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TANGLED LORE (i'm still processing this)

Jul 02, 2024
We should ban movie sequels in favor of these TV sequels because there's so much more time for it to go completely off the rails inside out too more like inside out boo inside out more like outside in Will I ever be more of What have I always been? window, AR, but lovers, welcome back to the historical series where we exp


shows that no one else is brave enough to, sometimes we watch shows without story and just impose the story on them, like with Wonder Pets, Special Agent Oso del world of words, but that is not so.
tangled lore i m still processing this
In the case of today's video, today we are taking a look at Tangled, the series that was renamed Rapunzel's Tangled Adventures for seasons 2 and three new episodes were released from 2017 to 2020 and as always, my videos are not intended for Kids, of course we watch. on kids shows, but we do it in a fun and silly way for adults, it doesn't fit everyone, but there are definitely people who get it right. I don't have to justify thanking Pluto art TV, Bambi lza and Jazz Apple Jones for their wonderful makeup inspiration. I used elements of all of these.
tangled lore i m still processing this

More Interesting Facts About,

tangled lore i m still processing this...

You guys completely killed him. I love it. Thank you so much. First, let's recap the original 2010 Tangled movie via storybook. Exposure. We heard how a drop of sunlight fell to Earth creating a healing flower. Gothal mother stayed young for hundreds of years just by singing a song to


flower the queen of a kingdom unfortunately called Corona fell ill and they searched for


legendary flower Gothel tried to hide it but clearly as soon as the kingdom's guards found it she turned it into a tea and He cured the queen who was pregnant by the way.
tangled lore i m still processing this
I think I said that part of my head, Gothal guardian got angry until he saw the newborn princess with her blonde hair. Mother Gothal thought that two brunettes do not make a blonde to try. her theory about genetics she broke into the castle and sang the song to the young princess her hair shone like the flower once did and she became a mother young gothal at first gothal tried to take a lock of her hair but it immediately withered like this that she simply to resort to kidnapping she didn't want to have to resort to that but that baby doesn't keep all the youth selfish baby that baby was obviously Rapunzel and we see Rapunzel grow up locked in a tower she believes that Gothal mom won't let her out It's just her mother being protective we yell and scream at the screen no, Rapunzel she's not your mother she's your kidnapper but you can't hear us instead she sings one of my favorite songs of all time and then I'll brush and brush and brush and brush my hair stuck in the same place.
tangled lore i m still processing this
I've always been Flyn Rider, a thief of gold and trash, but not people like the goths are able to mock the castle guards and all they can do is retaliate with a pathetic hey, wait. Wait, what do you think I was going to do, oh wait, okay, you said, wait, yeah, I guess I'll leave all the gold I'm stealing. Flynn is also the same sarcastic one who provided the voiceover at the beginning, so you know it's going to be important to get back to the real star, it's Rapunzel's 18th birthday and she desperately wants to touch the grass for the first time and, More importantly, she wants to see the lanterns that light up the sky like they always do on her birthday, but Mother Gothel. sing mother knows best which is a warning about the unknown what is which is the end I rewound that part so many times my brain is absolute mush anyway Gothel said don't you dare bring up the topic of dating ever again now if you'll excuse me I'm going out.
Ryder hides in the tower that he thinks is uninhabited, but then Rapunzel hits his butt with the frying pan. You know, the Pokémon meme turns a frying pan into a drying pan with Rapunzel. It's a dying frying pan. This is my fight. song get my light song back proves I'm fine she feels very accomplished after standing up for herself, especially after years of gothal mother telling her she couldn't, she wanted to show Flynn's unconscious body to her mother, air quotes about her mother as proof that she can handle the outside world, but before even reaching the body, Mother Gothel snapped saying she would never get out, so Rapunzel keeps Flynn a secret and sends Mother Gothel on a wild goose chase to get a birthday present.
Rapunzel, Flynn, and his pet chameleon. Pascal heads to the Lantern Festival. Rapunzel is hiding Flynn's wallet full of gold and other stolen items to extort money from him. Flynn wants this to end as quickly as possible and tries to scare Rapunzel back to her Tower by taking her to this slimy bar which ends up backfiring. Because she ends up inspiring all the drunk criminals to sing about her dreams, it turns out Rapunzel is really good at this whole going outside thing. Mother Gothal runs into Maximus, who is a royal guard horse. Maximus has been trying to locate Flynn, but Mother Gothal obviously sees him.
Law enforcement and panic because she put the damn princess to sleep, not only that, but she didn't even bother to change her name so distinctive of her. Mother Gothal joins the two thieves that Flynn stabs in the back at the beginning, so after that Flynn and Rapunzel share the sweetest moment. Fall in love and I know it sounds rushed, especially since he's the only other human Rapunzel has met right now, but shut up, okay, the lanterns around them, the song, everything they were going to kiss, but Flynn, whose real name is Eugene, by the way, he was captured by the two criminals and they made it look like he had abandoned Rapunzel, they propped up his unconscious body and made him sail to jail, meanwhile mother gotha ​​was saying ooh, I warned you on my song and my repetition, stupid stupid girl, you have your With a broken heart, I will never leave the tower again.
This is the only part of the movie that I never understood and I think it has to come down to the magic of flowers or something, because somehow Rapunzel has a memory of when she was born and she puts the pieces together. together immediately I'm like Finding Carter, am I not a mother? If that's your real name, Rapunzel, you know, I don't watch that MTV shit, well, mom, if I could call you, you should watch the Athena P video, it's really It's really good, in fact, Maxim leads the charge to free Eugene and take him to the tower.
Gothel pulls Rapunzel's hair up just so she can stab him the whole time. Mother Gothal had this look in her eyes. What you made me do, you old decrepit. witch, no one made you do anything Eugene uses his last breath to cut Rapunzel's hair. Jump in fear. This is the first time I see myself in this wig. It doesn't look good. Alright. Stay with me here anyway. He cuts Rapunzel's hair to free her. from gothal mother who immediately withers into SpongeBob's only old lady before falling from the Tower and disappearing into the dust Rapunzel hugs Eugene singing her healing song but her hair doesn't shine, yet we get a dramatic tear and somehow that works Eugene is alive Rapunzel is reunited with her real parents and everything is happily ever after but what they didn't tell us is that a lot of things happen before happily ever after oh like the name of the special Tangled before and after this special takes place 6 months Then Rapunzel was reunited with her real parents now that she will have her coronation to officially become a princess.
If you know anything about this show and me, you probably already know she was going to say this, but the songs are really good. I'm glad they're


divine because the movie. obviously she set the bar pretty high Rapunzel wonders if she belongs and feels a little empty inside and Eugene only half a year after meeting her wants to propose to my guy, give him some time to adjust, plus he's at most 19 and keeps the shameful train moving. Rapunzel forgot to wear shoes to greet these rich people, she also gave the first Rich Royal a big hug and Eugene says there's a time and a place for bear hugs and bare feet, keep those Piggies away Cassandra or Cassandra, They say it both ways on this.
The program is a real helper and Cassandra also keeps blocking Eugene. I'm sure it's the worst thing this character has ever done. She seems really loyal and trustworthy. Cassandra we got to see Eugene's proposal, which was actually something she didn't give to anyone. Before making it very public, it was very difficult to see Rapunzel's face fall. At first, Eugene talked about her life together and she was so excited, but then he kept living in the castle for years and years and years and she was like, ooh, you. You had me and then you lost me, give me a second, I need to think about everything and in front of everyone she runs away.
Before this we saw Rapunzel try to live her life in the city, but there were so many guards around her that prevented her. When living life, it makes sense that the father would be afraid, but from Rapunzel's perspective imagine being trapped your whole life and then the moment you are free, you are like trapped again. Rapunzel laments in her room with Cassandra because he needs to go out and feel. the wind in her hair, which will be the theme song Cassandra takes off her robe oh no, she is hot and takes Rapunzel outside, we see Cassandra's collection of weapons and her owl which she called owl.
