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Talking Watches With Ed Sheeran, Hosted By John Mayer

May 17, 2024
that we would go with subtract and this is the subtract 6900 G-Shock. by Ed and um, yeah, it's, you know what I find? It's very similar to this, it's loud, it just sticks out and that's why I love wearing these two to shows, this is very subtract, it's very much the math stadium and You know, I would say this wears out more than any something else because I know that if I lose this I can get another one and I'm very careful. They ask me to do this for this watch and this for this watch. or I judge this by this watch and I'm very careful to be like I don't want to like them, other than just wearing brands that I like, I don't want to align you, you want to be independent of the watch and you want to be a lover of all the brands where there is something in this and I love that everyone, like all my colleagues who are watch guys, has at least one of your GS, everyone likes it and it is something that is collectible for all collectors, after


about these pieces that For the Most people, let's be honest, it's unattainable to give people a watch that is as exciting to you as any of these


on the table and that they can join in, probably wear as much or more than most of the


on the table, that helps.
talking watches with ed sheeran hosted by john mayer
Bring people who are interested in watches and you so they can participate. It doesn't matter if it's a G-Shock. G-Shocks are great. It comes from you. It is his expression. It makes people excited. I think when people see. they're going to want to wear it and all of a sudden we're


about a $180 watch that can express to other people that you're passionate about watches even if you can't, yeah when I see people at the May hinki I'm like I know you're a watch, it's the same way as seeing someone on a moon. Swatch, you just know how to imbue a watch like a G-Shock with the same spirit of passion that you have for these pieces. this and it's a conversation starter for people if I'm wearing this watch and I see someone else wearing the watch we're going to have a conversation I don't care who you are we're talking I'm going to go what's up? um and that's what people do if you were wearing this watch and I was wearing that what happens and it brings the culture of watch collecting to everyone and that's what I love about it and it's also very, very well rendered, so you're doing it we.
talking watches with ed sheeran hosted by john mayer

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talking watches with ed sheeran hosted by john mayer...

You're doing it right. I'm announcing it now. We haven't agreed to go, so this is everyone's compilation. When we talk about watches that are difficult to obtain, there is a difference between rare and desirable. Some things are just very desirable. Although there are many of them, some things are incredibly rare because of how many are made of them and I think the rarest watch in the world right now is Kikuchi Nakagawa, a couple of these Mamo wristwatches and I want you to tell me . tell me about them, so I was in Japan actually at the same time I saw you and you mentioned them and I contacted them and they came to my hotel to show me the watch they had made.
talking watches with ed sheeran hosted by john mayer
Now I have two but they came to show me this and I looked at it and I ordered one then my wife got pregnant and yeah I mean I order a lot of watches and they come at different times but this one came on the same day I bought the um uh 5711 came this and I thought, this is the watch I want to give her for her 18th birthday and um it has, you know, the date she was born and her name on the back and and then I did the same thing with my second daughter, same thing, same thing. and yeah, they're just cool, they're cool, there's something about Japanese culture that they just do everything that we do, but they better like the beer there.
talking watches with ed sheeran hosted by john mayer
It's better, the food there is better. I went to find a McDonald's there. Is better. You know, they do everything to such a high standard and I'm a big Seiko guy too, but I love the way I refer to these. They're like Swiss watches made by two guys. Yes, I know they are, it's an ouse move, but it's just but it's finished in a way that's really beautiful. They finished and the hands are like rusty black hands. You're actually based on PCH Calatrava 96 and I really like that there are a couple different Brigade number styles. You know, you say Brigade Numbers, it's a little general for maybe three or four different ways of doing it.
This is really the Stout. in an original way just great, great, it's um. I keep telling people I go if you look up the watch in the dictionary it would just be this and for me it's the width of the strap and how much of the actual width of the case it covers. Also, I have to wear it too, so I think I have number three of these with the black dial and honestly, I haven't worn it yet and the way my mind works is to keep it clean until the day you want to give it away. for yourself and then and then you say, okay, now it's mine because I feel like I have watches when I buy them, if I haven't worn them yet I still live in this kind of pergatory, it could be this kind of perfect little collectible now.
