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Survival in a Combat Environment (Becoming Deadly In The Mountains)

Jun 15, 2024
St sh has proven time and time again that ultimately it all comes down to you and it may seem crazy, it may seem scary to talk about this type of thing to learn this type of information and yet throughout the history, the very recent history in In fact, people have found themselves in very difficult situations, the craziest thing to me about



is that many times it happens after the evasion and when watching the evasion video or the video of initial avoidance, you know how intense and brutal the avoidance can be and can last. hours, it may last weeks, it may last months, but many individuals throughout history have found themselves evading enemy forces and once they have evaded those enemy forces, they suddenly find themselves so far away in civilization as to lose o Sometimes they find themselves so far out in the desert because they are trying to lose whoever is chasing them that suddenly, after weeks and months of evasion, they now have to survive, but it's not just


, it's


survival because There is still an element of being hunted that they can still escape.
survival in a combat environment becoming deadly in the mountains
In enemy forces, people have often evaded to where they thought the front lines of their own forces were, as we talked about in this little introduction here, and their forces had to deal because they were compromised. There are so many scenarios where combat survival can play a role, it can be something as simple as everything shuts down in your country, uh, foreign forces invaded you and suddenly you're just surviving to keep your family alive, don't let them. The moment when you are finally learning and practicing these things is when you are watching your family while they are starving because they have no water or God help you just for you when you are just trying to stay alive because it is a brutal situation, the The world is brutal, the world is violent and no one cares, the only person who will save you will be yourself, but before we get into it, we have to thank our sponsors, they allow us to create this content for free to offer it to you at no cost. some.
survival in a combat environment becoming deadly in the mountains

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survival in a combat environment becoming deadly in the mountains...

Yourselves, so we have a big shout out to the Sor and Desert Institute if you're looking to get started with gunsmithing, they're the people to go to, we love them, they support the channel, all our crazy antics since survival, you know. Weapon stuff and all that goodness, of course, who else have Micah's primary arms? Do we love them very much? That's where we got the ACOG from. They sell a variety of optics. They sell excellent optics made by them and the compact is one of our favorite optics so go and check them out, don't forget there is something very special related to Skittles coming out very soon so keep an eye out for that and then of course , dry fire, you should use 100% mantis, we use it. turns your gun into a dry fire machine uh we love the mantis right Micah it's cool it does it and then of course great AAC ammo there's not a lot of shooting in this video but they train a lot and make ammo at an excellent price. go and check them with everything said, let's get into the video.
survival in a combat environment becoming deadly in the mountains
I served nine years of active duty in the military. I did six of those years as an escape, evasion resistance and survival instructor, this is literally what I taught a variety of people. I also have an addition to that, I spent an inordinate amount of time in civilian survival schools from Montana to across the pond everywhere, from a variety of people, from your Israeli wilderness survival specialist to your crazy Norwegian. I've learned everything and, uh, I'm very grateful for all those people who have taught me after that. I have served as a tacp as a special warfare officer within tacp so I have done this many times and that is why I lived and breathed for a long time and I have taught a lot of people fight survival what you have to realize is that you're doing what you've always done, you need to stay at 98.6 um, you've been doing it your whole life without you knowing you've been doing it. drinking water, you've been eating food, you've been staying clean, the only thing we're doing here is we're going to modify a lot of your behaviors, a lot of things that you do, of course, in relation to food and water to make sure that we can survive long term the best way I could describe it is when we talk about survival, even combat survival, all I'm doing is taking you to a level like an 11 year old.
survival in a combat environment becoming deadly in the mountains
It was like in 1830 in 1830 an 11 year old boy could start a fire in the rain he could skin animals he could do all those things and this industrialized society that we live in in the United States and in other parts of the world we have lost many of these critical skills because they're not that relevant to us and okay, what we're going to do in this video is relearn them and also apply them to a combat survival situation, so today we're going to touch on them. into five main things, so there are five things you need to stay alive in a combat survival scenario, so the first thing we're going to talk about today is going to be Health, how to stay healthy, how to treat wounds, how to stay healthy. life. things that you already know next we will talk about personal protection, which will be how to build a shelter, both improvised, using natural materials to stay away from the elements, we will learn how to make a fire. a combat situation so they don't see you and then we'll talk about our equipment and how to take care of it.
After that we have sustenance, we will talk about how to collect water, different methods and of course food too. natural plants and animals, after that we will talk about communications and signals as necessary and finally travel, which we will touch on lightly; that's going to be a bonus video where we really dig into it, so the first thing we need to do is go. To be honest, a survival situation can start in many different ways, but one of the things I've always taught people is if we come back from a patrol in a vehicle and the vehicle rolls or you get shot at and you evade and finally you have a second to catch your breath, one thing I have always taught you in my army, the guys probably already know that it will be a blood sweep, so many times I have stayed away from the gunshots and the adrenaline. it's pumping and the question will be did I hit, do I have a scratch, is there something bleeding that I need to stop and take care of immediately, so first we'll do a blood sweep so that all the blood sweep is me.