She does much more than just teach Rapunzel manners. like please wear shoes she's cool while Cassandra showed Rapunzel these unbreakable spikes that sprouted from where the miracle flower used to be. Rapunzel approached the area and not only did more spikes begin to grow everywhere, but her long blonde hair also returned. You know, by magic and also by The Branding, they returned to the castle, but Eugene saw that Rapunzel's long blonde hair had returned, but Rapunzel doesn't explain how this happened because he is trying to protect Cassandra. Cassandra begged him not to tell anyone. now she's keeping secrets from her own boyfriend so the shipping battle begins and I can't even blame people because this whole series feels like a Eugene versus Cassandra type thing and I say and I'm going to be brave to say this, why not? vote Disney has an incredible challenge once again, it's no surprise that his weapon of choice is the frying pan.
Also a group of criminals who are banished underground are causing a commotion to get back at the king for cracking down on crime after his daughter was stolen ooh what is that guy and they were sent by Lady Kane guess what we met to Lady Kane at the beginning of the special and we didn't even know she was the really cool big-haired revelation, other than everything else she does is so weak, well you sent my father gone and he was just a little thief, I wouldn't hurt anyone, not like me, look at this monster you created, I have two fans, well guess what, I'm not a fan, she immediately gets arrested.
I wrote here in my notes. I hope they bring her back with a cooler plan because she had a lot of potential, uh, actually she doesn't. I mean, she appears throughout the series, but she's always eliminated in one episode even though Rapunzel


doesn't tell Eugene exactly what happened when he got her. blonde hair back they are still on good terms he promises to be patient with her and won't pry for information I think he looks much better in 2D I don't know what that says about me I don't know I have no idea that the father's own King Rapunzel forbids him to leave the kingdom.
He's obviously not very happy and the final beat of this episode is these sketchy hands reaching towards the pointy rocks. Ooh, don't touch them, they could prick you and hurt you. beautiful and delicious locks even within the kingdom there is danger around every corner. I don't know how the king expects to keep Rapunzel safe, especially with the uneven pavement of the cobblestone roads. Imagine it's me, Rapunzel. I keep my hair up so I don't travel, but oh no, the King has to do something about these roads or ow ouch ow and this guy's solution is to just put people in jail, so what is he going to do?
The guards seize this brick. There is no real way for her to seek representation and potential. Financial compensation is entrusted to Morgan and Morgan as the largest injury law firm in the United States. Just pretend this show takes place in America. There are no fees unless she wins. I'm going to give you a little tutorial. I'm going to fill out this form right here as if That Dramatic Scene Really Happened and there you have it, it's that easy and reliable. You can start your claim today at aena or use the link in my description.
Thanks to Morgan and Morgan for sponsoring today's video. Now be careful. Back to Rapunzel Tangled she has a nightmare in which Mother Gothel returns to steal her and her hair again and when Rapunzel wakes up, her hair is suspended in the air. In this episode we meet Varian, who people mistake for a wizard, but he is actually an alchemist. Rapunzel and Cass go to Varan to find out more about Rapunzel's hair. Flynn, also known as Eugene, still doesn't know what happened the day Rapunzel got her hair back and it's causing a big rift because she really wants to.tell him and he's upset because he won't do it.
He understands Rapunzel and Cassandra's shippers because why do you let her ruin your relationship so much? Varian's underground machines that were supposed to supply hot water to the entire Kingdom were highly unstable and began blowing up everything, including Rapunzel's hair test results. By the way, never try these tests again. There is something huge here. I forgot to mention what we discovered in the first special. His hair is indestructible. That's why he won't cut it again. He doesn't want this power, but it was forced on him. her and there's nothing she can do about it now she literally can't cut her hair it won't break like quills sorry I bet you were wondering if you were like the haircut from the first movie once again No, we can't do that again.
The machine that blew up a building collapsed on top of Eugene and Rapunzel, but her hair formed a force field that saved them both. At this point, it seems like she has nothing. Control over her powers like the healing song no longer works but she is gaining new magical properties. The first appearance of Varian's father is that he is disappointed in his son. I feel problems with the father with a goalkeeper. by Elena of Avalor Vibes kind of simple magical fruity I mean, technically it's not magic, it's Alchemy too Rapunzel finally tells Eugene the truth about how she got her hair back and his first instinct is to say yeah, Cassandra is going to be fired, she can't endure it. very fun and just fans the flames of the shipping war, another spike grows back at the end all these spikes and we still don't know the point thanks.
I watched episode two of this series a while ago to get some context for my ranking of spin-off videos, it was probably the worst episode I could have ever seen. I hate Uncle Monty, Uncle Monty, I'll let Athena take him. This is one of those episodes where a character really hates one of the main characters for no reason. and it's just High Jinx and Su God, not everyone has to like everyone's message it's infuriating, I hate it, everyone has to like me, it's the law, the guy who is fighting Rapunzel is so annoying he says that she hates green, but her entire store looks like this.
Rapunzel dresses up to try to befriend this man and also agrees to participate in the Gopher Day competition with him while in costume. Here's my question: why doesn't anyone suspect that Princess Rapunzel isn't at this celebration? So yeah, this whole episode. is the most beloved guy in town who hates Rapunzel for the smallest reason, she redesigned the logo for gopher day since it's her first time celebrating and her father wanted to honor her in this way, so I'm sorry a lot, the king is happy that his daughter is not dead after 18 years of being kidnapped, but now that I think about it with how scared the king is that something bad will happen to her, how did he not notice the absence of your daughter during the Gopher Day Festival?
Seems like they wrote this in the nastiest way possible, you have no respect for tradition dude, she has no idea what traditions are, she was kidnapped, you're fighting with a kidnapping survivor and that's not even the most ridiculous reason and expensive that someone was angry about. Rapunzel Later in the series, someone gets angry at Rapunzel for being kidnapped. Expect that in the third episode. Fitz Herbert Pi Eugene wants to prove that he is more than just a former thief. After trying several jobs, he discovers that he is better at helping royalty. guards even though the royal guards don't like him, especially Cassandra's father who is the captain and drill sergeant, and when Eugene tries to make peace with this guy, he says and I quote, you are a pathetic and disgusting excuse for a human being and that is my entire intention. to make your life a living nightmare, talk about Overkill Cassandra also can't wait to see Eugene fail, since she's in love with his girlfriend and all that people subtext subtext Eugene later proves to be the best student there, which impresses Cassandra but her father. he won't give up, he tries to sabotage Eugene by making the obstacle course harder, but he still makes it.
That's leagues above actual Royal Guards, so Eugene's first duty as a Royal Guard is to guard a cell with a single prisoner even though he feels above this job And with his skills we're inclined to be according to him, his arrogance and arrogance get in his way when he leaves the prisoner alone to escape. This was Eugene's most successful job and he was fired after 30 minutes, he redeemed himself by fixing his mistake. immediately and catch the thief because the Royal Guards are at their job, that's how Eugene gets his real job of training the guards and they need him, let's talk about the Royal Guards and the security of the unfortunately named Corona because it makes me sick.
