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Surprising Tony Hawk with a Custom Skateboard!

Jun 21, 2024
Well, today I'm going to turn all these pants into a


. I'm also going to make a bunch of wooden


s of different shapes and sizes. I'm going to paint them all and at the end of the video I'll meet with Tony Hawk and he'll not only test all the boards I make, but I'll also make him a


one and surprise him with it. This should be fun. I've seen someone turn. a pair of jeans on a table and I thought it would be cool to turn my old pants into a skateboard. My plans are to cut off pretty much every leg of the pants and then I have a bunch of denim strips that I can squeeze together and make a board, we will also do a giveaway at the end of the video, one of you will go home with these.
surprising tony hawk with a custom skateboard
I have a bunch of denim strips now I need to make a mold to put them all in. I want the skateboard to look like a bunch of pants that are somehow hard. I really don't want it to look like epoxy with denim in it after having like 20 coats I put another piece of wood on top and clamped it down and let it dry oh it's coming out when I opened this at first it looked amazing oh my gosh It worked much better than I thought. I'm going to loop through the whole thing, cut out the shape, it's actually working pretty well.
surprising tony hawk with a custom skateboard

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surprising tony hawk with a custom skateboard...

The thing is rock solid, the only thing I notice is that the whole board is not perfect, even this part is quite thin, this part is a little thicker, thinner, thicker, it's not like everything is perfectly the same width. I don't know what I should do when I started to stand at the bottom. I realized how complicated this was going to be. Look at me, look at my legs, it's like the other way around. Oh my goodness, the entire board is also not flat or smooth at all. I think it's the only way I can do it.
surprising tony hawk with a custom skateboard
The whole table even has more pants. I'm literally doing the exact same thing again, since the bottom of the board was the part that was smooth. I made this mold tail side down so I could put the old one on top and then press them together to make a board. I'm really excited to remove it and see if this one is stuck to the bottom. If it looks good, this is going to be amazing. I'll save you some time, because I wasted mine. It didn't work, at first there was literally a big lump in the middle of the board.
surprising tony hawk with a custom skateboard
I thought I could shave that bump and smooth it all out, but not only was I destroying my warehouse by doing it, you know, that's why I'm using this. outfit when I shaved the bump, although you could actually see all the layers of denim. I can't tell if I just screwed this up or if it's the coolest thing ever. I don't know, even if I made it perfectly smooth, the design would just be in the place that was folded and when I saw the denim coming off, it reminded me of another video I saw from the same guy I got this video idea from, we're taking two of him in a video, he made another jean. table, but he used a bunch of wooden blocks under the Denim and then sucked them all together and then shaved the top which is much cooler, so I cut out the wooden shapes and glued them all onto a hard thick board to Bend nothing, I don't really know what I'm looking at, I also have a bunch of different colors so I can layer them to create a cool design.
I had to do everything again, the only difference was that I put wood under the Denim and then I also put it in a vacuum bag in the end, but I left it all in the office to dry so I could start on the wooden boards. I bought the thinnest wood they sell. Look, look how thin this wood is. It's like it was paper for wood. That? Heck, I cut like 30 strips of wood and then cut the foam molds too. I spread the glue between each layer. I got my bags. I'm very happy. He says there were no kids inside and honestly, he was having a lot.
This was fun to do, it seemed like it was working at first, it's so cool I didn't expect it to work and it's actually working so wait a minute why is it so bumpy? Oh wow, at first I thought I put in too much. glue between each layer so it wrinkled the wood a little at least I know what I did wrong. I think I'm going to redo it. I ended up buying another whole roll, but this time I used some glue and did the whole thing. more exactly the same yeah, that's pretty soft, honestly, that's soft enough, honestly, this is good, actually, what are you looking at on the side?
Can you look at the side? It's oh, even though the bottom was smooth, the glue didn't stick at all, dude, what? What I'm left with is this is all I'm left with also if you're wondering why they didn't work. I don't think there's a way to say this without sounding unintelligent, but when I went to the lumber store to buy the lumber. They said, "Oh, this is a paperback," and I said, "It doesn't matter, paper is wood, paper is made of wood, and wood is made of trees." I thought wood glue would stick to paper the same way it sticks to wood, right?
I still feel like what I was thinking made sense before I went home for the night, although I had other wood lying around that I used for the mold earlier, so I did the same thing with these boards, but only made a small edge. for the back and then I pressed a piece of wood on top which is amazing, no gaps, nothing. The edge looks perfect, yes I cut both boards to be exactly the same size and then also clamped them together so I could sand them. together i used a router on the edge sanded the whole place it's actually a mess look at this this is unacceptable oh my god i took the boards home started drawing them and filling in the base colors and then the next morning I did all the final black outlines. and little details that I drilled in all the little holes for the trucks, put the bearings and the wheels in and got everything set up and done.
I've finished now. Look at this. They really turned out crazy. It's actually fun to do too. They really turned out. solid I'm going to have Tony Hawk sign one of these and we'll give it to one of you. I'm going to set them aside because we have to go back to work on the jean board the jean board was dry and I had to figure out how to make the bottom flat strong man once the bottom was flat I ran it for an agenda to start slowly shaving the top when I say slowly, it took me like 3 hours to get to where I was.
Now I just run it back and forth through the machine. I finally removed the bottom piece of wood, we cut the edges and that's when I realized it was so thick it was like 2 inches thick and also weighed like 60 pounds. I went to a lumber store and asked them to help me. Hey, I have a pretty good


