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T.I. | Drink Champs (Full Episode)

May 31, 2021
then we never heard from the other guy we heard from everyone else by lever it's a


what's a curse it's a curse it doesn't work this is what it's where your temp album Dom trap celebrating The king, oh god, the guard of the tribe, Tiaden, like damn he was doing, that's how we know, I guess it's real because some guys will be here like they're oh, that's cute and then they start sweating a little bit, so, okay, you too. know what man he is talking about you know the anniversary of the trap musician in Atlanta we opened the trap is a trap there is no clue here dyrdek a few weeks ago a couple of weeks ago but now we open a museum dedicated to trap music not Malaysia, it is not the Cuban one that I would have rather heard, the story would be added to a fake Photoshop dove, it makes me not want to listen to the story, but I just wait until it stops, don't call me and then the seafood, you know, I have to see it. person there is no information on everyone I mean you can't help but receive confirmation you know but it's not my source of if I'm looking for something you know to say that I usually call someone who I think has more knowledge than me on the subject and if they direct me to the Internet, well then I see what etiquette is on this, it's a great host, Grant House, straight forward, I mean, well you know, Alex, I have a I have a partnership with epi oh, okay, okay, you have a partnership with everyone and They would be phenomenal partners, you know, I mean, they went into churches with me, yeah, you read me part of that.
t i drink champs full episode
I don't really know what happened, no way, I just know, ya la la, he was the first person. to hire me, there are great things to say about them, but look above yours, it's the person you know that says I'm dealing with right now, you're a representative, not just young black men, successful men, not just people from the ghetto, not just a modern. -I jump like I feel like you are a representative, you have proper language, thank you, there is something positive about Donald Trump that we can say, I mean, there can't be anything positive with that negative or negative without positive you did well that passed by my head nothing there is a hundred nothing is 100% negative there is something good a negative power saying everything I say is the truth that is a lie so listen I studied it I am referring only to the Beyonder that I know the financial one, it will be the financial gain that comes from programs like opportunity zones and tax credits for the rich, but you know that saying it's not worth it is not worth the revenge for the disrespect.
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I'd rather pay the money and I brother, you know, so that our lives are valued and respected and treated fairly and equitably. I'd rather just charge for equality. We should be able to pay an equality bill there now, but this would be subsidized. It was great of the government to be one thing, the other day he said they are accusing us of things, yes he said they are accusing us of things we don't know and we are guilty. so innocent and everyone probably has enough stuff. I don't know what he was talking about, so that's what he said.
t i drink champs full episode
You shouldn't be able to agree with what he said in theory. It's been happening. My good started from there for me. and I had to go through my mind if I had come, you would say hey man, snitches must be bad, you said, take your turn, okay, the only federal permit, that's the one you had like nineteen hundred yards, yeah, that's the girl that I am, security. He was suggesting that I buy firearms from him legitimately and you know, he ended up turning around trying to make more money and bought ATF strikes and when they caught him he said no, they're not mines, these people and brought him in.
t i drink champs full episode
You brought him to me now what you want to do is they accused you of being like the people themselves saying you were telling me five nine four five eight zero one no rule 35 escape I didn't escape no no come on you got away clean what I say he left clean I'm talking about people in the streets at first the streets because because it was false okay that's what I say that's the point of trying because it was found if they treated me and if I told him about you using the time if he was in jail, do it to time because I mean, when you call your cousin and say "hey, man, she stood on her toes and you stood me up," why do you think in our community we're so quick to do that like a person, I'll say this because it was an exception, but he calls me eight, me and Timmy likes to see people he doesn't know which part she was, I had one, you know, some cameras with someone approached the dog and heard that guy.
I also got fired, I don't know, every time I was the cop that you saw yourself talking about, hey man, that's not what happened, what happened was I pulled over and he was asleep, you know, it's the community gates of the golf course, you have gods and you know what to check in and when. they see you they see who you are they let you in and so on this particular gentleman was sleeping when I get to the door on guard he's sleeping so I'm talking on the phone on FaceTime with my old lady and I show her my face - look, look at my dream and he wakes up in the middle of me and sees that I caught him, so now he's shot and his first response is to not let me in right away is to project that frustration that embarrassed me onto me, you know, I guess.