Oh brother. this guy sucks in episode seven, like Flynn, we meet King Trevor from ecis. He has known King Frederick since they were both young and loves to play pranks on him. This time he defaced the statue of King Frederick with makeup and flowers, as well as a sign that said Eis. rules which is the Kingdom right next door King Frederick tries to play with this but he is angry childish boobery said childish boobery childish boobery with the King of Disney specifically most of the time they always play with this my reputation is all butt stick attitude Elena from Grandfather of Avalor is not like that, but he is an exception to the long list of Disney kings who waste their resources on Pettin, talking about which King Frederick wants to play a prank on him and realizing that Eugene is the only one who has broken all the defenses it brings. future son-in-law after all this the king tries to justify it by saying that it is a matter of national pride brother, it is not national, it is only yours, no one else cares, it does not help that the kingdom of Eis has more than one There are thousands of guards on duty at any given time, there is so much to unpack, firstly, it is clear that Eis is much larger than Corona;
However, secondly, I'm not going to say Eis is better than Corona because it's still a huge waste of resources. just prank this guy, besides what king frederick went through, it seems a little unpleasant, imagine letting your princess be kidnapped, it couldn't be us EXO EXO Eis, but also king frederick is a terrible ruler, imagine letting your position to do this, surely this leaves Corona in a vulnerable position throughout the episode, an angry princess is just proof that the Royal Guards are not willing to carry out thorough investigations, many times they will impose punishments on innocent people solely for their past , just as they were going to do with Attila. until Rapunzel defended him and sought proof herself once again, how does the king feel so confident in the guard's ability to defend Rapunzel when we're 10 episodes and two movies in and all they've done is the obligatory recognition that the program is for children?
Blah blah blah, but would it kill them to write an episode where they were the heroes and actually did something good, so it's a little more even? Episode 8 introduces us to Lance who is Eugene's old thief friend, they grew up together in the orphanage, the orphanage that helps raise hundreds of we can watch them Robin Steel anyway I mention this because Lance is a recurring character you need to know episode 12 Corona's older brothers Eugene and Lance are training the guards because the guards are super incompetent at catching thieves. point where this master thief they've been trying to track down for months and who they've been calling the Silent Striker is actually just two boys in a trench coat and once again the king thinks his daughter is safer locked up here, the boy thieves . help catch the super evil Anthony the weasel, this Kingdom needs to invest more in the Reformation because the ex-criminals have proven to be the only people who can really make Corona safer, it gets worse in episode 13 The Wrath of Ruthless Ruth after that the king reads the book of Rapunzel. diary makes the guards watch her even more closely a great idea your majesty anyway they fail immediately Rapunzel notices them on her butt because they lack subtlety and tact so she goes to the curled up duck that slimy bar from the first movie when the leader one of the guards catches up to her, he is immediately very mean to his friends, the bar patrons, for no reason and this fool also accidentally summons the ruthless Ruth, she is a ghost.
Rapunzel immediately sees Ruth's torment and how she has to play a song to free her because when she was alive she never lived her dream if Ruth doesn't play her song she will trap them all forever Rapunzel starts playing the song everything is going great until the Captain breaks the club on which the music was written and mocks the ghost, do you think? Does that plan make sense or do you think it made everything worse, yes, he almost kills them all, actively, without fail, he puts Rapunzel in more and more danger and I think if he had an ounce of respect for the king, he should quit his job, Rapunzel , somehow.
I memorized the song and when Ruth wants everyone to sing, the captain is the only one who doesn't sing because he's Rusty, give me a damn break. I hate this guy anyway, in conclusion, everyone is freed thanks to Rapunzel, another season 1 episode of about how guards suck ass is episode 14. Maximus, Max's enemy, was being disrespected and ignored because a Stronger Faster's new horse has entered the kingdom even though Maximus has proven to be the best guard in Nausea, even Rapunzel accuses him of being jealous of Axel and not having any real suspicion. He expected more from her, but she didn't change her mind. immediate and it turns out that this new horse, Axel, broke Lady Cain and the other criminals out of jail when our heroes almost caught up with them, Axel, come on. of the carriage with Lady Khan inside because everyone just wants to save their own skin there is no loyalty among the villains everyone gets caught thanks to Maximus and once again the leader of the guards is less than useless, he does have use ruining everything Did I mention that scene in the one where these other two guards just took Axel's word that they were on a break even though Axel was only a guard for one day?
It's an opportunity to make a new friend. Well season 1 episode 4 the break tournament challenge. arrives in Corona, where the fiercest warriors will come to compete. Whoever wins will earn the respect of all the warriors of the Seven Kingdoms or two of those Kingdoms in Chania and Avalor, by chance, no, unfortunately, no, but wouldn't it have been pretty. Cassandra wants to enter the contest and win because she's tired of being disrespected, but Rapunzel completely misinterpreted the vibe and also entered the contest thinking it would be something fun to do since the C friends get super passive aggressive towards Rapunzel. after Rapunzel effortlessly triumphs in every challenge.
Rapunzel already had the respect of everyone except that idiot Baker, so Cassandra is angry that she is taking this opportunity away from her and other people who need it. Season 1 Episode 5 Cassandra versus Eugene Rapunzel forces Eugene and Cassandra to work together because she is tired of them. fighting you guys is so heated all the time and I'm going to need this cop to be a little cooler okay under the cell Rapunzel locked her boyfriend and girlfriend in or the criminals from the first movie who still want go out. get revenge on Eugene I can't believe they're still here I guess I should learn their names they're called The Stabbington brothers wait that's funny you think that's the name they were born with Eugene asks Cassandra more about her life strange question Eugene she's watching to your girlfriend, she's doing it right in front of your face anyway, it's really canon, she talks about how she was raised by the guards, how they took her in and taught her how to defend herself, but she also says she doesn't have any dreams, like this that they bonded for about half a second before they started fighting again season 1 episode 8 big exports Varian is working on a whole new element since Cassandra was raised by a group of Meatheads, she doesn't really see the value in science even He understands how cool it is that he's doing another element.
Varian's obvious infatuation with Cassandra continues as she helps her prepare for the Expo while also reflecting on how alchemy can lead to innovation. Yeah, it's great that we've done all that in a third of the time now. There is still enough daylight for, say, a romantic picnic. Who said Varian and Cassandra also bond over having parents who don't understand them? Do you think if the leader of the guards, also known as Cassandra's father, had a son, he would treat him the same way? too protective and not giving her tasks and all that, or you think this is a sexism thing considering there are no women in the guard and we've also seen this exact plot play out in Theena of Avalor.
I guess Cass gets fired for that. They never explicitly said it, but I see through this man that the most important thing revealed in this episode is that Varan got the idea for this element when studyingthe spikes. As they get closer, Rapunzel's hair begins to glow and the rocks also turn blue and glow Rapunzel. he begs Varian to keep it a secret as his father forbade him to investigate further season 1 episode 9. In secret, we hear about a centuries-long war between Corona and its rival, the Saporia Kingdom, at the height of the war, the king sworn enemy, general de saporia. launched a full-scale invasion of Corona, the king and she fought in hand-to-hand combat until she stumbled upon his diary where he confessed his love for her, she realized he felt the same way, the two got married and the war It ended because of your Love, dear diary.
The war ravages many men have been killed, but I can't help but think of that general from Zapor, she is a bit embarrassing anyway, she has to collect more gunpowder for all that war stuff, but anyway they commemorate the end from the war. and her love during the day of hearts which Cass hates, we also find out that Cass has a boyfriend, Andrew, you would think the main reason she would hate him is because he is ruining my ships, but no, he is just a traitor, the pendant he was wearing had. the symbol of the saporia separatists, a small group of citizens who feel betrayed that the two kingdoms are no longer at war, as if they are so hurt that they are no longer fighting against Corona and want to find a way to separate.
This Union at All Costs turns out that Cassandra knew he was a fraud from the beginning, so I don't know why she brought him to this closed part of the Tower with the most important book inside, like me. I don't think you. I had to do all that and they also almost kissed so what was that? I don't know, the opening of the episode titled Pascal's Story made me gasp because that title made me think of a cute little filler episode about our favorite chameleon companion and I was ready to be enchanted. I was ready to feel happy.
What a fool I was. The episode begins with baby Pascal witnessing. His mother was eaten by a snake. I think there's a leak in the roof or something. Baby Pascal found Rapunzel's tower but was bitten by the snake. Baby Rapunzel cured him using his hair in the healing song and they have been best friends ever since. I'm sorry. guys, that leak again I had to call my therapist, I mean the plumber, this episode was about not taking Pascal for granted and the series of events even led to Rapunzel revisiting the tower for the first time since the events from the first movie, the only person.