I'm going to have my hands mostly clean and I'm going to feel my whole body and then I'm going to check for blood, if I have obvious bleeding, so the first thing we're going to do is go over our arms, check underneath. armpit check I can check my chest, armpits, get under my kit and my equipment, if you can get under your layers, get in there, check, reach as far as you can to look for that blood, of course, right there we got the old fake wind from filming check the back for blood blood and I'm checking for blood a lot of times, whether it's a stab from a tree cutting your arm or something like that, if you got any of that bleeding immediate, that's something you're going to have to take care of, which will lead us right into wound care, so talk about different ways to care for wounds in a combat survival


, when it comes to our combat. health and keep the wounds clean, the most important thing is that if we have any type of bleeding, if we get shot, if we get cut, of course we should control it as best we can, the best we can do in a survival situation if we have any guy. of the bandage you should wear, you get that pressure if you can't control that pressure, of course the tourniquet will be your last option.
There are a million different compression bandages that can apply that pressure to help the wound clot. The point is, a lot of people try to go straight for that tourniquet, but in a survival situation, when you apply that tourniquet, if you apply it tight enough to cut off circulation, it may not always be the best option because you don't know. When that survival situation is going to end, you can't keep a tourniquet on for that long, that being said, if you need to apply the tourniquet, this is where all my doctors will shrink to stop the blood flow, which we normally teach. or what I've been taught from both the civilian side and the Mills side is that you apply the tourniquet to stop the bleeding because you can't stop it any other way, once you can stop it within an hour and reassess the wound that you're going to do. very slowly, back away with no wind, start taking the pressure off to see if the bleeding continues, if you can back off completely without wind, without any clot coming out, that's when you can apply a pressure bandage over that because you probably didn't need the turn. to get first place, but the point is that a tourniquet in a survival situation is more than likely to be a death sentence for that particular limb, so use it when absolutely necessary, but understand that there are others. ways to stop bleeding and a lot of times you can stop it that way unless it's like crazy arterial bleeding or something like that, which we talked about, they're pretty intense, understand that if you break your leg, you can splint it in an easy way , you can splint it.
If we come here I'm going to make a little more noise and Telegraph where I've been I can do something as simple as take a branch and if I say I broke my leg right here I can get two of those and then wrap up, down and under my leg to immobilize above and below the joint, that will be extremely helpful and then something that I can do conveniently, you may not always have a splint, so understand that there are several improvised ones. methods you can use to stay healthy, so we've talked about many types of more intense injuries.
Understand that combat medicine is a very broad topic and I recommend that you take more time. This is simply an introduction, but what is it? Most importantly, we stay alive long term through hygiene and simply taking care of ourselves, so how do you do that in a combat survival


? Let's talk about it. The most important thing will be your feet, you are going to travel. We will be trying to get back to where we are going home or to get back to someone who can help, so if we don't take good care of our feet you won't get very far. all before starting on that important note I always talk about, if you are lucky enough to have a rifle or any type of weapon, make sure you always keep it within Arms Reach, that will be a standard you will always be held to.
I have that moment to stop to take care of my feet, whether it's at the end of the day, if I cross a river and I get really wet and I'm in a safe position, I can go ahead and change those socks forever you should have an extra string of socks, ya you have a video of Pack, so we're not going to talk too much about that, so I say I like to say what my friend F, who did the same job as me, says, which is when you know a lot you don't need a lot because in what you have to think about is that you are prepared for combat, you don't have much room for survival gear, so settle for not much, so I changed the socks, uh.
It's going to be very important. I know it sounds lame. It is to keep socks clean and dry as much as possible. We generally recommend Marino wool of some type. Darn Tough. Uh smart wool. There are tons of different manufacturers. Find a good wool sock that works. On this channel we mainly use tuff, Micah, what do you Costco sailors use? Do they work. The point is that once we've changed our socks, we probably have two or three pairs in a combat pack, maybe at most an extra pair, so you need. to make sure you are rotating them now a lot of times these socks will be wet so the question is how do I dry them there are a couple of different ways if we are in a very cold environment it's actually not too difficult you just go to hang them on the edge of your backpack and you're going to let them freeze dry, so in this backpack here I can just stick them through the loops and tighten them as I go, they're going to freeze and that's So I can just remove that ice and they'll dry pretty quickly .
In a dry environment, that will be quite easy. Just hang them from your backpack in a humid environment, that's where it gets more difficult, so in a humid environment. environment, what I'll usually do is I'll take my socks and I'll put them in my layers right here for my guys who attended Being, you know what I'm talking about and if you need to go into it a little bit more. and what you're going to do is rotate them against your body heat and that will allow your body heat to dry them as you move. You want to remove them enough so that they are not exposed. to the elements, but that will dry out your socks pretty quickly, so after about an hour of walking I'll change them to have those parts that are against my body on the outside. the inside and then I'll keep moving I guess you've got things onpants a couple of other really important things when it comes to foot care, make sure you have time at the end of the day or if you're sleeping during the day, whatever you do to get away, which we talked about in the last video, you take off your boots and massage your feet, you 100% need it, it will keep the blood flowing, it will really keep them. healthy, so change those socks again, massage those feet.
This will help you a lot below.Talk about how we don't get gross and rude because I know a lot of you need like five showers a day so how do we survive? The best way will be if you have wet wipes, those are easy, they can work. You can also use leaves that are wet, use them to rub your body, you can use lomy soil, so it's like that air resistant soil, right on a river bed, you can SC, you can get in there, especially if you don't have soap and Most guys I know don't carry soap and you can rub your body with it, but what I have often used as an air bath works wonders, so all you are going to do is get naked, which is not let's do. do it right now because who knows who's watching and you're going to take some time in the sun you're not going to sunbathe what you're doing is allowing those moist areas of your body to dry out you're allowing the sun's ultraviolet rays to kill any of those bacteria that are harmful to the skin or something, they will do a lot, usually 20 to 30 minutes, it will be pretty good.