I won't collect something I wouldn't wear, which I know is confusing, but in theory having it but not wearing it there will still be a night where I'll go, you know what my watch is for the year or something? something really exciting about where it's going, even the new thing like the new one they just released. I have a couple of them and they are just great. They are great. Brilliant. Look at it. It only works for people who have already been. seen wearing really ornate and very complicated watches, wearing this is just undercutting everyone and if you looked at it you wouldn't know what it is and they're not at all expensive in terms of watches but you'd have to do that long before this video.
You would have to find out about them, contact them and then make a deposit and wait and wait. uh on the website how many months wait is there on the website? Oh, it says between 96 and 120 months, which is very yes, well, depending on how. things are going, yeah, yeah, um, but no, they're great, but on the topic of a long wait and really, really, really rare watches like this for this, for me, I bought this for my wedding and I bought one a game for my My wife has a 38mm watch. What watch is this? This is a RW Smith and he was basically George Daniel's protégé and he learned how to make watches because every element of this watch is handmade by him like everything and has like a cherry blossom. inlays on the back and no one really talks about British watch making, it's always Swiss, German or Japanese, but in terms of British watchmaking, I know George Daniels is like his godfather, but I think this guy just makes incredible watches.
Do you do it with the way you know you ordered a watch? It may not be 128 months, but I mean, this took a long time. You like to wait. We got engaged in 2017. I asked for this and in the end we got married. of 2019, so it was a good two and a half year wait waiting for that and that's what I sometimes quite like about waiting lists on things that you know, you order something and you like this, this unique piece like this was a wait, you know, wait and you know it's coming and you get excited about it, it's not just like you can have it and it comes the next day.
I enjoy the weight. I love the weight. I wouldn't have thought about it. I would think that, when I was younger, but weight is part of the property when you're in line and you know you're going to get a call at some point, it's a fun way to live because you get it, you open The Box. You say, there it is, put it on and you kind of missed the moments when you were waiting for it because you know it's over. Would you say that at all times there is always something done for you that you are waiting for? because what if there wasn't, you'd be a little empty inside no, I just think that's part of collecting anything, there's always something, there's always something in the works, have you ever given a watch to someone when you were drunk, Yeah?
Many times you woke up and regretted giving that watch to that person. No because I think it's all part of. Actually, I never regret anything. Actually, that's all part of the story I gave him. The Dr. gave someone a watch once. What watch? It was a really cool date, just with a blue burst dial and diamond markers, and I think there were two of them, one, which made it really funky and porny, and I put it on someone's wrist and thought, "I want." . that you had this and the next morning I woke up and thought of a great story.
I felt like the mayor took care of you did that and that's amazing and that's how it happens when you drink, but he was actually happy to do it, I mean, we. You're not always so drunk to the point. I mean, you wouldn't put a 50004 on someone's WR if you weren't, um, no, but I would. My favorite thing in the world is to give people watches and see them and then switch to Look at the people I've seen. I gave someone a watch and then the next week I saw them with a Moon Swatch on and I thought, “Okay, they bought a watch,” and then they said, “You know what I really like?” What am I diving deep into?
You are a facilitator. I also like, although I'm the number of people that not just me, that just put watches through you and yeah, you know if you're a friend of ours, we'll make sure that you skip the 12 to 20 that I would call airport watches in the past, when you bought a watch at an airport when you were bored. Yeah, I call them, he looks, you know, you're tired, you're hungover, you're jet lagged, you've got 40 minutes in a duty free airport, go and let me look in this surveillance place and you see a Gerard Parago world time and go, call me and then when you take a nap and go back to your bed, you'll wake up, you'll be fine, I've got it now and any time, any time I can, any time, I think we can get our friends to skip those what I call Safe Dwellers and doing them straight is like tattoos too, you know, don't you feel like I wish I could redo that? but also that that is the journey, but yes, that is the journey.
I love this conversation, it's not that far away. Out of how I see it, but like everything else in life, you're a little better than me. I'm not saying I would never sell a watch either. I'm just saying these watches in particular, these ones on this table, yeah, this calls. in doubt you are spending money and that money is gone you no longer see these watches as potential future money they are watches I see them I see them as if I saw wine they are to be enjoyed they are to be enjoyed I don't like it I don't like it I don't understand anything about and wow this was smart this was SM Like I understand them because I love them well, are you pleased to discover that a watch you bought?
It's four times more valuable even if you're not going to withdraw the money. Isn't it nice to know that what you're wearing is four times more valuable than the day you bought it? Me personally, no, because I like it. like wearing them and not wearing them but even just realizing I find myself like you and leaning more towards G-Shock now just being like I don't want to so you're like okay this is interesting because you're I'm never going to sell them , it becomes a burden that they are so valuable and makes them more difficult to use.