I was thinking that if he doesn't behave it will be more about me and less about him being asleep, so eventually we went back and forth. They made my wife call and tell him to leave me and he finally let me in. I told him now you. I know where I'm going back, so I went back and asked him to come out so we could talk and clarify our love. Okay, he chooses not to call the police, the police come there and instead assess the situation. and upon finding out what was going on, his response to the question of the circumstances was to arrest me.
There was a racist man who didn't want to see me talking about how much money I paid for my house and he thought you already knew it while he was saying it. camera that I thought didn't suck and for that reason he arrested me I want to have one more


before we have a hit um you appear on Tiana - oh, let's get into that, that's an important record for me because I think it's very important that we remember that there is something wrong with everyone, you know none of us are perfect so none of us should expect perfection from people and be overly critical and hypocritical towards people when you have your own conflicts and your own challenges. in the life that you're working in is just counterproductive, you know what I'm saying and I just felt like I should speed up and Tiana knows she has a phenomenal way of putting the exclamation point on the text me, they're going to relax. , well you got it after she rushed me for the interview, my bad, my bad, my bad, they would say okay, okay, I'm with you, point undisclosed, I have to respect you here and you've been. everything is nothing else this is another quote that I love that you said that you said that people do not respect rise well the fall in the return comes back, that's crazy, I mean, when you have doubts, they refer you to support you build you know that you are a state your theme and your claim and what you have become too big they began to hate you until they got tired of seeing you they got tired of you they came in too much they let someone else eat and then when you start to hear it, let someone else not do it, oh boy, you got all the paper, you know it was, you gotta be real good, you think when you started running, he said the police was no, I think I took a sip. reissued I think I had a completely different set of problems when I was dealing with motherhood.
I still had my eyebrows deep in the you know, I'm saying and I was living like a crazy person and you, I just allowed myself to be susceptible to that guy. of nonsense, yes, let's talk about what you had to do to get out of prison and finish. Oh, I went twice just to make sure we cleaned all this stuff, little legs to make sure you're okay. but people don't realize how hard it is yes, we come from the hood, we know that leads to only two different options, sure we start writing these words and playing with these words, and these words work and there is no book what to say. how to keep your money what to do when you spend your leads how good it is to be a drug dealer tell us how to handle money and it really taught us that you don't trust everyone but now but even more it taught you how do you know manufacturing distribution profit and loss, you know what I'm saying and the marketing promotion, you had to create a demand supply, that demand, you know what I'm saying, you expand it, you know, acquisitions, you go and you know, you take control of a block, mergers. you make a deal with some guys and they all share a block, you know what I'm saying, all these different types of business structures that we learn about selling crack, yeah, and I always say man, you know, like I said, there can't be anything wrong. with one good thing is its destructiveness and as horrendous as the crack era was, it showed us how to be a businessman who wouldn't have been a teacher P without the crack era it wasn't easy Jay Z, we've been a Jay Z o listen that was easy, i wouldn't have had the money to put dr.
Dre in the studio if it wasn't for selling crack paid for it mm-hmm you know, I mean god bless eazy-e but dr. Dre, a billionaire guy who started from crack, right? The Museum precisely makes us focus on the positive message that comes from us, of surviving those circumstances, of enduring that environment, overcoming it and taking it. I experience that environment in the Museum, you know, the packaging is a philosophical presentation to the world now. It becomes the same way the mafia had during the day, right, everyone was tuned into the mafia now tuned into the crack era.
Trapped music is the live was a crack, so as the god of trap music, I'm just trying to put, you know, the titles no. I'm not really impressed God Emperor Cain Sultan you know idiot what to do you know say I'm a collaborator and I feel like you know I'm on the board of directors what happened there man so as a person I just want to put something out there in 1997 I released the album called the war report right ok and on the war report I had a song called lawn gmat track right right and on that record I said Laundrymat track keep the loot in Iraq Iraq see the world one world see Iraq and I kept saying grass track, right, right, I didn't mean to say the clue, okay, I meant actually money, right, that's what we called the clue back then, yeah, you should understand a little bit how they use the trap in a completely different way now.
