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Surviving Minecraft's Deadliest Hunger Games..

Jun 16, 2024
Let's wait, where are they in this tower? I see them, oh, that did a by the way, a lot of damage is coming from behind, oh, me with the bow, me with the bow, no, there's one here, yeah, he's AF, someone's trapped, sorry, he'll have to die, I think he is in the tower, I think he will die. he goes back to a death screen, yeah, alright, good stuff, get his loot, get his loot, um, I see them, they're over here, just focus, these guys are coming down, team 31 is coming. Farland Team 31 is here, yeah, maybe let them.
surviving minecraft s deadliest hunger games
Shin is running, yes, I hit with the bow I hit with the bow, come here, come up, everyone, come up, come up now, wait, wait this second. Zer, oh God, by the way, okay, ready with the bucket of water, so yeah, they're running again. They're running again, yeah, they're running, Leon ran away, he waited, shit. I dropped all my gravel, yeah the only player we killed was the tower now, although we could try to push them all down, oh wait guys, how many gaps are there? you have 10 five uh I have it I have four I have 25 I picked up from what okay let's make a little platform here start sh yeah who's under us someone is under us someone is under us someone is literally right under us I see it, wait , hit him, he's there, oh, you have the spider bow, yes, I have it, it's useless, no, it's definitely not, if you think it's useless, I'll take it out of your hands because heh, spin that with the exploding bow is going to be crazy, actually, wait, no.
surviving minecraft s deadliest hunger games

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surviving minecraft s deadliest hunger games...

I don't think I can use both at the same time, but if you can catch them with it, then Mory and I can hit them with the bow, it's like an entrance, if they are close range, then I will try it even from very far away. I'm going to get stuck. for a couple of seconds. I can try? I see, wait, let me grab some gravel first, let me grab this gravel. Can you let go of all that Flint you're picking up? Welly he could be below us. Now I have a fit of stressing the boys out.
surviving minecraft s deadliest hunger games
I'm emphasizing that this is the first time I've had a chance to win in a long time, so I'm trying to make the most of it. I don't want to ruin anything here in the top half. no, we can go down, we can also push it. I mean, we can't stay up here forever. I mean, yeah, come on, let's leave the W, let's go back here, even if we leave the water to come back up here, this is headquarters, this is us. They're the M's we're going down by the way I leave water H so we can go back up I see them I see them I see them over here over here okay, okay, shoot them, shoot them, wait, wait, I'm right behind. we, he is here, you want, I see, I see her, be careful, look, yes, I have time to calm down.
surviving minecraft s deadliest hunger games
I just said that, oh, everyone's coming now, be careful, okay, careful, back up, back up, back up, okay, fire, can we choose?, oh. we can pick it up wait I'm on cooldown right now I'm on cooldown right now I have like 10 seconds oh my god you tell me what you want yeah I'll wait for Mor I'll wait for Mor lie about your calm down just lie about it oh cyer it's oh God mine I have all these golden apples go oh my God I'm dead I'm going to die I'm dead no no run run run it's on cool down I have wa I have wait get in the corner go to hell we won't see you later she says die is a death threat oh lord undermining her ability I did it I did it oh she's low she's low they're low they're low they're low nice good kill good kill yes oh god I'm actually winning this oh cute Lu you're not scared lucky you're not scared let it go oh my god there's only cake left who's playing music I don't know I don't hear anyone playing music I think it's just that I hear it there's a guy here playing music hey buddy how's it going? oh oh, take a step back, don't do it, sword, I'm here, imagine it stops, oh damn, CS, oh, it's coming out so peacefully, I'm sorry, yeah, this is so sad. trying, he's going for it, he's trying to kill him, he's a thug, he's a thug like that D, he's


, I'm sorry, cameras, okay, wait, doesn't he shoot twice?
No it's okay it's just Leon I see people I see people and Pikachu this arc is so op it's crazy yeah it's so good scy. I already know that the sc board right now is at more than four pieces, at least every time I get this ship. scy dies here, they are here, they are here, they are behind, behind, lost, oh God. God, oh God, you, him, behind, you heard behind, get there, get there, put water, water, you're okay here, this guy's got a bug on Crouch or something, I don't know, yeah, I don't know what, Be careful, Mor, be careful, take that water back, be careful.
I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm, I'm, I'm, oh yeah, watch out, put L, put L, he's away from him, oh yeah, it's CED, it's CED, oh, I can't hit, no, oh, good , I got it C. Wait, I told you it's nice because then if they try to run away, you can just stop them in their tracks. Bend over here, get it, oh my days, brother, me, the spider, bring me the spider, oh wait, it's gold, okay, now it's out, nice, watch out, hit it, hit it, yeah, oh my God, come on, this is so, oh, the combo is so nice. sword I think you might want to use this next event, yeah, I definitely want to give the spider bow a try at some point, right, there's only cake left, one more guy left, you want to try it again, you want to try it, yeah, oh, he is fighting here. fighting around here he might kill Mor, but he's fine, so close.
N. I couldn't have been more in this from the beginning, did you guys kill me? No, with the bow, catch him with the bow, why are you doing this to me? It doesn't stop there, it goes, oh, I got it, oh my God, oh my God, that's crazy and that's really so op. I finally have W again. This one is dedicated to Simon, what a guy Simon is.

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