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Take Advantage Of The Real Estate Correction HAPPENING NOW

May 07, 2024
oh yeah, okay, so look, we have, we have a property right here. I know these numbers are huge, but look, if you can do the big numbers, you can do the small numbers, okay? I have $300 million in income from this property, okay that's worth something, everyone agrees that the income is going to increase, it's called the appreciation calculation, you don't need to understand the current valuation, look into the future because he will be invested in that for a long time. time periods I want you to


12,440 units multiplied by $11,000 by the way, some people believe that the rents we have today will double in 10 years, they would go from 2 grand to 4 grand, but I'm not going to get to 12.4 per month. $ 122.4 million a month per year 1488 148 million yes 800 okay 800 okay okay now I want to multiply this by 50% because I have expenses on this okay 745 or 744 $ 74,500 thousand thousand you are and your wait wait delay your expenses no It does not change when you raise rents, I know, but I'm going to go ahead and make it conservative.
take advantage of the real estate correction happening now
Jared, okay, what Jared is saying is, hey, you raised your ra, you went from two thousand dollars a month to three thousand dollars a month and the expenses would not increase because you added uh R you increase the rents but the taxes the taxes in some these cities are going to go crazy you have to plan for taxes I always say worst case use worst case that's rule number two use worst case buddy you'll be surprised later maybe you'll be happy okay now I want to


this, how much is this 14 million? no 744 I want you to divide that number by 06 or 6% 1.2 billion and I will have increased the value of my portfolio by $1.24 billion.
take advantage of the real estate correction happening now

More Interesting Facts About,

take advantage of the real estate correction happening now...

Okay, I'm going to give 80% of that to our investors. I'm going to keep 20%. I will win $200 million. What did I do? I simply had confidence in Jesus



. I didn't


ly do anything except find a deal, negotiate the deal, finance the deal, manage the asset or the management company, okay, handle all the investors, the issues, the situations, the insurance. I am flying. to London, in a couple of days just to go negotiate insurance, negotiate a deal, find the deal, finance the deal, manage the deal, take care of our investors and expect $1.2 billion. What did I really do?
take advantage of the real estate correction happening now
I really didn't. anything guys, I want to tell you that I really didn't do anything except find a great piece of real


. I didn't take


of it too much. I didn't abandon her. I didn't abuse her. I didn't care. I took care of the tenants, you know, but what did I do? Wait there's an old saying in real estate Ryan, what's the saying? Don't wait to buy real estate, buy real estate and wait, that's right, so look guys, if you've always wanted to buy real estate and you're willing to wait. Well, now is not the time to wait, it is the time to learn.
take advantage of the real estate correction happening now
There is a crash in this type of real estate and it is


right now and it may never happen again. In my life I think and we have four minutes left. I think in the next 18 months we will have the biggest Robin Hood real estate opportunity of my lifetime. You've seen me talk on Fox News about it. Fox Business CNBC. I've written about this like you guys are just going to uh Grant Cardone predicts uh crash MSN I've been very public about this, okay, I mean, I'm sitting in New York City, if I had my others, I'd think Florida or Texas would be a better bet, given that you're playing it, are you showing it to them?
I don't see any good coming to Chicago, California and New York City. I was completely sure that Steve this was the next year and when that decision came. it was like pencils down don't touch it don't go there now Grant what it's about okay so that was two days ago or yesterday something like that uh in Business Insider I wrote on December 18, 2023 what were those two? Months ago, yes, Cardone, a real estate investor, criticized Fred Fed for freezing the housing market with interest rates, apartment prices will fall to bargain levels. Well, Yahoo Finance, December 14. Own concession card 2024 will begin the biggest real estate cycle how to take take


of it daily mail online on December 17 investment expert predicts trophy real estate will soon be available for every day American citizens ladies and gentlemen you are the common ones you who live outside of the country come to look for real estate in the United States if they can, okay, if they can Don't do it because you're a stranger, come here and pool money with someone who wants to do it and buy as much as you can.
I tell you that last night I had a meeting with a guy from Colombia. I had another one. I met with a group outside of Mexico and they said we want to buy real estate in the United States right now making this


