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Teaching Your Dog To Listen To You Outside AND Off-Leash!

Jun 08, 2021
silly. Yeah. So if she didn't fuck off, then I can feel this. So I'm not going to sit down. I'm just going to step on that line and I have to go up the wall and then I can repeat her name. Good girl. I know the food for that one, but I'll certainly get a compliment. Her response is wonderful, but you know what? I'm going to put the


back on. So she's losing a little bit of freedom just for a couple of minutes. Then she will learn that when you respond to


name, great things happen.
teaching your dog to listen to you outside and off leash
Toys with food, play interaction and you can be free again in no time. But this time, thank you. You're going to take a little walk with me. Yes you are. And then, in a minute or so, I'll be able to Lucy! Yahoo, good girl. Currently what? A good girl. Yes, you are brilliant. Good material. Yes girl. You are very smart. Yes. Good girl. Oh my God. I had trouble getting it out. Go to rest. Here you have. We will be a dog that she could see from the beginning. She didn't want to know anything about me.
teaching your dog to listen to you outside and off leash

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teaching your dog to listen to you outside and off leash...

She was pulling on that


. Everything is exciting. Now it tends to get reasonably close. I'm drawing attention. And if I call her by her name, Lucy, good girl. You are so smart. Oh, you're so smart. Oh yeah. One thing I haven't mentioned because I'm busy concentrating on Lucy, but one very important thing with the dog is that she is controlling, looking at me she's okay, much more so than at the beginning. Good? So when she signs up of her own free will, when she decides that she's going to look at me, I want to capture those moments.
teaching your dog to listen to you outside and off leash
I'm going to say yes to point out. That's a fantastic thing. And then I'm going to reward with food. Then yes. She hoorays. And all that. More than that now I don't care if she jumps to the front here. She hoorays. I don't mind her jumping around trying to build a relationship. And if I let her, she's fine. And then I can tell him. And help her get out of it. Good girl. Good girl. And then I'm going to put the food away and I'm going to tell him, go, be a dog, be a dog. And I'll wait until she registers again.
teaching your dog to listen to you outside and off leash
Yes. Good girl. You are brilliant. Ok, be a dog and it's not always like that, YES! It could be some game. It could be some game. You are so brilliant. Or if


dog likes toys, I could pull a toy out of anything to let her know she's paying attention to me. What I changed from the beginning. Hey? When you didn't even recognize it, I existed pulling me. Yes, you are a good girl. Well. Go be a dog. You have trouble getting your dog to pay too much attention to you while you walk. Whether you have a young dog or an older dog, you can still do this.
Now first, she goes back and evaluates your relationship. Tell me, do I have all the foundation I need? If you think you need more, click this video to see some basic exercises to get your dog working outdoors. And in that sense, I am Carol. This is Lucy Happy Training.

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