No, I'm not B. Burden is the wrong word, but since I bought them, uh, I used to, but I like to look for watch brands that weren't. necessarily the known ones and having them and being able to use them for this or that and I remember buying them in the past a few um Richard before I knew, I probably pronounced that wrong, I don't care um uh and that was That would go unnoticed anyway because it wasn't like a precious metal, it wasn't flashy and then all of a sudden they became flashy and then I thought, "I can't wear them anymore, yeah, for me, everything." somehow it leads to the jumbo, just all roads end with a jumbo or something, which is a very seemingly Plain Jane thing with a little bit of that, that's why I love the um adicus uh, it's like I never liked uh steel steel bracelet I always was that I think that's why I was always like black rubber bracelet that's why I liked huo that's why I liked it um like that I just like something I think pale skin tattoos whatever but the older I get the more I've gotten into the steel bracelets and I love that each brand has their own blue face steel bracelet and these are hard to find.
I don't think there are many of those and they could move all their production to that and sell a bunch of them and well, this was, I mean, I used it, I used this almost the entire pandemic. I love this one. Basically, I had gone to play in Germany and bought a grain job and I loved it. I love the digital aspect of a Zite work and then when they came out I thought, you know, there's something I know, I know PCH does it now, but there's something about resizing at the push of a button and you've had a little bit to drink. the night before your skin is a little puffy and you put on a watch and it may fit perfectly oh that has a fit, I think this was the first big watch brand to do it.
I don't think I've ever seen this before. We are getting a rarity from one of the best. Yes, yes, have you? Try it on. I think I'm going to force you. a guy langa at the end of this so this is what I wanted to say about a watch like this so for many years I have been collecting with such a top down approach to collecting that I find it difficult to get into it. a brand that I have not had but you are going to enter FPJ. I'm going to enter fpj. It's the first new brand I think I've bought in 10 years.
I could be wrong. Ben probably knows this better than I do. I don't think I did. I bought I mean, I bought a Vacheron Heritage 222, which made me buy an original 22 steel. I just bought an original 222 steel, but with so much in my collection already the question is: can youBuy just one watch from one brand and be seen? I know, I mean, it doesn't matter what it looks like. I think you can and you can't. I think if you buy one from Lang later, you'll go for one of the really high-complication ones. I know what I want.
I want from Lang yeah I want a loom data graph that's okay I'd have to do that come on man no I love it we're going to BRAC and the online bracelet doesn't give justice to what the bracelet actually looks like. person has the best fonts has the best fonts on his dials I think dial typography means everything to me I'm a I think I think it's a little bit of you I think it's a little bit of you well, I'll do it I'll share this with you and a I would love to know your opinion on this.
I have reached a point where I feel that the pieces in my collection are so representative of moments in my life that I appreciate that the struggle for risk time with new watches is becoming more and more difficult for you when you buy a new watch you have to fight these other ones to gain risk time or it's kind of like roller derby and at any given time I think I think everyone has to have a purpose and function so I actually recently got into Rolex and it started with a Batman and I thought, oh, pretty much like that and the purpose is every day, where yes it would have to be because you've already started in these really complex ones. complicated watches, so the appeal of a Rolex becomes more sporty, more everyday wearable, easier to get through the world in general wearing a watch that is less complicated and a little bit fragile than these, yes, and I think it comes from If I think it's coming. de I travel a lot and you don't want to travel with a lot of stuff and and um and I also know that if I lose one, you could go get one the same day, not necessarily, it might have to be gy Market. or whatever, but you, it's not like I lost, I'll never get it again and you're going to find it pretty quickly.
I always think to myself that there are certain watches, if you took them away from me, I would say you better get rid of the chain. Throw it down the toilet or crush it under your foot because I'm going to find it just like some of these watches do and I hate to even bring energy to this thought, but some of these watches are way up there on the echelon of surveillance. collecting that you would get a call from someone after passing it through a pawn shop three times, a pawn shop, then a jeweler, then a watch collector, they would say, hey, this is from someone, yeah, there's something about it I wanted to talk in terms of being a musician and Touring and having watches as part of your touring life You and I are solo artists.
