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Teacher Gets Revenge On Bad Student

Mar 19, 2024
Hello friends, it's me and today is Darman Monday and we are going to watch a video about a


who takes


on his


. Wait, they can do that, yeah, look at this, what the hell did this? Oh no, someone hacked my computer, what's wrong? someone just hacked my code and blocked me, let's do it, leave you out, idiot, looks good, okay for this week's assignment, let's develop the code to finish the application for school. I don't think this can Be part of Do you have something to share with the class? Kyle no, okay, so the assignment is worth 20 of your grade and is due at two o'clock on Friday.
teacher gets revenge on bad student
Let's use Python. We should not? Use JavaScript, okay, listen, smart guy, why don't you get up here and start teaching the class. Well, we've been using Python all year, so we'll stick with that, yeah, but all the big companies use Java, Facebook, Netflix. Uber should still be true, but the fact that they are using a certain programming language doesn't make it any better. In fact, I feel like you should teach us real-world applicable skills so we can work at these companies, I mean, right? That's the point of all this, yes, you can come up here and start doing my job, since you know everything.
teacher gets revenge on bad student

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teacher gets revenge on bad student...

Every time I was in school, my math


told me, "You have to learn to ski later." Look, guess who was wrong. Many companies use Python. Kyle, yes. I'm starting to think you don't even know Java and why are you saying that? Well, because if you knew, I don't see why you'd give up. a job with a real salary at a large technology company and settle for being a teacher. I'm not going to lie, he destroyed it right there. Maybe he wanted to teach little idiots like you how to code. I feel like he could teach this class.
teacher gets revenge on bad student
I give because I enjoy working with


s, not everyone has to work at Google to be considered successful, yes, and I feel like your paycheck doesn't agree, oh, move on. I'm an incentive for the principal, that's the principal's office now, man, oh Mr. Harrington, I'm glad you could. join us we are about to start is he also going to fight with this teacher? He was detained. I do not know what is the problem. He was just spitting out facts. It's not my fault. I'm smarter than these teachers. We became stupid. something, now you are smarter than the teachers, no, this is a new generation, today's class we are going to learn about decomposition reactions by performing the old experiment using acid and carbonate in front of you, each of you has three glasses, one full of water. filled with vinegar and another filled with baking soda.
teacher gets revenge on bad student
I already know what it's like when it's full. Do you have something to say there? Mr. Harrington, yes, wait, what is this sixth grade? The volcano experiment. We're in high school now. Should we elevate our experiments perhaps? blow something up these are in the approved curriculum this guy just wakes up and chooses violence get out of bed do a little stretch and go to class say like I think I'm going to start a problem with every teacher today calm down you want a class high school with the rest of these tunes, yes, all the great scientists took risks, they experimented to test their hypotheses and their theories, why can't we do that?
Because you're not an actor, when you're a science teacher you can do that, but until then we'll do the approved experiments like the teacher can't just walk into science class and say, well, let's blow things up, there are risks, health hazards, like approved stuff you can and can't do, bro, really watch The Tick Tock. video of a guy in a lab coat blowing things up, we take a field of water and mix it with baking soda, oh what do you know Mr. Ward? I don't know if he's supposed to do that, yes, I'm aware of that.
Kyle, thanks, yes. I feel like you don't do it because you just mix the wrong chemicals. My teachers would have literally said, "Shut up, literally shut your mouth or you might leave." I couldn't stand that level of disrespect from a child. I just have the same curriculum year after year, how do you screw this up? You know, Kyle, you should never judge someone until you walk a mile in their shoes. Oh, it's just that Dutch heels walk to the gas station and back and then you can talk. I wouldn't care, except your shoes stink. Hey, you're wearing Converse.
Never disrespect the Converse gang like that again. I can't believe the man is giving me another detention. He was just trying to make the class more interesting. Maybe you should let the teachers do their job, that's what they're there for. I would if they really knew what they were doing. Look, you don't need a PhD or a master's degree to be a high school teacher, they just glorified babysitters, uh, I mean, he's right about that. It can't be that hard, go teach Kyle, so what do we have here? This doesn't look like chocolate chip cookie dough.
Well, cookies are for amateurs and I wanted to do something else. My level, do you have any ideas? how hard is it to find a decent chocolate chip cookie unless you're making macaroons please sit down and shut up you're really going to get the whole Mech rolling master now I went to Italy last summer and had tiramisu it's not hard to make Tiramisu. Well, as impressive as it is, it's not the task. I'm rating you on cookies, not tiramisu. You're going to fail me because I bake something more difficult than the original recipe. No, I'm failing you because you literally didn't understand the assignment.
Idiot grades are based on following instructions. Maybe you should follow my instructions that way we could learn something new. Oh, she wants to turn around and slam the spatula into his hand. I don't know, we all know that we take home an extra and easy one. maybe raise the bar a little, I know, I don't appreciate your tone young man, one more word from you and your arrest, yes, I was used to it, this is the third one today, in fact, brother is becoming immune to arrests that these children are killing. my bad day don't even get me started all the teachers who got roasted are going to sit and cry about it at lunch oh how things have changed you have no idea how ready i am for winter break i heard i have This student he thinks is smarter than everyone else, including me.
I have a couple of those, but one in particular really takes the cake. Everyone responded by undermining everything I say, wait, you're talking about who? I think you're talking about Kyle Harrington, oh you. I know you, you're a problem when your name is called in the staff room. Oh, let's see what kind of


