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Tears Of The Kingdom, But With Only Lynel Equipment | Zelda Challenge Run

May 01, 2024
Alright, welcome back nerds. I hope you are very bored because I have the cure for such a thing. Are you kidding me? So today we are going to defeat the Tears of the Kingdom with


Lionel's team, one of the strongest enemies. The game is just as difficult as a normal enemy in Bloodborne, so just to clear up a couple of questions, Lionel's gear means using


your bows and Lionel-infused weapons. I can attach anything I want to the arrows because I'm not crazy nor do I care. such limitations this is entertainment first, my torture makes me come second.
tears of the kingdom but with only lynel equipment zelda challenge run
I'll also use a couple glitches along the way and if you're thinking right, that's cheating. You're right, but don't get so angry, just keep going. in your pants and out of my comments section. Anyway, I don't care, seriously. I hope you are enjoying or will enjoy Tears of the Kingdom. I thought the game was awesome, so I wanted to do at least one


before I started. Leave this game for now if you have other ideas for


runs, like maybe just Zoneite devices or just using Sages. I mean, feel free to leave them in the comments section, but for now, without further ado, my name is Josh, also known as gorgie and I hope you enjoy the foreigner.
tears of the kingdom but with only lynel equipment zelda challenge run

More Interesting Facts About,

tears of the kingdom but with only lynel equipment zelda challenge run...

It starts with a long and boring tutorial. Basically, I have to go back through all the necessary shrines to acquire the necessary tools, like the fuse, which will be very important once I get the Lino pieces, but first I had to say hello to the real Zelda. Quick, that's a lady right there and I know some of you are wondering, what about the starting enemies before your first Lino? How are they going to defeat them? I'm not really worried about that, listen, I can put together whatever I need for the first one. alignment, but once you're down is when the challenge really begins after the shrines.
tears of the kingdom but with only lynel equipment zelda challenge run
I explored a bit to gather as many arrows as possible considering there are no flaws that I know of to duplicate them. He had around 120 at this point, so he had more than enough if he used them sparingly now that I was done with the big Sky Island, he went to the surface to gather the necessary weapons and of course, greet Pura. I know everyone is going crazy over her but I just want to remind everyone that the best waifu in the Zelda series without a doubt is midna okay let's put that aside now since this was my first challenge in this game .
tears of the kingdom but with only lynel equipment zelda challenge run
I didn't really have much of a game plan here. I have no idea what I'm doing, I just did it very similar to this whole channel. First I gathered some weapons from around the area and then decided to visit the abyss beneath Hyrule Castle a little early to specifically fight a horrible black guy, his horn gives us a plus 22 attack power on our weapons, which will be enough to defeat our first red Lionel. Funny enough, you can keep taking on Ganondorf absurdly early from here, but I'm not ready yet, let me Ragdoll some Lionels first and then I'll be ready, it's time to show you the duplication problem and if it causes you to cheat in a video game, look away because I wouldn't want to stain your precious eyes, it's important to note here that I didn't.
I did not update my game before doing this challenge. I was on the first version of Tears of the


