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Taraji P. Henson Talks Empire, Family, Mental Health & More | expediTIously Podcast

Jun 06, 2021
It seems like we're always like we've made it until we get the Golden Globe, but that was in places that don't really want to say, "Okay, guys, welcome back soon." I don't know if you've noticed yet, but My next guest is someone whose work includes some of my favorite movies and TV shows of all time. She's someone we've come to love in the spotlight rose of her, from Cookie and Empire to Sugar, Hustle and Flow, your vet and your baby. She has earned three Emmy nominations, a Golden Sparkle Critics Choice Award and three accounts here Wars.
taraji p henson talks empire family mental health more expeditiously podcast
I don't normally announce awards, but I had to highlight this one's work. Okay she is our own round girl please welcome to my sister the cool one to raise your P hence all you have been quite a busy young lady what is this urge coming from and not trying to go back there out of fear to be bankrupt? Yeah, needing some money is Carlos Vela would say I just don't do it. I know I just got it from my parents. You know my father was a metal fabricator he fought with and no, my mother was a bull.
taraji p henson talks empire family mental health more expeditiously podcast

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taraji p henson talks empire family mental health more expeditiously podcast...

You know she worked at Woodward and Lothrop. No, I do not know. Macy's bought it from you and um. big retailer, yeah, thanks and she worked her way up from the basement putting tags on merchandise to hack it, have her own office with employees under her, so I watched that happen, you know, I watched her stop using, she only had like one . a pair of year-round dress shoes to upgrade, so when you're around her, how could you not? I think you know that that same blue-collar attitude you know toward me is what we've all been gravitating toward.
taraji p henson talks empire family mental health more expeditiously podcast
You know what I am saying. I suppose you have a simple frankness. Do you think this is something that makes it harder for women, especially black women, to be successful in this business, it's just hard for black women period mmm I don't care what business you're in it's really hard man , that sounds difficult coming from the most, I mean, successful, successful, brightest. beings on the planet, so to put it nicely, do you know why? - I got it - It could be. I don't want to mention names because I don't want to single out people, but you know we can see that made me let's just take Jennifer Lawrence because I love her and I don't want this to ever come out and you know, but I'm just saying that other actresses who aren't black women make


money, that's why they have the privilege of doing maybe one or two projects a year or maybe sometimes you'll see them at a certain time of year mmm no why because they get paid but I'm in a hurry you see actors like me Biola Octavia working We're working 'cause we're not making money Regina King Regina, can we have two, baby, we have two, that's why it looks like we work hard, we have two, yeah, we gotta work on it.
taraji p henson talks empire family mental health more expeditiously podcast
I mean, I think I'd like to be able to make a movie and make 20 million in ten if I could. just win ten million or a movie. I'll relax the rest of the year, but I have to work like this, we're going to try to find a way to do it and I know the way I learned it from my guy tied up here you put up your own money and do it yourself. First I have to earn my own money. Yeah, you know,


money, more problems. So the more money you make, the more bills you'll have, the more people you'll have to hire, so I.
I'm working to pay people I take care of the people I work with but I need you to know what I'm saying I have to work I have to work I can't take a break I can do it I invest you have to understand I invest I have fine nasal discharge, that's great, let's listen about that, yes, you know, it will fall soon. It's a soft launch on December 29. Oh, hard releases on January 20th. I can't give too much information but it's really great but what if I just wanted to be an actress, I mean I know we're in the day now that you have to build a brand, you have to diversify because acting just won't keep you going forever. invest in movies with oh oh oh yeah, yeah, yeah, I wanted to run.
Okay, Finger White was a baby. Okay, so listen to me, so this has been my challenge. We're ok. You know how the civil rights movement began. It's because of the death of a boy named Emmett Till. That's why the civil rights movement. It even started, that's right, so why do we have a story about Martin Luther King? We have a story about Rosa Parks. We have a story about everything centered on the civil rights movement, except the child's death. Hmm, who caused it? I've heard rumors. and rumors and it's frustrating because I almost ran into Beyoncé and Jay-Z was like, give me the money, but hey, look at this, look at this, no, this is what I normally try to tell you, no matter how big our problems are. the problem is not the problem, the lack of a solution is the problem, so if you can identify the problem, you just need to understand it, you don't need to feel the room with enough people who can find the solution to your problem and the problem was that already I would not exist.
