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Taurus GX4 Shooting Impressions

May 06, 2024
so today we are finally out at the range, it's been a lot of time with the


gx4. I'm a little excited about this, a little nervous, I looked at the table, but we're doing it anyway because that's what we do at gb guns trauma kits safely on the side, we choose the larger of the two back straps that comes with um off camera we tested the fit um and this really helped me and obviously it helped Graham so let's get to it. I've got my five rounds here, they point about 20 yards down, as always, reduce the torso size, ABC zone size, torso size, yes steel, the trigger is very very stiff, let's see what you think Graham, as Auntie mentioned with the bigger back strap, that's because it fills out. much more space here and it kind of lengthens the reach of your pinky uh what we found is even good even with Pinky Rest magazine because we ordered and they arrived right on time even though we never received confirmation from the website about the rest of the little finger magazine and the 13-round magazine with a 13-round magazine I can put three fingers on the gun with the rest of my pinky I can put half a pinky until it fires and then it's over we'll do these initial


with the magazines that you get when you buy the gun for To be fair, but anyway with that larger backstrap, your pinky reach is longer and that effectively shortens your pinky, making it much easier to grip using 115 grain federal bulk ammo for these first thoughts. , we shot 20 Full Camera just because we wanted to check a few things.
taurus gx4 shooting impressions
Check out the brass as we had some concerns from the table and the gun is much more controllable for me with that larger backstrap. I know a lot of people ignore this. or don't pay attention to it, really try it, especially if it's something you're going to wear. It can make a big difference. I couldn't shoot that fast with this gun just a minute ago with the smaller backstrap on, so what? Let's review well first? We want to address the issue pointed out on the table with the camera with a really very light mount, the least I've seen among over 200 guns I've done the exact same fit test on.
taurus gx4 shooting impressions

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taurus gx4 shooting impressions...

We have some brass we want to show you, then we'll do our what's for dinner test, of course, to show you what it cycles and also provide feedback on how that particular ammo feels in this gun. We have the rotating target for our friendly competition as Tia sees it, but the point we show it to you is that it gives us a chance to test the trigger control and the visual image and all that and see how well we can time the shots. On that, hopefully, to get that thing spinning, then of course we have our five shots from seven yards as always for some accuracy and at the end of all that, we'll give you our opinion on it if you want to skip. in a certain location, check the little red bar or in the video description for the timestamps, it will take you directly to that chapter, so about the unsupported camera issue, these are five fired bullet casings, with luckily you will see that we are kind. at a bad time of day for lighting this, but we have a big burnt side and then the rest is clean on all of these and that's where some of that gas escapes or gets pushed back behind the casing of this.
taurus gx4 shooting impressions
It burned well and there is a kind of smiley face known as the glock smiley face. Usually as I turn this case over, look at the little line at the bottom. I really hope this comes out. You can see the line rises and then falls back down, that's where the brass pushes against that lack of support and there's a little bit of a bulge that we also noticed and this is federal 115 grain, if you're worried about how the primers look, we have a There's a little bit of squishing there, so it could be a pressure issue.
taurus gx4 shooting impressions
We are going to try to capture casings from other loads as the primers themselves may be different if they are not federally supplied primers and the pressures will be different but you can see the warping that is happening there and then our more piece of brass that we fired a round, you can see that the primer popped out, um, I mean, it's almost not disassembled, but you can definitely see that there was a lot of pressure there and that smile. The face is good and strong, those of you who are reloaders, can you comment, uh, let us know what you think about the gx4, obviously, it is not intended to be a ranged warrior type weapon, it is a micro compact intended to be carried, practice a little.
It's a training thing, in fact most people tend to train with larger weapons and then carry a smaller weapon and not something that supports you unnecessarily, but that's how things happen so it's not meant to be. a weapon with a high number of bullets, you will most likely not reload. I checked it out, but it's still a cause for concern because, well, I'm a shooter and I've been