when it came out, so this bug may or may not work. I have no idea, but that's how it works. It is super simple to use. Jump with the shield and while in the air grab five or less items and then press B and Y at the same time. It's that easy. With 18 horrible blacks and horns, I fuse them with as many weapons as possible and made my way to the first Lionel, are you kidding me?
Bam, oh, how was that? No, I hit the Excuse me button, game, ah, here we go, now you're dead, finally, gee, I could have sworn I was better at these fights before, but I guess not with the red Lionel extinct we now have access to his horns and Bo that I will abuse the glitch maliciously now the problem here is that I don't know how to duplicate weapons or bows nor do I care to look for it because I'm lazy, so what I did was steal a bunch of new spears and swords from these lovely guys that are in the depths because they won't need them, they're just standing there, but what I really want to find is a silver Lionel, the most powerful one. variant in the game, but in order for one to appear there are a couple of obstacles that you must jump according to my research, first you must defeat all the other versions of the linales, the red, blue and white variants, then you have to wait for a Blood Moon will pass and a silver lining will appear in the depths near the turn, wait, how is it okay?
Two Kill Rock took two karak Tuka Rock Shrine which is next to the horse stable. Now I've already defeated red, so there's a check mark there. I also know that there is a white Lionel under Hyrule Castle, so that's where I opted to go next. It was a grueling fight in which Chow challenged me to my limits. It was so easy. Wow, yeah, I beat him on the second try. What he was talking about. It was a fight against my pure stupidity because I thought it would be a good idea to go ahead with just one tough fool, yeah, how do you think it went?
I wasn't happy and had to fight the white Lionel again, but now we have the white one. Team Lionel, so Shield stomped a couple dozen horns into my inventory, stuck them to my weapons, and I'm ready to take on a blue Lino. Now I have to say that the Claymore version was a little difficult, mainly because I had never faced one before. but luckily I have years of experience beating challenging bosses and the blood-borne Elden ring from Dark Souls, so this should be easy. Well, I also want to point out here that the blue linels in terms of design are my favorites.
I love the purple fur, I think it works very well. the blue skin is amazing this was also perfectly timed as a blood moon was rising once i defeated him not only 30 seconds later and faced the same lionel that i also brutally took down now at this point all the requirements. They met and now I had access to the Silver Linen now in the depths, for some reason the Linens have armor there so I use blood weapons to chop them like a sculptor or bomb them like the proud American that I am. I chose the laboratory for this fight.
It took me a total of, I'd say, about 45 minutes, mainly because the spear threw me off again. I had never faced a spear version before, so it was a new experience. Fortunately, I learned quickly and before I knew it, the strongest flax in the game was gone. Unfortunately, as far as I know, there are no Golden Lions or Kingdom Tears, so this is the best