Important enough for this side quest in trauma town is Pascal and don't forget in the episode The Way of the Willow, we meet Rapunzel's sister queen and Aunt Willow, she is a creative and carefree spirit who goes wherever she wants. carry the wind, so she and Rapunzel hit it off right away, the big difference between the two is that Willow is very inconsiderate, she ruined the Queen's birthday, she gave him a lot of this creature that rings this bell repeatedly and annoyingly and qualifies, so when they take the bell off this creature, it multiplies and she says, hey, so I forgot to tell you what happens.
Willow is infuriating. I'm so glad this is her only appearance. Storms are brewing. I'm going to give the king some credit here because even though the people he hired to Protect the kingdom are idiots, don't forget it and I love that he solved the problems the villagers brought to him. He also fixed the roads. I wrote that sponsor part before I got to this part of the show, so that's how it went. He's a bit crazy, but because of the good roads, the shoemaker's business is not going well, so he orders a bunch of new boots for the guards, even though they didn't need them.
The king just wanted to make sure that small businesses didn't fail. Unfortunately, when one father is good, another has to drop the ball, I can't give the boys at home too much hope for their male role models, anyway, Varian's father assured the people of the old Crown. He was going to ask the king about the spikes, the spikes have gotten much worse and have sprung up everywhere destroying crops and homes, but when V's father approached the king, Varan overheard his father lying to the king and not even mentioning the spikes. barbs. His father just says: trust me, son, I have this.
Rapunzel assures Varan that they will figure this out, but now she has to focus on being the temporary Queen while her mom and her dad are away as soon as the king and queen call it quits. Immediately there is a huge snowstorm that causes the king and queen to fall off a cliff and the blacksmith Xavier tells Rapunzel and Eugene of this old legend about an evil demon called Zantiri who stopped at nothing to destroy Corona, only Lord Demanitus, master of science and magic. he was able to stop the storm of Zen with this giant underground machine.
He also says that when the kingdom is at its weakest, the zaneri will attack again, so I'm sure that was really reassuring for Rapunzel, like in Q the storm gets a lot worse and everyone retreats inside the castle for safety . Varan fights with his father because he doesn't take the spike seriously, but he accidentally pours a chemical into one of the spikes that makes it grow faster and traps his father inside, leading to a great Varian song about how he's going to make his daddy proud and he's making his way through the snow with Kick-Ass visuals and even more Kick-Ass vocals and I bet you're hoping I'll talk about this song but unfortunately I can't because of my association with this.
The song even before watching the series was this YouTube video my sister made of Ash singing to Professor Oak, how did he think of these two characters and keep playing the same clips over and over again, things that really change his life the ones Varan runs? Rapunzel asks for help since her magic is linked directly to the spikes and when she can't go to him to help him, he yells at her as the guards take him away, she promised you, which is a deep cut for Rapunzel from the first movie. She really values ​​promises and when I promise something she never breaks that promise, but being Queen brought many unexpected and immediate, dangerous and life-threatening challenges.
She sends a search party to save her parents and they are saved, but there is no task force. for varians Dad, it's up to Rapunzel Cassandra Xavier and Pascal search for The Legend's underground machine. Pascal has to remove a stone from the gear so the machine can run smoothly, but this results in Pascal getting beaten up and injured. The final beat of the episode is the make-you-proud-of-your-boy reprise, where Varian sings that he'll make them all pay ooh. The painters block of Revenge Arc episode 18 is when we find out that using this underground machine actually freed many of Zan. servants one of which is this witch called sugara she uses mind control to make many people including Rapunzel paint this tree around this tree that is somehow going to freeze Anan Rapunzel fought her destroying the painting of the tree she destroyed the tree that closed the portal all of this started because of insecurity and uncertainty about their decisions.
She kept mentioning Varian too, but what's crazy is that no one thinks to check on him or his father and deal with that problem. Instead, she paints a mural. The more time passes, the less I think. By the way, I blame Baran in the next episode, I'm not in the mood. Xavier gave Pascal and Maximus a mood tonic to give to Rapunzel. Eugene and Cass, as the thropple have been fighting more than usual, but they accidentally put in too much and now their personalities are all opposites. Eugene is passive, Cassandra is kind and Rapunzel is just evil after they reverse the spell to make sure no one else gets their hands on this, sending this Elixir down the river was the only solution, littering it makes its way up the river and arrives into the hands of Varan. who Rapunzel hasn't even tried to make peace with the girl, you caused this to yourself.
Varan's search began with a dream sequence that included Varian yelling what you promised Rapunzel again, as well as Rapunzel's father captured among the spikes. Rapunzel tries to talk to his father. about the spikes and not only did he completely lie to her face telling her that he took care of them and that the spikes were gone, a guard also claimed that Varian attacked the princess, my boy, he literally just grabbed her by the shoulders and then you crawled away to the child for 15 years. A soaked 90 pound old man puts his little noodle arms on the princess that could easily kill him and the guards are like that, he seems like a threat the only time they do his job and it's completely miscalculated.
Rapunzel receives a message from Baran who sends them to To retrieve a scroll, there are people in strange uniforms chasing them, so Cassandra Eugene and Rapunzel hide in Rapunzel's Old Tower when these mysterious men are approaching them. Rapunzel uses her hair's reaction to the spikes to repel them, but the spikes overcome the tower and it collapses and Rapunzel cries yes that is a place of great trauma but it is also the only thing that remains of her childhood and now it is demolished they unmask the group who was following them Scooby-Do style and it turns out that he was the dad of the royal guards Rapunzel.
He tasked them with making sure Rapunzel didn't see the scroll and it's no wonder they failed, so she opens it and a big part is missing, but we see the sun and the moon, so we know that the sun created the flower and the moon seems responsible for creating the spikes, if that's the case can we get Rapunzel with long blue hair or something like those old editions of Tumblr? Why would she still be blonde? Because he still possesses the magic of sundrops. Which took all of episode 21 to find out that he took what was left. of the dried sunflower in the Royal Vault and discovered where the Vault was by modifying the Mood Elixir and turning it into a real Elixir, all that work on the flower was of no use because it's been dead for 20-odd years and Varan is kind.
He showed his full hand of Revenge to everyone Varan steps forward, Sundrop is no longer the flower, it's Rapunzel oh boy, now you sound like scary Mother Gothel and while all this high risk stuff is happening, we still have another Example of the Guard sucking ass, they had orders from the King to protect the Vault and then this happened. All you need to back out is Cassandra making a scary face and cracking her knuckles. Oh, chiropractors must scare this guy. I know it's for humor. but it keeps happening I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready Rapunzel is ashamed of how much her father has hidden from her and how little he believes in her.
Cassandra is being sent to a convent but it's also Rapunzel's birthday so let's open up a little. gifts unfortunately even with this mountain of gifts he still can't catch a break because the first gift that catches his attention is this music box that activates this giant robot that we saw Varan admiring these same Castle robots in the last episode that Cassandra Eugene and Rapunzel knocked down. this robot in this hallway because somehow there are no guards here where are they doing their job? The King's solution is to lock Rapunzel in a tower. What prevents you from leaving?
Oh, just two guards. Eugene scolds the king for putting Rapunzel there. This situation once again indicates that she is more capable than you think and they prove it by releasing her very easily with her plan. Part of the plan was to distract the guards with an accordion. Varan creates this very dramatic fog before sending out this Beast. fighting the Beast threw the captain of the Guard, but after he was defeated, he became Varian's pet raccoon again, okay buddy, now you cross the line, what if the little guy got hurt? Oh, also Varian kidnapped the queen because the leader of the guards fell, he's fighting.