for years. I know how things happen. You go out with friends, you bring your guns, they have some ammo, they throw the m at your gun. you might want to be careful with the gx4, it's just looking at those metals.
I'd stay away from reloads, but we'll find out more in What's for Dinner if we can catch those metals and see how each load bulges or not. If we find anything notable, we will definitely show you, of course, the first part of what's for dinner is to make sure the magazines work and do a separate test of the full magazine plus one that we are using once again, the magazines of recessed fitting that come with the gun. and 115-grain Federal Bulk Brass Ammunition, this comprehensive material tests both the basic magazine design and the weapon's ability to cycle power with that extra pressure underneath; usually only in the first two rounds is there a choke, if possible, but some guns choke.
I'm going to hammer that steel as fast as I can with my finger hanging in the wind, maybe have some tea just to entertain myself, but we'll also see how this magazine failed in almost every one of those probably my worst streak, that's what What happens with the short sight radius, but the good news is that the gun ran smoothly, even when open and empty, there was no struggle on those first two loads, it's once by dinner time, our brand test registered is often copied, never duplicated and friends. When you see the copies out there, just remind them where this came from anyway, in this test we ran 10 different loads including regular brass, nickel plated brass, case steel, aluminum case, full metal jackets, hollow points, truncated rounds, all kinds of different loads because, like it will.
Note that they all have a different shape, a different overall length and that affects how well they feed and cycle in a gun. Each also generates its own type of recoil impulse, whether what the maximum pressure is, how long that pressure lasts, etc. only three rounds because we just want to see if this ammo works with the gun, that means it feeds from the slide lock, there is enough power generator to cycle and feed a second round of the same type and we will lock an empty magazine using that same energy the third round is just there to reduce the variables let's get to it alright the first course of what's for dinner is the 90 grain Winchester metal jacket with uh these are lead free and have a zinc core, do you? how clean are they?
You are super clean. I'll go for circle number one. There is no trigger on this gun. You can't adjust your shot. You just hammer a hammer through it. It is not comfortable. The camera will focus. We can see that it is quite nice and ours. The second plate is Hornady's American Gunner and 115 grains. I'm so glad I chose that larger back strap. It makes a big difference in recoil management. It's firing again and for circle number three I'm going to use the Winchester silver tip. It is also 115 grains in a jacketed hollow point. No, it is not a jacketed hollow point.
Yes, it is a jacketed hollow point. It can be read and remember that it is super agile. It would not be my choice for defensive ammunition. You shot well with her. all on the left, if you notice it's the little 115 grain aluminum laser gun, I may have to renegotiate my contract, circle number four, surprisingly they didn't feel uncomfortable


