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Surviving a Plague Apocalypse in Hardcore Minecraft

May 17, 2024
connect it well, yes. I'm just trying to kill these guys, oh my god how did you get up? Ryan Ryan, they're passing by here you left an opening because we haven't finished building it yet, yeah, oh, there's a big gaping hole here, oh God. God, a chicken, oh no, they're hitting them, one of them hits so hard, oh, there's a shadow to kill them, yeah, watch out, there's a rat. Here it's okay, close this tight, with me I'm up here, how are they coming up here? I almost dropped them. He was looking for me. Robert can't give it up.
surviving a plague apocalypse in hardcore minecraft
I'm trying to figure out what he would do there. I did not mean. a I was just trying to build the wall, yeah how are we doing it, is the wall built, no, there's still a huge portion there, why are you building with dirt just to catch the thief, oh no, what are they chasing? Come back, who has? lava use it now i have lava on the wall but not on the wall just in a place where it can this isn't even a horde this is just a night overflow night zombies can we just walk around?
surviving a plague apocalypse in hardcore minecraft

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surviving a plague apocalypse in hardcore minecraft...

Yes, you got him, he made him die here, my God. the night is hard, damn it, PL Lings listen to the sickness and it's all right, no, I've got a big pile of them on me, we just have to close this and we're fine, oh oh no, yeah, kill them, oh you are . out of control how are you dying so much? k I I I I I know it just happens that there is a rat infested in the underground part of our house oh, take it out, it's okay, I just don't want to deal with it, okay, I think we're covered, Robert. what I plant here for potatoes we need water oh yes, we need I have a lot of potatoes that we planted.
surviving a plague apocalypse in hardcore minecraft
I plant here it's the rats that dig holes, no, they don't dig, yeah, they probably come here, guys, come here real quick. I saw this under the house, there they are too, they are digging holes right here, they are digging holes in the logs, eh, that's what I was seeing. Oh my god, I thought there were tables or something. They are rat holes that they can dig. Yes, they are digging through the wall. What do we do? Can they dig through stone? I don't know or I see it now yes, a small bench I still have half a heart in here with us Why do you have half a heart?
surviving a plague apocalypse in hardcore minecraft
I lose my they are digging through all the holes guys they are just digging there are holes everywhere oh my god answer oh wow replace it with stone we will have to make the base the wall Stone we have to adapt overcome and defeat the rats are coming in everywhere parts unless they can make it Cobblestone are also rats, they can't make cob, you don't know what kind of rats they are, they are rats, okay, come on, let's be serious, here you have gold plated teeth, you jump, you have buckets of water, they make an infinity water source somewhere yeah yeah yeah yeah okay Kim go get water okay I have half a heart why don't you have food?
Damn, you got some food here. The rats are passing. We can't continue living like this. I only want. to make the M package harder for you guys, okay, you have to deal with me, okay, I'm surging. I've got your she hanging here that you brought for us, where's my smoker? There are rat holes on every side of this place, points, oh, we. we've got walls up, okay, we're going to survive this, yeah, we've got this, just remember it's going to get a lot harder in the future, perfect, yeah, do it four away, not three away. I have more Stone Four, what's back here, oh, where?
The water, did you get a diamond hoe? How many diamonds do you have? Kim, why would you make a diamond hole? Honey, okay guys, let's make this look good, right? uh, let's just get it, let's get it going and then I'll make it look good K, where are your parents? Plant them all here. I planted so many potatoes here. Should we have a carrot farm too or is it potato? Yeah, yeah, yeah, so start, start at home, just do this whole exterior wall, just do all this. guys guys guys guys look who's in the house and what's he's holding rats wait it's like a TR what do you want can you trade with them oh oh you oh plag Essence I'll take that for what what do you need what does he need for the trades make deeds are good traits oh don't kill him what we need oh wow we can't even trade with him anymore no I'm doing it oh Kim is trading with him rat skulls rat upgrades jury rigged battle God look at that battle God rat enhancement, wait, what's going on, there's a lot of things here, but I can't, oh oh, what do you mean why are you biting me their rats?
Yes, you hit him. t stop hitting the rats at all he won't you won't accept me anymore you hit him P Pi lana what a deal I don't know what all this is I'm going to kill his rats because they are biting I uh oh K those rats he's okay he's going to summon all he is someone someone has an emerald for me there is something here no oh my god Kim you have emeralds uh no damn we should stick with this like yeah the


Essence is very good yeah I bought one um we can do , we can make sick trash, yeah, that's what I was trying to do, that's why I want another emerald from someone here here, I have one, yeah, keep them close, honestly, what's up with this obsidian here?
I didn't do it don't worry about it on my farm I have seeds regular seeds anyone see your seeds I have seeds I just laid why did I do this oh that's all the seeds I had I guess it's better than nothing I have seven eggs we can make a farm of chickens if you want if I have some eggs let's also do I need one more emerald I gave you my only emerald more seeds here rats rats okay let's contain this guy how do we keep him from leaving? we put him in a boat Put it in a yes, oh my God, but he won't disappear anyway because he's a traitor, they do that job like that, yes, they still wonder.
The merchants disappear anyway, boys, the rats are going to go through the rat holes, brother, okay, I was putting I'm going down Co or Cobblestone, oh, go on, yeah, they're chewing, they're chewing. Get high, get high, onto the blocks, get up, oh my god, oh, they're so fast, they're so fast, they're breaking. chewing through the wood I can hear the chewing I can hear the chewing creepy oh yeah, they're going up I'm not up I'm not up I don't have building blocks Don't run towards my arm ah, the races run run here here pick up pick up pick up pick up there you go they can't shoot the obsidian they're still chewing it maybe you have to put obsidian in the bottom no they're not chewing the Cobo look oh my god burning I'm trying to put it out put it out put it out put it out I'm trying you're going to lose your tower oh my god no I can reach her wait like the rats are passing we have to chew on the wood and oh my gosh can they shoot through the cobblestone?
No, I don't think it's enough with fire everywhere, okay, I know, but it's the only way we can kill them. We have to solve this.

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