It's so dramatic that the robot from the beginning pushed Eugene against a wall so hard that it left an impression as if it literally pushed him against the wall and he shook it off, but you're on a stretcher without a scratch, give me a break. dude anyway he finally lets Cass lead the guard similarly the king grants Rapunzel her freedom because let's face it even if he didn't she would find a way out he finally realized that she is smarter than him, the king also confesses that someone returned. The day he warned her about using sunflower because it would lead to these consequences.
The flashback clearly showed that the person who warned the king is Varian's father, so not telling the king about the spikes makes a lot of sense now that he's had a taste of the best song in the series, but trust me, I know I've fallen pretty low. , but whatever I've done you deserve to be silent, even if you've never listened to this series, you probably heard it on Tik Tok in 2020, so I'm just going to sing it a little more I'm ready Freddy is I'll always remember it, remember because I heard this song before watching the show, the fight scene after the song was pretty disappointing but who cares that song is giving it its all.
Varianhe sent more Bots to attack everyone while cornering the king and Rapunzel, so Varian won the actual fight, but his only solution to free his father with a Rapunzel hair drill doesn't work, so he simply turns to Blind Rage trying to kill her. so wild that his own raccoon turns on him to help free the queen inside a robot. Varian charges at Rapunzel Rapunzel grabs the spikes and is able to control them, he successfully stops him, they take him to jail and the spikes also flatten, knocking down a brick wall and appear to create a path for Rapunzel's next mission, the king tells him says go on this mission for season 2 and also happy birthday lanterns in the air imagine Varian is dragged away in a prison car and you see Rapunzel's birthday lanterns, happy birthday, I hate you.
You, cun, and the journey continues, we are introduced to Adir, a very tall and tough warrior woman who has a sword made from one of the spikes. 25 years ago, their king Edmund and Varian's father were trying to destroy this stone to get rid of the spikes, but In the present, Eugene wants to propose to Rapunzel again, everyone tells him it's a bad idea, let her live longer life. first, which listen, I understand the sentiment and they are right, he really shouldn't be holding his horses, but neither should your life. break up after they are engaged and how much it would change in their dynamic if they were truly engaged at this point, they are committed to each other, they are living together anyway, like I said, giving him time is the right move, but everyone is all over him .
It was brutal and a little out of character. I think you guys have more important things to do, even worse than that. We finally meet the Baron who has been mentioned a lot during Season 1 in passing, which is why I didn't mention him, but anyway, we find out why. the baron hates Eugene so much Eugene was engaged to marry the baron's daughter and left her at the altar now the baron is forcing Eugene to marry her by poisoning his best friend Lance and the only way to give him the antidote is if he Go ahead with this marriage.
Rapunzel crashes the wedding she's very stingy with the decorations all the time there are bigger fish to fry and she tries to use the spikes to fight the baron but now the spikes don't react to her magic the only reason we leave From that mess thanks to Adira's strength, the spider bit the baron and Pascal stole the antidote, so this girl thought she was going to get married, but it turns out she just had a problem with her dead father's ability now that they have another piece of the scroll thanks to adira now we know that they are heading towards the dark kingdom we also found the difference between these two seen you can't I'm going to eat you n Season 2 Episode 5 they have to go through the forest of no return where the map is one of those paper fortune tellers which very few manage to achieve as the name suggests, but Adira is one of those few because of course she tries to help them navigate to avoid dirt pits and the Scooby-Do logic of this world where you walk one way, you exit on the other and there are also many plants that can kill them. instead of the group saying thank you adir, we appreciate you, adir Eugene feels very insecure, he's usually the more competent fighter and adir is upstaging him, but at the end of the episode he lets her take the lead and Lance has a crush on her, but he goes. have to get through me episode 6 Cassandra and Rapunzel met these Mad Hatter type people, they gave our protagonists tea to turn them into birds only for an hour, it will be fun, strange, dangerous, friend, try to capture them in a bird cage and keep them like birds forever.
There were also 20 other people turned into birds for who knows how long they were lucky. The main characters came here and saved them in this episode. Cass and Rapunzel also bond over being scared and I can relate. I'm also afraid, I'm afraid of the Eugene bird, the soul patch bird, Eugene can't do HT to me, the soul patch bird, Eugene can't hurt me, the soul patch bird, Eugene can't. In episode seven we see the delinquent children again and it's so sad that these random adults are pretending to be their parents. the kids beat them but it was still emotionally damaging their takeaway is the only family they have is every single one of them dear God, is there no one in the Kingdom who wants to adopt episode 8 Keeper of the Spire?
They have to get a missing piece of the scroll so they get help from the guardian named kipe and everyone hates her, she's a know-it-all, she's grading and at the end of the episode it was revealed that it was a thinly veiled insecurity because she's not actually the guardian , she is the guardian's apprentice, the most unnecessary. backstory in the world they don't care, frankly I don't care, but I thought this part of the scroll would reveal everything and that's just a man, a drawing of a man, I don't know what this is supposed to tell us.
I think that would piss off the main characters, but they act like it's super helpful. I have a feeling we'll meet this guy soon. Well, this changes everything. What is it that he is a boy? King Pascal is another Pascal episode that I appreciate and I'm warming up now, how many times do we have to teach you this lesson? But the most important thing aside from that is that the group is now shipwrecked in tiai and meet these Leaf creatures called lbs and Pascal seems to really appreciate the attention of two. Girl lbs, did someone say interspecies romance in the next episode?
There's something about Hookfoot. One thing about Hookfoot is that he and a criminal mermaid fell in love in the end, the law caught up with her and took her away, and a lot of mermaid tears. washed up on the shore voiceover Rapunzel reminds us to cherish those who love her and Eugene Hug as Hookfoot walks to shore probably to drown poor Hookfoot episode 11 happiness is dot dot dot a sinister title for a sinister episode while Rapunzel she feels homesick and finds this object that makes it seem like her mom and dad are there with her this object shows each of them what they want most and drives them crazy we see this group physically fight we see Rapunzel yell at Pascal I have scary episode 14 the pasta eye while wandering through another city Eugene is immediately locked up in jail due to his past crimes.
They look for him in so many places. He puts a bag over her head. Get her a wig. I don't know, it seems like more trouble than it's worth. The only way to get it back is to return what he stole, and the only way to track down that item is for Rapunzel to team up with his ex-fiancé. Don't ask me how, but this girl ends up respecting Rapunzel in the end. I do. I don't know how, especially since his father is nowhere to be found, so I thought he died. I guess she doesn't like her father as much as we thought, but we finally get back to the main plot where we continue with Adventure Charlie.
In another flashback from 25 years ago, we see this sketchy man saying that the Sundrop flower is a myth, then we see him chasing our heroes in the present on a rhinoceros. Listen, he's embarrassingly wrong about Sundrop, but what a powerful entrance even when Rapunzel feared. her life thought wow a rhino and it's so real that's why that's how I would react too Aira helps the crew escape and Cassandra is getting fed up with her I wouldn't be mad that she's helping but I don't know why she was so flippy floppy when regarding she doesn't join them on their journey she only appears when she falls she's a little messy so talk about messy Cassandra didn't have any problem with adira during the forest of no return When adira was making Eugene look stupid but now you have a problem with her when they step on your feet, Adir is sure to take them to the big tree and give them some much-needed backstory.
She, Hector, the rhino, and Kieran Varian's father are all part of the Brotherhood, it really should be called the brotherhood. but whatever it is, there is a group of warriors who swore to keep everyone away from the dark realm, which is where they are heading, so she is very complex, we don't know what her deal is, but she has a lot of knowledge, so that Rapunzel trusts her even though Cassandra doesn't. Once they are inside the tree making their way through it, adding is like waiting, I haven't finished monologuing in a long time, even before the Brotherhood, this tree was a sentient Force for good until the evil sorcerer Zantiri took it. knocked down from the inside making Su almost invincible, the only thing that defeated Zaneri was once again Lord Demanitus and his enchanted spear.