, definitely less agile than the last two, no They have a defensive look, yes, of the four fired, so this far just to give you a look at those primers and you reloaders can leave your comments on them in the comments section.
It looks to me like we have a little bit of primer flow, like there's too much pressure building up, just thinking. That was interesting because these primers actually now stand up out of the housing, which we don't normally see, and as far as bulge and support goes, the aluminum rods we shoot actually have fewer marks than the brass ones. Now logic would say that well, aluminum is weaker than brass, that's its danger zone, but maybe aluminum's ability to heat up and cool down faster than brass is what saves it in this case and my last participating effort in this experiment is the 115-grain Wolf case steel that Graham likes. mention the difference between steel and aluminum.
I imagine this is the exact opposite of aluminum, which cools slower. Yes, when we have problems with quick cycles or handguns, it's because it hasn't cooled enough to come out of the chamber yet. it hasn't contracted hard enough to come out of the chamber easily, usually the extractor would slide off the edge of the case if we have a problem, okay circle number five, oh they smell good after the initial one, no It was so bad. It was a little more forceful, the first one was forceful, the second two were not so bad, I anticipated it a little and controlled the flinch not too badly and they shot very consistently, very good, number six is ​​one of the favorites of the current public, the federal hst. 124 grain these are nickel plated brass whose nickel plating tends to help with ease of feeding and extraction as well as corrosion resistance and since this is my first time using the gun I am going to use the 13 bullet which as You can see, it gives big hands a full hand grip, yeah that trigger, it's just a wall and I'm not sure to keep applying pressure, keep applying pressure, no cycling issues, okay, I'm warming up, so I'm back with a flush magnetic plate, this is a regular 124 grain hexagon. kind of a hollow point, but it's a nice long pointed bullet, as you saw in the segment intro, which helps feed target number seven, the pinky that hangs down nicely, although it blocks the slide back, target number eight feds, uh, segmented jacketed hollow point and synth and It's blue because all the 138 grain stuff is starting to get heavy for the caliber or the heavier end of things, interesting loading, it tends to be a little snappy and Tia me said Pinky Rust magazine, which, as you can see, gives me half a pinky. there, which is just enough to slide wildly under the recoil, let's see how it does, oh that's spicy and it certainly takes my pinky out from the rest, you know, even though it's a harder recoiling bullet, it's still pretty manageable on this weapon minus the dangling finger.
I think if I were going to carry that ammo, I would like to use the number nine 13 round magazine, with little grip, the 147 grain sig elite performance ammo. Tia is grimacing behind the camera, glad she's not filming this and what a magazine she gave her. Oh look, it's the flush baseplate, it'll be fun thanks to you, but this is what the gun comes with and this is common and popular defensive ammunition. This is a realistic matchup for target number nine that has some punch. Oh and we didn't fully charge the battery, if you can see there it's just hanging back, like it got knocked around a bit, these are nickel plated brass so they should feed in and out easier than normal, try not to back out , um, the gun is getting. pretty dirty, but it's not like we have hundreds of bullets, so I'm going to say maybe it was with this gun and for our heavy caliber we have some 158 grain ppu pip, that's right, subsonics tend to be long. bullets, so this will be an interesting test to see how well it wants to fit now that my pinky is rusty, no problems, okay, the number ten circle fires a little click here, I'm actually feeling the recoil on the trigger, but there are no cycling problems. things always smell good, sorry about the wobbly camera, so here are four of the five types of ammo we just shot, we couldn't capture the fifth.
It's very difficult folks to handle the camera and watch the brass fly and then pick it up from a public range that has brass everywhere, but we found the most popular ones that match the brands nine times out of ten, not bad anyway Reloaders, comment on what you're seeing here with these primers. I'm told it's something they would normally see. when there is a heavy loadhot or there is too much pressure for the camera to drop them, this is the 158 grain ppu and that smiley face is more than just a smiley face on this piece of breast, it's a real indentation there, so this is what it was worried and talking on the table video.
I'd love to hear from those of you who reload whether this is a piece of brass that you consider safe to reload or not, or what you think about what we're going to do next. to go roulette and see how controllable this little gun is for timed shots, it's roulette time, so what you're seeing behind tia about or maybe 12 yards away is the big target of the Titan's six-inch outdoor roulette wheel and what's fun. obviously you hit it and it spins we try to see if we can knock it down which requires timing your shots you have to hit the spinner as it moves away from you to add momentum because if you hit it as it swings towards you it subtracts momentum and moot point .
This is valuable to us as it forces some sort of quick shots that have to be accurate, it's not an easy target to hit at this distance, then you add movement and timing and it becomes stressful. It also forces us to really focus on these sites and get a feel for the vision system as well as the predictability of the trigger, so this time t and i. Each of us is going to take 10 shots trying to get the spinner to the top, but we are actually also learning this weapon as it could theoretically be applied for timed stressed shots at a small target and I go first and I.
I've given myself those two extra shots that I did in the past, now we're using the federal 115 grain that you saw in the warm up, which isn't exactly powerful ammo and we're putting it in this butter gun so it has less energy, which as you see It's this swinger's best swing, it's supposed to be a spinner, yeah, oh that was a strong shudder. Did I give myself enough? Oh, I needed one more, I'll take it, so talking about strong shudder and catch it. How did that trigger work for you, auntie, in this kind of controlled, uncontrolled, stressful?
If you like, I was noticing the reset a little differently than when we were shooting at targets, even a little stronger. pull or press if you want, but I think the adrenaline made it easier, which in a defensive situation makes me a little leery when it comes to this trigger, so I guess that gave me a good perspective on the possible reactions to the trigger. in a defensive environment, so did you find it easy or difficult to time your shots? It was easier. I don't know if I was looking at the spinning wheel a little differently today.
I don't know. He was doing some strange calculations. things in my head and how about the views? uh, the views are very typical. I would prefer them to be a little brighter for my preference, but they are absolutely usable if you know how to do it. You know, picture perfect view. I've had training and I've trained beyond that and trying to always keep that in my forecast, if that's the case, that's fine and now for my 10 I'm now using the 13th round because it's effectively a pinky break for me. how would i carry this gun where to carry it i want to have a full grip on it now its getting faster and harder to time the hits right oh that works man you really feel the recoil on your trigger finger maybe they're pinching my bottom, so how did that work for me with this trigger that has such a firm wall and breakout?
I had to relax from target shooting now and just say and now and now and I just had to go through it and force it. I myself also remembered that when squeezing and flexing my hand, the small gun scenario when squeezing caused the shots to go a little to the left, as you saw in our What's for Dinner test, both I and I shot almost everything we was left because with a small gun, it could be that the sight is off, but most likely not, it is with a small gun that we are squeezing and that is pushing our barrel a little to the left, so now pull the trigger and hits that way, I was actually aiming a little bit. a little bit right on target now that we've figured it out let's do some accuracy testing and we'll give you our final thoughts so these days it seems like we've run out of mouthpiece okay we've got the 365 115 green signal. is ammunition that is actually intended for this type of weapon with a defensive ammunition accuracy of approximately seven yards, five shots.
I will shoot the square of the left circle. I don't know why I thought we were shooting the big guys, every single one of us. five rounds oh, this is blunt and I didn't put on battery oh, go ahead and hit the back of the slide oh, let me take the camera there, this is worse than what happened to me before, stay away hand with your left arm like, oh we got it locked in there, everything went well, go on, maybe that's too hot for this gun, sorry for the pause, I'm actually looking to make sure it goes back in, I know it's terrible, have it . but that's what happened, so there's my four shots, four, uh, let's find the fifth one and let's keep reloading that fifth round.
It didn't suffer any damage just that for some reason I didn't want to put the chamber in that time, no, not the chamber this time. time is still not on no, not fired this time same distance back same comfort with disassembly maybe that's out of spec, let's launch one more right now with a brand new fifth round, here we go, se He put a little redemption in the bedroom, okay. My five rounds of Sig 365 ammo, um, are kind of funny, in a way, you know, considering that the 365 is what started the whole trend towards these guns, that the 365 ammo didn't want to cooperate, like no, that It's not a sign, but. or maybe it's just not as specific as we thought anyway, it's a 115 grain ball and I'll be shooting the correct circle for my five shots.
I crushed that one, it felt like it was that heavy wall trigger and it definitely pinched me. trigger finger that time oh that's a scary little line