I don't wanna act like I use it you guys ain't River no yeah we all share this land guess what I'm talking about so I mean a trap museum somewhere to build like a fixer museum where's the pop-up window? you're trying to say it's open indefinitely, it's open indefinitely, as long as they can sustain the budget, keeping it open for the month, we'll keep it finished and it's a free museum, you know what kind of life is worth having, it's free, like this is. subscription we charge a nominal fee to enter and there is also an escape room there Oh a trap themed escape you have to press a button to exit I can't solve these puzzles like what happens to me I just have to stay there it's a situation that you said you were getting into, but you create an environment and there is a situation that creates a set of circumstances that are created and you have to think about how to overcome it and if not, prison is the likely outcome, drink the restaurant of Jim. at one point, man, that: you put it out here, you happened how we're losing money coming and going, tell the truth, man, steal, it's okay, dad, focus, dear, and you also let the night go while I was up, you know , and good food. great environment I designed it, it created a phenomenon, but I wouldn't, I wouldn't Nell watching all the money going to the stock market, although still not everything is bad on the list or they came back yes, I thought at one point still, but they are still bad , this is just an Atlanta all over the place I would say you have to understand, you know, you know they're fat, they all move Chris, that's not Caroline, what I didn't know is that yeah, they kicked them out, well, he was, he had a sports suit, but a Vinci. true, but still it was sweat school yesterday there's a second thing I had a conversation with about uses okay, you can't think that they are the healthiest oils, no okay, you had a meeting with which I mean, the thing is that we did a lot of people who worked hard in good faith or got together and worked on their diversity program and we even assigned someone to instruct them on how to improve their diversity and I was supposed to oversee the diversity program and there was another situation that happened and they never got back to me and I found out that through the news, which to me I felt a little bit, it compromised the integrity of our relationship and all the work that we have been doing in good faith and I just felt that they were genuine and sincere At that point about progression, what we are not, we don't have, it's like when during the week we wonder when there will be a black Houston, when they will rise.
I mean, we have things now, we have things now and We don't necessarily have to support just black people, so we just have to support people who respect us, value us, you know, and there's enough diversity and inclusion in the business, in any business whereyou are thinking, where it is not necessary. only spend your money in one place you know what I'm saying for every and you know for every Waffle House there's a higher for every mmm there's resolution you know it means for everyone there's a nude you know me or for every New Balance there's a ninety you know that you don't have to spend your money in one place, that is your power to decide where you part with the funds that come from your blood, sweat, tears when you get up in bed or go to work and get paid where Put that money, that's your power, yeah, I mean, if you really came together as a hip-hop community and we're the strongest consumer base in the country, yeah, period, you move more money than anybody, you don't raise it, we sell sneakers. we sell music we sell movies we sell clothes we sell because we see an idea that definitelyPhoenix, you said there was champagne, vodka, we said Kenya URI, we sell jewelry, we sell all the bags and we don't own anything.
What if we do? What if IT steps up and says I'm not going to drink anything? No more no less. Someone I know is the owner. I don't use that anymore, well, there is someone. Almost only what happens if you lead the way, you refer and then I follow and then everyone follows what will be in a perfect world. I think in a perfect world I think first instead of. saying oh yeah I mean you know you and I have a relationship with Paul so we drink Syrah yeah you know I mean we have a relationship with jQuery ace of spades you say you have relationships wait for me I mean come on to align ourselves with you. meeting the people who present products that we could support at this moment the most important thing for me, in addition to aligning ourselves with our brothers, is to identify ourselves, although to say well, we call her Krista, the size of swords became yes, could we call her that?
Chris, that they were respecting us, yes, you know, you understand, and Jason, okay, yes, I'm going to look for mine and that's how the ace of spades was born, right, but if there was no identification of the lack of respect, yes, the ace of spades you probably already know. he practiced it, if Christy had welcomed him with open arms he would probably be with Krista, yes you seem sad so I think we need to identify those brands that don't respect us and choose alternatives and when they see their profit margins. affected quarterly right, we are African Americans when the African American dollar is no longer there to boost your numbers right, you don't get your quarterly bonus what if we were really that tight like we were really all together?
We're like, oh yeah everyone's cool, we all just wear your clothing line. I like it, but let's do it more because on February 2nd, make sure you do it and then, as you know, Cypress Hills, Cypress Hills, to kill a day or whatever. like we really show the market in place because what happens is that we are organized without being organized, this is what is organized with us, if the boutique goes out for some reason, everyone will find a way to have a party. I never bought what I mean, when everyone's doing well, I usually say no, your order says, I'm saying what I'm saying is that I understand that we move the culture yeah Driving, that's what you call purchasing power, ya You know what I'm saying, power, purchasing power. when you can, you can motivate or direct a certain amount of people to go buy something, you know me, that's purchasing power, so I think we have to find a way because we have the most influential consumer base, yes, in the world. what needs to be done is directed accordingly we've just been with women we've been directing each other we've been telling each other the batter by tick exactly exactly we've been telling each other to go you know going wrong is her and you Now I know, What would happen if you really dated a boy?
