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Swedish Giant VS Rock Climber - Who has the strongest grip?

May 07, 2024
Deep in the Swedish forest lives a man who is unlike anyone you have ever met. According to local rumors, this 2m


has the strength of three men combined. His name is Kim Johansson and this is definitely not your average guy over the years. I've tested the


strength of some of the


men on this planet and spoiler alert. This is the



I have found today. I'm going to challenge this


man to a grip strength competition almost like David taking on Goliath. although I'm not sure the result will be like in The Saga, you're pretty big in real life.
swedish giant vs rock climber   who has the strongest grip
I saw you on Instagram and I thought you were big, but I didn't realize how big you are, yes, that's right. As it turns out, I suspect you might be the strongest guy I've ever had doing this with me. Kim is one of the strongest guys in Sweden and I would say you are pretty unknown, but when I checked your records I was impressed. Oh right, this is awesome, so let's do a grappling comparison and see who's stronger. I don't think it's a great comparison, although I like it, this is what you do pretty well, you're a plumber, sure, yes, yes, I work as a plumber during the day, but in competition, this is what I do to earn life, what do I do, okay, how big are your hands?
swedish giant vs rock climber   who has the strongest grip

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swedish giant vs rock climber who has the strongest grip...

Look at that, oh yeah, bigger, a little bit bigger, yeah, what did you eat growing up? until you get so big, what is a Swedish diet like meatballs and meatballs, yes, meatballs, pasta and pizza? I think the heaviest I've seen anyone with LIF in this is about 80 kilos, that was Larry Wheels, uh, yeah, you don't have to. Reveals what you can do. I'm going to start with the baby's weight of 50 kilos, so this would be 53 kilos and yes, that's normal when we do these videos we start off a lot lighter, but I don't think we have to start off that light.
swedish giant vs rock climber   who has the strongest grip
You, then, yes, how much do you weigh? What does it say? 162.5, big, big, yeah, let's go up another 10 kilos, maybe this is already close to my Max, okay, okay, yeah, I think you can basically curl that, you know, come on, yeah, it's approved. That's approval, what's your personal best on this one? I think it's around 68. I don't think I've been able to lift my body weight at all, but have you lifted 70? I don't think I've lifted 70 now. Oh, you will. today maybe I'll do it today yeah there's no difference between 50 60 and 70 for you we're going to do more climbing specific stuff so we're going to do the medium curly I think it's going to be a little more uniform than this I think before do that, although we should try this, have you tried one of these before? yeah I think, but I don't remember I don't remember what I bought they're all a little different this is a little different than the other one I made and I've also learned that you can't do this so you have to hold it like this the whole time that's what They say, okay, I'll try it first to see how much I can get. kilos Go for this, okay, 70.1, okay, I don't know why I'm getting nervous.
swedish giant vs rock climber   who has the strongest grip
I want a good number, you know, ooh, 102.7. God, this would be a PR. I think for me I always forget what I did before. I don't think I've ever been able to lift my body weight. Actually, do you have a scale here just to see if it's actually body weight? Because I'm kind of up and down a little bit. Oh actually I'm 70 74 70 74. It's with shoes and with shoes and stuff so I'm probably 72 maybe thumb squeeze too no I think this would be the heaviest anyone has ever lifted on my channel , I think Larry did with this weight, yes, my God, yes.
It looks like it's 20 kilos or something, yeah, now I feel my left thumb, yeah, but you can do it with one, yeah, I can do it with the right, maybe let's add 10 10, it's 90 3.3, yeah, so it's By far the heaviest anyone has ever lifted. channel, can you reveal now what your maximum is? What's the heaviest weight you've ever lifted in this? I've never tried this one before, okay, but I've lifted it with some kind of rolling handle somewhere over 100, yeah, wow, and how many people lift that weight? the strongest at this in Sweden in Sweden yeah, I've done this with a lot of strong men and uh, I haven't seen anyone come close to this, so uh, yeah, this is 98.3 kilos, yeah, we'll try, maybe Maybe I should try something. out of your surprise, you should try my chalk, this is, uh, it's a good catch, this is the best chalk and I have my own chalk, it's called magnetic powder, right, and it's actually the best chalk, so, of course, Of course, yes, it feels sad, yes, yes, nice. are you going to break the magic?
H 100 do you think so, yes, 103.3 kilos, yes, yes, oh my God, yes, that's really impressive, good job, jeez. I thought I would beat him at least in something, but I don't think I can beat him. anything, yeah, no, that was uh, it's been humbling so far. I think the other exercises I'm going to try maybe I can maybe the Hub, but I don't know if he's that much stronger than all the ones I've done with this, it's crazy. I think we're going to move on to another exercise that will hopefully be a little bit better for me and that's the crimp, what does it feel like to hold this without your thumb, just like that, yeah, yeah, this good, yeah.
So this is the most specific exercise for climbing and if I can't beat you at this there's nothing I can beat you at okay yeah I can feel what it feels like with the yeah the right feels a little more stable like Always, that seemed easy enough. So far, I don't know if I can beat him at this. Well, now we are at 83.3 kilos. This doesn't look very promising. How much should we gain five or 10 kilos? 20 Just kidding, I'm just kidding. just try 10 kilos, so I did exactly the same thing with the best


