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Tattoo Enthusiast Reacts To : Women Get Detailed Single Needle Tattoos

May 30, 2021
Hello guys, we are doing very well in today's video. I'm going to react to a video that a BuzzFeed subchannel posted not too long ago, actually I think it was a day or so ago or two days ago. I don't know, but I'm filming this. I want to choose that. I think it was posted, but I was sent this video many times and it was also posted in my Facebook group several times. about two


who work for BuzzFeed and they each get a


with a



and you know I've done some videos about




s and how they age and how they work and things like that.
tattoo enthusiast reacts to women get detailed single needle tattoos
I just want to emphasize to you. Guys, people seem to think I'm against single needle


and that's definitely not the case. I definitely think they are pretty and very well made. The only ones I really have a problem with are the really small ones. micro touches that I've talked about before, those micro


that are really small and literally don't have much longevity, they end up blurry and all the little details that were in them in the beginning end up blurry and they end up looking not as hot in 5 10 15 years when There is enough room and space between the lines with single needle tattoos, so a larger piece that, in my opinion, is fine, but people need to learn and realize that with single needle tattoos they really do.
tattoo enthusiast reacts to women get detailed single needle tattoos

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tattoo enthusiast reacts to women get detailed single needle tattoos...

Fine lines end up getting bigger over time as your skin ages as the skin you know stretches and just goes through changes like everyone's skin does and the formula similar to your skin can change too, So not with me, I have dry and oily skin like on my face and stuff, but all over my body my skin is dry, but that can also change with hormones as they like to say, if you got pregnant or something like that, that kinds of things could change the way your skin behaves, as if there were so many. Factors when it comes to skin and how tattoos here and how tattoos age also have a lot to do with this, so if you live in a sunny climate like Los Angeles or somewhere in the United States that's pretty sunny, that It can speed up the aging process of a tattoo as well and when your tattoo is quite delicate like a single needle tattoo, it won't stand the test of time compared to something like that.
tattoo enthusiast reacts to women get detailed single needle tattoos
Now I am well aware that I always mention two additional tattoos as the highest than the type of tattoo, but there is a bold saying that will stick for a reason and bold tattoos last longer than fine, intricate tattoos and I would never expect them to. Someone would get a traditional tattoo because that's what wastes the most time, not at all if you want a fine tattoo. line tattoo, go ahead and take it off, just no, they won't stand the test of time any longer than a bold traditional tattoo or any type of bold tattoo, neo-traditional black work, whatever, but the more intricate and fine the tattoo and The closer the tattoo is.
tattoo enthusiast reacts to women get detailed single needle tattoos
The less readable it will be over time, so yeah, going back to this video that they wanted made me react, so I watched it a little bit just to see how long the video is and stuff like that I gave it. one click gave me a bit of a rascal. I didn't see it correctly. I also look at the comments and there are some people in the comments saying this won't stick or that single needle tattoos won't stick, so yeah, I've done that. I haven't seen what tattoos ours get, I don't know, I think we're already very small like a micro tattoo or they'll be quite big and spaced out, we'll see as it goes and there was a comment, oh no. where is my photo?
Yeah when I was scrolling through the comments I saw a comment that said molasses cough tattoos where are you we need you and then someone responded oh we're already talking about that on the Facebook page another person responded said I'll give it in at at least a week and then I say see you boo but I've been made aware of this and thanks for sharing and mentioning minion stuff like that so let's get on with it. Now I'm going to put the headphones on my laptop. it's here and well if I put the screen up you might be able to see it, there we go, I would film where I would normally film with something that conveys meaning, like where my desk is and all those photos and stuff, but setting that up only takes up to then and today I'm getting in a good mood this, oh, that's doing this and this and this right, I don't think they're tangled there, no, wait, tangled, I don't want to provoke anyone.
I would get comments like oh god. God, your headphones, okay. Wow, I forgot they didn't always cancel, but it makes my voice sound funny, oh my god, screaming right now. I'm so sorry, but I literally can't hear much, so let's get on with this. I'm sure that's our whole thought process when we get tattooed in a pretty itchy area, which is like you know what, everything's fine, it's fine, don't worry about it, like it's my own pain, it's fine, my relationship with tattoos is honestly. pretty strong one of the strongest relationships I've ever been in I would say the same thing but I've been in a relationship for six years but I can relate to that like tattoos won't let you down, talkies won't fool you, tattoos just bring .
You are happiness and confidence, so I like it, I can understand what she says. I like this girl. I like it. This girl started getting tattoos too young, so I have a lot of sorry tattoos of her when she was younger that are very unattractive but luckily easy. hidden by clothes oh, I like these girls, I identify with them anyway. I'm just like Hannah. I've definitely had some questionable tattoos, but I've covered up quite a few, but I still have a few here and there that I'm you know, wanting to even get lasered off or covered up, luckily I managed to cover up the one on my hand recently, which was fantastic, but it's that's why I make the videos I make because I was like Hannah when I was younger.
I got tattooed. the most local tattoo I didn't think about it and I ended up with questionable tattoos and I ended up having to do a lot of cover ups and yes that's why I make this content to help them and stop them. guys who make the same mistakes I did when I was younger and aren't as informed so I hope my videos help you in some way and help you make better decisions. I relate to Hannah's little Bo, it's like she really has that. nice bow on her wrist that if she thought it was bad I don't think it's a bad tattoo if that's the worst thing about it that's not bad honestly in my opinion I have a bow on my wrist here that will eventually be covered soon yeah I want I mean, I've seen worse, at least this small, so he didn't make any big mistakes, well, obviously, I haven't seen the rest of his tattoos, but it's not bad anyway, I'm going to get an orchid, it's like an orchid plant, so there are several flowers on it.
I'm getting a tattoo of a deer skull with flowers. I have a disco on the small of my back with flowers, so I know it's a pretty popular design or object or whatever you want to call it, so I'm not saying that she's copying or that anyone is copying here, let me emphasize that I know that It's kind of popular, but I personally like the idea of ​​these two tattoos. I feel like all the kids would look better with a single needle than the deer. I feel like with a disco you need a little more OOP, maybe a little more blending because with something like that there are a lot of different textures, so in my opinion I made the antlers quite strong with a bold outline and there may be a little more intricate and fine detail inside the skull, that's personally how I would do it in this situation, but with your child, in my opinion, a nice