It can be very lonely for anyone on tour, but when you're a solo artist there's a kind of confinement that occurs throughout the entire tour. that a watch keeps you company in a certain way, that you choose which watch you're going to take on tour as a way of having a companion, so to speak, although yeah, I mean, it's big and nobody who doesn't. Collecting watches or traveling would understand it, but the choice of you know what I came for. I have come to the United States for nine months. This is the first time I've seen these watches in three months, but for the next six months I won.
I will not see them again and it is very similar to who will be my companion during those N9 months. I like to switch between the jumbo and the 5711 I got for my first daughter's birthday, but those are the ones that will always be my companions and there's something to it. I just love them. Yes, you may not know what city you're waking up in, but you can put on your watch and say, "Okay, that's it." My partner and I, Sidekicks, is a great way to put it. In fact, I think there will be more people who will relate to that than Who Tour, you had a tutor watch to celebrate the Divide tour.
I'm lucky enough to be, uh, that's CU John John broke the deal I basically said I wanted some special watches made for my tour team at the end of the tour and John said I think you mentioned they made one for Facebook, yeah , no one knows this, can I say this, yeah? Let's do it now, I mean, they did it. You could use it any time you want. The tutor made a corporate custom order that they will do for Facebook and I have some friends on Facebook and some of them had a kind of watch club at Facebook headquarters and, uh, finding the custom marking tutor is very curious, interesting and novel , so I have a Facebook tutor that when I look at it, I go to this, so I don't even know what it is, I don't even know if anyone knows what it is. a Facebook tutor there was one that sold like two months ago did it really?
Yeah, I didn't see I didn't see what it was for, but there was one more, there were a couple of these that were sold, oh, have you seen, have you seen? These are selling, are you upset that any of them sold? Not because the pandemic happened and touring stopped, so who am I to say? I was actually really sad when I saw that he wasn't sad, like how dare you? you know, obviously no one was on tour for 18 months or something and it's people's livelihood and I guess I'm kind of happy that they had something to sell, but I know what they went for, yeah, like 30 grand or something like that, yes, quite surprising, yes, and all that. has a really cool message too, yeah, so it just says, "Thank you for all your hard work on this tour.
Love Ed and then split the tour. I mean, we sold like 9 million tickets on this tour. It's still the busiest tour of all time. people who were along the way, you know, got lost, like kids, birthdays, funerals, weddings, like all these things and I give a bonus every year. I give everyone a bonus. Christmas and we give gifts all the way, like raincoats or mugs, or you know, all these things, but there's something especially with watches because they're my passion, there's something about being like there's such a limited amount of people in it. the tour they even knew chuda or whatever, they were like oh this is cool and I quite like it because everyone wears it on the tour, on the tour, like all the guys on the tour, it's like a badge of honor, it's the watch version of a satin tour jacket, yeah, yeah, every single member of the tour crew, I don't.
I think there really is someone who keeps it in a safe at home to protect it, everyone wears it with pride and it's like we survived. I always feel like when someone has a birthday down the road, I feel so guilty that my guitar tech had his. birthday about two days ago and I approached him. I said happy birthday, man, and what you really mean is thank you so much for having your birthday. I think it's more kids' birthdays, that's what really breaks my heart when someone says like that. I'll pretend a team member says, Can you say happy fifth birthday to my daughter or something?
And I'd say: I'm so sorry for running Dad off the road. I mean, I get it because it's like people's lives. but yeah i think this is just a way of saying thank you and also everyone started wearing watches after this so now they're all you think you're getting every time you think you're doing someone a favor by giving them a watch or helping them get a watch, you're actually setting them back financially, uh, forever, because I don't know anyone who didn't get the bug, you know, the one who didn't get the bug was Andy Cohen.
I introduced Andy Cohen at the AP House at 16202 and God bless him. I like the fact that he just looked at it and it worked out and he never showed up again and that seems very honest to me. Did he buy it? No, it just wouldn't have been cool if he just bought it and then said okay, it's just my forever watch and yes, I know it's one that's forever. I always like to see Paul McCartney because Paul McCartney always has the same aquanut. I love it, it was a gift and he went. like yeah, okay Paul McCartney, the first time I met Paul McCartney was in a studio, these are good meetings for us, right, we're young, you're in the studio, you think a guy like Paul McCartney is going to be dripping in the The best clothes, it's already Paul McCartney.