An hour is recommended many times in a survival combat. Survival situation, you don't have much time, but this will depend on how far away you are, if you are very far away and the number one priority is survival. Yes, do those air baths, but the last thing I have. What we're going to talk about is the teeth, so if you don't have a toothbrush, what you can do is take the live green twigs, remove the bark and all you're going to do is nibble on the end to fray them. and that will be a nice little toothbrush for you that you can use to brush your teeth and that works great at removing tartar plaque in the long run.
It's not great, but understand that throughout history people have used two. It sticks throughout your life, so be sure to keep your teeth healthy. It may seem a little ridiculous, but gums with cavities, all of that really matters for your gums, what you do is take your finger and you'll vigorously rub your gums like you're doing cocaine or something and that will help the blood flow. when it gets to your gums, so again, take care of your teeth, take care of your body, that will benefit you in the long run. you're taking care of your body you're going through nature suddenly we see a big storm approaching on the horizon and we know a big storm is coming it's coming at the end of the night we probably need to get some kind of shelter because if there's one thing humans can't do It's just that we can't really just face the elements without any kind of shelter over our head, so let's talk about shelter Mike, what are you doing for your butt?
Wet wipes if you have them. uh leaves, there are a lot of leaves that are very soft, find a smooth leaf, as long as it's not shiny, shiny leaves are usually poisonous or have some kind of oil that's going to react badly, so use those soft leaves, rub your butt use water like you find a river scrub it man keep it clean you don't want you don't want that disgusting swamp take shelters so there's a million different ways to build shelters and just to be clear today we're just going to teach you two, so first. Above will be Ranger Diamond which is made with a poncho, you should always have a poncho with you, that is why we show you that it is a wonderful shelter.
Next will be a natural refuge, that is, finding something in nature that suits your needs. First of all, when it comes to shelter, you need to think about how close you are to enemy forces. If you are closer, you should consider being as far away from those forces as possible. You want to be charged with the ground you want to secure. that you are going to blend into the background and another thing is not to do Skyline, so have your shelter on the most prominent peak, as if we look at this beautiful landscape, imagine if I had my shelter right outside. outdoors on top of a peak really cool views when I wake up at the same time very exposed to the wind and very exposed to enemy eyes and of course if possible try to be near a water source. get water, so that will be a consideration, of course, the closer you are to water, the closer you are to possibly enemy forces because who needs to go water Micah, everyone, absolutely everyone, everyone, and even if so, you know, even if something is happening. in your country in the US OFA in Arma 3 and everyone is fighting each other and there's someone there looking for water and they don't know you and they report you to the forest The Wrong Enemy and boom, that's a bad day for you, like this which starts with Our Ranger Diamond is not what you would call a strict evasion shelter, but it blends into the background, is very low to the ground and most importantly it will be big enough for you and your team, so if you have more people, you can build a bigger Diamond Ranger with more ponchos and have a nice little party at home.
That's not normally done. This will be used for a one man show so I need it to fit my backpack, my rifle and me. comfortably, it has to be quick to assemble and quick to disassemble and in this case, as we talked before, when you know a lot you don't need much, so all I'm going to build with that are things that can be used for many other things, like this The first thing is to always have a line kit with you. This will be paracord from which the inner core has been removed. You're going to burn the ends.
I usually do about six. to eight lines, if you're going to have a 12' and a 6', these are chained together to keep them stored, you shouldn't just throw the lines in your pack without chaining them somehow, so we have our lines, we have our poncho right here so the nice thing about the poncho is it can protect you from the rain we have a nice little hood right there it can be used as a backpack cover and it can be turned into a shelter so in preparation to convert it in a shelter I'm going to go to the head I'm going to fasten the hood tie that little guy so we're going to go ahead and set this up if possible I want to make sure that I'm in an area that's relatively flat.
You don't want to slide because I'll tell you, if you build your shelter on a straight slope, you'll slide while you're sleeping and that's a bad time. try to have it relatively flat, relatively clear if possible and at the same time be relatively hidden in a forest or something, so if you come in here, Micah, the first thing we're going to start with is going to be a girth hitch, so I'm going I'm going to take my line, I'm going to take a nice little bite, I'm going to take my bite, I'm going to run it through the poncho.
I'm going to take those two ends, I'm going to put them through that bite. even if pulling one end is nice and tight, then I'll do the same thing on all four corners, take that and put it around my finger. I've got that bite right there, that bite is going to go through the eyelet, you see it now through that loop. I just went through that bite, I just went through the buttonhole. I'm going to take those two strands. I'm going to thread them through once I've done that and tighten the ones that will clip into that eyelet.
We don't go anywhere and get it chest high and there are many ways to make the ranger Diamond. I guess we'll start with the simplest way, wrap it right here, okay, taking my end, going through that line, I'm going to pinch that to the right. There is something that allows me to work with this. I can create that bite and I can pull the end that runs through the bite. Now this is still going to slide, so what I'm going to do on top of that is what I'm going to do. called a safety, so I'm going to take that big old end that I have right there, wrap it up and make another bit for what's called a winter hitch right there, which will allow me to then undo it easily.