It would be very difficult, but in hindsight, oh, it should be that and what I mean, I mean hip hop, I don't mean weed, I mean someone if you're hip. hop, I know some hip hop Jules, I know some hip hop Jules, I know, but happier man, you know, if I'm a customer and I have a certain purchasing power, you like it, I say, and you put your jewelry on me. It is as beneficial for you as it is for me, then you will have to give me some consideration, you do not have what it takes to cook for me, there is no control, there is no mafia, she is the same to extort, however, the


prices of the food, I'd be damned if I paid Joe Schmoe the same for the watch.
Come here. You're not going to get on his Instagram. You will get nothing net. His fifty thousand for the watch is fifty thousand and you are not. t I think I should get it for thirty thousand, I definitely did. I can give it to you, you know, I talk fast, so I'm 1228 for the extra two thousand, he takes ten now and I'll knock him down there twenty later. wherever you pay, that's the important thing, so I know your answer to this because I listen to the album and I listen to it four, maybe five times, we listen two or three times like normal because I think, damn, did I listen to it more too? then I came here and listened to it thank you and thank you.
Sam was never so ready but I had an accident. Do you ever get tired of the game? Because with the game, but I'm not tired of games, give us the best answer. The best answer has to be a song by the mayor, no, it will be me, we, no, I will be in. He left me a for-profit business, so we, you have to be the one who can help a little bit to the society he had. no political ambition oh man I mean I would love to affect politics in a positive way by supporting the people who I know are the most qualified for the job, celebrities dying to be in political office is what got us what we have in office right now, yes.
We need people who were now legitimate in third grade. Think about how to change in the last week. I say Oprah, first of all, I'm just anything but Agent Orange. Do you know what's there? There is no Liz if we see Dave Chappelle and Will Smith. I took them seriously, no, no, if they really voted for them, but I mean, yeah, what not, but I vote for anyone to be cured, right? It's gotten to the point where we can't do any worse, right? If someone is fine, do you realize how good George Bush looks? I'm not sure but what I'm trying to say to a man like a man, really a man, we need legitimate people who dedicate their lives to service, you understand it like we do. so free car sorry T I don't know what that means word every that means that means we want to please ourselves ok selfish free car with turtle please do it touch twin write that in a short time don't worry write that oh God be I'm going to want to take a gag until you, this is free, you know, we put ourselves first in everything and that's the way we live our lives.
Everything we do is about whether I would get out of there. Do you know well what it is for? Yo, that's how we were programmed to be president, you have to put people first, oh you know, so even if my company loses money, I have to do the right thing and be trustworthy to have a company, that's another thing you can do. You don't have a company, you can't be an entrepreneur if you're the president, why do I never know? Because it's not fair because Unicom shines, that will be a conflict of interest, they say you will be able to make decisions that will benefit your company over all the other companies that consist of people, so you can sell people today, man, I got it, it's the president , I mean, well, that's really, that's the artist, really, I prefer to put my influence and my support. behind someone who has dedicated his life to service and who is not as selfish and gratuitous as I am and put him in a position where he could be a position and he could do the right thing for the greater good of anyone he can think of. anyone who looks closely, I mean, man for the midterm man, I'm going with you, no, I'm supporting Andrew Gilliam for defective order, yes, you know, yes, and it's very important that you recognize the amendment because it should be, they know something like that. that the metaphor is that Florida is one of the only states, well, if you get a felony even after you serve your sentence, you still can't vote, yeah, well, like I'm a felon, but I'm from Georgia and Georgia after that you have done it. with your parole or with your Senate and you can reinstate him, you did it if you have a felony if you have a felony when you were 21 at 50 in Florida, you still came home, wow, you made him say I still can't vote, so the The men before this is to restore the right to vote for felons and in Georgia I'm going with Stacey Abrams, look.
