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Taylor Swift Got Into 2 Car Accidents In One Day | Letterman

Mar 04, 2024
listen to this ladies and gentlemen at 22 years old our first guest has won six Grammy awards oh my goodness six Grammy awards sold more than 22 22 million albums and her new CD is titled red ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the show Taylor Swift back Thank you to the show, how are you? I'm very good, I'm glad to know that yes, will this be your first presidential election or the second, the second, the first? She was 18 years old. 18. Yes, are you excited about the election? Yes, I will definitely vote, yes absolutely, are you happy with the possibilities?
taylor swift got into 2 car accidents in one day letterman
I mean, for me I feel like at 22 I have the right to vote, but it's not my right to tell other people what to do right there, right there, sister, come on, come on. Come on, but as you grow up, you'll realize that the dumb people around you are increasing in number, so you'll have to tell them what to do. Look at this. Here you are on the cover of Rolling Stone magazine. Ladies and gentlemen, look at that and this is where they had the car accident. They had two car


in one day. Do you know?
taylor swift got into 2 car accidents in one day letterman

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taylor swift got into 2 car accidents in one day letterman...

Do they have a license? Actually, where did car


occur? Well, we're in Nashville and um. What they do for these magazine photo shoots is they send you a journalist to spend time with you and this was my first day with this journalist named Brian, who is such a good writer that I was very nervous and wanted everything to go well. I was like cleaning my apartment and just cleaning my car and just making sure things were neat and clean, and then he comes to sound check, we're rehearsing for some of the shows we're doing, like yours, because we're performing tonight, oh God bless you, you rehearsed for the show, we did, thank you, a lot of people don't rehearse for the show, so we're there, we're rehearsing and he comes to rehearsal and he's listening and he leaves.
taylor swift got into 2 car accidents in one day letterman
Okay, so we're going to go to the restaurant and we're going to talk there and I had chosen this fancy restaurant that I don't normally go to much, but I wanted to make a good impression. Yes, I look sophisticated. or something like that and then, I didn't know where the restaurant was, so first it goes, do you want to travel together or do you want to follow me? We take separate cars and I tell him, "You know what I am." Really safe driver and maybe write about what a safe driver is. I'm fine, let me interrupt you right there.
taylor swift got into 2 car accidents in one day letterman
I don't mind. I learned this not from a journalist. I learned it from real estate agents. You always travel in separate cars. I don't want to be stuck with them any longer than necessary. Secondly, you could be Mother Teresa behind the wheel and they will never write about how safe you are. It's just not going to happen, so next time let him drive on his own. car, okay, now I know, thanks, so, I had to make a U-turn because I was going the wrong way and you see, this is exactly what I'm talking about, yes, I know that now and I was trying to use it. the GPS in my car which I had never used before but I wanted to use it because he was in the car and I wanted it to look like he knew how to use my GPS.
I don't want to look like a fool because it's Brian, for God's sake, I know, I know, yeah, so, you know, I turned. I went to make a U-turn, but I didn't have enough room to make a U-turn, so I backed up a little bit, like a little bit. a little bit and then like you someone hit you, yeah that's what it was, that's the sound, thanks and then I start freaking out. I'm like, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, and he's calm, you know, he's like that. Okay, okay, it's a bump in the fender, anything that spins and it's my bassist, so you better go there, yeah, 'cause we know backup musicians don't have insurance, my friend, oh, are you okay, That's good, no one got hurt?, so there you have it. out of your system, but that's Brian's fault because you have this thug in your car breathing down your neck yeah, but that was the only one, the first one that week happened again yeah, there were two accidents that day, that day yeah , okay, take us through the second one okay, then I go Amos, I'm so sorry, I'm good at it, I'll pay you like whatever and he says okay and um, so then we go to the restaurant and I'm all shocked and I'm stuttering more than usual and I'm thinking I couldn't believe what I did, so we leave and we're at the point where we can finally laugh about it, oh my God, come in. a car like whoa, all of a sudden this car that was made of pieces of five other cars and we weren't in a good part of town and it comes out and it's like and it's like and then it hits the side of our car it's like that and all of a sudden and like this time Brian is not calm, calm down, he says oh my God, he said later, he said you just saved my life with your defensive driving skills and that didn't end up in the article but he said it look, it didn't end up in the article, TRUE? no, but the fact that there were two shipwrecks in one day, that ended up in the article, yes, but it was delicate about it, it was delicate about it. about it, very good, good for the people, I'm excited, it was a really great article and I was very happy to have a conviction, look at that, that's wonderful, now listen, you often get songs, you will write songs about people in your life . friends who may no longer be in the same old role in your life and you will write songs, you are being very delicate about it.
I like that and and uh and and then people started, oh, I wonder who it is, so what would I do? Now it's if you could somehow include me in a song like that, that would be great, okay, yeah, we can definitely talk about that. You know you are one of the best interviews. Yes, no, no, I know we're talking about that. but I would like it to happen and so people, oh oh, you know who, you know who, the old man he's talking about, it's Dave, well, I appreciate, I appreciate that you want this to happen because sometimes you'd be surprised by the angry emails that receipt.
Sometimes I get good I don't believe my age I don't care at all I just want the song Okay, yes, make up whatever you want, but you wouldn't write me an email with the subject line thinking that you wouldn't do it so well. no, no, I would be delighted, okay, there will be no emails afterwards, no, no, no, no, and then there will be no interviews, it will be our little joke, okay, we will make it amazing, okay, come on, yes, I like it. We've done this three times now, thank you.

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