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Terry Crews Eats Turkey Testicles While Popping Pecs

May 30, 2021
welcome to food fears the show where I make something you hate tastes very good today's guest is a prolific portrait painter lieutenant of the NYPD and the best peck popper I have ever seen in my life and I find him in Brooklyn nine-nine at America's Got Talent so a little bit about how the program works. I'm going to take an item that you know some people might not like to eat and then we'll eat it and then I'll make a dish that I know you'll love. Wow. Well, about foods that people might not enjoy. I read that you stopped eating chitlins after you discovered what they are.
terry crews eats turkey testicles while popping pecs
Yes, I do. I mean, I grew up. I loved it. We put hot sauce on it. Oh, and I couldn't believe it. I'm done, chitlins aren't poor contestants, they're pig intestines, especially during the holidays, it would be the


that would be dressed in chitlins. I've been eating them for years, the father is about 14 or 15, another one, what's wrong? Yes, later in life. I learned that actually pig intestines can be very healthy for you, it's good, it's bad, so I don't know what's right, man, one day one thing is bad, one day one thing is good, now , ready for anything, come on, you are a dynamic person.
terry crews eats turkey testicles while popping pecs

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terry crews eats turkey testicles while popping pecs...

I'm willing to go with the flow of anything and that's especially helpful on this show. Yes, you are also a cook. I mean, I've read some things online that are like you could just throw them into the cooking world. I love cooking. I wouldn't call myself a cook, but man, when I do it, I get every ingredient. I sit there with all the little things measured out like it's my own little cooking show and enjoy it. It's calming to put things together. You're a bit of a scientist it's like a painting it's like a scientific painter it's so beautiful okay are you ready to get into this? yes you sound so confident that's all I can muster down there you look worse than when you came in here you know what I'm really dedicated to facing my fears and today I have to do it.
terry crews eats turkey testicles while popping pecs
I love it. Well, I hope you've seen



in your nightmares, so they seem kind of harmless, but these little chubby ones are the


of a turkey. full of many nutrients nutrients Oh, it seems more nutritious than a testicle where the whole life is long they are not turkey testicles, they are lima beans some people call the testicles the lima beans of the body oh my goodness, okay, from what they are full? you have your riboflavin, yes, your ascorbic acid. Oh, so take each one of these, it'll make my


stand out a little better.
terry crews eats turkey testicles while popping pecs
Yes, sir, oh my God, you and I come on, man, let's do it like it's always been just me and you, okay, oh. Man, it feels for you, there's a lot more stuff we have, you can feel it pop a little, there's a lot more juice than I expected before the vodka, all together, it was one of the most horrible experiences I've ever had. I'm very happy. I have to share that, oh my God, I can't believe I did it, I'm so proud of you, you see the sweat, oh yeah, loser, how turkeys are born, huh, Turkey won, you witnessed the miracle of life in your mouth, Terry, it is a beautiful thing for all other unpleasantness, come on I hope you are not dead because now the Poynting is the show where I would simply tell the guests to go take care of themselves for now and


I cook but I already have the dish prepared, so we're going to cut that footage so you can enjoy, we'll stay here and chat to cook the turkey testicles.
I'll add a little white vinegar to the boiling water and just drop the testicles in there. until they float to the surface we do the old scalding shot because you don't want them to explode if there's one rule in the kitchen it's that you don't want your testicles to explode look how plump and simple watch this guy explode and you can Let's see a nice interior and soft, okay, we'll cut up some of these and poach them with butter and then the ice bath will quickly shake the testicles and then dry them with some paper towels, so Terry said. who likes macaroni and cheese and lobster is a cheap meal and when I think of seafood I think of Cajun butter, so let's go ahead and add our two sticks of butter to the pan and now we're going to prepare the occasion seasoning that Let's go to poach these blanched testicles with butter, that will come with salt, black pepper, Nikita paprika, paprika.
You have to go to the cheapest store possible because they have the reddest paprika, onion powder, garlic powder, garlic powder, cayenne, to which you will add the marjoram spice. time, stir it well. I'm going to go ahead and give it a taste, oh yeah, that'll make the testicles look fantastic, so we've got our butter nice and foamy, then we'll add a pinch of spice. you're going to stir that together with a spoon you want the butter to burn if the butter starts to burn you don't want that burnt acrid taste on your testicles and I'm just going to take a handful of testicles, I might call it sack full and then we're just going to stick them in the butter and you'll see the butter start to foam and then you're just going to put the butter on the testicles, we're going to get them all in there, we're going to add all the testicles to the party, so I'm just going to take some of that butter, just make sure you really splatter it. on the testicles, the butter may brown a little, which is totally fine.
Browning is flavor, especially on the testicles, I use it by giving a little mixture and then,