Eugene and Lance separated from the group and were very excited by this flower, causing them to sing a song about friendship while the flower tried to eat. them and this is Stak's silly low subplot, meanwhile we see writing on the wall and translations showing the song Sundrop Flower Song, the one we heard already in the first movie, the flower shines and shines, let your power shine, heal what has been wounded, take back what was once mine what was once mine guess what the moonstone also has a song it's almost the same but in a terrifying minor key with a dying word break these earthly chains and release the spirit the free spirit his hair turns black, not blue like i predicted his eyes also turn completely black and he completely loses control repeatedly singing the song as his friends grow weaker and weaker around him and beg him to stop but you can't hear them, the song really bothers us, please stop outside, always walking inside.
Will I ever be more than I've always been? So please, it hurts me. Adir has to throw Rapunzel into a body of water to make her stop, but let's talk about the elephant in the room. This is very disrespectful to my girl, the moon. I understand. Opposed to the power of the sun of this world, but still positively slanderous, she represents the tides, the water, sexuality, lesbians, how dare you? Repunzel yells at Cass because Cass keeps insulting Rapunzel's intelligence just because he doesn't agree with her. Cass needs to find better debate skills besides the ones you don't.
I know what you're talking about and I hear you. I get that going with whatever Rapunzel wants makes Cass feel subordinate playing her original lady-in-waiting role that she hated and she doesn't want to accept anyone's decision she wants to make. She herself doesn't feel like the main character in her own life, even after Rapunzel talks things through more and Cass explains that she respects her even though they won't agree on things. Cass still has unresolved feelings, as shown in her. power ballad a word that appears repeatedly throughout this song is waiting once again showing how tormented she is that the world still sees her as a lady in waiting feels like she hasn't broken free that other line is if no one clap your hands.
I'll keep waiting, which not only shows Cassandra's need for validation, but also reminds me of the challenge from The Brave season 1 episode. There was a scene where Cass put on an incredibly impressive display of strength and speed and he heard the kids cheering and he thought. it was for her and then she turned around and they were just clapping because Rapunzel showed up, resentment and jealousy has been bubbling for a while, stop Hector from coming back to fight Cass and Adira, with Cass being the one to throw him away. the cliff using real dirt well wit pocket sand Hector awakens some of Zaner's evil and captures the group in Vines Rapunzel decides to sing the Death Moon Song again even though Cassandra begged her not to because it throws her enchanted was right there Cassandra was knocked over and when she tried to get Rapunzel out of there her hand weakened and turned pitch black the resentment continues to grow Hector tries to warn the group about Aira thank you Mr.
Rhino, man who has tried repeatedly killing us from his introduction, he seems like a really trustworthy guy, maybe you should have started with that, the tree collapses and they continue their journey to the dark kingdom in the episode. Brother Hook, Hook Foot, decides to leave the group to join his brother, the pianist from the first film, and also says never. I've been happier, so I guess the mermaid love didn't mean that episode 18 shows more unresolved tension between Cassandra and Rapunzel. This escalates until Cassandra uses a memory wand on Rapunzel because she doesn't want to talk anymore about her big fight, but accidentally deleted them all. her memories after being free from the tower, so basically Al Rapunzel acts exactly like she did with Eugene in the first movie, but with Cass Cass got to witness her touch and her weed, she's incredibly Shippy, we just saw her experience freedom for the first time. but with her girlfriend instead of her boyfriend, they restore their memories at the end of the episode so they can get Cass and Rapunzel to talk again.
Episodes 19 to 21 are the Yesterday and Tomorrow arc and this slap. I love these three episodes that they come across. Seashell castle in the middle of a big storm where this man Matthews lives and is very hospitable too hospitable Cassandra expresses discomfort but no one wants to see him againhis leaking carriage the first trap is the mirror that creates duplicates while the real people are trapped inside this was just a pretty cool giant game of Among Us, a highlight was Eugene seducing the mirror Rapunzel somehow after defeating These mirror demons still prefer to be in this torture chamber than outside in the rain, so they stay the night like idiots the next day when they wake up. the door is gone, they go through many doors trying to escape, but one room that catches their attention is this room full of toys after a top is spun.
Cassandra Lance and that creepy old drunk I haven't mentioned until now even though he's been here. like from the first movie the whole time i just didn't want to talk about it anyway they all turned into babies this episode is very strange but honestly funny Tona Eugene and Rapunzel have to change their friends in 24 hours or they will be trapped like this to always and the biggest challenge isn't finding the top or anything, they know where it is and Matthews even tells them how to turn it. No, the biggest challenge in the episode titled "You're Kidding" is Eugene and Rapunzel. learning to co-parent, you're kidding, don't get me wrong, it's nice to see them solve problems together like a real couple, but Matthews, man, you could have jumped on the latest psychological torture magic because it was by far the best thing.
I'm talking about the third day they are trapped in this place, also known as the Rapunzel Topia episode. First of all, you already know that Matthews is trying to trap Rapunzel because of the magic he possesses and his name is not Matthews, es tros or trus. I'm not going to check that he is one of Zan's servants. He trapped Rapunzel in a dream where she is back at her coronation and if she puts on the crown at the end of this sequence, she accepts this reality as her own and will be trapped. in her own mind while her power is being drained and put into zantiri, can you believe this? ooh, mirror of people, ooh, babies and parenting, ooh, trapping yourself inside the ideal reality inside your own mind, yes, we should have gone for that from the beginning, it almost works.
There's also a lot of brainstorming going on, they try to make it seem like there's nothing out there for her to exp


, stay in the Kingdom where it's safe, there's no war, Vibes says, her fake loved ones keep trying to offer her the do-whatever advice. that makes you happy why would you want to be sad with the truth is mate matx guys quick summary of what the pills in the matrix mean because the internet shit everywhere the blue pill is Happy ignorance and the red pill is supposed to be the real world and see things so they're not mad that women don't touch your dingdong now with that in mind, Rapunzel is being very attracted to the blue pill, but the current blonde Rapunzel, Rapunzel, the one who is being actively repressed, keep coming. in being like hey, none of this is real, you know where we are and what we have to do, wake up, or for everyone on your level, die, oh, five more minutes please, just five more minutes, it's stressful.
I understand why she doesn't want to. to deal with it, she of course breaks free and they finally get out of this hell. Another thing we see briefly is that at the beginning of the episode, Cassandra gets sucked into this door that literally calls her name in this creepy way at the end. she spits it out and looks even more distraught than usual. I'm sure it's nothing important, it's just Cassandra that's always waiting. This is a lot to keep track of how you're doing well, this is the biggest thing I got wrong, don't be mad at me.
I didn't mention this recurring fortune-telling monkey, but in my defense, how would I have known she was going? to end up being de manaus, you know, the master of science and magic, the only one who has been able to defeat zantiri, the great evil, so de manitus hid in this monkey and was only able to come out for a short time to help to Rapunzel. and Eugene goes through this maze to get the last piece of the scroll in this episode. Demanitus also tells us a part of his backstory, which is that his three students turned against him to be servants of Zantiri, how did the three students turn against you? anything you could have done to prevent at the end of the episode Demanitus left a note for Eugene saying that at the end of Rapunzel's journey one of her group will turn against her and because Cass is acting sketchy, Eugene assumes correctly that it will be like this.
The finale of this season begins with the most song I've ever heard Cassandra Rapunzel Eugene straight up fr rcking holding hands rolling down the hill together before it all works. I think this whole series was just to show that Rapunzel can deal with difficulties, I don't know if there were some people who argued that the first movie was too easy for her after these 18 years of torture, we had to torture her more on her way to the kingdom dark, this man attacks them. Eugene is separated from the group by this mysterious man who ends up being King Edmond, also known as Eugene's father.