interspersed flower tattoo is always nice and look, you know , this headset, by the way, keeps falling.
My ears stick out really annoying. I'm so excited to see you again. You actually did my tattoo cover. Yeah, I mean, you can say it's a cover-up in my opinion because it's so heavy, but it looks so worn out if you know it was. saying that the lines look so messed up and all the details as you can see in this tattoo have been there as a kind of disappearance. I don't know if this was done with a single needle inside this tattoo and I can also make it out like on the wings there are some separate lines there so I really have to go in maybe I should wear my glasses for this but I can see inside of the wing there are some lines there as you can see they've actually blurred a little bit and it's making it look cloudy and this is what I was saying before with micro touches, when the lines heal they get thicker and you start to lose those intricate details as we can see in this tattoo again.
I don't know what the artist's technique was. For this I'm just assuming and I probably shouldn't assume, but yeah, if you try really hard and look at what's going on there with the lines inside the tattoo, it's blurry and it doesn't look like he spoke, um, but he said yes. It's not a horrible tattoo, but I would be picky here. I definitely say this is an old tattoo. Ok, hello, you're editing me. I wanted to let you know because this girl said she had these eyes tattooed before and I thought maybe. It was a video so I did a little deep digging on YouTube and I found the video of the cover up and there's a before and after and oh my gosh you guys make we just couldn't play this clip for all of you.
Right at Disneyland with my good friends Warren. I need to remember this for the rest of my life. I'm going to get a tattoo. It's a silhouette, a ball with a finger and it looks like it's bent over taking shit like that weirdly shaped cover. Okay, no, if we compare this, this was done a little over three years ago, so if we compare it to what it looks like now, look at that comparison, it's crazy, like there are so many intricate details and white highlights in that tattoo and everything would have disappeared. Obviously, because of aging and the location that it's in, it's not really an area that you know is affected in much the same way that your hair would have covered it, so not much sun damage would have occurred, you know, and well, maybe you know that she wore her hair quite up. a little bit, but usually behind the year there's not much to affect if that makes any sense, like there's nothing really rubbing there, you know, it's not like your hands or whatever, where you use it constantly or whatever, like that which yeah, wow, anyway, so I made two different versions for you based on what you told me you like.
They are so beautiful because they are so well