I think you are an extraordinarily talented, gifted, accomplished actress, and everyone supports you in the culture you like, our whole system, our teas, moms and girlfriends, baby moms, and why I like you. to somehow represent all the black woman fads in every relationship any man can have, so I never want you to feel discouraged in any way. I never want you to feel like you are not appreciated. I never want you to feel any way. In the same way that you are not enough because you lack nothing and we appreciate you for everything you have honestly contributed, I feel sorry for people and that is why I have honestly made a conscious decision to not try to fit in where we are not wanted.
That's like I'm tired of begging for the Golden Globes and I'm not begging but I'm just saying it seems like we're always like we made it until we get into the world but that was in places that don't really want us there you know what I mean and why that's the end of everything and everything oh, you're talented or you made it or you're a celebrity or it's your success that you're preparing for You get your feelings hurt every time you try to belong to a club that doesn't suit you. wants good, but we're always doing good, we always find ourselves tagging Oscar, so why should we care?
We have enough time and money to create our own. they build the beat, I mean, let's make the n-double-a-cp Image Awards bigger than I mean, you know what I'm saying, like we have the resources to do it, that's right, but we're very busy trying. to get validation look for validation in other places where they just don't educate us mm-hmm dig admitting and it's like a vicious circle it's almost crazy it's almost every year we wait for them to leave yes you're approved and then when they don't Yes we don't get into our feelings, we get salty and it's always a hashtag, but that's what controls us.
I'm a firm believer and this is a philosophy that I try to base my life on and it's basically If you live for the Cheers, you'll die by the alcohol, that part and you'll be clear about what you're doing. It could be for the applause as I am for changing. I'm an artist to the core hmm, so whatever I do. I hope it's affecting someone in a positive way. I hope some images that I'm portraying someone in the audience go, oh God, that's me. I need to work on that, you know what I mean. I'm trying to inspire the way art inspired and sustained me.
They took me off the streets and kept me from going to jail for doing the bad thing my friends were doing. You know, his art saved me, so I know how powerful art is. I take it very seriously because I know it. why my purpose in this mmm I will take it very seriously that's when I choose the roles that I choose you know, I choose the roles that seem to be quite stereotypical because I know that I can bring humanity to them I know that I can make people go away hmm oh wow, I know to this girl, maybe I need to feel something different about her, well, they can see why she's loud or they can understand why she has this attitude or this anger, you know, that's why I try to play those characters, because you know. the hands of the wrong actor, they could just be some kind of show, no one is going to hook up with another sassy black girl, you know, quick and sassy claps, but they need to see why that is, look, that brings me to my next question, I think I'm not going to do that because they feel intimidated by it.
It's not just me, but I'm asking you why you think Hollywood and I guess you could say society has such deep-rooted issues with black women and a reality that is the light, that's a question. of a light, I just want to say what do you know, I mean, it's because you know that they don't, they don't want to feel rejection from a black man because black people like it fast when you're not good enough. Yes, when you haven't achieved glory, they will make sure you know it and then you will be held accountable. I think it's like the fear of facing that moment well every time you hate a particular person or group of people. hate arises from fear, this is true, so I cannot answer what they fear because we are nothing but good.
I mean, we are not buyers during slavery, we breastfed their babies to the point where our breast was empty and we couldn't feed. our own children, then why do you fear us so much and hate us so much? I don't understand why every movie we tell, every store we show, always shows us extending our hand on the table mm-hmm, right, you know, being inclusive, right? I know that helping even the enemy, brushing the hair of those who killed the innocent man in his damn house, you know that's on us, yeah, so that's their fear. I can not answer.
I also feel like cutting it down so as not to offend anyone else, I think that's it. You know, I think for a long time black women have had to take a backseat or felt like they had to take a backseat to not offend their bosses by having the right answers in the meeting or you know what I am. Saying like I think that's been preached throughout history in a lot of different ways, so now you just know, I think you know, black women say this. I agree. I see that we are a little firm, we have to cut it. out with the strong fight, nothing, I see where they are coming from, therefore, with the magic of the black girl because it dehumanizes us, nothing good, I understand, I doubt it, I want them to do it and I make sure that they continue to do is recognize. your allies, you understand, none of us can make it out here alone, it's okay, that's all, I just believe that once we recognize our ally we can achieve anything in the world, we hope, black women, well, we hope so. first thing black women have to do. is to start hugging, we have to stay together first, right?