this is happening, with the spices. They are also roasted in butter, they become so aromatic that you can smell the spermatic cord, small epididymis. I see that my epididymis became inflamed when I got a hernia from turning red in a GMM episode. It's a fun little fact. It looks beautifull. Smells. even beautiful air so that our turkey testicles are ready to poach butter now we can incorporate this into the next step well, good luck, go to the bears, your favorite dish growing up.
I heard you talk a lot about macaroni and cheese. I called it macaroni and cheese. and cheese, it's this baked macaroni and cheese that is the ultimate in satisfaction, first of all, cheddar cheese, as sharp as possible, you want those things with a kick, macaroni, that gives that pasta feeling when you're hungry , they call it that. perfect macaroni and cheese sound now we are making Terry Crews famous macaroni and GZ, this recipe has been in his family for 25 years, his mom used to make it every Thanksgiving, so they see me as a really good comfort food with it, I'm whipping together sour cream cottage cheese a little bit of egg and then a cup of cheddar cheese hey, I'm just a little bit of salt.
I really like this recipe, that's not how I make it, but I think it will be really fantastic. They'll actually be exactly like lobster mac and cheese, except instead of lobster it's a bunch of turkey nuts. To that I will add my cooked macaroni noodles. I'll also have my butter-poached testicles. I'm just going to add. Put them whole in the pot and you want a good amount of that Cajun butter in there because I really want to marry the flavors. You know I'm Sam, so let's go ahead and mix that up. You don't want the butter. to melt the cheese, but you want that Cajun butter flavor along with the testicles, that's fantastic.
I'll save these for chopping for later, so I'll grab a cast iron skillet and you'll grab some coconut oil. and rub that so it doesn't stick and it will create a beautiful crust. Cast iron skills are great because they hold heat really well, so whenever I can use a cast iron skillet I always make sure to do it, that's fantastic. and then I add macaroni and cheese with testicles and we'll just flip it. Some of those testicles don't want to fill it to the top because it's going to start bubbling and you want a bill for a testicle explosion, you never want your testicles to explode because then you're going to have to come in with a mop and the Costco manager is going to be mad at you, you did that wrong and now let's cover it with a little bit. more cheddar cheese guys, I threw all the cheddar cheese in there.
I was supposed to save some. Oh great, sorry Nicole, what a bear, thanks Pat, so now we're going to have some extra cheddar cheese right on top. nice and crispy and then one more thing, this is straight from Terry's recipe, a little bit of paprika right on top and then this is going to go in the oven at 375 for about 25 minutes, okay, I have a request, if we can play a game, it's a game. I don't think that exists, but I call Peck pop karaoke, okay, so the idea is for Peck to get the beat out of a song.
I want you to guess what it is and then you will do the same, are you ready? hmm shallow by lady gaga oh great song that's not all it was a thousand miles five minutes I thought you could get these shallow justin-niacin if you want to do it if you have a song upvoted okay I'm going to go old school -jump right now I'm going to give you a little clue okay I don't understand I don't understand I don't understand I'm going to say explosive for dr. Dre, oh that's really close to Planet Rock, there's a lot of macaroni and cheese, I love breadcrumbs on top and instead of breadcrumbs for our Christmas, we're going to make some crispy fried testicles, so I'll just cut one up in half. and yes, you can see all that tender, pliable meat inside, so we're going to add a good amount of that cajun seasoning to our flour and stir it in.
I will just toss the testicles into the flour so the testicles tend to be quite wet, use paper towels to dry the testicles as much as you want but you will never be able to remove all the moisture so the flour should help with that, just sift the testicles flour with your hands and then these will go directly into your beaten egg, mix them well and then they will go back into your flour. You want to make sure the testicles don't stick together normally. I just shake my leg and make it look like I'm stretching my hamstring. so I'm going to go ahead and load up my spoon, so we'll have our oil pretty hot 375, we don't want to overcook them and then we'll just go in there and since we cut them in half, hopefully they won't.