I don't know, you don't want to be in politics, but you see things like this where you were. you just point it out to people I think that can do that yeah, I can have dreams like never, you won't miss, oh, you don't understand, I don't want to be mayor or governor, I think that's great, I think I mean, it's possible that The president won one year, but under the table that black now likes drinks, you go to jail for this, you go to jail for this, you go to jail for making money, you say you love them, listen, man , any money you make outside of your salary as president that they don't know if you make legitimate money, it could be something so legitimate that I got into this drug thing and then, but only because and you embellish the resident, the main gentleman agreed not to accept it, No more money.
I can't accept not accept it no more money a governor mayor what you could no no I can't do it because you still have to agree how the people pay you you work for the people you work on a fixed income you can' I can't do that walk through that magic I can't, you know, I can't do my thing, since we don't back the people, that's what we don't do, that's what we will do, we will put our influence and support behind the The people and I have some strange things going on , man, they are going to change, it will be some tits, you are decidedly the president because the things that would be happening and don't put me there, I don't do them.
Be honest, this was going to happen, did you ever see me. I'm going to do everything you imagine Barack and Michelle doing. I would do it in no time. Me in the direction of the nation, you hear me, cool black, we need, I'll tell you. my dad on the way we need a president Lincoln Rose, you can tell it, I'm on how tomorrow I got something good back here, look man, you got something new, let's go there, give me a date, okay, give me a date back - I'm going to have to take a chance until you don't want me to say no, but I will do it partly because our people wouldn't separate everything they can within me and I'll do everything I can to promote and You know, I guess I direct the vote where I think it would be better. represented, but I'm not interested.
I am in business for profit. Listen, Dom, stuck in this moment. This makes noise. I can't catch my king of the South. the trap stayed here, you're going to have some foam, who doesn't have to play, thank you for me, by the way, by the way, when you have three times, you're officially a drink, damn it, and thank you very much, come on. take a picture, let's make it good, good looking, okay, please, because I was looking at us, but God, please, please, everyone, you know, this album is extremely important to me and we pay a lot of attention to the details .
I consciously challenged myself lyrically and musically to present the best. The most honest, most genuine piece of art I could, but this is the first album. I think about my best album, but this is the first time I didn't want to say that I think it's my business. It's the most mature album I appreciate. this you grew up what you grew up in that moment like you knew you could overdose Don so come on you know it's crazy and it was like I know what you're saying is I'm sorry but no night no no like, how do you know.
Okay, you know how J likes it, because you know if J had kept talking, he talked about drugs, he talked about his past, but I'm just saying I'm moving on, now we're still going to be like, come on, yeah. you can't move and it's similar to what you did, it's like you reflected on your past, you sanded things off and that's why I've enjoyed this so much because I've listened to all the other albums of yours that I've been a part of. of them in a way seeing Pharrell working on your record on the Silver Misty joint and this is like, man, this mile, I want to keep going and the meat and that's a little bug that's getting good, you know what I'm going to do.
I'm going to be honest, I was going to think about what a five song EP is going to do for me and Ralph and you know, what about me? You're so fast, we just won a million dollars here, seriously man, I'm so proud of you as a mate like a person like a man like oh yeah I came on this swinging the yah yah yah Mobb Deep y'all know that they named the whole queen with me I need to spend my summers in New York, you know, and I know how strong the movement before became nationally.
I was kind of part of those who witnessed this before it really dawned on us to the rest of the world. He trafficked and farmed in New York before the Internet existed. The internet had me in New York and I found out about Outkast UGK, well, more kilos, I'll eat light and that was me, you know I did it because you played the game, so you know what's good, because I feel like you mention New York and that doesn't it is this.




was about you and this episode because you know what no part of you knows thatYour neighborhood is crazy because this is called Bankhead as we think bank and it's rich no why would you think this because this says bank do the word baby you?
I never thought about that as smart as you are, oh, maybe you thought about it, Rick Baker and in Buckhead, the real point is that I'm taking an ego bank, you and you playing the game by doing this honorably. I have never seen you measure up to my acquired skills. 22 to 21 years old I have never seen you do any crab he said I have never seen you play the unfair game I have never seen you lose I sent you standing there as a man and as a person that is another neighbor that I want To greet you, I want to stand firm for you and I want to congratulate you and continue doing what you are doing and constantly exposing your people.