I thought she realized this through some looks in her eyes which they make a joke about and guess what else Adir made a joke about the Brotherhood being called the Brotherhood even though she's in it just like me before, They're playing me like a fiddle, they're making me look really dumb, I'll tell you what, but anyway, the real way King Edmund knows that Eugene is his son is when he had to send him away. away because he's too dangerous sent this Raven to spy on him for all these years there was nothing you could have done to protect him from a life of crime strange choice of strange parenting so this is where we have a conflicted fate Rapunzel doesn't care what pass her and she believes Adira when Adira tells her that the only thing that will stop the moonstone is the Sun Drop, but King Edmund and Eugene want to break the moonstone with the barbed sword.
Pascal gave Eugene some scent convincing him that he was the one who turned to Rapunzel what the note warned them about, so Eugene 180, what if this Stone killed my mother? I've never met her and besides she doesn't have the Sundrop hair ratio. He helps Rapunzel get closer to the Moonstone and Cassandra is there too and the end. The beat of season 2 is Cassandra grabbing the moonstone with her hand up and she changed her cool clothes and her hair turned blue. She knew someone's hair would be blue. That's cool, dude, she said too. I tried to warn you, Rapunzel, you have to be careful. who do you trust and at that moment she has to know that she is evil, right? depressed, where do we go from here?
The season 3 premiere shows us what Cassandra saw through that door, and unfortunately, in my spinoff ranking video I was spoiled with this whole twisted twist. Holy, she is Gothel's biological daughter, she was abandoned at four years old. when Gothel kidnapped the newborn princess Rapunzel, she was trying to empathize and justify this 180 as much as I could, but the whole my mother choosing you over me thing is ridiculous. What do you want Rapunzel to say, friend? I'm sorry. Mom kidnapped me, it was a big move on my part, I'm sorry, my luscious blonde locks were that old hag's lifeline.
Another thing that was kind of funny is that Cass was listening to Rapunzel until Rapunzel said the word wait, no Rapunzel, that's her angry word of hers. Cass runs away. She burns a bridge and her owl lands on her shoulder leering at her like who who turned you into Rapun's coping mechanism of having a smile plastered on her face that's incredibly sad honey what Cass did yeah that was bad of all Anyway, move on. but unfortunately, as always, we don't have time to process that Corona is in danger, what danger we will discover when we get there, because the person who came to get them back is this M, they will never be able to catch a breath.
Corona was overthrown by the separatists and Varan, who used that wand to erase memory, remembers the same wand that Cassandra used to remove Rapunzel's memories in season 2, well done, mark the weapon, also Varan has a small beard, good In fact, Varan follows this journey of Varian because in the show and while he talks about it. he sounds like a Redemption speedrun, but you have to keep in mind that it's been a year, this kid is in jail, and he's starting to get embarrassed. Did my voice sound great on that song? Yeah, obviously I looked like a tough guy, but I feel like maybe that's how it was. an overreaction, I mean, it's not like if my father was dead, Rapunzel could help him now.
I feel like I made a mistake, so Varan blurted out his motivation. I'm going to erase everyone's memory so we can all be great again and you. I can forget what I did, but here's another W. Varian was wrong. He took the separatists at their word when they would rather just kill everyone. The fan helps Rapunzel and the gang defeat these genocidal monsters with scientific and scientific rules, but not before Lance erased Varian's fake marker beard. The kid is too funny, he's fine, I'm sorry to insist, but do you think he relied on that in prison to make people take him seriously?
Rapunzel frees Varian's father with the moonshake and Varian wakes her up even though she is very unstable and dangerous because they trust her friendship and loyalty. he's back even though one betrayal was resolved immediately after the other and I thought there would be more overlap there. I'm happy for Rapunzel, she really needed a win. I mean, think about it, both seasons ended with extreme lows. I'm glad she. gets some positivity in the episode The Return of the King, we see Eugene resolve his very conflicted feelings towards his father, so they go on this journey of togetherness.
His father has been alone for so long that he voices his thoughts out loud, which makes for some funny jokes. but damn, he talks about a tortured soul. Also, Eugene's birth name was Horus, so now this guy has three names: Flyn Rider Eugene Horus. I'm going to stick with Eugene because he's the one he's stuck with in this episode even though Stabbington tried to kill him. He again saved their lives. How did the Stabbington brothers find Eugene? You ask, oh, the guards told you that the guards who are supposed to protect the kingdom endangered people's lives again.
It's supposed to be an ongoing joke, like law enforcement is bad at the job. and dangerous, how subversive, I've never seen that before even Rapunzel got tired of them, you didn't tell them about Mount Zon, do you know what I'm going to take from here, guys, hey, I have an idea, why don't I tell them? Say goodbye in the episode that she is afraid of the big bad wolf, the red-haired thief girl is overcome with anger towards her sister because her feelings were not listened to to the point where a werewolf spirit took advantage of that anger and possessed both of her details.
I loved the being, it shows that time has passed. in the character designs of these children and two, her little fight was a parallel to that of Cassandra and Rapunzel, we even see Cassandra at the end using her anger to channel her new moon powers. This little spirit that guided her through the door is also still there with her in First I Thought She Was Mother Gothel, stay tuned in episode 7 Beginnings, as Rapunzel remembers her relationship with Cass, specifically when Cass gave up a great job opportunity to To be the badass warrior she always wanted to be in another kingdom, she gave that up for their friendship. with Rapunzel and this story alone makes me so angry because the way Cass makes it sound is that she never had a chance, she was just dealt the worst hand and it's all Rapunzel's fault, but that was your decision, it was yours, but she gets even more unhinged because even though Rapunzel has every reason to be angry, she still hopes she can get to Cass and save their friendship, meanwhile Cass gets angry over nothing, literally nothing, the little Spirit girl is like Rapunzel took more from you than you know when she touched those spikes in season 1 she took some of that moon magic that is your moon magic I think Cass might be completely possessed I think moon magic is like a very tempting power source that corrupts the mind because it looks like a completely wild animal because of the At the end of this, again, nothing in episode 8 is when we get the reveal that apparently Rapunzel's parents haven't regained their memories yet, that's crazy to me because there have been so many filler episodes and so much nonsense that Rapunzel has been doing, how is this? isn't at the top of his priorities, how come this didn't stress her out?
The king and queen don't even remember why they were in love. her long-term marriage was the result of trauma. Bond wow you should erase your memories too Rapunzel your life sucks it doesn't matter it was resolved in one episode we are all good in episode 10 be very scared we see more of Cassandra's emotions related to magic the little Spirit girl tells her He kills Rapunzel and after Cassandra becomes afraid of this, the pointed rocks spin. red and makeothers feel like they are experiencing their greatest fears. Hi Cassandra, I'll tell you a little secret. You are living your greatest fear.
You're still following orders. This creepy apparition that clearly has its own motives tells you. You finally have a destiny and I'll tell you exactly what that destiny is and you're just taking their word, how about you do what you really want to do? You're still waiting in the wings, stupid on islands apart, we got you. with Cassandra's adoptive father, remember the captain of the guards, it's okay if you forgot, there's a lot going on, he retreated to the island with all the little leaf people after having an altercation with Cassandra, who scolded him for accepting her after her. her mother abandoned her, he lost hope in her and I don't blame him, the only person she should be mad at is Mother Gothal and that's somehow the only person she's not mad at.
Moonstone Madness. I'm telling you anyway, on the island her father made. a desire to get the old cast back so she's been faking this illusion for 5 years of her it's hard Rapunzel has to make him see sense she's been through all this none of this is real Matrix before in Cassandra's Revenge it's Eugene's 26th birthday birthday, he keeps talking about how old he is, and since he's 26, I wish he'd shut up, but anyway Cassandra crashes Eugene's 26th birthday party demanding that he get the scroll so she can have full access to his power, Not only did he ruin his first birthday?