And that means you know, supporting relationships. I'm the type of woman, if I know a few, I have a man. It's out, you know what I'm saying, if I'm a no, because that's karma, you know it's because if you're counting on your home and you think your home is going to be okay, that's it, come on, karma's going to get you at some point, hey. , no, I'm just saying that's how I operate. okay but I'm saying it absolutely can't be done but black women have to do it first we have to come together as a sisterhood because we are bigger and have more impact in numbers but look society has pitted all women against each other and then when you go down to the bottom of the totem pole where we live, now we have nothing, so now we're fighting each other for everything, jobs, men, everything, like I, no, I think that and this is, this is very dangerous.
This is a very, very, very dangerous statement that I am about to make, but I will do it because I am a troubled man. This is the video statement, it is the basis of why I feel women would never achieve true equality. Say no, but go ahead, and the reason I feel that way is because they weren't meant to be equal, they were meant to be better than you. I'm going to say that I feel like women should be treated better than you. You know what I mean. That's why. I feel like he's walking in the room.
I am completely in favor of it. My seat that's why when I get to the door first, I'm going to make sure I get to the door first so I can open it like that. I know that's how I feel, you've earned the right and you've proven you deserve it, and I think preaching equality is kind of like your good manners. Women are here and women are saying, “Hey, we should be treated the same.” I don't think this is so. I don't think that's the most, I think that's hey, you guys aren't treating us well enough, you know what I'm saying, I think that's, I think that's the approach to me, you know, I mean, but that's not it's neither here nor there, I think you guys know you don't like it, you know, don't clap too loud too soon, that's beautiful for T to hear a man say no.
I really feel like that man who is going crazy like they know how to say like, damn. You know it's a double standard because to be honest with you, for the most part my approach is supposed to be pleasing them and when they tend not to, you asked for equality but that's not now, you should never seek equality because I feel like you should. be, you know more than you know, I mean, you should just hand it to a man, you guys aren't up to par with what you're supposed to be doing, so you shouldto play their game, but that's not equality, that still recognizes that you all should treat us better than that, that's just bad, how do you tell a man's ego that he's a man?
The reason women are in the position they are in now is because of men. I will accept it. that statement if you recognize that that is for good and bad, you did what I am saying, if you recognize that that is good and bad, I will accept that statement, but if you say the reason why we are in the worst positions and again what is the reason why the one that we're in the position where here right now is for black women, I can go, that's okay, that's never all you want to say, that's why we're in a position where, because I don't know what that means exactly. , the same way you feel when I see it.
It's the same way I said women I said women this is the world of men this is the world of men this is the work of the devil that's intellectually speaking okay cool that's intellectually speaking let's talk about what it is now you see what It happened when a woman tried to get into office, she was sabotaged by men, wait a minute, just wait a minute, if we are talking about this particular topic, I think she can say that all I voted for her and wanted her voted popularly, honey, but there was a decision to do or not to do something that she made that no one else could control except her and I feel like those are the decisions that led her to not be in office.
I don't think there was a man who came in and did it. something, you know, I mean, she stood up to the man who played the dirty pilots, they're the politicians, they practice dirty politics, that's why we, that's why you know, we call it politics, is she stupid to him? No, I'm right, not her, not her. and nothing is worse than what we have, so you know, I'm saying I'm not going to argue in defense of it. I'm just going to be honest about this conversation that women have about not getting paid equally, that's abortion, no.
I'm saying that if you do the same job as a man, you work in the same place as a man, you're just qualified, you're competent, you're just as capable as a man, you should make the same money, well that's not the case, what brings me back to What I mean is that men put us in this position, it is also men who are okay at all. I'm not saying that all men are us. I'm speaking before you. I'm talking about the ancestors. That's what I'm no saint here in me. photo absolutely, I mean it's all of us, but at the end of the day, a man, a black man, will get a higher paying job before a black woman.
That has been my experience. I tell you this from my experience in this industry, other people. I'm not trying to argue, I'm not trying to argue that point, form or fashion, however, I think we should give value to things that are really important and valuable and you have something invaluable that cannot be reproduced and I think that that is its energy. It's worth saying that you have an unwavering strength and an undeniable energy that replaces any amount of money, any payment for any service, and someone has to stand on the line and say, man, treat me the way I need to be treated and handle things the way you should.
The way I change will change soon, come, so you know my check before the problem is I think it's a check, how is it not? If you can make sacrifices like you've made in some areas, we make those sacrifices in other areas, say financially. We could invest in things and rather be total owners of them instead of asking to be taller. I think us women can do what Ice Cube does too and we are, but what I'm telling you is we're not getting the same amount of money, honey, I know that for sure. I just finished my own deal.