So the point with these knots is that you need to be able to get them up and out in the blink of an eye, so you don't want to have a problem if you don't know how to tie them and that will work. work, however, we want to try to preserve our lines, so if we can use knots that work well, then we can ensure that we can easily remove them if necessary and we also can't destroy our lines to take them. down, so I'm going to tie it right to this tree here, go ahead and pull that kid, bring it down a little bit more, at a 45 to 60° angle, that'll be done and I'm going to do the same thing. hook up just this trucker hitch pin especially when it's under tension make sure you pinch that guy and then make sure you get that latch through because otherwise the loop is going to come undone boom here we go okay so we've got our first two from here.
It's going to be a simple matter of taking this top off from here, so the nice thing about the ranger diamond is that it can be done anywhere, from rocks, from vehicles, from trees, from anything you need to do it and you're just going to improvise with whatever. will give you that angle that you need, so in this case we don't have a tree here, so what can we use? We can use logs. We can use our packages for many different things. In this case, let's go ahead, let's GL take another log to keep it down like this.
The nice thing about something movable is that I can place it where I need it to be, so once we have that other side down, we're just going to Extend the other side now on this side here we have a lot more to work with, so I can just, If possible I want it at the same angle coming from the center, I may not always have it, that's totally fine. a little out of place is going to be fine, easy, nice little shelter here, take my backpack, go ahead and put it inside, this is actually quite nice, so let's take a little nap here, okay, Micah, we've been filming.
For a while now we can also make this lower to the ground, so if it rains a lot, we can lower it even further, we lower the sides. If you have snow, you can also pack snow. in Mounds you can pack anything, there are many ways to modify the very simple Ranger Diamond, but as you can see, it works quite well. I've lived in these for a really unfortunate amount of time and I can't recommend them enough. works great, so let's talk about a shelter we can build or something we have, let's talk about how to find a shelter, look at the good stuff.
M, how long did it take me to take it down? I looked away for about 10 seconds, so that's the good thing about it being a more convenient type of shelter for combat, it's very quick to take down, you can put it and your backpack away pretty quickly if you actually heard a helicopter or something. reason you need to escape, you could definitely do it when it arrives. to diamond rank ready, yeah, okay, so I had a moment to catch my breath. I lowered my Ranger Diamond. I got my lines out. Now what I did is align them all.
I'm going to make margaritas. chain together to make sure I'm taking care of my stuff, so for Daisy Jane, all my lines are the same length here, I'm going to hold on to that, I'm going to loop over the lines so everyone sees that. then with my little fingers here, I'm going to grab that loop and go through the same direction every time. I'm just going to go through that loop now, once we get to the end, we're going to change that. a little bit, so once we get to the end right here, instead of pulling a loop, I'm just going to pull out all those ropes that make sure it doesn't come undone inside my backpack, then I can just undo it, so one more. time for you guys, above your head.
Make a loop, pull it over your head. Make a loop, pull it when you do this enough, it will be super fast and that's how you make a daisy chain. One of the easiest natural shelters you can find is just going to be a tree, so whether it's in the snow, whether it's like here, we have this big old pine tree right here. I can just get under the leaves and that will give me a lot of protection from the elements, simple as that. I'm going to come in here, position them and sit very close to the base of the tree.
I'm actually doing quite well, not only that, but I'm also quite camouflaged, but I can also increase that camouflage by doing one thing, so I'll show it. Guys, that right here, so one thing I can do inside those tree wells right here under the palm tree to increase the camouflage a little bit more is I can wear my poncho. All I'm going to do is take a line. I'm going to do a slip knot, so I'm going to do that, so I'm going to do an overhead loop, I'm going to put a loop through and that's going to clip onto something, so pull that slip loop, I'm just going to capture the hood. right here I've knotted it and then what I'm going to do is just hang it on a branch right above me and cover myself with this.
I've spent Here Comes Mike, he's spent years, uh, Mike living that. I'm more or less going to go back to my little shelter, go ahead and hang this guyas close to my head as possible. I'll make a little trucker's hitch right there to hang it. It's always a truck hitch, right? Micah, always then. What can I do, especially if I have a little rain dripping on me? I can wear this poncho. I have spent a lot of time sleeping in these types of shelters and they work extremely well. They also increase your camouflage to set Michael back a bit. stand back a little more and look at me.
The last thing to consider is that when it's snowing, the snow won't get into the trunk so you can actually go down like two or three feet into the sky, put that pwn on yourself, line up the bottom with it and you'll have a very nice arrangement. to sleep and as long as you cover your tracks pretty well in the snow, it will be very difficult to find them because, as you can see, right here there are trees going crazy everywhere, they are not going to search every tree, you are idiots, they are going to look for army shelters , they're not going to look for trees, so we just heard a helicopter, we need to get some kind of shelter, so let's move right now, find something, if I'm not in the trees yet, get into the tree line immediately to help to block you from the sky, you probably did.
Don't you see me there escape living under fallen trees under rocks under logs if you have spent any time in the forest you know that in the draws the trees tend to fall into them it is a perfect place to hide we will create all these little places that you can live under these dead logs is 100% a big deal, so whatever you do when it comes to these more evasive type combat shelters, you want to make sure you are close to the ground so it blends in, for example if this is the only one Fallen tree. in a clearing and there are no trees around, you probably won't sleep there, it should be something that blends in very well with everything around it, it shouldn't draw attention to itself, so what we normally say is below thigh level is pretty good.
