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Tattoo Artists Fix Bad Tattoos #2 | Tattoo Artists Answer

Jun 01, 2021
We know these are tough guys, these are real, these are real, okay, okay, so let's do the retouching to cover them up, leave them alone, okay, no, no, this is my favorite man. Bad


s are awesome. Intentionally bad


s are awesome. I've done more things like having the same tattoo, but just doing it better, so I haven't covered up something like an angel and then turned it into I don't know a dragon or something, but I definitely fixed it. to make them look better than they really are, boobs in the back, I mean who doesn't want boobs in the back, the artist must have really hated her, why did you make that mistake at the beginning?
tattoo artists fix bad tattoos 2 tattoo artists answer
I like it, but I don't think I should go to them, the solution would be to cover it up, but what I have no idea about, anything other than boobs on someone's back, the simple


is to wear your bra backwards, all you need It's like his name there too, you know. Complete the package. I can really do almost anything with it because it's so lightweight, but why would you want to? I would have made the breasts a little higher in case she is wearing harder. This tattoo just reminds me of a bad prison tattoo joke.
tattoo artists fix bad tattoos 2 tattoo artists answer

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tattoo artists fix bad tattoos 2 tattoo artists answer...

Well, it's pretty late to cover it up and fix it, but I'd really like to know why she got it in the first place, since I have questions for her before I can fix it. Yes, there is a lot of space around it. she can relieve herself, it's not super black, that would be easy to cover up as long as she gave it a size small oh girl yeah, an eight ball on top. I have nothing, that's my ID. I see a lot of these


that come in my Shop that look like this and I cover them all.
tattoo artists fix bad tattoos 2 tattoo artists answer
It must have been the person's first tattoo. I would like to talk to you about someone who is terrible. This is a good example of you. You get what you pay for. I think you can cut off her arm. Half her face got caught in a fire? Yes, I think my son could get a better tattoo than that. It's a total side note: how can you leave a studio and be like or maybe die outside the house? I almost said he could fix it to make it look nice, but I'd probably want to cover it up anyway, okay, so it's not terrible and it's late enough that you can definitely redo the whole thing.
tattoo artists fix bad tattoos 2 tattoo artists answer
I feel like many times people tell me to be patient. I'm about to blow your mind I want a face, it'll be a girl's face, we'll talk later about maybe dyeing one eye blue, now hold your penis because the other half of the face will be something different, boom, mind-blowing and Every time it seems like hot garbage, but hey, why do they put a mole, a hairy mole where the vagina is? I love this one, this isn't perfect, it doesn't need anything, what are these people doing in that pool? Bodies can't even fix anything these could put a head on, that's just disgusting, that man has a mother somewhere, she's crying blood, we'd skip all this, yeah, these are real, these are real, oh, That's easy, to cover that with the long sleeve, no, I would like to, I think.
They are beautiful and they are all enough when there is enough space around that shitty tattoo, you usually don't have too much trouble covering it, no man like that, that mole of hair maneuvers pretty pretty, I would do anything to keep that up. intact with whatever covers that, I'd honestly keep it as is. I had to do that once with a guy who had a really big skin tag and I wanted him to tattoo me like some kind of cool lake lizard with sunglasses and a lake. He has his sunglasses on and he's resting, but the mark on his skin is the lizard sausage which is great, grandpa has great jokes for the kids, ooh, these are so bad, oh, big deal, no good that one , I only add a dragon, this is really annoying.
I am a lifelong pig fan, that person should stop doing it. I love how bad this tattoo is, even though it's not all good, but it's baby, baby, it's like they made Biggie, a real baby. He looks like a little boy. I punched him. a lot, it looks like wood somehow, that one I wouldn't even know what to do or just hit him right on that one, you could actually, I'd probably say yes, like you couldn't remember, I mean, with the rape skills, you definitely could. turn that into a portrait that looks like him. I wouldn't say it's just him to the point where he can't be saved even a little bit.
I wouldn't even cover that. I would make him live with the fact that he looks a bit alike. It'll probably fit them, I should wear it for a while, bet little. I don't think this should be fixed. I think it's accurate and looking him in the face, he knows I love him. It probably fits him well, look at his face, although it's not much. small, maybe you can get a small tattoo to cover it with a small tattoo. I'm on a big one, any kind of script like that, you can fix it, no, yeah, no, it's cute, it has to be that bad for it to work. job, so someone much bigger gave it to him inside.
He has one of those ears that he was going to get. You are above. We used to turn letters into flowers when I started tattooing and that was the biggest thing people got. name tattooed on them and you would turn all the letters into little daisies and I want someone to have heard of the tattoo. I could definitely make him look more like a zombie, that's a cool thing, I mean, it's terrible, but it's a cool thing. look at that style, he was looking for his own b-boy, this guy is not employable, like you have to use a laser, it only helps if you have him in a fist.
I'm more concerned about the fact that he couldn't pull out some kind of tooth. To portray it on his face, this guy needs to give up on life completely. 110%


