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Tesla Autopilot For 24 Hours!

May 30, 2021
We'll spend the next 24


driving across the country with just Autopilot and our Tesla, so we'll spend about a fifth of the trip charging our Tesla, since it's electric, so we'll be done. going to North Cascades National Park, which is about 20


away, so we'll be touring 24 to 25 hours inside our vehicle the entire road trip, and what's really cool is we'll save about 500 and gasoline because we load. It's free, we're going to pack some things now to prepare for our trip, but guys, before we go, I almost forgot, here are the names on our refrigerator for this week, guys, and if you want your name on our refrigerator for a whole week. what you have to do is like this video subscribe if you haven't already and then comment done when you're done okay we're going to pack some things so we're about to take the long road trip now same, but guys, before we go.
tesla autopilot for 24 hours
We're not making any stops, so does everyone have everything? Oh geez, do they have an iPhone 4 charger? Oh, come on guys, I'm going to lose my Snapchat monster, okay, so now we're all in the car and ready. leave but before we leave Tanner you say something stupid I don't care if we're a thousand miles from home we'll kick you out of the car it'll be a long way back so you better think carefully now that we're on the same page. I'm stopping at Sequoia Park in Washington and it should take us there on


like we've never tried it before, but we'll see, oh, here we go in Sequoia Park Washington and it's actually looking for superchargers for us on the trip, okay, like this that our first stop will be Bakersfield and Gustin and oh my gosh it always keeps going up so we finally finished calculating and as you can see it's practically a 24 hour road trip so now. let's see if this works or not guys ready yeah oh my god oh my god let's see if the


can work right now before we hit the highway okay let's wait take your hands off me , wait. one second sorry moment of truth okay let's see if autopilot really works well one two three hey look at this we're on autopilot I don't even have to drive anymore look at this oh my god it's spinning just wow that's so amazing I could take a nap.
tesla autopilot for 24 hours

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tesla autopilot for 24 hours...

This is probably a better driver than you. I'll take a nap, so we're a minute away from our supercharging station. You know, it's been a smooth ride we've been on. Autopilot for a couple of hours without any problems. I actually took a decent nap in there earlier, as you can see these are the superchargers. Every car here is a Tesla and we are about to supercharge our car and charging is free. you have a newer


so how it works is you just take the port here and you just touch this and it opens and you insert it like me so allen went to go to the bathroom while waiting for the car to be supercharged and i had this idea joke where I would spray some liquid fart spray on this car so when Alan gets back it's going to smell really really bad it won't open look guys listen listen listen what if instead of using that?
tesla autopilot for 24 hours
We only use real farts, so how it works is once I spray him like that, he's going to start smelling really, really bad, dude, hey, oh god, that stunk, they use the bathroom here or something. There's a bathroom outside, what are you laughing at like that? You go outside for a second and just take off your pants. Oh my god, now he's going to have a headache. What is your problem? Why are you laughing? What are you waiting for? Why don't you have mask sauce? What are you doing? What's going on? Wait, oh, oh, I saw I just saw you know my silly spray this five minutes before you got here, so we've been sitting here for five minutes smelling it.
tesla autopilot for 24 hours
Hey, put some gas in this electric cart. You speak Spanish like champions. Could I try the new crispy chicken sandwich? You just asked me if I see a sign for no reason. I basically feel like an unspoken role on a road trip if you're on a road trip and you see McDonald's. I have to stop and get McDonald's, you know what I mean, yeah, and you know the good thing about autopilot. Being able to eat and drive makes autopilot worth it, only in itself, dude, it's like a damn block of birds deciding to join in, oh.
Is this our car? I don't see it in anyone else's car. They're feeding these birds some laxatives or something. I do not know what is happening. It makes me feel something because we have a big problem on top of the bird. Shit on our car but we just realized we have 125 miles left, however the nearest supercharger is 130 miles this way or there is a supercharger 80 miles away but we have to make a U-turn and go to back so we can take a chance and try to get to the supercharger 130 miles away but if the car goes out then we'll get a good workout ready to push the car down so we've been driving for about 10 hours and just stopped at a peach. farm or like an orange farm, but why did you make me stop?
Well, I have to go use the bathroom here. Yes, can you open the front? I have to grab the toilet paper. Do you have that. If I have to do it. Hey, he has to do it. No, hey, it says we're on camera, so we weren't really sure if this was a peach farm or not, but yeah, we're on a peach farm right now. Alex, there's no bathroom up there. What are you doing? I never told you. Guys, this, but I dated this girl once with a twin and I started to feel like I was dating both of them because I couldn't tell them apart well, I actually dated this girl once too and she had kids and I actually started to feel like the father. cause i left them too, go like this, that's not funny, you know what i just realized, sean actually has a song, yeah, he actually wrote a song, wrote a song, yeah, we're going to listen to it, I'll give you my honest opinion, Sean.
Shawn, I love you, but that song. Hey no. I'll do carpool karaoke with another song, but not Sean's song. I need to play another song. I like the song. Okay, play it. Then Alan stopped randomly and drank some water. in the middle of a road so I'm going to prank him real quick so Alex is sleeping right now and I realize we haven't done our challenge for this week yet and the challenge for this week is to prank Alex I thought it was a good way. Pranking him back would be waking him up since last week he pranked me while he was sleeping, so I'll get back at you guys.
Such a quick update, we're charging our car right now and honestly, we're about 50 miles off the road guys. I can confidently say that I don't even feel like I'm driving a car, I feel like I'm a passenger. I have been able to use my phone. I have been able to take naps. I've actually been on Netflix. Honestly guys, autopilot is where it's at, I don't know why we didn't find out about this sooner, so now it's midnight and there's still about three or four hours before we get there, I'm a little tired of driving too. , but we have the option of staying at this hotel across the street.
However, they only had one room left and it was a small bed that they wanted us all to squeeze into and not all of us are going to fit in a small bed, so we have to sleep in a car, what do you think? How are they all going to fit in there? That's what I'm saying look at this look how spacious it is it's like one two three and shawn on the ground right there I am I'm in the middle and yeah look just roll ok here we go here we go hey this is really comfortable, hey, this isn't bad, all I know is we'll stay warm, wait, so I sleep here.
Yeah, Shawn has the apartment, John has the best place in the house, okay, hey, no, let's get some sleep, can you turn off that flashlight? Uh oh, okay guys, it's currently like 6am. m., now we are awake or at least I am. I got up bright and early to finish this road trip, it was very cold, but the good thing about cuddling here is that we were able to create some body heat and save some money by not making you feel like in a hotel or something. guys ready to have breakfast and finish the trip guys, I don't think you can move, the barrage is stuck here, oh my god, hey, I can't feel my legs, so we have a little over three hours left before we're finally.
I'm pretty well rested there. Yesterday I was also sleeping all the time while driving, but I slept well at night and yes, we will see you once again in Washington. I didn't realize that Washington was actually this. cold, luckily I have long sleeves, but this guy wears short sleeves, give me that jacket, wait, I didn't know they had turkeys in Washington, yeah, Washington, uh, what was that guy, George Washington? Yes, of course, the founding father, is he going to attack us? Oh my God, what did John say? What's that noise? We haven't had lunch yet. Know?
Did we even have a Thanksgiving turkey this year? How delicious, Alan, are you okay? Like and subscribe.

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