Now when you get into them you usually make a little noise, you're breaking branches, that's the sound of life, however it doesn't travel as far as light does, so their ability to see you will be number one. one. Now, once you get settled in, you'll make a lot less noise. Now these are a great place to sleep. I spent many nights sleeping on something like this or sleeping under logs, or is there a 100% chance of encountering bugs if I can try to keep an eye out for the game trails, so if this is like a main game trail, no do that one time I slept in these bramble branches I was right on a game trail and I woke up to a strange noise and uh it was a moose that had his antlers stuck in the brambles and when I woke up he was like he was gone and I said what and it went boom and it just blew up my shelter and I was like oh my God. like loaded with the scariest day of my life, I actually peed myself sometimes you don't know until you're there, but stay away from anthills, just if you walk in there and suddenly you're in an anthill, that sucks, it moves because those things will bite you um sometimes you have to do it there have been times where you know in these evasion scenarios um civilian side or not where I'm being chased and the helicopter is flying over some guys that just got out of a vehicle really close and I had to dive into something like this and I just dive into an anthill, whatever you suck on, dude, you're going to have to wait, so I waited in one for an hour, well, ants.
They're just crawling on me, biting me, it was shit, I'm not allergic, yes I am, I have an EpiPen too, keep the meds with you, huh, but you're going to survive, although it's going to be terrible, um, when it comes to shelter from evasion if you can be near the water, as always, it will be a good thing, normally don't try to carry some water with you, some kind of bag or something, and we'll talk about that in a moment here, but we have evasion shelters we have our shelters As a maid you can also combine the two.
I can put my P my poncho under here. I can improve it if you are going to add branches, rocks or something, don't gather around your immediate surroundings. area where many people will make the mistake of grabbing logs and sticks around their natural or escape shelter and there is like an escape shelter and there is like an arid land, it's like everything is piled up, don't make a nest like you some kind of beaver or something like that, make sure you drive it away and bring it back. You don't want it to look abnormal when you do it and the only way to know if it looks abnormal. is spending time in the woods, so go to the woods, there may be times when you are so cold that despite all the good clothes you are wearing to put on the right layers, you may need to light a fire, a couple of things you should think about. when it comes to fire it will be that the fire is extremely visible with imaging technology, thermal night vision can see it up to 20 miles even further if from the sky, I have been in a helicopter with night vision and thermal scanning for fires. and I will tell you that it is incredibly visible from a very, very far distance, especially in nature, nothing produces light like that unless it's a forest fire, so it will probably stick out like a sore thumb, so understand that when you're doing a fire must be in the most extreme circumstances and when it comes to combat survival we want to assume that we are still being hunted to some extent, so we will keep this fire very small, we will keep it. limited and we're going to use what we need and then we're going to move on when it comes to finding fire sources, there are many ways to do it, the thing is that anyone can make a fire in a dry environment.
I'm sure you've gone out to the lake with your friends, picked up some sticks off the ground and started shooting but it rained today, it's been raining for a week straight like all the firewood we have. here on the ground, how would you describe it? I mean, you can see the light shining on all things, everything is wet, everything is completely wet, so when we think about making a fire in a survival situation, we need to find dry wood, so the first one. The place where I want to look for dry wood will be standing dead trees or trees on the lower branches where they are dead at the bottom, so for example here we have a tree that is dead, it's a little punky and by punk I mean that It rotted a little bit, but the more angle it has, the more tilted it will be, the more rain and water it will catch, so we want to find that tree that is upright and we want to take as little as possible because every time I break a branch, especially if it is live.
I'm going to have that nice white bark there, instead of it turning gray after a while, so that could be a possible signal for a tracker if we're being tracked by someone who knows they're right. here I have a bunch of these little twigs that are down at the bottom, they're nice and dead and if you're not sure if they're dead, one thing we can do we can also take our knife. By the way, I don't need a fancy knife, this is a knife I actually use as a survival instructor, I've used it all, the finish is gone, it's just a se4, they work fine, you can tie them to the twig. a little bit and what you can do is that the most sensitive part of your body to humidity is your lips.
It's a very good way to detect the difference. We used to say always give the tree a little kiss and that's some nice dry wood, another thing that You can look at Mike if you want to come in here is this right here right there is sap that is extremely flammable that can be used to help you keep fires to start fires, I understand it will put out some black smoke, but that's something I'm going to want to have. I'm going to move on. I'm going to gather just a few twigs here. I don't really need too many because, again, all I'm trying to do is just get myself covered enough and we're going to trap a lot of that heat using my favorite thing, which is the poncho, so right here with our fire evasion, what we are going to do is dig into the terrain and the most important thing is that I want something that can be easily naturalized, which means that after I finish the fire, I can make it look like it was never there, so when I'm talking invasion fire, most importantly "I want to make it look like I was never there, so if I need to post this quickly because I hear something happens, I want to be able to do it as quickly as possible, so what we're going to do is" Actually, we're going to dig, we're going to make a hole 12 to 8 to 12 in diameter, so I'm just going to cut right into the Earth all the guys with knives that are there like, oh my God, not his knife, it's a Friends of tools, I'm going to take that piece of land there, I'm going to take that whole group.
I'm going to set it up that way, once I need to turn this off, I can grab that whole group and just push. it's there, okay, I'm going to create that nice flat base there at the bottom, so I'm going to take some of that dry prep work that I did. I'm going to create that nice little wooden platform, do some. construction here, that's what all the guys, this is literally the fasy of man, so I made my little platform and if you've made fires in the forest before you know it, this is basically a microcosm of fire that really It looks large scale there.
