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Mar 01, 2020
hmm, this blends like butter, oh my god, all the luxury brands right now we are shaking, well, I'm pleasantly surprised at how buildable. This is usually bronzer, you know me. I like it once and it's too much, but this formula really allows you to take it there and do exactly what you want it to do and already for the price, I'm like me. I'm a little shocked by this, so let me finish the other side of my face and I'll be right back. We are finishing the bronzer and contouring the side of the nose a little.
testing 1 500 of new makeup at the versace mansion
Wow, okay, I'm actually really surprised that this formula is so good. I know some brands that are like $50 and then they're not even that mixable so I went crazy oh right now. I'm so excited to use this today, let's try the new visual way of blushing, now the packaging is so cute, this is from their New Roles Gold collection now, since the last time we filmed with the is your way product that this brand recently launched. Sephora, which is so big, is an independent brand that I've been supporting for a long time and I love them, so congratulations to Christina and the entire visiting SH team.
testing 1 500 of new makeup at the versace mansion

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testing 1 500 of new makeup at the versace mansion...

Now, this blush today, let's open it. It looks like this. They always have the cutest packaging and I love that little seal now this one is a bright warm peach color and this one is a cool bright coral I'm going to dive in with this little one what is this? This is the morphe Jaclyn Hill JH zero six brush I love applying my blush with a small angled brush to really hug the cheekbones. I'm going to go back and forth with both of them now. I know this brand is on Sephora, but if you shop their website, you know, if not, I'm all for it.
testing 1 500 of new makeup at the versace mansion
To tell you, I have a code that I use for charity exclusively with this brand. You know I'm in a code. I don't care about the codes. I don't make money from anything I talk about, but this brand is a company. I truly believe that they are amazing and all the proceeds I make from the code go directly to my favorite charities, so you can use the code Jeffery and check out Jo at Cosmetics Calm for 15% off your entire buys. Saving coins, honey, let's pop a little on my cheekbones right now, here and now, there's no reason why a beautiful blushes so much, it's just like I left it soft, look, that wasn't really extreme, if that's for You, obviously, can watch. and cover it up, but I love how he doesn't appear like a clown, it's very cute and surprising now.
testing 1 500 of new makeup at the versace mansion
I love going over it with that big brush again, diving into some Laura Mercier and just going over the apples right now. It's time to highlight one of my favorite parts of the face. I have two options here today. We have the new stylish


highlighting palette. This is called the Copperplate palette. Let's open it and it looks like this. I have used this brand before. The highlights can be very blinding, that's why I live. I'm going to play this real quick. Oh, and as you can see, it's like a mirror in your face, maybe a little too dark for me.
I'm not sure yet. You can see this one here. Like, oh wow, that moment, oh, it's more of a chrome duo type vibe, okay, that one looks a lot more blinding, we'll see, maybe we'll dive into it and then we also have Charlotte's new gold palette bar Tilbury, now. I tried just one little one before and you know what I think about it being a battle of drugstore


versus luxury makeup and I tried one of these shades now this one has three shades we have an original gold stick, rose gold and a billion gold, oh God.
God, I have this in PR, you guys at home haven't even opened until this trip, look at my name in the mirror and that's so cute, let's get a highlighting brush, shut the hell up and let's shine. I love that as a dewy highlight. look and I instantly got that, by the way, who thought Nate just puts on makeup just because I'm not over it yet? Do we want to dive into bedtime makeup? I'm scared, but you know what? Let's give it a spin I live for the palettes of it I just think this maybe looks too dark for me, so let's dip a little into that, maybe both, let's try it here oh wow, it might be brighter than the other side.
I don't know, yeah, we'll have to see outside in a minute, that's really impressive. I don't know what I like the most, you guys, tell me, okay. I want to put a little more on my cupid's bow or just hit it a little bit. right there, well I definitely feel like a beacon, let's move on, okay the sun is starting to shine Meghan, where is everyone okay? So let's dive into the eyes before the shade goes off now for the primer, today I have a new primer that just came on the market girl it's $32 and it's from a Chanel beauty this is the primer for long lasting eyeshadows oh it looks like one of the lip glosses but with a white lid here and of course there is the iconic Chanel logo.