in this fine mind. I couldn't see what the hell was going on on that piece of paper. I don't know. I know some of you, but I couldn't really see what was going on there at all and we just go back and see if I can get close-up laughs. I can see gray lines here and there, but I can't make out what that is or in the slightest and I'm, this is a big screen that you guys like, it's not like I'm watching it on a small screen, like you're watching this on a phone or something.
I can't imagine you can see any details on that sheet. I can't even on this big screen so delicate and it just reminds me of nature, not like dad again, with these really fine lines, it's hard to do. Find out what's going on, obviously I can tell it's a nightclub with one rose or two roses, three roses, I think there's like three roses that notice there's another one there, it's hard to tell it apart, especially when it's so finely striped and obviously you you see better. as a tattoo because it's like the outline, the basics of tattooing, the structure of the touch, personally for me I would definitely go for a blend of lines with something like this to really balance it out rather than making all the details fine and intricate.
That's me personally, I thought I've been tattooing for about 12 years. The way I characterize my tattoos is with a lot of fine, black and gray lines, a lot of attention to detail and custom design for my clients, okay, so I would quickly want to use it. his tattoos as an example, which are fantastic. I'm glad you liked it. This Egyptian piece that you can see here is a pretty large tattoo, it looks like it's on the back of someone's neck, so if you look at the wings, I can see that obviously individual needles are used in this tattoo, we see that there are a lot of spaces there , so as the tattoo ages, as the ink spreads over time because there are so many spaces there, it will age very well in my opinion.
Yeah, as tattoos get bolder due to aging and stuff like that, there's enough room on the edge there so it doesn't all get confusing and messy, and the same thing happened throughout the tattoo, to be honest, there's enough space. there and inside all the kind of outfit and things like that, like your stuff is very close together, but once it spreads, it makes sense to say that this tattoo is big enough to stop the aging process, so in my opinion, this is like a good example of how a new tattoo should be done now if we look at the butterfly tattoo, so inside the body there are some dotted white highlights here and there thateventually they obviously become darker and a little cloudier and the texture of the butterfly will eventually disappear over time.
I'm talking about years and years and years and years and years here too with the details on that wing here with the roses, so there's one with the eye, but the one behind it, yeah, I don't know. like the leaves and things like that, they may not be as prominent after a few years, also looking at this paper crane again, there is enough space here, so when the tattoo gets older and the lines get thicker, it will look good, but My only concern is that when people get these tattoos they're not aware of how tattoos age and stuff, so they get this tattoo thinking it's going to stay really, really. lose weight really, really well and then you know, then of healing and then six months later, a year later, for five years later, you will notice that the lines have been blurred because people don't talk about it because it's not It's been proven that a lot of people don't realize that this is going to happen, you know, and that's my concern, so yeah, I don't know if this artist tells her clients that this can happen or not.
I don't know, I don't want to. to say she does and I don't want to say no because I just don't know anyway, one of the hardest ones I mean because you can see every thought. I agree with that. I agree with that. because you know, 9 strokes of straw once that line is done, there is nothing there that can help you mass the fact that the line may be a little shaky, so with traditional tattooing you will notice that the lines are very bold, but if you color the areas that are not used as line work areas if that makes any sense then if you just have like an outline of a traditional tattoo and sometimes you will see like a little bit of shaky line but then once you color it or you fill it in put it in and do the shading and stuff like that, it can really mask, you know, some dodgy line work in here, like I've said in some videos, no tattoo is perfect and you always find a little flaw in here without it.
A doubt because at the end of the day the people who do it touch humans and you know that they are only humans, but with tattoos like this you have to have a very, very, very firm hand, otherwise you can see the mistakes, there is no nothing to cover. them up or something, especially if the client just wants to work with lines and doesn't want to add dots or shading or anything else that might try to mask that little dotted line, you know, so yeah, she's there and she does it. She takes skill to do micro tattoos, fine line tattoos, single needle taps, she does it and I've said it before she realizes it, it takes skill to do it.
I feel like all my other tattoos are really strong, very much like bold outlines, and this is so just pretty and soft. I love his other tattoos. I love this girl, she's amazing and I'm curious to see how this works with her other tattoos of hers because, like she was saying, she has big bold touches on her arm with a very thick line. work and now that you have this fine detailed tattoo in between this I'm curious to see how it all works together and if it just looks good you know it has to have that balance or does it look out of place yeah I'm definitely not afraid of mix styles.