Because this was the first year she found out when her birthday really was, but it also ruined Eugenio's third proposal and Rapunzel's first. They were going to propose marriage. It was going to be so cute. I hate you, Cassandra. It turns out that the scroll is with Varian who is translating it and there aren't just two chants, there are four, so I thought this meant there were two other celestial forces at play, but unfortunately it's still just the Sun and the Moon Bo mhh, yes, this is a song from Jupiter to make children more stupid and this one here is from Venus to make your penis bigger.
Cassandra breaks into Varian's lab and kidnaps him and tortures him to get the new moon charm out of him, not because of the new moon, that actually would have been cool. I would have done it. I liked that no, it's just the second moon enchantment. She makes a giant tower out of spikes. The second part of Cass's Revenge begins with a duet between her and Varan where Varan evens out with her by saying that you don't have to be the villain. Been there, it's not good and suddenly you become the victim before our very eyes. What you think of me is a villain.
Yeah, okay, gaslighting, you really are Mother Gothel's daughter after she took offense to Varan seeing her as a villain. she drops one of the most villainous lyrics of all time and I wish someone would call her my rivals will fall as my power rises. That right there you sound like a like, don't listen to it, sing that again. Rivals will fall like my power. yes, ascend, you are saying that you are going to kill people to be able to ascend. I mean, the way you said it makes it sound bad, no, he's just a bad guy, although Varan was being very kind and careful with her words. still puts him in a cage hanging 1,000 feet in the air very unvillainous of you Cass you really showed her when Rapunzel confronts Cass again she is still even with her Cassandra is hurting her Varian Eugene what will it take for Runzel to give up? in a side note from Cass, when Cassandra grabbed Eugene's face and said maybe you'd fight me over him, boy, she threw that jealous fit, I don't know what to tell you, that was something else.
Rapunzel had to use the Second Son's enchantment that was hidden in the scroll with invisible ink that was only seen in direct sunlight, the creepy ghost girl told Varan about this, it is clear that the creepy ghost girl wants to snatch the power Sundrop and the Moonstone power in the next episode ran towards Spire Cassandra and the creepy ghost girl grabs the Brotherhood Stone that controls all the members of the Brotherhood. The creepy girl is revealed to be Zanti, which makes a lot more sense. I don't know why I thought she was Mother Gothal Zanti only reveals herself to Rapunzel and she says that Cass doesn't know, so is there some level of mind control here that I should know so I don't lose all my respect for Cass, although A Tale of Two Sisters doesn't do it any favors since she's still desperately clinging to the hope that Mother Gothel loved her and Rapunzel is still trying to explain it to my sweet, lovely best friend of mine.
I would like to remind you once again that Mother Gothel didn't care about anything or anyone but Herself, can we please stop with this dip and hug bullshit? Cass had to see this for herself in a room full of mirrors in Mother Gothel's old house. These memories arose from her just admiring herself as she said goodbye to Baby Cast. Rapunzel was half a second away from breaking. even the blue haired bastard until Zanti put a mirror in Rapunzel's bag that had Mother Gothel being nice and this causes Cass to get lost. You tried to hide the one nice thing my mom did for me.
That nice thing outshines all the good things about you. What he's done for me over the years, all these years of friendship. Cass already seems really stupid, but to rub salt in the wound, Zanti shares with us, the audience, the entire memory of her stealing a fragment that shows the end of this memory where, essentially, Mother Gothal. He said uh now that I gave him that stupid gift I hope he leaves me alone I gasp it's a wrinkle I have to steal a baby in the episode Flynn poster Lance says what I've been thinking all this time if any of these guys ever succeeded saved anything, thank you, thank you, the leader of the guards will finally resign because he can't fight his own daughter and nominates Eugene as the new captain, something that should have happened already in season 1, plus the baron is still alive somehow once.
A Maiden is by far the worst episode of this entire series. Cassandra sees the full mirror of Mother Gothal's memory being a heartless scream, welcome to the first movie and also discovers that Zanti is Zanti gasp, welcome to three episodes ago, anyway, she completely won in the 80s. dressing up to apologize with Rapunzel, but at the end of the episode when she realizes that the kingdom was ready to attack her, she does a complete 360 ​​degree turn again in one episode and attacks everyone and takes over the kingdom, so it would be like if I would appear Somewhere every day for a month, I threatened people with guns.
I come to this place every day, threaten people with guns, and then the one day I didn't show up with a gun, someone finally pushed me back and I thought, see this? that's why i have my gun, the three part finale is fantastic and honestly i'm exhausted so i'm not going to cover every plot point, but now that cassandra can't get mad anymore about the whole mom thing, she just says Being mad at Rapunzel again for being the main character, she also thinks her little cage can stop Zanti, okay, and even when Cassandra is still horrible, Rapunzel still finds time to be gay and sing a little song about her and how much he loves her.
This is Rapunzel's last solo song in the series and is a love song for Cassandra with lyrics like I would give anything for you I would give anything to relive everything with you, yes, but no, they are best friends, her roommates, Zantiri take the Sun Drop. and the moon drop left Cassandra embarrassed, well I thought it was my destiny to kill you and I failed, hey best friend, love of my life, it's okay, you did your best and that's all you can do. Rapunzel also has long brown hair right now, but I don't. I don't have a wake for that so this is awkward, Zanti almost destroys the entire Kingdom with this little diddy we all know and love from Wither and Decay.
He finishes this Destiny, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Rapunzel and Cassandra defeat Zanti by doing the Sundrop and the moonstone touch they do, they do the sunstone, they do the sundrop and the moonstone kiss, they had the last of Rapunzel's Sundrop magic in her hair and they put the hair of Rapunzel around Zan's hands and then quickly cut away, so back to this little number. I had to go back to short brown hair because in the canon wedding that was released before this series even started, she had short brown hair, so we had to go back here anyway, you know what will set the mood for a wedding of Eugene and Rapunzel. have Rapunzel recreate the same crying agony scene holding her arm that she did with Eugene, but instead with Cassandra, since Eugene is just deluded deep down even during the happily ever after where he finally proposed to her and got different rings each time What a king he is.
The smile at the end was so awkward she wanted to say no again. There was actually a lot of love between the three of them for most of the series, but in the end Rapunzel really acted like he hated him. It was a strange choice. I'm going to be very honest with you. I was going overboard all season 2. I wanted to defend Cass so badly that I wanted to experience the depth of her emotion and insecurity, but I disliked her so much that I think they did a really good job. I work with Varan and they could have done a much better job with her, the whole feeling of being overlooked was really interesting, but it was derailed so quickly by involving Mother Gothel that it became downright pathetic envy towards someone who has only been there for you it reads more like an unrequited love that is totally reciprocated but repressed I guess show me please Varan in the Seven Kingdoms was proposed to Disney as a comic series following Varan after the events of the show, it was created by Caitlyn Ritter and Anna leani, but unfortunately it never made it to Bay, despite this there are still character descriptions and designs published and with this information alone there is a dedicated fandom.
Varian and the Seven Kingdoms have their own wiki. Full of fan casting and fan-made songs on YouTube. tons of hellish animation just by searching for Varan in the Seven Kingdoms in Google's people's questions section, we have who Varian's boyfriend is


up, huh, despite watching the entire show. I don't know, let's see Hugo. All after sharing a Hug. Hugo admits his own attraction to Varian. The fan of Varian is happy about this and kisses Hugo, becoming her boyfriend, later her husband. I hope someone reads this and then watches the entire Tangled series shouting to the sky where Hugo is, where Hugh is going, but lovers, I hope you enjoyed this could have been.
The most complicated series, but there are so many things I didn't even mention. Lance adopts the two little thieves at the end, it was so cute and can I ask you something? Don't be angry instead of leaving suggestions for the next video. Can you tell me what your favorite part of this is? That would be really encouraging and sweet. Have a great day, but lovers, you can do whatever you want. You can say the 5000th day of applying for the number of Jacks, which I actually really want to get. bye

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