. This is


. It's happening now. The only thing we need to prepare them. Well, we have to do it. So that they have confidence, well, they will be out there looking for a 14 unit deal or a 40 unit deal, they are looking for 14 to 40 unit and they can buy that and then they will come across a 400 unit deal, okay, guess what, buy all 14, buy all 40, buy them both, but don't throw this away because I can buy it and if you buy a sale, I'll keep you in the sale and we'll find a way, Jared.
We'll find some kind of way, let's do all three, you buy the 14, the 40, you keep those and I, and you'll make a deal on this 400, we'll accelerate people's careers and instead of Blackstone or Black. rock or Goldman or JP Market buying them, hey, every day, people can finally buy the best real estate in America. It's changed my life to be able to do this okay guys we're at 38 seconds and then we're going to go to Q&A if you haven't taken advantage of this now this will never be offered again. Ok,, now this is what I'm giving you, the master class that coaching calls real estate strategy, call if you want to take advantage of it.
It's free, I give it to you, okay, how to create wealth by investing in real estate, the dictionary, the workbook for the two-day workshop that I give you for free, okay, there will be people in the room who pay 15 thousand dollars for that, It's now available and within 10 days I'll send you the cash flow hat and some tools to get you started, like our 10x water bottle that I drink from the 10x rule book, uh, real estate workbook that I mentioned our day timer that we use to take notes. I'm going to give you all of that as a token of appreciation, you pay 297 when you trade and then I give you a credit for 297, you understand how that is. it works, this is what happens, ok, you pay 297 bang with a credit card.
I'll give you a $297 credit in my store. You can use it against anything you want 10x growth conference Sales workshops Coaching workshops uh uh uh one-on-one coaching with me if you want to do it you can use it for a boot camp a business summit uh a business event real estate we do however you want to use it okay and uh Jared Jared Jared said he would give you a guarantee if you're not satisfied and you haven't used the credit we'll give you uh we'll give you 100% credit If you're not satisfied or you find out that you don't you can use it or your commercial bus or you never got to it or whatever buddy, whatever your reason is, it's okay.
I'm going to build a massive network, folks, why am I doing this? I'm going to build a massive, planet-wide network of real estate investors. Serious people who want to go deeper. They are tired of working for man. They are tired of simply exchanging time for money. And you are serious about actual construction. Generational wealth for you and your family. I am going to build the largest network of real estate investors ever created on planet Earth. I hope I have the same mentality. Hopefully you want to support your family T. Take care of your family and yourself.
I know that one day you won't be able to take care of your family. It's okay, that day, when that day comes from you and comes from me. Will you be able to care for your family when you can no longer care? of your family, guess what you can do with real estate by buying the right real estate and the right location B at the right time at the right price that the cash flows and you are not overleveraged you can take care of your family your community is well your extended family in the years to come, okay, I finished the calculations on that deal, yes, yes, I finished the calculations, it's a lot of money, we're going to make a lot of money, that's what we're going to do, okay, and that's it. you guys should be doing I'm not here to brag to you about the money I made in real estate.
I am here to show, encourage and inspire you of what is possible when you purchase the right real estate. It's okay, Jared, to give them to them. 30 more seconds, give me a watch down 30 29 28 and then we'll go to the Q&A section, okay Jared, okay, I got it. I asked them to start loading up with questions. John said: do you buy existing? Wait a minute, give them 29 seconds, man. Okay, okay, don't we have some? We need a little countdown clock like ding ding ding ding 29 28 we gotta get one of those guys to come right now we should be able to find one of those like a game clock or something. is now now guys I'm here I'm here You're like why is this guy doing this? Well, it can't be him, it can't be 297. I'm giving it back to you. So why am I doing it right? So yeah, play that dude, why am I doing it right? I have 16 million people following me online, even if it's only 1%. How much is that Jared? 1% of 16 million 160,000 no, it's not 10% it's 1.6 million 1. % not 160,000 ok 10% is let's say 1% of let's say 1% of the people who follow me took advantage of this today it's okay and let's say 1 % of them find a deal what is 1% of those 1600 let's say 1600? people different people found a property that had 400 units, that's right 1600 That's crazy dude huh, that would be 640,000 units 40,000 units I only have 12,000 right now I would be the baddest landlord on planet Earth. would own more real estate than the top 10 no no no no yes yes I would own more real estate than the top 10 real estate combined combined You own all the apartments in Dallas, Texas, yes, yes, there are 800,000 units in Dallas, Texas , that would be crazy, okay, I would own Dallas, basically, what's up guys, welcome?