I remember the first time I saw it was when it was called Ocean W Studios. He had about 15 dollars worth of clothes, just a t-shirt and shorts, I mean the watch. I probably still had the aquanut on and I remember saying, oh, that's not necessary and if you think that's some crazy story that's just orphan of what we're talking about, it kind of coincides with what we're talking about when it comes to the watches, people know that you have Francois, CEO of Autom RP, on speed dial, who I can reach anyone of any brand, so at that time it is not a sign of great status, now it becomes a sample of taste if you play with a great player.
Show on one of these watches Do you ever get superstitious and continue wearing the same watch in the hope that the race will continue? Are you like a baseball player who hits home runs? He does a Watch Lock and you say. I can't take it off now. playing big shows, uh, I gotta say, man, like the stadium show, as you saw, it's pretty much, it's just shut down and it is what it is, unless there's something in the show, it's good, it's a show good enough. He does it, he does his thing, but yeah, I would say I don't know, I don't change watches that part of me likes the idea of ​​a stage costume.
I wear the same thing to every concert. I love Coldplay and I love that Chris Martin always looks the same at every concert he has, he has a stage suit that he gets into, it's Chris Martin and I like to wear ceramic, I mean I'm going to alternate between white ceramic and the black one for the rest of the tour, but I like to be like that, that's the stage, look, um, because I used to, you know, I've used 24.99 on stage. That is incredible. I don't think anyone has used a 24.99 on stage. I doubt, I doubt I would have applauded him. used I remember wearing the 54 at the Billboard Awards doing Bloodstream and there's a little bit at the end of Bloodstream where I go.
There's something great about knowing that you can take these watches and put them on every single watch company boss like me, too. I have been with them and I have said that all of these watches, like all the great complications that are coming out of Pek, can be swam with. I think minute repeaters maybe not. I think there's a little difference there, but all. These cool watches are durable, they are not sports watches, but they are durable, they are not like these, I really like beautiful things. I would say I wouldn't swim with a 24.99, no and um, but yeah, I would swim with a um, a 527, that's interesting, yeah, I won't even shower with a will you shower with your watch on?
No, but that's more of a superstition of wanting to clean my wrist, you know, I say, well, no, that's superstition or just good old sensible thinking yeah, yeah, there was another one, oh, do you wear watches to sleep? No, I, I, I find strange things around my wrist when I sleep, I know people wear those things, I wear the garment when I go to sleep, I wear a Garmin every night, I just don't want to know that I sleep in fear . I have two small children, so I sleep terribly anyway. I don't want to say oh, you have like 4 hours R.
I know, but I just don't. listen to what he tells you I just want to see the time because it will tell me how long I slept and he will say bad recovery, you slept terrible, you are going to die in a ditch today, these things are so boring. I'm supposed to mean, my 5970 never told me get ready to feel like you didn't have REM sleep all day, you had bad dreams, so why do you have a smartwatch? I would like to know what time it is in the middle and I go. so Bob got it go to bed because I don't want to pick up my phone Ed Sheeran let me ask you another question here are some lightning questions if you could get some clock brand tattooed on you oh my god you know it's weird.
I was thinking about this the other day, watch brands aside, when I was getting my first round of tattoos. I almost got a clock tattoo here and since I'm known for my terrible tattoos, I know this well. I mean, some of them are a little weird but uh, but yeah, they almost gave me a watch, what watch would you have bought? I almost got it tattooed. Would it have been a photo of a real portrait? I don't know, it would have been terrible, but um, but no, if it was. to tattoo a watch brand and think about how much you love the brand, but also graphically what their brand looks like.
I mean, I would do it for the story, okay, here's another lightning question, but I really want you to put your Thinking about this Ed Sheran, what do you like most about Spider-Man AP? concept, it just makes me think Which, unless you're Tom Holland, Toby Maguire or Andrew Garfield, who is it for? What is your favorite thing? Choose your favorite thing. The circle. The best answer. uh, I like it, I just like the concepts in general, so. I like the fact that it's a concept. I'd be interested to see if they go all out and make Hulk and Iron Man.
If I were them, I wouldn't stop them. This is not the time. stop, but I think I want to say that there is something in pop culture. I just think it's if you're going to do it. I don't know, it feels, it just feels a little aggressive, you know what I think about it, here's my What I like most about Spider-Man is that it's very well rendered Spider-Man himself is incredibly well rendered, it's a beautiful render, but it's 250 Grand, you have to imagine if it weren't like that, but it's very goodrendering, let's say it's easy. Just by looking at it, it is very well represented.