they're going to have on this guy. You have no idea how hard it would be to be a teacher if only there was a way to teach. That wait a second. His shoes basically allow them to teach Kyle Harrington a lesson. I really hope they like to group up and jump on it after school. uh Mrs.
Crawford, what is he doing? That's my seat, Jennifer, actually, but you can call me Jen, what is he doing? Well, I thought about what you said yesterday and since you're so good at coding, I'd take some time off and you could teach the class for the rest of the week. Mr. Ward and Mrs. Guyo were so impressed with your work this year that they also want you to take over their classes and this is not cheating at all, we just think that you are so advanced that this would be a great experience of learning for you, so I would lead the class and we could use it.
JavaScript for the app bro are you stupid or something she turned on really said get up and teach the class idiot sure it's up to you it's your class you do it unless you're not then you know no no no Will I do it right? Everyone take a seat, welcome to the class, greetings, so are you teaching? Are you doing a good job? He's actually doing it. I don't even know what to do. I'd get up there and say, "You're going to make the whole bed class and make tiramisu." You're smarter than everyone. What are you still doing here?
You would have graduated years ago. You would have been going to Yale right now for science class. We're going to do a volcano experiment, but not that silly baking soda and vinegar kind. egg at home I have an online recipe for macrobots you can't make macaroni at school do you know how long it takes to make macaroni you can't make in a class you cured the egg whites for 48 hours no I don't think so? okay today class we will do the volcano experiment. Who is it? Oh, it's me. I have to take this as I said before I was so rudely interrupted.
Let's take the volcano experiment to a higher level. In the midst of this, we have a few pieces. of potassium now take water from this bottle, pour it here and we will get a chemical reaction that will result in smoke. Won't that produce hydrogen? Yes, exactly, you can't do that, it will cause a fire or worse. the teacher here, if I want to burn the whole school, I will keep quiet who is the teacher here, you or me, shut up exactly, I know what I'm talking about, okay, who here has a higher grade than me? Yes, everyone raise your hand now that I've established that I'm the smartest one here, let's continue the experiment.
People who think they are the smartest usually, honestly, this is not again, oh no, what happened. I may have underestimated the power of a volcanic eruption and this is it. Exactly why don't we do this little Tic Toc experiment at school. Sure you're okay. I'm fine. Today we will make some macaroni. I printed the recipes online so everyone can follow them now before To start, are there any questions? Yes, yes, the false seat in the oven is broken. I can only use the grill. Do you think it will work? Yeah no I don't see why not actually Kyle Kyle no I'm Mr.
Harrington to you okay no her and her current clothes um Mr. Harrington yeah Jen we sure can't roast some macaroni. The application code does not work. What are you talking about? I wrote it myself. Don't know. Come see why the coat doesn't work. I told them something was wrong, how is it possible? Last time I checked the code was solid. I don't know you are the teacher because the final version is due in five minutes. Well, alone, for you, I am. the teacher I don't have to do the work oh my god nothing works four minutes dude hurry up it's 20 of our grade don't rush me okay I get this are you guys coding on a Mac?
I know nothing. About coding, Mr. Harrington, we have some kind of emergency now, don't you see? I'm already in one. Okay, what's so important? Oh, my classroom is on fire. Oh my God! I'm so sorry, turn off the fireworks. I know this is what you did. Someone vaped in the bathroom. The smoke alarm will go off, but the entire house. The mechanical room is on fire. The smoke alarm I didn't smell anything. Yes, and that's an evacuation. Where the hell have you been? let's make it okay just let me focus this is impossible in a minute you're going to ruin this for everyone oh no everything is falling apart for kyle im sorry what was that?
I don't know what I did wrong, I don't know. how to fix it can you help us please oh it was so simple oh rule number one in coding never let your guard down as soon as you do it you will get hacked you hacked me. I tried to tell you that JavaScript is cool, but it is. more vulnerable to malicious activity, that's why we use Python, turns out teaching is not as easy as it seems, eh, yeah, that's not exactly what I expected. Teaching is not easy because they have to deal with people like you a hundred times.
I know you're smart. and you think you have all the answers, but you should never judge someone until you're gone. I know you're in his place, you're just a little high schooler who bit off more than he could chew. You know that should be the moral. from the story don't bite off more than you can chew I'll be honest with you, my feet are tired, can I go back to being a student? I think for everyone's safety, a reward for hard work would be better. - Lesson won, what a macaroni, that's terrible. I know yeah, you did such an idiotic thing that it was actually pretty funny, but anyway that's all for today.
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