Make sure you pay the rent, son, make sure you pay the rent, boy, keep on time, I don't want to and don't be on time with the rent payment five days late. bro, because that gives us $75 popcorn, yeah, okay, John says, do you shop?, no one asked what it is,, because it would be bigger than Vanguard State Street, let me see six if we did this together . $640,000 640,000 units, that's 1% of the entire audience times let's say the average the average deal 300,000 250 yes yes yes let's do 250 per unit that's 36 160 billion 160 billion one8 of a trillion dollars a lot of money for everyone You're counting zeros you say, come on Man, come on, everyone wants to get rich.
No, I don't want to get rich alone. I want to get rich with other people, so, but you guys have to take it seriously. I have people working in this company. Listen to this and don't take advantage of it, it's crazy, okay Jared, let's do the Q&A. Hey, by the way, I'm rooting for you guys, even if you don't take advantage of this tonight. I still want to do something with it like: I love you guys I'm rooting for you black brown white man woman young old uh whatever you do in your personal time I don't care how you vote I don't care man I'm Telling you to do this tonight because you are not going to change this country without owning a part of the country, the more country you own, the more you can change the property rights where you live, okay Jared, let's do this.
John said: do you buy? existing real estate or build from scratch I build uh I buy only existing and I would suggest everyone to buy only existing and the reason is you can buy cheaper than you can build today and the cash flows from day one , yes, question from Dr. TD, what are the best cities to invest in? The best cities to invest in right now. Tampa, great city. Tampa, better than Orlando. Fort Meers. Naples. I'm loving the Space Coast right now. We have a lot of stuff there, but I'd like to get more. Palm Beach will be a great market.
Fort LauderdaleMiami. Houston. Houston, you have to be very patient and very. selective in Houston I'm just thinking about different places Austin but not now but in the future um Austin better than San Antonio but again you have to find yourself you have to be careful with your entrance right now Scottdale Arizona I love tempy I love Masa I love downtown I don't love Phoenix uh South Carolina Greenville uh Charlotte Raleigh Durham I love Atlanta kinda scary uh Alabama anything uh uh east of damn mobile just buy it all blind Huntsville Alabama I love Memphis Tennessee I hate it Nashville I don't think I'm going to never change with that guy from Nashville Clarksville Arkansas.
I wouldn't mind Arkansas, but you have to know the market again. I don't know all these markets guys, so Dasher said. I live in Jacksonville, great. Dasher said. I live in New York City, can I shop at otherstwo days with you in this live. I'm going to take the information I gave you today and stretch it. Go out and check out this workbook right here, okay, this workbook, I'm going to go, you're going to get it in the mail, okay, or you're going to get it in PDF, it's all done in PDF, so two things, yeah, everyone. courses, all programs are delivered virtually. you and after you make the transaction, you will receive another email that will ask for your address and that is where the 10x toolbox will be sent, so you will receive the physical box with all the additional benefits there and then immediately when you make the transaction , maybe with a couple of minutes delay, you will receive an email with virtual access to all the programs and I will also give you our dictionary, okay, on all the most important words that I use in real estate, we will give you the call of real estate strategy, do we have any of those left?
Let me see here, okay, we'll see if we have any of those left. You have to program what they can't do. more of those today, but maybe tomorrow you can schedule a call and maybe go over with one of our coaches: "What's your problem? What are you looking to do? What are you looking to accomplish? Are you new? Are you mid-level?" ". your experience, what are you trying to achieve here? Okay, we'll do the one-on-one strategy call. I'm going to hit everyone who takes advantage of this. Instant subscription calculator is sick bro what is it? my portfolio value is okay, let me let me come in here.
I'm going to go to my instant insurer calculator. I have 12,440 units. Look at this. I'm going to calculate. Look how long it takes me. Put me on the clock. starting at 51 Market rents are 2000 other income is 6% uh occupancy is what Ryan 94 95 94.5 thanks Ryan that's fine and we have about 45% expenses across the board that's true , thank you Ryan mhm, okay, and yes, sir. and I want, I want, I won't sell any of this for less than five capital, okay, 12,440, oh, yeah, we have all that retail. I forgot, okay, this gives me a value of $3.2 billion, so what am I doing wrong?