There's not much of a difference, the only difference is that it's going to be a lot smaller and it's going to produce a lot less heat, so what I'm doing here is finishing up a little bit of my prep work, so I'm trying to get these twigs and break them off that way. , they can burn very easily and generate a little heat for me. I'm going to take my sap from here, go ahead and grind that up a little bit so I can light it. a little bit more easily, so for our Tinder we have a lot of nice sap right here that we have in our hands, we have a little bit of this scraped wood to help Catch It, you usually want a lot of Tinder, it's really nice to have some kind of Tinder that already you have on it is like a cotton ball soaked in expanded Vaseline or something you buy cotton balls and Vaseline is what I use for most of my career.
You can also do it naturally as we have a little more here. challenging, we're going to go ahead and do this, so what we're going to want to do is shave a little bit. Wow, there's a problem with working on such a small platform is that it has a tendency to want to switch towards you, it's kind of to start an evasion fire, so I'm going to scrape a little bit before lighting it and the idea behind it is that the sparks can ignite, here we go, okay, we've already started this a little bit now with these fires, what we want What I do is keep them pretty small, which is what makes them so difficult, so really all we What I'm going to do with this fire is keep it very small.
I'm going to take my poncho and put it on over me. I'm going to trap that heat in the Poncho, you can pass out too, no, you make the smoke come out and all you're doing here, keeping the hood open, is also trapping that heat to keep you warm, another thing that works very well is va to be a Sterno can, most people normally don't have them, but a evasion fire will never be that big, you're never going to cook anything, that's not the point, it's just to keep you alive if you absolutely need it, then , if you listen to someone, you can put it back and naturalize it, except for my imprint right there, which of course you can't do much about.
The point is that you can turn off a dodge. Shoot quickly, it's not going to be like that. a lot, but it will be enough to keep you alive in some really bad circumstances, so you won't be sitting with your head in the smoke. It will depend on the type of vegetation you are using and also what you want. having the hood open, this is a very temporary measure. When I did it, I was maybe there for 30 seconds a minute, it wasn't much, it was enough to warm my body in a really bad environment. I had gotten very wet.
I just needed some psychological help. I don't know, it definitely works if you need to understand how dangerous fire is if you take proper care of your clothes and equipment. We most likely won't need it, so let's talk about equipment care. The most important thing about taking care of your equipment will be to treat things a little differently. Now with avoidance it can be a little difficult when it comes to things like clothes are going to get dirty, you have to keep them as clean as possible, so the only thing we always said in the old days was to keep your knees off the ground, because when you think about everyone putting their knees on the ground, that's What wears out the fastest if you can try to avoid it now, like some of the newer scream combat pants, it's not that important, but you should still Taking care of your clothes as much as possible could be all you need. you have on it, so it's going to come down to if we have dirt, dust, take it off, clean your pants as much as possible, if you're near a water source, like a river, a stream, you just have to rub a little bit of that off.
Take out the dirt, try to keep these clothes as clean as possible. Imagine having to hold on to this for a long time. There was a Japanese soldier who never received the memo that World War IIWorld Cup had ended and he ended up fighting well into the 60s. Crazy. History of I recommend you read about him, but the point was when he finally realized the war was over and surrendered. He still had his Imperial Japanese Army uniform. He was still well taken care of. He had held these clothes together. it can last a long time as long as you take care of it remember that with your knives with your knives your clothes your tools your weapons make sure you keep your weapon oiled if it's snowing outside it's icy outside if you have any kind of heated shelter Don't take it in or take it out, that It will.
Place the ice and water deep in the weapon and when it comes to your equipment, keep it off the ground. Keep it in your pockets, if you need to take it out frequently, keep it away, the point is you don't want to lose. These things, so treat them like they're your most prized possession because once you lose a knife, my friend, it's a bad time, food and water, you can go 3 days without water, but I'll tell you that after one day you'll become a useless. water is going to be a number one concern when it comes to food, most of you probably don't need it, you'll probably go a few weeks without food and be absolutely fine.
What they need to understand about food is, obviously, that they have the food that they need. You'll have those kinds of things in your combat pack that you'll have with you, but there will be a time in survival where you'll probably have to go eat what's naturally around you. The good thing is that a lot of things are edible around us, local soil and fauna right here. I know I can nibble on the ends of these and get a ton of vitamin C, so that's just one of the many things you can get into when it comes to plant life, the thing to keep in mind is that if you're going to Identify a source that is edible, this will require a bit of preparation on your part and knowing the local plants in the FAA and Flora, otherwise you may have to experiment a bit which is much more dangerous, so a couple general principles for thinking about red berries, um 50/50 poison or no poison, probably won't affect them in a survival scenario, white berries, anything with white berries or the black dots on them stay away from them they are poisonous uh when it comes to blackberries and blueberries they are almost always edible when it comes to added berries like raspberries Huckleberry they are all edible they are ready despite the color except for the white one but I don't know of any white added berries so they will all be good when these are plants, like just basic leaves, that we have to identify plants in your area that you know will be edible, usually leaves. especially within the bark of the tuber, so like the roots themselves, they will be quite edible and nutritious, they will provide a lot of carbohydrates and that is what is normally needed when it is a survival situation because less water will be used, protein uses a ton of water you will probably be somewhat limited on water so you have to be careful with your protein intake now if you don't know if something is poisonous or not you literally can't find any game to eat and you just have to eat this plant and you see this plant everywhere, you can do a basic taste test, so we'll explain how to do it.