are forever blah blah blah blah blah, but if you're trying to make a statement, why not make it artistic? The best thing you can do would be to give the mouthpiece depth and dimension of him redo the signs of the face as if all these things could be redone and make him look cleaner and cooler. He is a pretty boy, like he should have been a model.
I don't know, with people with tattoos on their faces like that. He's not very covered and then it's just a hodgepodge, it's really bad. Tattoos are not good. I like face tattoos, but I wish they put a little effort into making them look good. I don't understand this man in general, like facial tattoos. I love facial tattoos. They're great, it can be done, but why would you want your teeth to rot? I would send him to the hospital first. Don't know. The man looks like a tumor that looks like a big piece of shit. Oh, you couldn't go.
On top of that, you just have to laser it right away. I'm not even sure what I'm looking at. Well, I think I need to do a space scene. Maybe we'll do that to some poor girl's chest. Hmm, there are antibiotics to fix that. antibiotics sorry, you can fix that, you need Jesus, you can't fix that, pray, yeah, I was praying to the Dark Lord quite a bit, oh boy, once all his illness heals and he goes into quarantine for a couple of months, we can convert That in a beautiful galaxy, who is that cover-up, oh my God, it's already a cover-up.
I think this happens, please. What is something that is an infection. I mean, that would be an easier solution because it seems like you could just destroy it. pumpkin freckles you might want to cut off your nose everyone gets freckles in a sweet bundle oh i love this i love this what's real so she came in and said that's the new freckles trend this is super adorable a who doesn't like freckles oh freckles that look like really bad blackheads oh pool girl oh god they look like blackheads yeah again she looks like doctor poppers. The only option for that would probably be very, very good as a concealer or maybe laser removal.
I wouldn't cover that. I would have it removed with a laser, that's why we make lasers today, because everything you know shouldn't be covered up. Normally I don't like to recommend putting a similar color on top of another, but this is one of the times where it would probably help if you like to cover it with a lighter color, I would mute it, you could lighten them with some things you already know about the tone of the skin. I've seen this one, I like that one, I mean, yeah, I mean, obviously, keep, I mean, why would you ever want anything else? in your life I love this tattoo, the old arm nail, this is a guy who looks at life and is like, you know what?
I'm going to take lemons and make them into a giant thumb, a big old miniature, your dumb son probably lost his. hand doing something dumb like trying to fix the tractor while it was running because he didn't feel like getting on it to stop it is like Kenneth Anger, you don't cover that, that's awesome, yeah, it's so cool that they're bringing everything everything yeah, that's well, that's awesome, that's awesome, you're making the best of a crazy situation, dude, which is why I guess if they cut off your hand you might as well do something cool with it, I mean, if he wanted to cover that up and turn around. thats in a better tattoo, i personally prefer the light of a shark, this is what i would call a non fake tattoo, its using what you have and turning it into something else that could be real, this one is amazing, i would date this guy legit, this guy is dumb, no, he doesn't give a man like this the amazing way to go to have a sense of humor, he looks like a church pastor, what weapons are eyebrows, that's it, should I say me?
I'm like you don't have much time to live, just hang it on us, that's sweet to me, I like to keep rocking those, that's another one, I mean if you covered it up it would be bigger and blacker, you couldn't do anything good with it . You could turn them into eyebrows, oh no, there's nothing you can do there, nothing at all, except wear a wig that covers that face. Oh my gosh, you could turn them into eyebrows like Bert from Sesame Street, that guy who also looks cool or really. Dangerous there is no way to know, leave him alone, how did you get a photo of my grandfather?
I think my grandmother would like a tattoo like this, she always has to draw on her eyebrows, where did you have to look to find this image? guys like 90 years old you gotta I wanna see my grandpa and just make the dining room if my eyebrows weren't so fancy now you'd just know that's the thing is you don't know if he's excited or not because his eyebrows are permanently like He had a face like he just stole the last cookie from the cookie jar and he's not telling anyone.

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