It looks like it's baby pink, so I'm here for now. The box said this will soften and set my eyeshadow for long lasting color. I'm just going to take this, it has a little bit of product on the applicator. Of course, we're going to put this all over my eyelid. Oh wow, it's almost like a clear gloss. I'm going to take the brush right here with no product and just pat the foundation around my eyelid. Wow, there really is no color. Alright. The primer is on, does it dry? I'm going crazy. It looks so weird it's a little sticky.
Oh my god, this is crazy. Okay, Chanel, we'll see if this is a bust or not. Now I'm afraid of my eyes. Today there are so many new ones. First of all we have the Patrick Starr Mac collection, this is his fourth collection and this is the Sugar Mama I Shadow Quad, let's open it up, oh I love it, it's very different, it's not your typical colored eyeshadow lid Bronze brown, by the way, Patrick. Congratulations, you're killing it. In addition to this we have the new palette from Julius Place, this has some rights, look at that girl and then we also have the new rose gold shimmer eyeshadow palette from Fish away Cosmetics.
I saw it on my Snapchat a few weeks ago and everyone was saying you need to dive into that too. I don't know, there's a lot going on here, so maybe we'll dig into all of them and see what's about to happen, but I'm going to grab a brush because I have to know if this foundation does anything. I don't know, I don't believe it, so I'm going to take this myth: three two blending brushes and I'm going to dip them in to shade this one here, this is the sugar stick for shadow. and we're just going to touch that and we're going to put this right in the crease and just create a soft little eye, so let's do that and put this in there now, first impressions, these shadows.
I know Patrick created all the colors himself. worked on the formula, you can definitely tell I didn't want any crazy fights because this is blending like a dream and this is blending really well now we're going to dive into the Julius Place Lulu palette and I've been diving into this warm and beautiful reddish tone like chocolate. I'm like, hey, I'm just going to put this in my crease, in the blocking, right there, we're going to put it over that, oh wow, amazing and then I'm going to take that brush that we used before, go back to the Patrick Starr palette and buff it out and blur now.
I'm just using that soft sugar star shade to blend out that chocolate brown and it looks really pretty now. In fact, I'm going to use it. This is a Morphe M 510 brush. I use it all the time when I'm blending the brow area and I'm going to use this rose gold palette. We're going to open it and we're going to color the lace. here and I'm just going to cover the brush and we're going to use this to blend these eye shadows right here and just soften them together okay, we've blended the other side the sun is starting to set.
I'm panicking, okay, so we have We've blended our shadows so far, everything is blending nicely. I will say this. They are very pigmented and very pretty on the eyelid. I want to make a yellow moment. What do you guys feel about it? I'm going to grab this brush. and we're going to pack the yellow and see if it has any pigment. I love the yellow and brown shadows together, they are so pretty now. I don't know if it's the foundation, the brush, I'm like me. I'm giving this to my finger. The brown was very pigmented, but this yellow doesn't blow me away.
I'm taking a little with my finger. I'm just going to stroke it on my eyelid. Okay, this yellow isn't the most blinding. I wish it were. a little brighter. I have to apply a lot on the brush, but my eyelid is like not. What is a little delicacy? It's starting to look nice. Well, I'm just going to add a little more. I don't want to keep packing it. and make it look thick, okay now, before I do the other side, I'm going to take the little detail brush and let's dive into, oh, I think this shade down here that's mahogany just to give it a little bit more dimension, Oh sure.
The mix looks nice. I perfected the yellow with that brush I was using before. I just applied it a few times so it wouldn't be the worst yellow ever. I've had things where I like the yellow literally wasn't fair, so at least it's on my cover, it looks pretty. I had to layer it a few times and go back and forth, but it's my entire lid, it looks very pretty. I love a little honeycomb moment like this. I think it looks so awesome. Now I'm going to go back to the absent palette very quickly. I'm going to shade hazelnut and caramel here and just blend it a little bit more and go really deep so that this is fully developed and then I'm going to take it's actually a little bit underneath with caramel and hazelnut and we're going to lightly apply it under the eyes, so to eyes today, in addition to all these palettes, I brought a few more items that I have been dying to try.