They explode, those look great, oh you know, they are all stuck together, no one is perfect, the question is in the testicles, we see a lot of variation in size here, so the ones are always bigger than the others, how are those macaroni ? Oh, max, the testicles look good. looking good we all look good I think they almost look like fried oysters why do they call the oysters in your pants testicles so right in these testicles are ready to be taken out we're going to dip them and a little bit of Frank's Red Hot that's mixed with that butter Cajun from before that we saved from the butter poaching the testicles really well, so stir, a lot of the flavor of the testicles actually comes out, there's a lot of umami in those testicles, so the testicles, when you fry them, will float to the surface , which means they are not going to have a pure oil coating, so you will have to turn them over and the testicles will not float to the surface, you will know that they are witches and they should burn.
Witches don't float because their body is loaded with a lot of bb, so we're going to take these giant shrimp, they're testicles now, we're going to put them in the Cajun butter and then mix them well to coat them all, that's beautiful. You see, it looks like a nice plump fried steak, so we're going to add this as a side dish for mac and cheese, a little bit of chives and a little more Cajun seasoning, so obviously you're a physical guy, you know you've been an athlete and you obviously love it. You stay in good shape, what do you think you can learn about a creative profession from all that physical training?
Do you think it has helped you? We live in a left-brain society, so a lot of times it's like that. Write this down. Get this going, but the creative side is weak. Creativity is the opposite of competition. People have always been taught that competition is a good thing, in fact it's the American way, but what happens is that it's like a sin of comparison if I compare myself to all of you. the moment will never be good enough because I will never be you in creativity it's just me I'll tell you man that's what changed my life forever do you still have that competitive instinct that you like to hang out with? bodybuilding lifting all that you know what I wouldn't even call myself bodybuilding I stay fit and I watch carefully look I love running I run four miles a day most bodybuilders would never stop running as much as I write I have something in In the last ten minutes In my career I always have the best idea of ​​the day and I think there is something in the blood flow, something that works.
Lissie, bodybuilders don't think that way. Yeah, you don't know me, so now I'm alone. Okay, whatever I do, I want my body to be perfect for it, like my body was made for Brooklyn Nine-Nine. I think our macaroni and cheese is done baking, so I'm going to take it out of the oven. Oh yeah, that's fine. bubbly you see an amazing crust, you have some of that testicular fluid that has now been released and is bubbling to the surface, that's great, so now all you have to do, let's figure out our garnishes, take a bunch of chives and wrap it with a paper towel, he shouts. to Kris Morningstar, who taught me thechive trick with paper towel.
Take a damp paper towel and roll up a bunch of chives. You can make sure they don't spread over you and you'll get perfectly symmetrical cuts every time with the chives adding just a little bit. of freshness to really counteract those turkey testicles. I think Terry will like this dish because it is inspired by his childhood. It's a comfort food when people are eating they want to feel loved and I hope to convey a lot of my love in this dish and also the testicles, so now we're just going to take those fried turkey testicles. I'm going to lovingly place them on top almost like a breadcrumb topping, except not because it's full of gorgeous turkey test eyepieces and now for the I.
I'll touch on sacrilege, offensive or mythical, you decide. I would say that we have the final dish on the table. Do you have any idea what it could be? Well, I see a small frying pan with the handle in a well-baked pan, you are right. about that, what I made for you today is Mac with Turkey Testicles and GZ, so in the GZ recipe that I found online I incorporated some Cajun Butter Poached Turkey Testicles because I read that I also like macaroni and cheese and lobster, okay? for me, shallot, cajun butter, some seafood, except it's actually testicles and some crispy fried turkey testicles on top just to make them a little crispy and they're there, oh yeah, if you actually go in, you can see this like you want take a bite, that's good, you know, I have some macaroni with the front, yes, that's the intention, I just woke up a little Mary, I'm an artist, I'm really good, really good, that recipe from your family without the balls , big house, then you come back in.
I'm going to get back to you, good man, horrible, are you getting much of the taste that can be touched? It's not a yes, yes, would you pay money for this dish in a restaurant? No, it's just yes. Thank you very much for joining me, thank you for liking it. By commenting, subscribing, you can find Terry on Brooklyn nine-nine and America's Got Talent. We have new recipes every week and more food. Peter comes towards you. See you next time you can cook your own feast while wearing the legendary kitchen apron available now. in the mythical calm

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