er here who bought an epoxy and denim. They sent me to meet with a guy named Antonio. This guy told me if he sent him 40 dollars and he showed up again. at 5:30 in the morning it would be ready the next morning when I showed up, they practically had a giant version of the machine I was using and honestly it was working perfectly.
It's much better, look at the design, it actually looks very good. I feel like I wasted a lot of time yesterday. One thing I also noticed. I didn't even realize this, but the wood disappeared as if there was no wood on either side. At first I was going to leave the wood on top and then. cover it with grip tape but now the wood is gone at first it sucked that he made it so thick but the only reason he was able to shave the wood is because it was so thick it ended up working perfectly there.
There are a couple small holes in the denim. I'm going to fill them with epoxy and cover the entire top to fill all those little gaps. See what this looks like. It actually looks very good. The design is. How great, I'm very happy with the result. I know there will be some of you in the comments saying that I liked it better when it was shiny. It looks best when it is dark and soft. I didn't want that look. It's not the style I was looking for. I wanted it to feel like denim. I also wanted it to be lighter and not bright.
I feel like if it's shiny you can see it has epoxy on it and that's not what I wanted. I wish you could. Feel it, it feels like pants, this is the other one, look at this, which one do you like better? I feel like there will be some people who will just say, oh, I like the first one better after finishing the board, I Facetimed it. boy who made the table. I'm filming a video right now and you're the inspiration, you know, because I stole your idea, so I want to show it to you and not only did I show him the board, but I also wanted to ask him how.
I could fold the tail now. I've seen people leave epoxy outside and everything starts to bend. I want to try to do that with the table tail. Do you think I could put her in the sauna? Don't know. I brought it home, put it on a skateboard, put it in the sauna, left a weight on it and honestly this surprised me a little but after about 2 hours you could start to see it fall once I knew it was at the soften I put another board on top and then fastened them. I left the SAA on overnight just letting it sit there.
This is what I have. It looks folded in no way. That is incredible. You guys may have noticed these cars too. there have been cars in the background because I'm working on a video asking strangers to turn their car into a skateboard. I'm working on a video asking strangers to paint their car, so somehow I got a couple of strangers to give me their car, literally I've been incorporating them, I'm singing everything, repainting everything, it's been taking a long time, that's why I haven't posted for a while. I know I'm really bad at posting, but I'm filming every day and I like to talk to the camera every day, so it feels like I'm talking to you every day, but then you only see it once a month, which It's strange, stay tuned, there are some exciting things coming up.
Anyway, okay, this is like a sheer matte. clear coat, oh that's the worst feeling I've ever had, oh that's cute, oh my gosh, I finished the clear coat, put it in the sun to dry and then marked the holes for the axles and wheels, put everything together and the board was ready. In fact, I'm so happy with how this looks at first. I was going to keep the first one and do final takes of that and just be like oh, it is what it is, but I'm so happy I remade it. I feel like this one looks.
Much better look at the denim look look close up it looks like wood it feels soft like denim I don't even know how the tail looks solid you know there's something there like it fell down I don't know why it's pretty sad tail I also like the better board shape. I feel like it has a fresher shape. I don't know if they noticed. The warehouse looks cleaner. There are many boxes. All of this is being dismantled. This is the last video that or this and the car video are the last two videos that will be filmed in the warehouse, so you'll see where we're going next.
It's a little sad, but I'm really excited for the next place, so that's all I'll do. Now I still need to know if this board actually works or not, but before I go to Tony Hawk's warehouse and let him test it, I need to make his board. Tony Hawk is also supposed to wear these when he comes on the board. I do. I also ended up finding the right wood and the moment I got it I knew it was what I was supposed to have. I did the exact same process, everything went perfectly. I cut it all out, sanded it, look what I have now.
On one skateboard there is a small hole in the top that I filled with something like plastic wood. I hope you don't notice because I'm going to put duct tape over it, so you won't know until this video comes out. whatever, before I started painting Tony Hawk's board, I also went to his warehouse, he showed me around and told me all about the history of his skateboard company's birdhouse, that's what I'm going to do use as inspiration on the table. on the board, I make you, it's more if you want me to do it, if you made a board and you feel that it is resistant, I will definitely visit it, yes, absolutely, if it is a collector's thing, I don't want to scratch it, yes, I mean.
You can decide when you see it if you want to scratch it or not, it's okay also in the last video when I made the comic art you guys loved it. I loved it too, it was a lot of fun to do. I almost forgot to say that you guys did it. permission to start the like button on this video with all the things he told me. I feel like it makes more sense to put it all in one comic strip, but the first thing I did was fill in some of the outlines with his favorite. colors black and teal I put his initials there I also added a dripping bird house logo He said a big moment in his life was when the video game came out A lot of people associate me with this video game I'm painting the guy's shadow like a