I love that when you turn the clock over and look back, you still see this guy's feet dangling like he's in the trash, you see his two little feet dangling on the ground. I've seen the back of Spider-Man's feet. Could you insert the image of the back of the Spider-Man concept? Can I just say? Can I just say that I come out in uh um defense of like the rest of the world when code 1159? came out wasn't for me and now I think some of this is for me, I'll tell you why, but that's different, it's not you who comes in, no, but they could make an Iron Man where I am, that's for me, but that is. different that's AP in the code finding out how not to put six different fonts on a dial finding out how not to have a white ring they're actually changing it's like the Ford Bronco when it first came out you said I don't know about the 5270 the first generation isn't very good and you give it a minute and it really figures out on its own, so the last code chronograph is lovely, so it's not so much about you adapting to it if I'm being very thoughtful about the Spider. -Man, I have no problem with a watch that celebrates Spider-Man.
What I would have said if he were at the meeting is let's make a Spider-Man watch that looks more like something Spider-Man himself would have worn. and not a watch that features an um, so more of a color combination that puts both eyes on it represents Spider-Man. Great, is there a Marvel crossover AP concept you'd buy with the same type of design? The same design. What is it? a Marvel character that you would buy, I mean we talked about this and it's not Marvel, it would be DC and it would be Batman Batman, but that's because when I was a kid, Batman was my guy, that's how it was, it was Batman, so it just leans and there's probably an element of that for Spider-Man, the kind of people who would buy and might have the number one Spider-Man comic in their house, you know, so here, okay, AP will work with you to work with any element or icon you want.
If you want an openwork concept, you can put whatever you want there, but it has to be another brand that is a collaboration with them, what are you doing in painted enamel, sculpted metal in the center of the dial, me personally and it is a unique piece . no one else has this, don't they, so they're judging me for it, oh yeah CU, if they don't judge me for Pokémon all day, I'd have Squirtle in the middle and it would just be a baby blue rubber strap. You could, that's not bad, actually, yeah, that would be really cool.
It would be a watch for divers. It would be like a proper watch. I'm just kidding. No, no, this is good. I actually like this, but in terms of going out. general i j Squirtle they are going to hate him anyway, if I can stand it and say this is my watch, I think a Pokémon AP could have come out of you like a peculiar, I don't. Hey, how about a bottle of Hines ketchup? Would you use one? They gave me one. I have another friend named Johnny who gave me a Hines ketchup theme where the second hand was a bottle of Hines ketchup but not Tink tingly Ted the new, the new hot sauce, yes, from Hines, tingly, Ted, I've tried it, it's fantastic , it's spicy ketchup, it's shiny, anything else you're interested in, is there anything new other than the watches you're collecting?
I always grew up, both my parents worked in art, they were both art gallery curators, so I've always loved art and my dream is to leave all my masters and my publishing and put it all into the charity and set up a music school which is surrounded by amazing art that you can, it's just an art place, but that's the ultimate goal, so I collect a lot of random art. I have sent you art before you. I gave you a Daytona. I did it. Yeah. I gave you a Daytona for Christmas or something. It was great.
I would never have thought of getting a steel bracelet, uh, no, but I love wine. I do not do it. I stop drinking spirits, so wine is like my gift at the end of a concert, so you know, dig into that and there's a wine called. muton Rothschild, who have a different artist to paint since 1945, since the war ended, they have a different artist who paints the label for each year, so it's quite fun to go back and collect the years and it's very similar to the world of The Watch, where there are certain years you can't buy unless you tell um, the vineyard, you know two to say, you're like, I'll drink this and then they go, okay, we'll sell you this bottle, but you have to send us a photo. with it open, you know, I don't know, so I drank crazy old wine just to prove it, well, no, I like it, I'll drink it with my dad or something, but then I'll send a picture. from the bottle and say thank you very much, we had a great time and I'm collecting all of his paintings, not the actual paintings, obviously because they're like Picassos and so on, but it's like all the bottles have each one. painting and then I write on the bottle what we did that night, so it'll be like the first Father's Day or something, we'll put it there or it'll be like my 28th birthday wherever Bella Horizon and let's put Bella.
Brazil yes, yes, uh, and then I have, yes, I drink, I drink a lot of wine but I do it because I don't like to be it's very similar to wine watches. I'm not going to buy a watch each. The day I get specific ones for specific things that will mean something and there will be a reason for it, so I don't want to just I don't want to go to a bar and drink Petual Fluid gin, right? I'm going to spend a night with my dad, drink a really nice bottle of wine, have a really nice conversation with him about it.