we're going to get, which I say like it's a bad thing, since this is the final


of the game with no room to doubts. I duped a ton of silver horns and cleared the rest of the nearby lionels for their bows since I don't know how to duplicate them.
I was satisfied with five bows, three of which were the strongest versions out there, ladies and mostly gentlemen, according to my stats, it's time for the boss gauntlet. Actually, let's get some new clothes first because fashion is very important to me due to my time in the depths. I gathered a bunch of Stray Souls enough to create the dark tunic and together with the Hylian Pants we look as fresh as a gothic strawberry. I don't even know where that came from, but there you go. I didn't go with hoods because I wanted the locks to be free now to get to Hyrule Castle.
My next objective is going to be a little difficult considering my stamina is nowhere near what it should be and the reason I'm heading to the castle is to collect some endgame weapons just to make sure I have the best of the best. better before. I'm heading down. I got there by using the nearby tower and cooking some food, they gave me extra stamina. Nothing is shown here. I simply went to look for weapons and put my silver Lino horns on it. That's it, it's time for The Descent, not the movie. but the action, which is a really good movie, by the way, The Descent, I highly recommend, it's very creepy, so getting to this point took me about a full day of work and to be honest, I thought about the next one part, which is the boss. gauntlet was going to be pretty easy no, actually it was just as hard if not harder so it took me about a day and a half to do it because if I die, listen, I die in one hit, first of all, anything that touch.
I'm dead and if I fail at any point before Ganondorf, I have to redo everything. Normally, the Demon King's Army is the only fight needed to play, but since I didn't solve any of Hyrule's problems, I have to fight all the bosses. So that's how it went, by far the Demon King Army was the most annoying part of this race. The bokoblins didn't give me enough room to fire my bomb arrows. Most of my deaths were caused by my bad calculations and lack of space, but I thought there was a better way after watching a couple of speed races on YouTube.
It turns out that rubies produce a much larger fire explosion that helps deal with large crowds. I just had to keep my distance and find openings without getting trapped. In the crossfire, it took me a while to find The Sweet Spot, but when I did, the rest went smoothly. chef, there were even lesser gibdos and yes some of them are fast but a couple of headshots cool them down so it really wasn't a big deal, the moblins were the easiest, slow and dumb, like the people you see this video and no Don't leave a like or subscribe now the bosses themselves some of them raised a problem kogero unfortunately it wasn't one of them look at the first phase it's nothing out of this world Lino's bow shoots three arrows at once, so it was easy to break his weak points in the second phase he starts summoning tornadoes, which I mean, I have dealt with many tornadoes not in real life but in other video games, so this was nothing new to me considering that I would have to rebuild the king's army if I died here.
I panicked a little, but nothing a little maneuvering couldn't handle and it was as easy as one, two, three, Marbled Rubber, on the other hand, stumped me a couple of times. Actually, normally, you use your nobo to break his legs. Access the obvious weakness of the eyeball, however, I didn't have it here, so what I did was use the recovery of all the explosive rocks, wait for one of them to detonate on his head, and then use Ascend to reach the eyeball and hearing the silver line of weapons is absolutely busting, it took a cycle to get to the second phase, that's it, which again is normally a streaky rubber that will crawl on the ceiling and make things more difficult, but since there was no such a ceiling, the same strategy works here too, just a couple of extra attacks to go through.
Once I realized it was pretty easy, now from here I beat the remaining bosses on my first try because I'm an expert player. One of my favorite bosses in the game was Muktarak. Fortunately, I had plenty of opal to use here. I don't duplicate any of them. I only had a bunch and if you don't know they make a big burst of water, it's a pretty good substitute with the outside in one round, it takes two shots instead of one with the side, but again I had a lot. to spare, so it doesn't really matter, plus I also ate some Splash fruits just in case, but I still hit him a couple of times and he fell.
Queen gibdo was next in line, another of my favorites and I saved on electric shells. I had six electric wrench hits for her, so I used them to make her vulnerable and then I put them through her face. Now, once the second side started, I felt a bit risky because I thought about how I could use rubies to neutralize the regular gibdos with the Demon King Army. So I wanted to test it out here, it turns out that Queen Gibdo is susceptible to any elemental damage and I used my extra rubies to take her out. I was pleasantly surprised that the following was seized.
It took me a second to figure it out, but I'm glad. that all those Bond flowers I tricked will be used basically, you bomb it and then use a heavy sword to hit it against the ropes, that's it, it's exactly the same for the second phase too, as if those extra arms weren't going to do it. help and lastly before Ganon we have Ghost Ganon and at this point he wasn't willing to remake the ball muscles again so I just bombarded him with rubies. I have 240 arrows at this point, might as well use those, dude, that damage.
It's actually crazy, excuse me, I wasn't aiming at you, I wasn't aiming, dude, that's really kind of annoying, I have to kill these guys, luckily, I have a lot of arrows, okay, one more, how did he do it? ? I guess it was, that's so dumb, dude, everything dies. right, I'm not going to waste my time here because I don't want to be reset, whatever the word is, all the way, oh yeah, that's really scary, huh, and take these rubies that deal unparalleled damage, that's it amazing and now, friend. Friends and family, it's time for the final boss Ganondor DorkDwarf.
I could have easily shot Flax-infused silver arrows at him in one go, but that's a bit boring. He actually wanted to learn his move set, study his techniques and beat him. You know my way to less. If it takes too long then I'll just shoot him with arrows from afar. It was a grueling battle that took me hours to fully master. I shot them with arrows in my first game, so I actually fought them. I really had no experience. It took me a lot. Longer than I'd like to admit that depending on how he swings his sword, this is how you have to dodge to activate the burst if he swings vertically.
Dodge to the side, horizontal backflip and from here I had a pretty good strategy to shoot him with Lino. infused arrows that activate it to attack me, burst it, rush it, restart it and start again from the starting point. It's a very simple fight, it doesn't really require much thought and at this point I think it was one in the morning so luckily. I didn't really have to use much of my brain power here but it was still fun when it came to the final boss in my challenges. I like to let them develop, so enjoy my fight with Ganondorf.
Oh I do not know. sometimes Ganondorf's voice acting is a little weird for me. I don't know that Matt is a great voice actor, but for Ganondorf I don't know. I don't know if this part will be included in the video, but yes Guys, let me know what you think about Ganondorf's voice. I think it works like it's average. Oh yeah, the spear is pretty easy. Oh man, you were in the perfect Ruby position right now, but I'm not going to do that. I'll really try to only use Lionel stuff, come on, do things right, this triggers the second phase, okay, perfect, okay, home stretch, home stretch, just don't do anything stupid, well, it's not like it's right, Well, whatever, as long as you don't do it. kill me in one hit I don't really care oh no oh yeah, it's a Gloom Shrimp, you're just going to stand there and leave me, no, come on, do it again, excuse me, I could finish this right now, just leave me, okay?
Alright, boom, yeah, finally, that took a lot longer than expected. Yes we did it. Now the third phase is written, which is funny that you acquire the master sword for the end anyway. I think it's great if you really want to get technical. No. I didn't beat Tears of the Realm with Lionel's team, just considering I use the master sword and a bunch of rubies, but it was a really fun race anyway, I really enjoyed it and yeah, that's it guys, I did the best I could here. So if you have other ideas for other challenges, like just Zonita devices or something, let me know and I'll look into it.
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