That's probably true, your expenses are probably too high, yeah, so we're probably at 39 or 40%, yeah, and then you have a bunch of retail sales and stuff, oh yeah, I forgot which one is my other mom, oh yeah, we have all those retail sales. and you have an office too, yes, yes, I have two, I have almost a million, no, not a million, half a million square feet of office, so let me change this to yes, this is just the apartment portfolio, like this that we have half a million square feet. No office, we have 225,000 here, what is that over there? 225 2 250 yes, 250,000 square feet and that rents for 250 250,000 * $52 time yes, no, 250 times 52 yes, that's $1.3 million in revenue divided by 8, yes, that's another $162 million and then We have the another agreement, so that shows them how quickly they can calculate something correctly.
If they go out and buy their first deal, they buy 42 units and the rents are $900 a month. Oops, $900, look how fast it goes. I'm going to take out other income because you probably don't have much, your occupancy is, let's say, 98%, your expenses are 20, 25 could be lower than ours, 35, let's say, and you have a maximum rate of seven that you should offer. 4.1 million explosions, that was less than 20 seconds, okay, so look, we'll give you the instant calculator, I'll give you the store credit, and I'll give you my Excel too. spreadsheet where we basically keep track of every deal that someone made there, why do you keep track of lost deals because lost deals become deals tomorrow?
All the deals I didn't buy in this cycle will become a deal in another cycle, well guys thank you so much for being here God bless you, I really appreciate everyone on Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin and right here on Ustream, thanks for joining to us and by the way, congratulations to everyone who took advantage of this amazing, crazy, ridiculous, stupid if you don't offer where you literally get a credit in your store and Jared, okay, crazy, offers you guys a money back guarantee 100% of the money if for some reason they didn't like it and didn't use the credit, we will give them a credit.
God bless you guys, be awesome and I look forward to seeing your first deal. They would try T Meo, they should listen to the lesson. Master meico. I invest when I let it. If you don't believe me, what they mean is because of the money. Trees that got my money please everywhere want to be like Master American Express. I bought the bank and I bought the ja. I bought. I'm a millionaire and I went undercover. Help them find out who did it best. I can't wait, see the face. See what I do next. I'm talking about cash and if you know you're getting cash when I walk in the door I'm talking about cash and if you know you're getting cash flow, you like it, I know, yeah, and only then buy something stupid, how stupid can you be? , you can be as stupid as your cash flow, you know what it deals with, look who went from meals to bills, eat what you kill when you're in the field and the pipe overflows and I don't. drip SP we are not looking for balance now we want extraordinary if you really knew my dreams it would be more than terrifying we have more to spare there is no shortage Baby from Cho another for my lady talking about the bird the word she delivered that load, put it on and you know, let it Gotone have my, you'll never get it if you never just loot and if you know like I know you'll get cash when I walk in the door, I'm cash flow and if you know like I know your cash flow I chapter six step four who's got my money has it has it has it who has it who has it who has it who has it who has it who gets it my money who got my money who got my money I have to get it I'm going to get it accept deal State I hear the money knocking on the door D tell me? do you have it do you have it? come into the office office and you see because every day you know that said I have to start talking I'm talking hungry talking now talking about money and I feel like you have that for me another deal just before the morning talking about credit and cash every question they ask let's go to get to B they don't believe it they say how he did it they say they say riches a fantastic uncle G what they say look at you ADV get you a million chapters of multiple likes then I have a question wait the question can you keep it 100?
God bless you, we got all the answers, that's a school, do whatever, as a season, especially Mikey, the bell will ring, I'll make the move, I turn and leave your domain, don't compete, champ, win whatever you say, man G. Can we ask you again? I have my M. I have it, I have it, I have my money, I have it, I have it, I have my money I have it, I have it, I have it, I have it, I have it, I have it, I have it, I have it, I have it, I've got it, I've got it, I've got it, I've got it, I've got it, I've got it, I've got it, I've got it, I've got it, I've got it, I've got it, I've got it.
I have to ask who got it

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