I mean, was it starring in a movie or was it financing a movie and producing that available pie? Yeah, we're all good, what man? I think he is fair. How could we be fair? This changed the Cullens. What color do you like? My favorite is red. My favorite is yellow. So I mean the green one. I mean, listen, man. I know the road gets tough and you've had a tumultuous day. and I've had to choose for a few months. I mean, I'm going through a lot and no. I refuse to complain. My handbag. I carry my bad.
When you're a public figure, you just have to walk in. knowing that not everyone likes you is not number one, you will be a fool if you think that everyone likes you and number two, you will be a fool and you would be crazy if you go out here and try to please everyone, yeah. Jesus was simply nailed to the cross, see? So they say don't bring me things if you come to the story, that's how the moral of the story is, no matter how good you are mm-hmm, they will nail you. to the cross, but we, someone, okay, you will go to the cross for someone who is not fit to criticize that part and just because they are not living their life under a microscope, we cannot separate their flaws like they cannot with ours.
It's not even today in a day. They couldn't live through the day as if through a microscope. It's just because they keep this a secret and don't understand that they can say things, yeah, that no one will ever care. say something if someone disagrees and decides to create a hashtag right now we are or we cancel you talk about culture you talk about the luxury of being nobody in the luxury of being nobody they have exclusive anonymity they operate with their and you know they can have an opinion one day and have a completely contrasting opinion the next week and no one will know and no one will care where we are.
We are bound by all our statements and positions. No, just don't try to please everyone. You can't, it's okay, I just don't care that much because you're happy, a good person. I'm doing good for your


. I care about exactly who they are. I can't because of the people around me, man, what and you. Care about your community because you do a lot of work for the community I do I do I do but what I'm saying is where my kids mm-hmm my wife my friends my mom you know what I mean I care about what they think of me and I have another philosophy: you can't give the most consideration to people with the least amount of information, so usually the people who judge and criticize especially or social media have the least amount of information about us, jump on the bandwagon. they turn a headline into your whole life yeah you know anything and that's not the way so I took away their power by not paying attention to this sheet and I focus on the people around me if these people if I see if it's in my face, so it's real hmm, but if it's just on social media, I mean, I have to pick up my phone here, the app, dive into the comment.
I scrolled through about three four times to find what someone said, something nasty about me. just to get my attention because that's probably the most important thing that's going to happen in your lives this year and I mean, I think you know, use the truth. See, this is the thing about the double standard with social media, right, yeah, we get it. We are adults and what happens to the children who don't know what to do with it, what makes sense? The children don't know what to do with it. We are adults. We speak from the neighborhood.
The children are not from the neighborhood. In the neighborhood they don't know what to do with it, except that Akane King grew up around kids, so they don't have that thick skin like we have, we have kids who have psychotic breaks in their first year of college because no one likes this except you. I know what happened, right, because on social media they drink why we were too easy on ourselves. We were too easy. We wanted to treat them with all the love and care and a little extra special attention that we didn't have and that's what made them. myself, but our parents did the same thing to us, come in here, okay, every generation did it better than the last, right there, make sure every generation said, "I'll do it for my son," when my parents couldn't do it by Lisa, so even our parents did it.
What I'm saying is that it came about with social media because we just did what our parents did to us, we just gave them what our parents couldn't give them, the good stuff they couldn't give us, but we're screwed. Social networks arrived with social networks we lost control we lost control we don't know who our children talk to we don't have as much control as our parents and my mother caught me in bed with the blankets over me talk to my boyfriend his phone complain you know take your phone shot we don't have that luxury we have lost control I don't think that's the case I don't think it's right to expect to have control you know what I say when When I say control, I say that there are certain things that we cannot protect our children from and that our parents yes they could.
Do you know what we had to do to look at a picture of boobs growing up? We had to wait until the parents dropped my uncle off. We had a hiding place in the bathroom We knew the bathroom but we had to sit there wait like today's kids would laugh he was planning to see the pictures we watched boob launches they had a big satellite as soon as they left we would spin that satellite he's absolutely right and they laugh, but that's my point. What I mean is that we had to work to find a tab on a nude photo.