I have the new one. dazzling shadow, liquid eye material from Mac cosmetics, we have crumbled diamonds and we are not afraid to shine now. I think they are like the gorgeous Stila medals for the eyes. Everyone is creating their own formula now. I think it was basically liquid glitter. Let's see how it looks. like before we do that, okay, why don't we put it in our hands in case it looks a little scary. Oh wow, it's literally like glitter, literally glitter, which wasn't that pigmented, let's see how the other one looks. more pigmented but I don't know if it will fit our look let me turn on the flashlight on my phone because you know it's going to show the shine oh wow what do you think is called a blob?
We are right, that one is very nice and the other one. one not? Yeah, the other one isn't as pigmented, but with this look, I don't know if this purple would work, but hey, I want to give it a whirl. Maybe I'd put it in the corners of my eyes. We'll get to that in a second, but other than that, we don't know if we're going to use this, but we also have new ultra-beam kkw powders. We had iridescent lavender and pink. This iridescent is calling my name, so I don't. I even know how you're supposed to use them, but I guess we'll find out in a minute.
K'kaw just released new shades. I'm going to try to remove this little plastic thing, oh my goodness, now you're normally wet. Use the brush before applying these types of things because they apply more easily, so if you don't have any setting spray, use saliva. I already have it. I don't even know what they look like. I know the other shades came out a while ago and I haven't tried them, so I'm going to grab this in the inner corner right here, there's not much, yeah, this is pretty, but it doesn't give me what I need. I don't know if it's the tone I need.
I want to put some of this Baggy Associated shine on it. Put a little bit of this gloss on it and we'll try a different shade on the other one. I guess this looks cute. I'm not blown away by this one either, yeah I take off the eyeshadow, this is a good bad face though, this is how I feel right now people, okay, hmm, I'm scared, let's open the lavender we have, this is the First impressions, people won't know what's not happening outside. there, I don't know about this, can you remove this? I'm going to break a nail, I say, what else do we have?
So we had k'kaw shine. I can't, I'll try later, okay, this is it. the purple one, well it looks like a purple coat, we might have to bleep that word because lord knows YouTube is going to mark it's going to be lavender ultra-beam, oh this had some of the shine of the Mac stuff so this one doesn't It's a good representation, no, no. It wasn't good, there's not a little bit more pigment, it's still very sheer and it's just not my vibe, I think to even it out, we have to put this shimmer back in though, so we'll use the diamond dazzling liquid shadow. it falls apart yeah these aren't as pigmented as Stila and I should have stuck to the palettes but we have to try all these things okay I was going to try to fix something on this girl the product isn't like that.
Everything else so far has looked very good. but um that's not it now the yellow looks really pretty now I love all these things together everything else looks pretty the glitter you guys mm okay we have to move on now I don't have new mascara so I'm going to put on on some beneficial roller lashes and I'll be right back, but I have some good lip products so stay tuned, okay, the mascara is on so the eyes look a little better, it got a little scary, okay, the sun is about to go on I'm Hanna King.
I have a few lipstick options. I have many things. We have the new kkw ultra-beam lavender glow. It looks purple in the tube, but is it really purple. My God,I don't believe it. Well, actually it just says something really nice. highlight there ok im not mad maybe this is good as a little topper and then we have the new Patrick Starr a liquid lip from Mac this one is in the shade Ultimate Diva we have to try this color it looks like a nude Really beautiful. I don't know if he'll look good with this eye look, but we have to show her oh wow, that's stunning, okay, hello, and then we also have some liquid lips from the makeup.
However, remember that this is the long-lasting matte lip. cream, okay, the packaging is a plus, okay, now this is in matte gala shade. I love that name, okay this is more of a soft nude. Probably what I want to choose for this look. I brought one more shade, this is the karma matte shade and then oh wow that gave a much dirtier nude so let me hold my mirror up here. I wish we could do a survey. at home, what color should I make? Let's try the peach because my eyes burn a lot. Okay, let's take it for a spin.
The pie dough is interesting, it moves, but it moves almost too much to the point where you can't get it. a good line on your lips so easy that nothing moves that a lip brush can't solve, but if you don't like doing that you might find it a little annoying, we'll let this liquid lip dry and see what happens, says a long time. -usa and that's all it says, okay, let's let this dry for a second. I want to put a lavender glitter developer on top of that cake. I think it will look very nice when we take all this off right now.