I love that about you. Shout out to Travis Scott, man, who is everything you think he is. we got here - this way but you find out because he was at Atlantic with you and she was still obese there - Atlantic was Bo, you know, weird people, it's not like that at all, I mean man, I found Travis on the Internet, but I mean I was just logged into MySpace mm-hmm, okay YouTube. I just got home from prison and I really wanted to look and take a good look. I find how to remodel the equipment right now, continuous thing no, so I was just getting out of prison I saw their videos I called them I feel a little good actually I think DJ MLK found them 14 up I got 11 Houston even music but you I know he had an easy cult following they found him and Iggy at the same time you did yeah well you know I survived lady you do it with the Tokyo Jets in high with her own chat with Kevin Gates and then she's the best MC you'll ever meet.
You see, and what I'm not talking about is Oprah's female MC who wanted to get high. She's in season. I can attest to the fact that she writes everything on her own, she's faster than her friend, that's great, I love the audible toes, that was the fourth one that was horrible. I went live before, but you'll kill him first, take two, but the Falcons aren't doing well, it's not good, listen, the team is great, they think the Falcons suck, will you take it out? You knew that your Giants did much more by far. Least that's true, that's what you did with the Jets.
I'm going to be calm and brave in this deal it's between the Chiefs and the Rams. I look tough even though the Chiefs and the Rams look tough, yeah, I look at it, I look at it, yeah, yeah, I mean. but not from New York, I don't want to, I mean the best, a little bit, a lot of these will be damn innate in the night, but like they have such a strong following that they would make the team win and in Atlanta it's a lot. Come on, man, you guys ain't winin', you ain't winin', for Hansen's sake, I'm goin' man, to the wrap day party, you know, I'm sayin', what ya doin'?
They said no, we're just coming to watch the game and I'm like. yeah, but I know where they go, they just go and they just come to the city to like it, this is a real fan like this, football is like a cult of real fans, yeah, there they will die with you, like every day Yeah. you want to tell your mom, they pretend like maybe they believe them that night, what a man, again, man, but what I was trying to say before the year, the representative, you know, we got into these other tanks, do you know how to say ?
I wonder, now you know. I want you to know, stay focused and because I thought I want to consolidate our attention on the fact that this is the first album. I have a favorite song. I need to know that favorite song is the one that Anderson Peak is a great song that has a Great song, but it's not the favorite, but Anderson places my little brother, my little brother, and I love him. I love him. I feel like he is one of the most phenomenal talents we have of the next generation. Well, get tested, you just want to do, don't laugh.
Adam laughs at the man, you know, that puts a smile on my face here at first and he said it's that dirty, right, Neela, it's true, I mean, it's a true testament to lyricism and being an emcee. tenacious, yes, you know, an example that is not. I go to Terry, but there's no word from the secretary, yeah, I gave up, okay, so my favorite is the light quote and you know why my son produced it, ah, like my son Messiah produced it, that's a clear day He wears a big Williams, but that's a light. day my lord produced wow, what is unknown.
I regret the old decision. Wow, the way that at least your spirit is involved or participating in the business, uh, thank you, thank you very much, so you have to give me this, but that's my favorite record man. I still just told myself to start making music well, excellent, just look at a relaxed, they know what you do, you know what you do, where you move towards all of us, all of us who are in this position to have our own kind of esteem or claim or our own personality and music my own legacy when kids tell us they're doing it who should we say oh yeah, okay and I'll leave I feel like I'm a boxer, I don't want my kids to box.
I feel like I'm going to have a box to have a stripper, not because we performed it first against her, so I left. I wasn't worried about letting me see your country, the reason I feel like we should just acknowledge it but not acknowledge it is to see how serious they are, so you have to come to you with the pace I already had to beat the man, first of all nothing, he asked me to fix some of my equipment a long time ago. A while ago he told me to find a solution and I said: "he's okay, great." I gave the number to my engineer and my engineer fixed it for him.
I never thought about it and then he said let me retain 500 Allah. I told him to do it. He said I almost have enough to buy this drum machine it's a machine it's a drum machine it's called the machine and he said I almost have enough for the hitter machine I need about 500 more they said I need to file as much as I could hurry so that let's sit on it, yeah, when he had everything I gave him and then maybe three, four months later he brought me, brought, saw sending me beats and when I heard it I was like, Who did it?
Where do you get this from? You say I did I say no? You didn't send me another one and he said you know that and he kept sending it to me. See, not only was I one of the best MCS, someone in the King Trap guard, not only is he the king of the south, but he is one too. of the greatest fathers in history

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