I definitely think people should mix styles, but I don't like contrast, very heavy work and then very fine details. I had never seen that before personally. I'm curious to know what this is like. It just makes me want to get tattoos, just these close-up clips and stuff like that make me want to get tattoos so bad. I need a new one. It's really so different from everything else, so I managed to pause the video at this point. over time you can see how there's another tattoo there and then the new tattoo and unfortunately with the new tattoo it's quite red so it's hard to understand what's going on here, but I would say it works pretty well, it's something I would do.
A person needs to have such a fine, detailed tattoo and thicker, bolder Hmong tattoos, not personally that's not something I would do, but I think it works for her like all power, honestly, with the larger flowers, like orchids bigger, in my opinion, either good or Okay, and I would say it heals quite well, but with a smaller orchid, like the buds after your children, at the bottom here and then with this one here that is sideways, like these two who are sideways, the healing process will definitely be complicated. that a little bit you'll lose a lot of detail within that you'll be a little bit like what's happening here type thing with the buttons down here again once those lines blur a space there between the two lines disappeared.
I keep going. on Hanna's tattoo I like it too I have a disco like I was saying but there's so much fine detail on hers and I loved the big rows at the top here I think it's so beautiful I really think it's a beautiful rose and I wish it was It would be like this because believe me, it would be covered in these little intricate tattoos, especially rose tattoos, which are my favorite because they are so beautiful and very well done. I'll give that rose to the artist. It's impressive, the smaller roses down here again when they get older.
I don't know how well detailed they will remain. I feel like the skull will actually hold up pretty well because there's enough room on the edge there again, the lines will blur and it's not going to look as sharp as the years go by and with the lack of contour on the antlers as well. I don't know, I'm so used to tattoos having really defined outlines because I love traditional tattoos and neo-traditional touches. I think they're awesome and even with my sleeping realism I have outlines on them especially in my house and stuff like there are outlines practically everywhere yeah the definition of the antlers probably won't last as well as they would with an outline and that's it, we can't see what it looks like or anything like that.
I'm going to have a quick look on Instagram to see if I can find anything so I found the artist's Instagram page and I found both churches so this was from Jasmine and the artists definitely used one of those filters that takes the redness out of a new tattoo, which is fine in my opinion. I made a video a while ago about Photoshop tattoos and Ice alters your tattoos and I've claimed it as some kind of false advertising when done extremely, but to remove redness it's like lowering the saturation on black word tattoos, in my opinion, that's fine, I feel like everyone knows that tattoos go well. when they know that, in my opinion, that's fine and it makes the tattoo look much better than in the video, so that's it, I still stand by the point that you know the details like that, but let's see if we can. go to Jasmine's profile and see if she has a healed tattoo there.
I'm just checking. No, the only photo she has is the one that was on the artist's profile, but it's in color, so she doesn't have any curated photos. of this tattoo and then this one is of Hannah to see if they have posted any curated photos of her tattoo which looks nothing like me she doesn't have any photos of her tattoos she's actually okay so no curated photos here which would have been The nice thing about seeing it is seeing how they have been cured based on the surrounding dates, these were made in February so yes they are definitely cured now, it's been about a month since they were finished but yeah look at my final thoughts about this. video I wish they had said at the beginning of the video how they age and the pros and cons of single needle tattoos and stuff like that, and I'm glad they don't get micro tattoos, that's one thing that's probably the only tattoo style What I have is that we can't spread this anywhere because they are the most problematic in the single needle tattoo category, so to speak, because they are so small and there is just not enough area or trash for the ink.
It will spread and get a little blurry and muddy and whatever, but overall they're not the worst tattoo videos ever, but yeah, I hope to see more videos like this about traditional tattoos and neo-traditional churches and other styles. of tattoos, not just those, but other styles of tattoos as well, but I feel like these kinds of companies like BuzzFeed and stuff always focus on the small, intricate tattoos or, you know, the most expensive tattoo or whatever, like They asked me to react. videos and I've been talking about BuzzFeed tattoo videos for a while now and I don't know because I know people are entertained by that and stuff, but I don't know, I don't know, I'm kind of indifferent to the whole thing, honestly, but yeah Anyway, I'd love to hear your guys' thoughts and opinions on the BuzzFeed video in this video and would you ever get an intricate fine line tattoo with a single needle?
Do you have one personally? How is it cured? Do you like the way it heals? Did you notice that it has tried to shut down, yes, since you had it, I would love to know, and yes, until my next video, I hope everyone is doing well and until then,

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