This is dry, let's apply the glitter on top. I love it, I have to see how this looks with my flesh, so shiny and shiny and with a highlight, by the way, oh my goodness, okay guys, I don't have any new setting spray of course. It says you can use this to set or refresh the skin we've had on this makeup for over an hour, so let's hit the iconic prep set and glow one more time, okay, and this look is complete, first place, this view is Incredible, I'm obsessed, I'm like makeup, let's look at the yacht in the water, okay, so taking out the star mirror now up close, you can see outside.
This foundation has been on for an hour and a half and looks great. what catches my attention is the Khimki gloss that I just applied, it looks very wet, very pretty now, literally, it's uh, it's a good pigment, oh come on helicopter, I'm talking right, plus the shadow of eyes looks very pretty. I think Mac Glitter Girl needed more pigment, it wasn't my favorite, it's like the man just stops there now, the highlight is very pretty on this side, but here I'm going to pivot a little. I know the highlights, but I like it, this side looks very pretty, very shiny, but that Laura Mercier powder shimmer, oh no, no, this side looks softer and it's the same foundation, the same foundation, the same and I think this looks a little disgusting, yeah, besides that, I'll wear this makeup.
For a few hours we'll let the sun go down and then I'll come back a bit and tell you what Jeffrey's is approved for and what isn't. The full makeup has been on for a few hours and the sunlight is still out. popping up near Australia what's good but let's take a close up and see what the hell is going on now things that are like talking to me our skin the skin looks really good I don't know why but let's do a quick recap use the glam Glow star potion clarifying oil. I think the oil really hydrated me, of course, we saw me try the iconic London prep set and glow.
I don't know if this did as much, it's really nice to look at, I think it gave my skin a little bit of moisturizer, but with the oil underneath, I think it was really good to apply the foundation and makeup. We've never tried this before, but today I'll say it looks great. The only thing I notice is that it is visible. This area is a little doughy and strange. We all know why Laura Mercier's luminous powder didn't work for me, unfortunately. Normal sheer is a holy grail, but this one accentuated my pores, which is a little hard to do, so I was a little surprised. and I wasn't living for it now the highlights are coming out.
I like both of them. I will say that now this one from Charlotte Tilbury is very expensive, it's expensive, honey, but it worked and it looks really nice if you want to go down a little bit more and you want to. to make drugstore moments, the filtration is amazing and very affordable and girl, she does the job, let's talk about the eyes. I liked all the eyeshadow palettes. I know it's like growing up nice, but I have all the shades besides the yellow I was obsessed with. Patrick Starr's palette is a success in a dubious place.
I have used them before in the past. I think they're great, they're consistent for the price, you get what you get and it's pretty good, Mac's shimmer and pigment girl Kim K. I needed more pigment. I needed more and I wasn't getting it, so now I forgot about concealer. The concealer does not crease and looks very pretty, so it is cosmetics. I think we do have. something good in our hands here now I have two children who really like them about to put what else oh my god this Chanel I first can I say if I like this or not?
I don't know, the yellow turned out pretty good After some fixing and some touch-ups, but I don't know if the primer worked, I didn't like it or it looked any different than when I applied the concealer or the Mac Paint Pot, so for what it's worth, it takes a $32 primer. Everyone knows it's not, other than that guys nothing else wowed me besides the highlight, the blush was really pretty, we love it, it's your waiting moment. Oh, something that was really disgusting was the wet and wild 4.99 bronzer that cut into my cheeks. really pretty and I will keep this in my bag for a while.
I really liked it. I'm a little surprised because for the price, when something works and is so amazing, you say: is there a catch to what's going on here? it was beautiful so this is definitely a hit and on top of that guys some sound bad below what do you think? What did you love? What did they hate? Tell me everything and, by the way, don't forget to enter today's giveaway if you forgot the rules. Go to the intro or click below and everything will be there, so just to give you a quick rundown, Mackay Amish Foundation, Elegant Makeup Highlighter, Charlotte Tilbury Highlighter, Legal Em Glow Star Potion, Cosmetics Concealer, the wet and wild rahzar. the patrick star the julius place and the visual shape and the eyeshadow palettes are all jeffree star approved yes these products work wonders i love it and something works from the beginning and you know it will.
I stood out, everything else in the video was not captivated. You thought what it was, we will see what happens in the future, will it return to my hands or not? We'll find out in the future, okay, thank you very much for watching today's video, don't forget to enter. the giveaway and as always leave some comments, tell your girl what it is. I'll see you next time, bye guys.

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