? I think so. At first I thought, well, maybe you could lie on this like for a massage, but then I thought what about the pool, that could be really, really fun for the pool, so you could be. in the pool and you could lie down and there was no pressure on your tummy, look that's on, yeah that's the opening of the chest so if you're breastfeeding they have somewhere to go, they have a hole too.
testing pregnancy gadgets w my pregnant sister
This is to wrap the belly. I didn't know. it came with that I don't know what that means that's just a bonus look you're getting a massage which is one hundred percent what the instructions show yes and first you put the wrapper down it says to prevent it from putting pressure on your back and hanging to that you put the wrapper over the hole and then lie down and then you can get a massage or float in a pool, let's do it, let's take this outside, okay, blow it up, try it in the back, hey, we've got it all. puffy Molly, can you see me?
testing pregnancy gadgets w my pregnant sister
I can. Let's try it on the ground first. Make sure we have enough air in here before you jump in the pool. There you go, Molly, you can put your arms back. Is it that comfortable? Let me give you a little massage oh, there we go, there we go, does your belly fit there? Yes, it definitely fits, if anything the hole is too big right now so maybe we should inflate it. No, I think that would be too small, so I think I just need to. be in the pool, okay, let's try it, that's what it comes down to, okay, let's get you there, okay, stay still, I'm still holding it, okay, get in there, you got it, oh, they're coming out the hole, so Molly, how?
Does the blow feel like it's in the water? Which is kind of refreshing. In fact, this is nice. In fact, now that I go. Good job. Gadget, let's beat them. Okay, I'll catch them. I don't want them to fall. My God! first baby swimming lesson, you definitely need to wear a swimsuit with that one, okay, that's enough to try out



with my


Mo. Big thanks to her for helping me try all of these out today, of course, do you? Did you have any favorites today? Molly, but I had a couple that I liked.
I think the Doppler was great to hear the heartbeat at home. It was fun. I liked the Grabber. I know that wasn't your face and I really like the inflatable. I think I'm going to use that this summer, actually, yeah, okay, we have a winner, which product did you like the least? I think the gender test was by far a scam. My favorite gadget of all time was the little heartbeat machine, the Doppler. because I had never heard my little nephew's heart before, yes, and now I have, so it's super special. I loved. I like the paper mache belly kit, but then I love your pool float, literally a maternity pool float and you can play on it too.
You don't even have to be pregnant to float in it, it looks ridiculous, I get it, but it's amazing and so comfortable, this might be one of the biggest wins we've had in a video where we haven't had that many wins. A long time, so today I feel very lucky if you enjoyed this video, don't forget to like, click subscribe and hit the bell to get notified every time we post a new video. Well, thanks for watching, I hope so. I liked it bye bye bye and if you want to see some other video you can click here up or here up or here or there they are there or here they are here they are there they are there or here or they are here

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