hurt me it's white that's a real pinch so guns this size are always a challenge for hands this size and that's still true , although, as Tia commented, this is the most pleasant extreme. shoots of the ones we've tried, I did my best to combat that hit a little to the left thanks to this wonderful place of memory here, this wonderful texture, I was pushing firmly there with my support and I kept things going, still I ended up going to Little Left, so that might be the place, so they look centered anyway, the gun overall, it's pretty shootable, it's pretty comfortable to shoot for it's size, it gives you a decent amount of firepower in a small size, I mean, with this magazine here.
We're talking 13 rounds plus a 14. I'm not a fan of three-inch guns. I carried one for a while, stayed away from it due to ballistics and sight radius, if that's not a concern of yours or you're running. ammo that is designed to compensate for that, that's where your plus b might come in or there's a lot of micro compact non plus p sub micro compact ammo out there, so it's fine manufacturing wise, other than the box scratch that many of you I saw it on the community page and thought yeah thanks Taurus couldn't make a nice gun other than that it doesn't feel like a cheap gun um it doesn't shoot like a cheap gun very well made I like the texture I like.
The shape of that heavy wall trigger is something you have to get used to, it may be appropriate, it's certainly not intended to be a target trigger by any measure, and we saw the effects of wondering when it will activate and when it is. it's going to go and then it goes or you have to rush which creates a risk of squeezing, flexing or crushing, we didn't have any crushing side down from mine but yeah overall I must say good job, Taurus. Taurus has been working hard to change things and I think this is a sign of that progress.
Yeah, I'm really curious to see what you reloaders and ammo fans have to say in the comments about those emotes and your thoughts on the matter with this gun. I've seen a lot of people say oh it's a portable gun, it doesn't matter, I'm just going to shoot portable ammo from time to time and those aren't reloads. I agree with that philosophy, I just hope it stays the same. Overall practice, I'm impressed with the Taurus GX4 Other than that, the breech seat issue is something of a caution. I would choose this as a carry weapon. The trigger scares me a little, but gives me enough opportunity to fix a flinch.
While there have been times with my normal gun where I've pulled it out to do a quick um, let's see how well I keep up with my skills with what I'm carrying, that surprised me so I appreciate that about this trigger, although it does let you know that the Friendly competition in the precision range is more challenging. What I noticed while Graham was talking right there after the spinner on us pulling to the left. We did it consistently, but I also noticed it on target as we progressed in our series. After five rounds, each of us came a little further to the right, so what that tells me is that we were getting more comfortable with the gun and the way it shot and our ability to handle that recoil, so that with time and practice this would be a perfect carry weapon for someone you already know, a more restrictive budget, the stippling is really nice, the memory points are really good, the fit for me is perfect and compared to other subcompacts of this size, they are quite pleasant to shoot.
I'm impressed with each other. Side note: I'm not picky, but it's something I haven't seen on other guns before you see these lines here on each of the magazines that started appearing after the first five rounds were used, the follower scratched a little, I don't think. It's a problem, I don't think the follower is going to wear out with a gun like this, you probably won't be shooting as much, but it's not something I've seen before and it's almost like they're cracking the brass. at such a steep angle that it causes the edge of the brass to catch there. um, it's kind of peculiar, it's not something I've seen before, it could just be that the material the follower is made of happens to be a little softer, but we noticed it, so we thought we'd tell you about it.
Well bye.

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