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Surviving a WENDIGO in Hardcore Minecraft From the Fog

May 18, 2024
oil can to light with flint and Ste. I'm making an oil can right now, and I have animal fat, so this is perfect, you guys have animal fat, oh yes, yes, I need it. I have one, what was this thing every time your animal fat you bring it to me, I need it, something killed a cow near the cows, I just got it really because there is raw meat on the ground, oh, like they just killed it Oh my god, what is this? amount of work that goes into making this lantern, yes I have to make flint and steel, I need an oil can, now I have to light it, here we go, a big oil can, yes, I made one that you are going to place the lamp correctly. right in front here yeah, I take my flashlight, fill it with light, seriously, it goes out, they really take Minecraft for huh, I can't even light these unlit torches anymore, so we have to make the fireplace to keep our house warm because if people request it next time, we will turn on the temperature mode which I don't like to deal with. that, but this video gets 10,000 likes, we're going to turn on temperature mode and do it in real life, so we're going to hook it up to our thermostats in our house, yeah, 10,000 likes on my video, not Sean's, uh , who put who?
surviving a wendigo in hardcore minecraft from the fog
Put some camping under the freezing water over here What camping thing? Someone put a bonfire under the water. I'm as hungry as I've ever felt in my life. All we go, how can a man be so hungry? I wonder. oh my oh my god no where no where are you oh go oh I'm I'm going to be back It's so quiet I could die I could die where are you? I think I'm running to the oh my god place. he's still chasing me um well Shadow is getting darker oh I see you yes yes I see you go left left yes yes keep going straight oh my God he's following you you come in come in come in what shadow oh my God what followed you, he was just In the forest, can they climb?
surviving a wendigo in hardcore minecraft from the fog

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surviving a wendigo in hardcore minecraft from the fog...

