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Survive The Night In Roblox Sleepover...

May 30, 2021
hey guys, i'm zach, i'm jen, i'm charlie, i'm marissa and i'm skye, and welcome guys to


the curse, i thought, wait, no, this guy was actually teleported, okay guys, so skye's back and here we go, let's go. You miss Charlie, she was teleported, are you kidding? Oh my god, no, it's Sky, she was teleported. Okay guys, we're finally back and this time we're going to try to like yeah not everyone teleports to different areas yeah Alex Skye has the toast can. I have a bite, no, I don't want to eat toast, toast, toast fight, oh wait, this game contains flashing sounds, loud music, it doesn't matter if I do, guys, the next curse has been traced to this place, wait , the door is closed.
survive the night in roblox sleepover
Time to go home, well done, we just open the bar and then smash Skye's head against the door. I have a better idea. What happens if we use Skye's head and slam it against the door? Yeah, okay, I'll try, ready, push me, guys, push. Yo guys, I can't, I can see the sounds, what's going on, you can see the sounds, I don't think it's okay, uh, anyway, let's find that key, um, okay, let's look inside, wait, where to? Were they? Come back, I'm alone. with charlie i will lead us i am the leader okay mine has it he has it and now he will run away with it you will never get the key i will disappear into the darkness just like my father did 10 years ago i have to do this you are better that he listens daddy son you are my you are my dad no no you don't look like you are right we look good dad I don't know we don't have anything like this this is a parents meeting yours is jealous so your dad hasn't returned and mine is waiting where is he? erza ​​she's gone nerd oh no oh she's going to jump scare us omg I know he's behind that door I know you're right There, what are you doing?
survive the night in roblox sleepover

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survive the night in roblox sleepover...