in the world about a month ago.
I think he stopped at around 70 kilos or something and now we're at 88.3. I think so, but it's not fair either. Comparison, you know, because I weigh 160 kilos, that's true, but still, I think it's pretty amazing how much strength you have, even if you're a very big man, so it's 60, yeah, it's 83, so 93, 3 kilos, jeez, write down, yes, no, really. I have to score ni, that's too much, okay, let's see, I'm nervous, no way, oh my God, he's taking it so easily too, yes, yes, yes, and and and. That's my heaviest lift you've ever done. Oh, oh, dear, oh, I'm getting dizzy, I think.
I'm also going to stand on the platforms, yeah, I'm just a little taller. It's great to do this with someone as strong as you because you push me a lot too. You know, I usually stop at weight because others can't do it. a lot, but now I think I want to see your maximum a little more and then a little more. I think I have it. Just um, okay, the right hand is definitely stronger. I just need to try it one more time. Do you want to try? 2.5 more, yeah, just to break the 100 barrier, just to finally get hurt somewhere, yeah, I know for a fact that this would be the world record in this PL hanger, oh yeah, I mean, now I'm nervous, this It's because not many people have done it.
I tried it on this I think we've probably already broken like five world records on this oh my god guys that's amazing man that's really cool thanks damn I haven't seen anyone close to that maybe I can try a little more, yes. If you want, I mean, just don't do it, yeah, well, that wasn't a limit, but yeah, we're happy there. I think you should stop there. I don't want to, okay, so that's the world record now in the divided Tangier. I must bring? the scale here I can yeah we could do that so let's weigh it to make sure the weights are accurate oh yeah it's in the works it's even more than we thought in four so it's a new record.
Rolling Thunder I mean, I guess it would be natural for us to speak Swedish, but you said earlier that you don't understand my Norwegian dialect, no, not much, and other people don't understand, yeah. I originally come from Bergen and we have a bit of a strange dialect, so when we arrived today he said that he normally understands Norwegian, but I don't, but I would understand you perfectly, yes, it would be a monologue, yes, okay, now let's try the Hub, this is a classic, you can't grip it like this, you have to hold it like this somehow, either down like this or with your thumb bent like this or what Adam Andra invented, the octopus grip, which is where these are used fingers. on the side, so we will start with 22 kilos normally.
I start a lot lower with people on this, yes, but I have a feeling that we can start at that weight, yes, that doesn't feel, it doesn't feel good. I will try just this, yes it works. I think the last time I did this I did 28, so now we're at 24.5, right, yeah, that's actually better, yeah, the octopus shape. I didn't suspect it because I thought you'll never be able to squeeze your fingers. I did something like this and easy. I also want to try the octopus now, well I wouldn't say it's easy man, no, my left arm is not strong enough and the right one, yeah, that happened again, oh it always happens, come on, yeah, cute, yes, it's close to the limit, it's close. the limit, yes, I feel that I lift carefully, you should exceed 30 kilos, although understand it, yes, well, yes, it is a good grip, although in the octopus way, yes, it works for me, I mean, logically, you squeeze fingers to the side doesn't feel good, but when you hold it, it feels better, I think let's go, yes, yes, that was valid, yes, 32 kilos, it's good to lift it higher, but yes, 32 kilos, that's incredible.
I don't know, I don't really have any point of reference. I've never seen anyone lift. 32 kilos on the Hub, okay, so these are the weights all lined up from 31 kilos to 78 kilos. It's the official one, no, not the official one, but it's a Thomas inch dumbbell weight, a lot of people call it a Thomas inch dumbbell because it's the same handle, it's the same weight, yes, but it's just some small measurements that they're out of a replica, you know, and you're a humble Scandinavian, that's why you won't call it an inch dumbbell Thomas, I probably know because I've called it.
Thomas' inch before on social media and I have people telling me it's not like they called you, okay, yeah, okay, I'm going to start with the lightest one, okay, easy, easy, I should try that too. I don't think you're okay right now. kilos, yes, it seemed easy, yes, pretty easy still, so I've seen people who left Thomas' inch dumbbell before you knew OD old man, yes, I competed with him, you did well, yes, Honold, and it seems that He also becomes stronger even at his age. Okay, 53 kilos. Yes, now it's starting to get difficult. I see you bend your arm.
That's when, when he gets heavy, you do it naturally. Let's say a lot of people have picked it up off the ground, yes, that's more, how many have picked it up, wiped it with one hand and pressed it, okay, that's less, oh, can you do that? I have done that. I couldn't do it today because I'm not in season for it, but I have done it with this sucker. Yeah, do you want to do 64? Yes, I can, I can do it well, okay, now I'm going to try the 64 with my left arm, which is my weakest arm.
If we moved, we could move others. Now this is going to be difficult. I don't think so, I have to strengthen my arm. Yeah, I don't know, it's out of the ground. Okay, so I guess the big boy, I can't. do this, I've tried it before, there's no way we're maximizing the possibilities, yeah, sure, okay, let me get the liquid shock, liquid shock, yeah, that really helps, yeah, it helps, it's got sticky, not sticky, it's got some kind of adhesive keep rubbing it and don't forget your thumb yeah and keep rubbing it until it's dry that makes it a little sticky.
I mean, I've used this to climb many times before, yes, but don't do it. stop rubbing it keep rubbing it until it dries that way it gets a little sticky you know well that's good advice isn't it uh um in grappling competitions you're not allowed to use it oh I keep rubbing it pee is coming out I think it's okay and now when you lift, yes, stand on the dumbbell a little bit to have it under your MH and try to bring it with your P back against the balloon and lean it forward so that it lifts well and then you lift it. standing up oh yeah that works yeah yeah yeah wow well there you go yeah you don't even use the technique you showed me just the LIF up yeah okay I'll try it one more time just to See if it was just luck. or yeah I can control it but it's not on the ground yeah I'm going to try it with my other hand too yeah that was better yeah well so I do like this and place them like that oh wow oh man that's amazing. let's end it there thanks for showing it to me make sure to check out Kim on social media and if you want to see us climbing comment below and also if you enjoy this video you will definitely like this one. it's right here

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