I have identified this plant right here. I see her everywhere. I think you know what I need food. I can't find anything. I think this is edible, so the first thing I'm going to do is go ahead and break the CU branch. It takes me a little more time. What I'm looking for is any type of milk. coming out like that milky white substance stay away from that that won't be good for you once it's done it will depend on what I'm going to eat so I'm going to eat the branch itself the root itself or the leaves, so in this case we'll try the leaves, so what I'm going to do is rub them on a sensitive part of my body, so in this case I'm going to crush them and rub them on the inside of my wrist, what I'm going to be looking for is any type of reaction.
You usually have to wait one to two hours to see if he's okay, so assuming that time has passed, there hasn't been any reaction. What I can do is take the tip of my tongue and touch it. What I'm looking for. Is there any type of taste that immediately feels bad? The tip of my tongue is numb, even on the deadliest plant. That taste from the tip of the tongue. it won't kill you, so you'll be fine if after that time everything feels good, what I can do is shred a bunch of those leaves, go ahead and make a dunk bag out of them.
I'm going to keep it like this unless I notice numbness on my lips some strange sensation nausea vomiting something like that anything that feels bad that plant is not going to be good after an hour I can spit that juice out and I don't notice any effect whatever I can do it after of that again taste test take some time I can have a small portion of that. I can eat it once I've eaten it. I'm looking for any kind of harmful effects. Now, here's the thing about eating it, you can't. you have something else in your stomach at the time you eat it to mess with that test, so if after 24 hours nothing crazy happens, I'll increase my amount, eat up to a normal portion, if after that amount once it hasn't happened nothing crazy, it's probably an edible plant.
I'm going to go ahead and eat it, get those nutrients from it, understand that taste testing is a last resort, much better is to just buy a book on plants and learn what is edible in your area, I think that sounds much better, what What about you, Micah, but does the taste test work? Mike you see that deer up there buddy, yeah you would kill a deer in a combat survival situation, no why not, it would make a lot of noise I sure would. so think about how much ammo you have, how much noise you're going to make, you probably want to save this for the two legged variety and killing a deer is a lot of meat, it's a lot of tracking and if your gun is not what Powerful enough 556 isn't exactly a hunting caliber eh, you might not kill it, so you know, when we used to teach people how to hunt, we usually taught small animals that are much more manageable, um, it's easy to gut them and skin them. them and it's easy, you're probably not going to use your gun, if even if you use your gun, there's a chance it won't end well for you, stay away from those big animals.
I understand it's tempting, it's a Lot of meat, lots of calories, it's usually not the right thing to do and plus it will leave a big sign of presence if there are animals, especially huntable animals like deer, moose, moose, most likely the locals of this area they probably do. Value those too and if you kill their moose, they'll probably look for you because they've probably been tracking that thing too, so generally, rabbits, squirrels, birds, they'll all be great with those animals, just take away the inside. the organs eat the meat um after an animal has been freshly slaughtered, meat is universally good, you can eat it, you don't have to cook it, you can try it if you really want to.
The things I've done is I've tied it to the back of my backpack and let it dry while I walked or I've just eaten the fresh meat, it's really no big deal, the organs may be ready but you have to look for them. a couple of signs so generally what we're saying from a global perspective is don't eat the organs attached to that meat and you're good to go uh if you haven't gutted an animal before we recommend that you you look for it. we actually don't know if you can show it on YouTube, so we won't show it now when it comes to water, it's absolutely necessary.
Now we talk a lot about the principles of evasion when it comes to water and sneaking up on it. water, so we're not really going to spend a lot of time on that, we're going to spend a lot of time on the different water implements. We talked a lot about iodine in the last avoidance video and the reason is water. It's dangerous because everyone needs water, animals, people, all that's why you come to the water, at least you're probably going to scare an animal, eh, that could telegraph your position and give you away in an invasion situation, at worst. cases, you will run into enemy forces when we talk about real survival where we don't have to be so tired near water.
There are a couple of different things that we can use, so some of my favorite things to use are. I love hydroponic packages. The reason for this is so you have these replaceable filters right there so you can just fill them right from the river as long as the water is moving sharply and it's not cloudy where it has a bunch of dirt or soot or silt or something like that. I'm going to have a pretty good time. Beyond this, the Soyer filters are also great and work very well. If you don't have these types of sources for your water, you don't have these built-in filters.
I don't have a sawyer filter there are other methods so the things that I have used in the past are like my t-shirt and I will use that to filter water directly into a canteen that you can use as your bandana or your mask that works great for filtering a lot of soot and sand and once it's there, you're just going to put iodine in there, you understand that the water can also boil it if you don't. I have some kind of purification method, but I understand that the water needs to be purified. That's what we're going to talk about primarily when it comes to water.
You need her. Make sure you drink it. When we talk about water, we talk about rationing. your sweat, not water, you need to keep drinking water, you can't just ration water, that's not the way it works, so try to make sure you're always cold, a little cold, what we mean by that is don't you do. wanting to sweat a lot being a little lazy when it comes to surviving is going to help a lot so open up your layers, stay cool, don't sweat and the Arctic, in fact, you can sweat to death because that sweat can cover your entire body. and then as you get cold, it will freeze your body, possibly put you into hypothermia, most likely it was like 80° when I was there in the Arctic Circle and, yeah, that's going to be straight up death.
