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Survival of the Fittest

May 01, 2024
This story is totally amazing, it's shocking, it has a lot of things, but what you will remember about the story is the twist at the end, but before we get into today's story, if you are a fan of how strange, dark and mysterious it is presented in story format then you come to the right place because that's all we do and we go up three or four times a week so if that's your thing open all the cans of tuna inside the button pantry Like and then unleashes a gang of savages. cats in your house and then release a gang of ferocious wild cats inside your house.
survival of the fittest
Also subscribe to our channel and turn on all notifications so you don't miss any of our weekly uploads. Okay, let's get into today's story. On June 25, 1950, the Korean War broke out between the North and South Koreans, just two days after the war began. The United States formally entered the conflict by sending troops to help the South Koreans. Shortly after, the United States enacted a military draft. A military draft is the forced enlistment of civilians into the military in the Korean War. The way Americans were chosen was through a lottery and if their name was called, they would have to leave whatever they were doing in the civilian world and immediately go serve their country. and if they refused, they would go to jail An 18-year-old high school dropout, nicknamed Samson, was living with his family in Seattle, Washington, when he discovered that he had been drafted while military service was not something Samson was considering. for his future, he accepted his destiny. gracefully and before long he was headed to fort ord in northern california to begin his military training, but after training, when samson was now officially a soldier in the army, he was not sent to korea to fight in the war, but that he was ordered to stay at Fort Ord and be the lifeguard at their pool, it's unclear how Samson felt about that, but he did his duty anyway and stayed at this pool and took care of the people who went swimming. and then at night and on weekends I would make some money. extra money being a bouncer at a local bar a year later, Samson was still working at the Fort Ord pool when he decided to take some time off and return home to Seattle and see his family and see his girlfriend as a military member who Samson was.
survival of the fittest

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survival of the fittest...