She's trying to scare us, you should have let it happen, no, okay, here's another door, guys, and it's locked, it's locked, well, let's find something to force it, let's use a key. I don't think the key works. I have to find a weapon. What's wrong with this chair? I feel like the chair would work better. I agree with Skye, my dad, the door is stuck. It's funny, has anyone else seen that it's the ghost of an old man? Let's get in here, okay, it's time to sleep. I'm taking a nap, come on guys, yeah, can I can I sleep with you?
survive the night in roblox sleepover
No, Charlie, come here, girl, let's cuddle. Oh my God, I've been rejected. Oh my god, yes, no, Skye, come on, okay, Jade Charlie, wash up now, okay, I'll wash up. my lips after kissing with you, yes you have yours, beautiful thickness, I forgot what we were looking for, wait, what the hell do you close the doors? I'll call the king to turn him back into a human, wait, what are we looking for? That's what I I wonder what we have to open this door wait, how did you find it? I found it it's right there it's over here or that's the wrong door oh this door this door oh it opened oh what's here oh let's continue here oh that's next that hello like a shower okay who wants a shower oh my God run run run run oh wait I think I need a hug give him a hug the code to open this door around the nursing home the numbers are disguised as shapes on the paper find four pieces of paper and count the number of lines the number of lines is the number of the code I hope Don't find out or you'll kill me like the rest, that sounds like fun and there's another piece of paper underneath that says sorry we missed it. you, your package is at the post office, oh, that's so coincidental, pick it up right away, oh yeah, we should probably do that, oh yeah, oh, I found one, oh my god, honey, don't look, don't look, Charlie, don't walk, no. okay come here charlie wait wait come back follow me charlie come here oh oh wow guys look I found a secret room so we gotta find all those digits wait how many do we have until now?
survive the night in roblox sleepover
We have Charlie, no, he's over here, Charlie, look here. Let me guide you, come on charlie, it's okay here, oh my god, I didn't mean to do it that time, it's okay, poor Charlie, I think she may be blind forever, but anyway, what codes do we have? I don't look at another one. wait where is it then it's four eight five well, that's the code yes, there's only three or there's four eight five four four eight five one oh, it works for those deaths here, you said that now a guy like a murderer runs, no, no He is the cursed one.
I mentioned wait what trapped us he plays in a different dimension guys in the curse he's been playing in his own world wait oh his curse put us in this dimension and we have to escape we'll be trapped here forever Guys, where are we? Although no, no, we're like, oh, by the way, I think that's okay, so this is the plan we have to reach these kids, come on, that's not a good idea, no, jay, come back, check, it's okay, jay just took the lead, come on guys, skye use your sense of smell and get us to the safe spot, yeah, come on daddy, skye, wait, we'll fall, honey, bring it, skye, get that, get those safe zones.
I'm not moving here I'm not moving there's nothing you guys can do, she convinced me not to move I'm too scared no, no, no, no, no, come on, zach, I can't, again, it's okay, it worked fine, It's ready, come on, come on, let's wait, what's that? Well, our thing is gone, so skye, you just got, he was chasing me, ursa, we should probably move now, um, skye, yeah, guys, this way, follow me, we gotta get out of here, oh, if we keep going this and go let it at the end should lead to a key oh sweet this is a very long road well hurry up guys here this way this way uh this way I guess not anymore I know where we're going, I'm too scared. just go, oh we found something here, there's something here we need here, there's the key, the keys here, oh we need a ladder, okay, wait, where's the key, this is the end, this way, wait , what's that, oh, wait, oh, that's him, he's here he's here, run, the runners lead the way here, please, oh God, skype, run, run, run, okay, oh No, he got us, he threw us away, he got us, I can't, you know what we've been relying on your sense of smell, daddy skye, but now.
It's my time, daddy Skye, to wear that smell, here we go, I'm proud of you son, smell, smell, smell, you're doing great, smell, smell, maybe we can play ball later, thank you Dad, I always wanted that. Hello what's going on? What's happening? He is behind me. Wait. No way. Is it really in there again. What do you mean Charlie? I do not see it. You know there's only one thing to do. Let's save Jane. Jane already did it. That's not safe. Wait. let's save jade I'm alive attack I'm already safe I'm in I'm at the beginning I love what heaven is like just my dad this whole video yeah I met up I saw a name I saw a name wait guys wait it's This you guys oh where are you?
I thought that too. I saw his name, but then, oh God, what's good? We have to find a way to get out of here. Okay, two four one three two four one three two one three two four three two four one. Three, what do we use that for? two one four one three someone write that down on a notepad what do we use that for although I don't know, I don't know, I haven't memorized it now, but I'm too scared to like it stop running we just have to find a way to get out we need to find a ladder I think we're the right place for the ladder imagine we've run into that thing again oh I hope not that would be the worst it's a human letter that's a good idea oh man this is So bright, oh, I found the ladder, yeah, help me carry it, guys, come on, okay, oh my God, run, Charlie, I don't know which way we're going, it's too dark, wait, it's the bar, you found it, I can hear it, okay, quick, let's go up, okay, you can't reach us up here, wait, god, hey, jade, okay, skye, jade, okay, yeah, oh thank god, okay, there were two , four, one, three, two, four, one, three, oh. wait no I put four one two four one so I'm panicking right now okay what are we going to do?
Yeah, yeah, why can't I grab this? Oh, there it is, I've got it right, so guys, it's down there, oh. Oh my gosh, okay, so what happens if I follow the path? No, oh no, Charlie. Hey, there goes Charlie. Okay, come on, which direction are we going? I think, oh God, where are we going? What's happening? Please go to the barn. I think he could take us there, he's there, I know, oh, he's there, where is he, oh, he's partying, yeah, he wants to party, yeah, come on guys, let's party, I hope he's caught by the Let's just hope it stays stuck there for a while, yeah.
Guys, I found it, wait to do it, no way, go, just go, oh wait, we're here, oh, nevermind, yeah, we made it. It was so scary. Honestly, I'm covered in my own poop. We need a screwdriver to turn on the power. I found it oh it's a key wait let me do this I have this guys I'm actually an electrician if you didn't know oh that's cool look at this. I'm a professional at this kind of thing. I'm good at pressing buttons, look at this. look at that yellow oh hello yes we did well we passed the door yes yes yes yes yes oh god oh god wait we are following him now okay oh what I don't want to follow that creature yes, he is an idiot, he hit I on the way I slapped him in the butt, okay, wait, anyway, this room is the perfect place to catch the damn boys, oh, okay, we need some sandbags and candles, and I found a candle.
We wanted to burn this place down. There are so many. doors there where the boys disappeared I'm finding I'm finding things I found a code oh wait what we have oh no, what just happened we have all the materials to trap the curse now we just have to find it and download it, I think we like to make a ritual circle, Yeah, okay, so if we catch him here, the sky is bait, that's a good idea, uh, hi, hi, hi, okay, is he somewhere in the building? Hello, hello, oh my God, hey, hey, what's up? Hey, come on, come on, let's go to the circle to the circle to the circle come on idiot come on please just stand in the circle yeah yeah we just did it if you send me back I'll send you an online date request wait what they're coming with me I mean, wait what no, no, no, the five ghost hunters were reported missing that


and we all died in the end.
I call that a victory, well we literally did all that just to die.

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