I don't know, he was fighting against it. He was fighting a witch, oh my God, oh, I'm getting chills, don't go out there, it's there, locked, oh my God. okay, it sounds like a train oh my god, oh oh my god, are we going to have another one of those nights? It's there, it's right outside the window. I don't like that, don't let him in, oh oh no, the shadows out there with that. Oh my God, he's jumping on my cows. Mr. and Mrs. Moo must be scared to death. It is still seen. You can see his snout through the wall.
surviving a wendigo in hardcore minecraft from the fog
Look behind you. Shade. It is so strong. What you say. I have more equipment. I'll go out and see if I can kill him. What's happening outside. This is no, no, no. Shadow, he's going to kill me, oh my God, I don't understand, oh, he's dead, you got him, Jesus, oh, he still had your cows in him. the process yeah don't do that oh you actually made a flashlight oh that's just a can yeah you need to fill it with animal fat Robert what is this? There won't be any upstairs stairs, there won't be any, I'm going to spend.
surviving a wendigo in hardcore minecraft from the fog
I'm spending all this time making the house pretty and here you come with this, what I was doing practical like Co, there are no stairs to go up to that, we'll do it, Oh my God, I'm building the fireplace here, okay? take everything, yeah, you guys are here trying to survive and you guys just want to make it nice, yeah, this guy I am, I'm trying to get food for everyone, it's a very sad day, watch while you farm. here it's okay, you have this this place place strap with TNT oh look that's l oh this is what you meant with those bunk beds Che in these bunk beds Be bunk beds oh beautiful this is getting so cozy that put, put, put, uh, whatever it's called in the front you know what I'm talking about like a fence and then trap doors oh oh yeah yeah that's a good idea I got it I got it little house this our cute little cabin we have here cute any Herobrine out there how is it ?
It seems like we should also make an iron gate so we don't have to worry. We really see how cozy it is, but then we have this big piece of meat, right here, the sound of our berry, our Berry Farm, yes, this is it. Great, I love this little house we have now warming up I have one to hit I think we should go mining, yeah, so we got some uh, I think someone else has other plants for us, look at the door, what an iron door, oh man , has. to be uh a button uh I don't know what you want to do what I'm in a hurry I don't want other things to open the door with a pressure plate oh no it's not good um I guess not We don't need this water here, there's no way to get rid of it, We can make some paths to make it look nice, you know?
Should we go to mine in that abyss next to what's called The Village, yeah, yeah, iron and stuff too far away? Does this really work? Yes, it should speed up the error process. If we can get diamonds, we'll be oh boy, oh boy, yeah, last time I went out alone, they chased me. What are you doing? I don't know fire. well, we need a Christmas tree, oh yes, I really do, okay, everyone has everything we need, yes, I have snowballs, one for a good idea, what else, oh my God, it's here, it's here , it's here where the window was here it was in the forest oh my God, oh, do you hear it?
It is so strong. I was around here. You want to get closer to that sound. Well, let's get into the mines. Who cares? Run, pass, go. Okay, Im going. I don't have torches. Can? it can fall very easy it's so dark it's going to be very dark down there we have torches or we can start spamming when we go down hello I don't have Tores I can't even spam are we going to fall? we're going to sink, yeah that's water, it's like a pond, oh my god, it's just what I just put out all my torches, I just go in the water, put out your torches, your hand, yeah, like all of them every time Yes, I just lost. the 12 I had for us to be down here, so we're down here, what the hell are there diamonds right there?
Although I don't even know where you guys are, oh yeah, look at that, well, let's do here, here, I'll do. I got, I'll go get those diamonds, I keep falling, watch out, Shadow, you're going to get those diamonds, Robert, yeah, are you guys like in the water or where are you? uh, we're on a little ledge, I don't think so. I don't see them I have no idea where they are I'm swimming through this cave right now it's going even further down here oh no oh no oh my god where you guys he's on me, he's on me, he's chasing me, he's on me chasing, he's he's behind he's on that wall oh my god, did you go into the water oh I see him he's oh I see him he's writhing on that side of the wall I see his antlers where are you oh can't he can? t swim he's listening he's swimming he's coming to swim Sean oh my god he's coming where are you guys Robert he's in the water Robert oh my god come here come down here see where your door is here there are two oh my god holy why is he him in the cave what you're drowning I'm just getting iron right now I can't see anything doing this, lose it guys the only light source I have is a slippery glow next to me I feel like I should swim up and make a campfire and come back to go down until we have light.
I'll go up with you wait, you have wood, you have wood, right? I have wood, okay, come back and see me here in the Shadow, it's not the boards. okay, you have four boards, four boards, okay, I have some coal, all my torches, Robert, give me one. I'm going to make torches that we can all carry. Okay, does everyone have a torch to carry? I don't have one, okay? You have three torches here, put this in your free hand. Shadow, you can put this in your free hand if you want. I know you have torches now, but yeah, don't accidentally put them down because yeah, I know you can't pick them up.
Oh there's a lot of P here oh perfect oh good guys we're doing good now this Ravine just let us go down here I told you there's a TR treasure down here and go down even further living everything you could ever want is down here there's one thing that I want desperately and I see her Kim just wrote how it's going how it's going we're still alive Kim but just barely out of the way yeah, oh you got diamonds, just one of them I love it, I'm better than one Diamond, make a beautiful shovel. I'm going to die if you see an animal down here like a chicken or something, don't be fooled, it's not what you think, it's like, so it's a fur walker, no, my torches went out.
There are three chickens down here, they're definitely not normal chickens, so I'm not going to go to you. I'm back where the lava was, huh, you know what I should probably recover. The other guys, this is a bad place for them to tell me. I see you coming oh I see the chickens yes stay away from the chickens hello hello hello you're going to want to get out of here too what Robert I know I heard my God what is that no no no no no I couldn't I didn't find any diamonds yes oh my God , he just hit you, he just attacked you, five diamonds, everything is not here, I think it's still there.
I just put, do you have another torch? I left mine by accident, shadow, where is Shadow?, she's gone. No, I don't know, oh no, oh, did you leave me? No, I, Robert, am receiving iron, what is that? Where are you? Oh man, that was strange. Where are you? Oh my God, Robert. She is hanging from the ceiling. She just fell. It's right next door. you right behind you he was hanging on the ceiling like a spider he was watching I have five diamonds he's gone he just disappeared he just disappeared he was watching he just disappeared you guys wanna join in I didn't see him come out of this cave oh my god I don't even know where we came from get in the water get in the water get in the water you go, he doesn't know how to swim oh oh, we're so lucky I can't see you so slow see you later idiot, the dumbest man in the world right there, the dumbest man in the world, okay, let's go out from here, it's daytime, let's swim to the top, what happened, I'm going to climb to the top, no, that, that, me, the wall, too bad, yes. like upside down like a window, oh my god, go back to the house go back to the house where is the house?
I went the wrong way and if not it was here the right way. I would do it this way how can you get lost in this? I don't know, it's snowing, there's poor visibility. We're trying to get back to the house. I see him, oh, I see Robert. Robert, what is gu? Happy to our house. Robert, what not, Robert, what are you doing? You did this? No, I didn't do this. I saw him turn it off I spent then this I didn't do this Shadow Did you do this? Our house is on fire. What do you mean what happened?
Look at the house. Did you say Herobrine can do this?

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