He could fly for free on any military flight as long as he was in uniform, so Samson packed up his things, put on his uniform and headed to the Fort Word airport, where he boarded a small military plane and flew. to Seattle a few days later, on September 30, 1951, Samson said goodbye to his family and his girlfriend and then he put on his uniform again and headed to the Seattle airport, when he got there he saw that there was only one military plane that was He was flying from Seattle to Fort Ward and this plane was a World War II era dive bomber that only had enough room for one person.
survival of the fittest
Pilot Sampson had to return to Fort Ward that night because he had work the next day and in In the military you can't just not show up for work, but Samson didn't have enough money to buy a civilian plane ticket to take a civilian flight to Fort Ord, so he was in a difficult situation and he approached this pilot from this. dive bomber plane and he says hey, you know? Can I just crawl into your radar compartment in the back of your plane? and the pilot whose name was anderson immediately said no, that's a terrible idea, it's not designed for passengers, it's barely big enough to fit inside.
survival of the fittest
You could get seriously hurt in there, but Samson insisted that he had to come back that night and that he would be in a lot of trouble if he didn't do it, and he sort of appealed to Anderson and said, look, you're in the military. Understand, I have to go back there tonight. Can you please make an exception and let me hitchhike in the back of your plane and finally, against his better judgment, Anderson breaks down and says, "It's okay, Samson, you can come with me and so Shortly before 4 pm that afternoon, Samson excitedly walked around the side of the plane, opened a side hatch and crawled inside into this very narrow radar compartment and once he was inside, Anderson walked up and closed the hatch behind him and then Anderson.
He entered the cockpit and began preparing the plane for takeoff. A few minutes later, the pair was moving down the runway and just as the plane began to experience lift and rose into the air, the side hatch of the radar compartment where it was located. Samson suddenly opened, the big problem with this now open door on the radar compartment was not that Samson, like in the movies, would be sucked out of the store and die, although if he wasn't careful he could fall out the door, no. . The real problem with this now open door had to do with the oxygen levels at their cruising altitude, where they would spend most of their flight, there was not enough oxygen in the air to sustain human life, so as soon as Anderson fired up that plane. and he started preparing it for takeoff, started pumping oxygen into the cabin and also into the radar compartment space.
This is done specifically to compensate for the lack of oxygen at that cruising altitude, but with Samson's door now wide open, all that extra oxygen was arriving. in that space to keep him alive he is now simply being sucked out the door into the atmosphere, which meant that if Samson couldn't find a way to close that door, he would eventually pass out and suffocate Samson, who was fully aware of this fact. . He immediately jumped into action anchoring his feet and legs around the strut in the middle of this compartment space and once he was fairly secure he began to extend his upper body out of the plane to try and grab the handle and try to close it, but once.
He was grabbing the door handle now he's halfway out of the plane he couldn't get it to close the wind was so strong it was pinning the door and so for the next few minutes Samson is desperately trying to close this door but it's not possible. was working and he eventually retreated to the plane and went to the back of the radar bay space and got behind some equipment because this was not an area where passengers were supposed to be and there was no way to communicate. With the pilot he couldn't tell Anderson that he was dying here, so he just sat there and prayed while Samson dealt with this open door crisis.
Anderson was dealing with his own crisis at some point after takeoff, he looked at his gauges and realized that a terrible mistake had been made, there was not enough fuel to get to Fort Ord and where he was discovering, when he was over the water, there wasn't enough fuel to even turn around and go back to Seattle and So Anderson grabs his radio and tries to call the surrounding airports to see if there's anywhere he can make an emergency landing for this plane, but all he hears is silence. It would turn out that his radio equipment simply failed right at this moment and what also happened to fail right at that moment was Anderson's oxygen supply, it had nothing to do with Samson and the open door, Anderson also suddenly ran out of oxygen. , so Anderson knew he had to get to a lower altitude as quickly as possible because he eventually blacked out and crashed the plane, so he took a very steep dive and started descending and realized he needed to try to land this plane on the ocean, now there was no way he could get to an airport, so he was burning towards the water and as they went down in altitude there was more oxygen in the air, so Samson, who had finally passed out from lack of oxygen , suddenly revives with all this extra oxygen as they go down and Samson comes to and He looks and the door is still wide open and all he can see is the Pacific Ocean burning against him.
He only had a few seconds to grab the stile in the middle of the space he was standing in before they hit the water. Miraculously, Samson survived. The impact, but he immediately faced another life or death situation because this door was wide open, the freezing water began to enter, flooding the space and then Samson tried to swim out, but the power of the water that entered was too much. strong and so we had to wait until the space was completely flooded before he swam out and then swam to the surface once he reached the surface. He's looking around and the water is incredibly rough and it's very foggy.
He can barely see anything. He's looking for Anderson. I'm not really sure what happened to him and he looks toward the front of the plane and sees Anderson walking out of the cockpit. He looks pretty beat up but he's alive, he's fine, so Samson yells at him and the two men join together. and they are able to pull two life rafts out of the plane and both men wrap themselves in each of their wrappers just as this plane sinks below the surface and then Anderson and Samson start looking around wondering what they are going to do. but it's so foggy that they can't see land in any direction, they can barely see 10 feet away from them, so Anderson thought they landed maybe two or three miles off the coast of California, but they weren't really sure, So Anderson took out his compass and looked east and said, "Let's start rowing." The men had crashed about two miles off the coast of Point Reyes, California, which is this big protected coastline that's about 150 miles north of Fort Ord and this particular stretch of water that these two men had found.
The place where they were was a known breeding ground for great white sharks, so the two men took their compass and are trying to swim as fast as they can towards the east, but they can't see any land where the fog can't. has subsided. everything and finally it became dark and as soon as it became dark the water became more and more rough until at one point Samson was thrown out of his raft into the water, he turned around and saw his raft, but it was being dragged by a The current is faster than he could swim toward it, so Samson yells at Anderson, who sees him in the water.
Anderson tries his best to row out and save Samson, but the current was too strong and before long Samson watched as Anderson simply disappeared into the mist. Samson was all alone in the middle of the night, he couldn't see anything, there is no land anywhere, he doesn't have the compass, Anderson had the compass, so he has no idea which direction he is in, he is in a breeding ground of sharks and now not. He didn't have his life raft, so Samson did the only thing he could do, which was pick a direction he thought was east and start swimming, so Samson is swimming in this pitch black water and he can't see anything. around it and everything that is.
I'm probably thinking that at any moment I'm going to run out of power and sink and drown or get attacked by sharks or some combination of the two, but miraculously after about an hour. Swimming in some direction he went through the fog and saw a light in the distance on what looked like dry land, so he has this sudden burst of energy and swims as hard and as fast as he can for a couple of times. Many times he gets swept away by rip currents and nearly drowns, but eventually reaches the sandy shores of Point Reyes.
It is believed that he swam approximately a mile or two after being thrown out of the boat while exiting the water and collapsed on the beach, he had given everything for that swim, if he had been in the water for a few more minutes he would very likely have died. would have drowned, unable to stand up due to sheer exhaustion, Samson simply began to slowly crawl along the beach towards this light he had seen. while he was swimming and it turned out that this light was on the outside of this building that was owned by a radio station and then Samson crawls and periodically vomits up sea water and finally after about 30 or 45 minutes he reaches these steps of this building goes up the stairs and he hits the door and at this point he has hypothermia, he is in shock, he is about to die if he doesn't get help and luckily there is someone inside this building, they open it, they see Samson.
I don't know what's going on, but they pick him up, drag him inside, wrap him in a blanket and try to ask him. Do you know what happened? What's going on? Why are you here? But Samson was too cold to even talk so he just sat there and shook himself and finally this employee called the coast guard who had a station very close to where they were and a few minutes later the coast guard showed up, they took Samson away. and they rushed him to their station where they were able to give him life-saving medical treatment.
It was also at this coast guard station that Samson was reunited with Anderson, who had also managed to make it to shore alive. Samson would serve two more years in the Army, the entire time he spent as a lifeguard at the Fort Ward swimming pool and then, in 1953, afterThe Korean War ended, Samson's mandatory service came to an end and he was honorably discharged. Samson would become one of the most successful and well-known actors and producers of all time. He has won hundreds of major awards, including four Academy Awards and four Golden Globe Awards. Samson's real name is Clint Eastwood, so that'll be it, guys.
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