Wow, you two, are they talking to you? Well, yeah, wait until we leave the house. Yes, they can't. even control more parental controls this shit went out the window you just don't have the space to really raise your child that's really okay you can do the best you can and just pray because it means me too that works yeah faith in the social networks without it working is degeneration no, it is a different generation but I feel that we have to appreciate the benefits of the generation as well as recognize the harm they are much more intelligent yes yes very much they are very intelligent but weaker very good, that is always good and when they have to support them, they can get their strength, you know what I mean, they can pass on their stress, so that's what you say, you're always much tougher, you're tougher on them, so they already know how to come when they get. street yeah, I'm used to it that's exactly how I feel that's high that's why I'm hey Mikey that's him maybe do that because when they get that kind of energy in the streets that I wanted to be won't reach Okay, and as a black man I have I have to prepare my children for everything we have to do and many people will not understand that I had to prepare for everything.
Cute Kenny had a saying that he didn't put it together, it was something he did for his son, his son and he basically passed it on to me and I started doing it, so he had his son touch the top and he said, man, can you touch that right at the top of that door? Then his son jumped. and he touched it Wow, he said, okay, that's good enough for a white boy. You have to touch it to see it. It has to be better. You have to be. You have to wait because if not, that's what depression is, anxiety.
I feel like the problem is that we have. I have been training them to believe they were the same we have been trained as a black child you start to see the difference okay you feel it I'm telling you what age do you think my son saw it in high school okay no because he went to a predominantly white school , okay, and you know he had a car, so he would take his friends and they would pull him over and then his white friends would tell him that's why they pulled you over, they had to let him know, you know? and then he started paying attention and then his whole life he had white best friends and then to some extent they faded away because he doesn't know that therefore his friends treated him differently he just knew that he was different yeah and so I didn't see anything, he doesn't have any white friends, it's just a date, it all faded because all the color of the rose colored glasses came off, it's like they definitely treat me differently, that's true, and I saw that It happened to me and his partner.
My first best friend was a French kid and I, as parents, had such a wonderful relationship that we wanted to foster it and we ended up going to different schools and made a pact: we would make sure these kids stayed. close Birds are good kids while they talk and what happened was that year of adolescence yes because different he realized that he was different Trayvon Martin happened he realized that you have a privilege that I don't mmm you know that weighs on a person I think my depression and my anxiety really increased after Trayvon Martin because, as a mother of a black child, I thought this is something that I will carry with me for the rest of my life.
It's true. I will worry about my loved ones until the day. I'm dying, that's really it, I mean something we can never escape from black people, we all hope like now. I know I said my son is missing. My son is in Europe. You know he's in Europe on tour and I'm just worried. What happens to him internationally? My son King is 14 years old now. I'm very good with him now. 15 15 damn, I'm sorry King. Me, my 15 year old son. King. He likes to travel and go to court with people and go do shows when people do. shows from the balaclava depression God extinct ah she has


in Miami - who is he just going to goThey were worth doing, they won't, they don't know what they need, they don't know what they want, yes, but they feel like you know what they do, this is all about preparing them to think about what they will need five or ten years in advance. and it's about making sure they have those things, not making today comfortable for them.
I don't care if it's comfortable if you have to get up early. Get up. early, sure, if you have to stay up late, stay up late if you can't, you can't play video games, so don't play a video game, but you'll get this job the sooner you start. With that mass, the better you'll have to make them want to do that, but you have to give it, you have to give it to the children, what I try to do is give the children that loving face, generally after the age of ten is when I really started, You know, nature does try to get them, they're not like they're adulterated, like uninterrupted time with me mom, special girls because if you start early you don't have to worry when you get a little older, they'll still win.
Do you know what I found? I had my phases. I think I felt like when I was younger I was more of a mom and then when I became a teenager, my dad understood a little more, you know what I mean, he made it seem like he was more forgiving, but he would know well what I mean. Girls, you know, it seemed like when they were growing up, they and their mothers always clashed, yeah, yeah, teenagers, yeah. I sent my daughter a bad message and she listed the different phases of life and how they responded to her mother, yes, and it all goes on. the path from birth to death you know what I mean is like ages this of this this is how you felt this of this this is how you felt and I sent it to my daughter with her and her mom was going through that phase the one where I was talking about it and she comes on like you know I didn't think of it like that and now you know her mom more closely than her and ours, yeah, but you go through those phases, there's no congratulations advice or you did a great thing, but I want to say.