If you sweat Cals and signal, there may be a time when you need to communicate or signal friendly forces or someone to run away to safety, it will all depend on who you are fighting in Arma 3 in Minecraft, so you understand. that cell phones are generally a very bad idea depending on who you're dealing with because that signal is very easily detected, intercepted, and, um, exploited, and you're going to catch a Hellfire, so it's probably not like that if you have a cell phone, put it in a day bag, they are very easy to buy, you can find them everywhere and they will block the signal completely if you absolutely have to carry your cell phone with you, otherwise you could be using a radio.
Depending on whether you're transmitting without encryption, that again is very easy to triangulate, intercept and exploit, so be careful, transmit sparingly, transmit sparingly on a communications schedule, so as an example of a communications schedule, it would be that each of us communicate with each other. hours to the end of the hour or something like that, to keep your radio energy emissions to a minimum, if you have encryption, be very careful, treat it as if you were transmitting outdoors, don't use your names don't use exact locations, everything should be done using ciphers VIA some kind of way of encoding the numbers and letters if you have to give exact information, for example if I were to give my coordinates in mgrs instead of just spitting out my exact coordinates through the radio network, we would have some kind of cryptographic key that we could read from each other, where we would have to decrypt it to know that information, and again, if that is captured, then you would need to change the cryptography of your cryptographic information, so communications are important, They are probably not that important to most of you, but it is a consideration, just understand that given the technology and ability of many people around the world, it is a risky move, so be careful when traveling.
I saw that you may need to travel, it's combat evasion and you have to get places. We're not going to do a full trip video today because it takes a lot of navigation, but you should know a couple of good things, one that you should know. area, you must know where you are, you must have a map of the area, and you must have a map of the area that is on a scale that is sufficient for navigation. I've seen, you know, you can get those giant maps that have like the entire state of Washington or Idaho on them and it's cool.
This doesn't help me at all with the topography, so make sure you have a map that shows you the topography of where you are well enough to be able to translate that. and get out of it, but what if I don't have one? If you don't have a map, yeah, well, you should have. You're probably fighting for your territory, so you should probably know your territory a little. let's investigate, let's investigate a little now if you're completely lost, you've been shot, you're bewildered, you have no idea where you are and you say:Damn, I'm actually not sure where I am right now.
I'm not sure which direction is which, like where my cardinal directions are Northeast Southwest, one should have a compass right here, we have a small wrist compass that works very well. I usually recommend a lensatic compass which is like a military compass. We can do a lot of work on them, we'll expand on that in a later video, but if for some reason you don't have a compass, you don't know. I've seen a lot of really weird people, like yeah, just Moss. grows on the north side of a completely fake tree, you're going to die, so one thing we can do is, I always wear an analog watch though, because in this case it's a Perpetual, so it only works with my movement, so I will always have time, but the most important thing is that you can also navigate out of it, so I have the sun right there. look at the sun uh and what I'm going to do in the northern hemisphere is point 12:00 at the Sun and Halfway between the Sun and my hour hand will be South, so if you come here Micah there is noon my hour hand is just after noon there is the Sun so I will be right between the hour hand and the Sun and if I raise my wrist Compass 180° that's south Damn, it works.
It's not that wild, yes a lot of people get very confused because the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, but the further north you are in elevation the weirder you are, the worst case scenario also becomes if you're completely lost. and you have a little free time, you can also look roughly where the Sun is setting and that will give you an approximate distance. There are many ways to find the address. There is also the stick method, which we will not show today. I prefer the lookout method, is it quick, is it dirty or do you just have a compass, a couple of things to think about, so if we come here and look down this hill, it's a pretty steep hill and one thing that What we have to realize is that human beings are quite lazy, you have to want to take the easy way out, so when you travel and you don't want to be sucked into these drains, if you want to stay in this more alone on a hillside, which I normally recommend as you are navigating is to stay on the uphill side of trees as you walk or bushes, this will help you avoid getting sucked in.
That's a basic tip I have, plus the guys know your area, that will help you. get to where you want and the full video and navigation later, so let's go ahead and get this over with. Survival in combat is brutal, um, it's violent. The combat evasion is brutal and violent, and the two go together. You must understand these two videos that we have. I have done so far are courses for absolute beginners on this topic. I spent more than six years at this time. 12 years doing this and I still don't know a quarter of the information.
The best ones are the ones that are like 90 plus just living in the woods the point is knowing this, you don't want to be in a situation where you need it and you've never learned it, you've never practiced it and that's what will make you good. I can. I can't make you a survival expert. I can't make you an evasion expert. I can show you the basic knowledge, but the only way you're going to get good at this stuff is by getting out into nature right here. so get out there, explore nature, practice these things because God forbid the time will come when you need to use them.
You'll be glad you invested the small amount of time you did into it because I'll be honest, man, you can come. here you can bring your family to the forest you can camp you can have a good time doing these things have a good time with the kids have a good time with your kids your wife doesn't have to be something that you feel like you have to put a lot of effort into time and being away from your family, all of this can be done together, so guys please get out there and train, it's vitally important.
I don't know what the future holds, but I will say that human history is rif with violence, so always be prepared. Thank you so much for watching guys, we love you so much and as always we have nothing more for you. The latest for you, you know, a lot of people talk about buying the latest stuff, but As we've always said and just training because going to your death is never cool.

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