, so I don't know, I don't know, you know, I'm just letting you know.
I started Bird House in 1992. That's okay, because I thought my career as a professional skater was coming to an end. I painted. one of the characters from his old Graphics tour, sometimes we do some callbacks to these Graphics too, when I was there he drew the first birdhouse logo I ever made. I put it as one of the first things on the board that I did in Japanese. character with a Japanese birdhouse behind him. I used your logocurrent birdhouse and I put it in teal, which is like the main logo, that's our logo, yeah, it had your favorite birdhouse graphic on there.
I still love that graphic that Falcon likes even every time I do it. any kind of commercial sessions or whatever, I pick that shit he was telling me about a van they used for the first few years. I put it in there, it's pretty much the only reason I hold on to it because it's pretty gross, I've got some Badd right there. t Tony Hawk Hawk Fangs Hawk Beak X Games Logo Pro Skater likes the game I copied and pasted the bio from his website about the bird house and then I also put up the first newspaper article for the first 900.
He did this, actually the guy I did 900 on and it looks exactly how I wanted. I feel like I have every bit of his life there, I think everything. They just flow together I honestly love how this turned out look at the four ready okay it's time to go thank you I'm excited about this these aren't for you I just want to see what you think of them you know. You're a pro skateboarder so wow these are some cruiser boards I made it's pretty sick yeah I pressed them and everything feels like it did when I was in high school.
I would have loved this because it would have fit in my locker. I want you to try it. take them out too. I haven't tried them at all. I want these to have white wheels. You know, if I try them they will always be dirty. Alright. Try this. Try that one. I like that one better. Tell me how. feels honest too huh, feels really small oh my god oh wow woo oh my god okay wow that's your rating artwork press everything for a board this size just good or bad I give it an eight how's that eight ?
I'll take it because I would have done a little bit of a different nose, that's my one, that's right, yeah, that way you could do maybe a wheelie on the nose, um, what do you think when you look at it at first glance? It looks like my previous form. Do you think about the material? Oh, what is it? It's crazy, that's 20 pairs of pants that I cut up like Levi's old Levi pants. I soaked them in epoxy and then I vacuum pressed them and then it's just P, it's just denim, there were your pants. They are my dad's old pants.
I had never heard of anything like this. Oh, the jean board works if it works. You are assembling 20 pairs of pants. That was my dream. I always worked my whole life to get here. I've never heard of any I've never heard of any skateboard made out of clothes, so it's cool, it's crazy that you made it look like that because you have to explain it, yeah, yeah, yeah, that it looks like stained wood. little, yeah, which I think is cooler because if it was really soft denim it would be like, oh, you covered a piece of wood with nice jeans after he tried out the boards and signed one of them to give to you guys. like the comment on the video below somehow I can contact you and I will send it to one of you what do you want me to comment to win it uh wow Marco is a legend oh I don't care about that anyway now it was time to surprise him with your board is fine, ready, yeah, oh wow, that's cool, it's the story of Bird House, yeah, sort of, it's like all the things you told me in a comic strip, where did you find that's what you drew ?
I drew it but you didn't see it anywhere else I saw it, I googled it I was trying to find it though yeah it looks legit and then your Shadow is a


oh wow and then this is Birdh House's bio and website I put it up there wow yeah I can't believe the level of detail here and it's really significant, thank you. Wow, I could put trucks on it, but it would cover a lot of this cover what type. of wanting this to go on your wall oh it goes on the wall okay cool I mean it's front and center it's just this is our story yeah it really is it's amazing I can't like it , it's like that, it's so thoughtful. but you're also very talented, the fact that you made all this art and it's in Did you make the skateboard?
I also made the skateboard your size. Yeah, wow, it's a little warped if you look closely, but I have no intention of finding out. It's warped because I'm not going to write I don't want to damage it at all thank you so much man I appreciate it of course of course I'm happy you like it wow this is one of the ones you can't have it this is my favorite custom board, over 30 years in the making here, so Marco, do you even skate? I can skate, yeah, really, I'm pretty good, let's see if it should happen, yeah, okay, that's cool, you sign a release, yeah, just. look just look iszy

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