I am most inspired by you, more than anyone else in my life, by the way you interact. with your own life and how you find pleasure in knowing that you are alive, knowing that this is a journey, making the most of the journey and making other people on the journey make the most of the journey, this is you are one of the most inspiring people that I've ever known as far as, in fact, I'll tell you something I've never told anyone. I live in a hotel room. I've done this for a long time. I want to play.
I tend to walk into my hotel room I come from a long line of people who don't leave home and meeting you and hanging out with you and watching the way you interact with the world has been so inspiring to me that because of you, I started to book study days on your off days and I'll be damned if your way of doing it isn't the best way to do it and I, I just have to stop and say that your relationship with each and every one of these watches as a way to amplify your relationship with your own life and your friends and trips are amazing to me and ridiculously inspiring, so yeah, while I can say, hey, you should pick up this fancy uh Jour, you're so much to me and say "hey," you should celebrate your success and go out and go to dinner, pick a friend to go to dinner with, leave your hotel room, venture out into the world, you know what I honestly think since I got rid of my phone, life has changed.
It's been that way because it's about human interaction, like real human interaction, like we were in Atlanta and we should have had a three and a half hour conversation before going out with the concert and having more conversation, but it's worth a lot more that way. which like an email every once in a while, you know, I actually couldn't agree more, yeah, actually, having a deep dive and yeah, I think so, life is life, uh, sometimes it can be very lonely and I think going out and having things like that is why. I want to leave all this to people so they have some kind of memory of me instead of knowing what money really does once you have it, you can't, no, no.
I plan to spend it all before I leave or give it all to someone likes it or put it all in that char to set up something like I don't have the I mean I'm sure my kids will see this in the next few years and be like what you say but As you know, I have never met multi-generational wealth people who are happy and fulfilled and able to do what they really want to do because there is a kind of "like" who do what they really want to do and then they are stripped of their joy. of it. away because someone says it only happened because of that thing.
I think so, I do what I love for a living, but no, I used to do it for free, like it's just because people want to come to concerts and I can charge tickets. but because I used to play gigs every night for free, I went to the studio every day for free. I would like this to be my hobby. Is the same. It's the same as you. That's why it's good that you go. uh studio and days off because your hobby is making music so either you're on stage playing and that's your hobby or you're off stage in the studio and that's your hobby but either way you'll be happy to be doing your Well, it's just that I discovered now on this tour that I'm doing that doing something you love is more regenerative than resting and I always thought, oh, you have to do it, if you're doing something you love between shows, you're actually regenerating. more energy than if you were just lying in a hotel room Ed, I can't thank you enough for some of this we've talked about before, but a lot of it is completely new to me and, as always, with every meeting I have with I leave you inspired and I know everyone else has too friend, thank you very much.
I have been so reluctant to do this for so many years. um just because I never felt comfortable being like Schoras Board of Watches, but I love the shape. that we've done it, like I sent them to you, you picked the ones that you thought were interesting and I think we're in a great place and we'll see you to talk about watches 2 in 5 years, yeah, with Spider-Man. I can't get the Spider-Man right now half let me let me ask this question. I could do, you know what? I could get a Spider-Man, I just would, meta man.
I would if you did. I'd get a Spider-Man, if you had a Spider-Man, should we do it? Ironically, we would be using Spider-Man. There's nothing ironic about you having to use it too. I would use it, but would it be? Would you use it? You'll be fine, I'll buy a Spider-Man and use a Spider-Man with the purest heart and soul. If you do it, I think so, if you did it, if it was very similar to what we are doing. this together what everyone thinks I can't believe this is such this is this is a really dumb conversation actually I am actually I agree with Spider-Man if you say if it is if it's a friend watch because I I have learned that a story it's important to you and I would say I have and John got these, ironically, and we used them, you want to throw them away right now, man, I'm 100% down, like you're showing a deal it's a deal Ed and I are here a few months later, after the video of the talking clocks and the spider-man clocks came in, we pulled out a couple of cobwebs and got it right, this would be the first time you've seen it in person, but no, never, okay. oh, it's a oh, it's different wow, that was, that's really cool, that's too good and this would be yes, thank you, thank you very much, me in person, it's nice, it's beautiful, can you zoom in?

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