Yes, you go through phases and I think all those phases are nice and prevail like: life lessons, growth and evolution, and no one thinks about the caterpillar when they look at the butterfly, no one does, no one does now, that's all. you admire its amazing beauty, but you don't know all this as you move forward to get to that point, but I don't know how to tell everyone what's next, what's next, what's next, so


s are about to come to an end, what next of six seasons. forever, yeah we did and I think this is what you do, you go out, why are you on top?
You did what I'm saying, you know and you know what I was able to accomplish with the cookie, she's iconic, she's a wrong cookie, bad because she came in the don't listen, I don't make it in time for you, so listen, you won't take me away the shine, we mean you'll recognize it, so all the thinking, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, You're not a snitch, I didn't tell anyone, I did what I had to do and now when I come home you better treat me right, yeah, but she's iconic, yeah, I made her iconic, there's nothing I can do with her anymore .
I know it will be talked about long after I'm gone, so now I'm looking at what else I can make iconic, put you in a light, not even just a cookie. I think most of your characters put you in the life she said she was. you look like your head, so I have to ask you if you grew up getting into a lot of fights no, no, I was the friend, I was everyone's friend, I was the friendliest kid on the playground, I was everyone's friend, I did that everyone felt even I was a bit squirt so I wasn't looking for fights right but I could protect myself I was a bit squirt and I fought you well I did it I was looking for friends but it was true you couldn't believe me I wasn't a punk, I know I was a predator-prey , I was where I was, but I was the neutralizer, tap, tap, you tap, that's not yours.
I'm just, tap, tap, stay focused, so you said you were saying, Get up, you know, I was just saying I didn't go for the face, but I wasn't a Punk either, right? I mean, I think there's a psyche to that because when you expect to take advantage then you get defensive when you get defensive. Then you start to become a predator. I never expected anyone to take advantage of me, but you know, when you come from the hood, you know people are going to judge you. Yeah, he just wasn't going to be tried. I want it not.
I would have to do it. do a lot, I don't have to fight a lot because a lot of people like me, they just like me, that's real, you know, an advantage that was different, we just used the final, it was like, yeah, that's a ROG, he's a little bit different. but she's, you know, that's our girl, you know, she was doing a little different in the hood, you know, I'm still the hood, don't get it right. I mean, I don't think anyone can take that someone from now to eternity. it shouldn't be you shouldn't be now what do you feel like you haven't done it yet that's still on I just directed a TV episode of Empire and it was excellent I've fallen in love with directing I love casting I love giving young actors a chance someone gave me a chance to sit in the casting room and these kids come in and they're kind of nervous.
I know someone will run home tonight and call their mother and blink like they remember those days and it would be the catalyst for that thing that makes me feel good, yeah, even though it warms my heart, oh, I'm moving in that direction. I think as a storyteller, the natural progression is like the most creative elder statesman you can be. a director, you know absolutely what I'm saying, okay, I've been an actor, I've been a writer, I've been a producer, I've been out and it all contributes to growth and evolution where you finally get to the final stage and that's the director, the directing is very satisfactory, I really like that the bug bit me, I will do it, don't worry, I pay my dues, I'm ready, the only thing I like about directing, they were the first.
Sit in lab one, no, no, because if I use a mean call it's at seven and if I'm the actress in the scene, I have to go put on makeup first. If I don't do it right here, first great, the call is at seven, I show up at seven to call the team director, if I'm an actor, I have to arrive an hour early, there's no hair makeup and you've done so many movies that were so good that they came out and you work with. There are so many phenomenal directors that I can't wait to see them firsthand.
What would happen if your life had a title other than your latest book? Girl, if you were to do it as a part of Girl, what would that title be? I don't know I don't know I don't know because I feel like I really want to live maybe I appreciate it thank you for this shameless plug in honor of you yes in honor of you we have a tradition here to enlighten people and offer new extensive words for your vocabulary, the word of the week now, the word of the week is usually about the person or about the discussion of oh wow, the date. this word of the week I'm going to let Tamika do it I come here to work well since she doesn't force me I'll say it the word of the week is strength strength the definition courage in the midst of pain or adversity when someone has strength, it means that You have emotional power or reserves and the ability to resist adversity.
Now I can use it in a sentence just so you can go to work and stand at lunchtime at the water cooler and pretend like you learned this word, you knew it all. your life now through prayer and


meditation ahead the strength to keep fighting and that is a fact, you understand what I am saying, thank you very much for joining us, your friend, an ally and a hero, we appreciate you and We value you and We encourage you, thank you and whenever you need us for whatever you need us for, call quickly to watch your favorite episodes


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