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Surprising MrBeast With A Custom Tesla!!

Mar 25, 2020
one two three oh, satisfied, I bought a Tesla for Mr. Beast. I'll


ize it and then drive it across the country because I live in California and Mr. Beast lives in North Carolina. I was going to take a plane but this exceeded the 50 pound luggage limit it's that heavy it shouldn't be super hyped I can't wait to see your reaction let's start


izing before we destroy the


let's do a quick sketch so this is the design of the car will have the mr beast logo on my style I think it looks good and for this video let's make sure we have the right outfit look close enough and here we have the markers we have pink or the lightning bolts we have a lot of blue because I mean that's the color and then have the black color okay let's start customizing nah psych uh it's so scary michelle it's a


this would be the third time we've done this right so I had a really good idea for another one challenge, but we need another tesla, welcome to the annual event. tesla olympic games uh we are interested in purchasing a vehicle the kids tesla with plastic wheels oh no im just kidding sorry we are actually looking to purchase a tesla model oh ok many Thank you, as they would.
surprising mrbeast with a custom tesla
They won't let me buy a toy Tesla. I decided to buy another real Tesla, so here's my wallet. They better come back with the Tesla. One of them will literally get a Tesla. I'm not even kidding, so this is what I have so far. so I guess we're going to have this one that's so cool hmm I wonder how michelle and devot are doing their phone number right, it's a little hot now so let's take off these sleeves ah, much better. Hey guys, I'm leaving right now. to give you guys a little mr beast tesla painting tutorial i hope someday you can put it to good use just roughing it up a bit it's getting nice and fuzzy look how cute it is look guys a bird so now let's go to facetime mr beast real quick see what his reaction is you know how I told you we had a big surprise let me guess this time it's not an iphone because you already have one so we have to go bigger what is it?
surprising mrbeast with a custom tesla

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surprising mrbeast with a custom tesla...

I'll give you a hint elon tesla yeah you literally designed a tesla for us here's the front it's going to be all blue right now we're working on welcome to the annual tesla olympics here we have three teslas go grab a tesla everyone get in your tesla so no I don't know yet, they think we're just doing a normal tesla race with mini teslas, but what will happen is that first place and second place will advance to the finals, where they will compete in a real tesla and the winner will literally will win. a tesla michelle is looking at me what do you want the tesla games to start well guys, then you will go around the entire house three times, the first place and the second place will advance to the final, the third place will not get anything, you will have a chance to win something big, any guess, uh, tesla, good, michelle, ready, set, come on, shoot, the steering's not working, no, it looks like I'm not going to get the tesla out of the way, I'll go around the mountain when she comes, I see it. no michelle, what's going on, come on, come on, michelle is having it, come on, come on, michelle, one more lap, you're winning oh no, oh come on, michelle, you're about to finish, come on, yeah, congratulations , you finally won, you guys finished the first day of the Tesla Olympics.
surprising mrbeast with a custom tesla
So I'm going to play a quick joke on Zach. Why aren't you reacting? What are you doing? I'm coloring the car pink. Do you know that lightning is supposed to be pink? What have you seen before? just made a little bushy tail, don't skip leg day, that's sure fine, that wraps it up for today, transition to tomorrow, good morning guys, welcome back to a regular day where we customize a tesla, Yes, that's all I have to say. the beast is drooling he is very hungry he smells like bacon just kidding he is vegan so you two won the last race so now you are in the final pick a tesla pick a tesla michelle go devon michelle we have a challenge where you are going to compete a tesla real now I need a pencil so you guys are going to race the first person to come back with the pencil will also win a ruler if you go one mile per hour over the speed limit you are disqualified you understand me yeah get in your Tesla all right Guys, the first person to grab a pencil from me is going to keep his Tesla three, two, one, hang up for a second, yay, safety first, I'm watching, you gotta make sure you don't go over the speed limit, he's there, he's There, oh, where are they?
surprising mrbeast with a custom tesla
They leave, I don't think I made a turn, oh, watch out, watch out, we went over 35 miles an hour, Michelle, how are you feeling so far, Michelle, I'm really nervous, my heart is pounding, this light is late forever, am I going to win this one? oh I have no idea where they are oh I'm holding on for dear life. I have too many gifts to give, go, go, go, go get it. I wonder what the robot is doing. We're at Ralph's house. Okay, we got it. Let's all go back. Now we're back in the car, that was very stressful.
Rob will have a toothbrush, so I'll have to improvise. Let's go, Let's go, Let's go, Let's go. Michelle, you're almost back. I wonder where Davod is. I don't know what he is. there's a little line, watch out, that's 34. be careful, the speed limit is 35, okay Michelle, you're almost Michelle, Michelle, that was 38. We were literally outside, hopefully they didn't beat me because I parked a little far away where from. I found the pencil, so let's go, no, he's not even here. Gosh, I wonder if Devon went the speed limit. So I went to the Tesla Amish. I got too excited.
I was fast. You were too fast tomorrow. Oh, I think we have a winner. here's michelle, she's the worst nightmare because she went three miles an hour over the speed limit, she sped like all the way, but they have food, okay guys, shake hands, let's get on with this Mr Beast video. Well, I think we're done with the whole car. Now we're going to spray it with this crystal clear glossy finish. Do you want it to be shiny? No, yes, this smells very bad. I'm just kidding. It's not that bad. They are ready? Be satisfied, yeah, look, it's going to be a nice clean line, yeah, that was going to be satisfying, why are we still here now?
That was satisfying, oh amazing, come take a look, so here we have Mr Beast's tiger, we have a long streak but a benefit. tiger here we have the logo of the beast. I tried to be a little more creative with it. He says are you trying to interrupt my video? Okay, they call me that d-e-a-s and we put this as t yes, this is the beast love, we have the beast. with a pink lightning bolt running through it, as it is a Beast Times collaboration. I put mine on my usual donut trips. I hope you like the Tesla.
I have a feeling Chandler and Chris are going to go well and just to show you this painting doesn't. salt after the spray let's spray it with the hose the paint is still perfect good luck man thanks see you bye they grow so fast are you loading are you excited michelle yeah I'm so tired turkey how are you turkey you're just chilling so we actually walked past some fans two thousand years later this wouldn't be a zhc mr beast collaboration without a giveaway so at the end of the video we are giving this away it has the same design as a tesla in case you really like it okay let's surprise him, we just got off the phone with mr beast, let's set things up, this is one of the coolest things i've ever seen, hey jimmy, hey what's up, have you been? telling me about this tesla forever, can't wait to see it too, how's it going man?
You're doing well, we've been talking a lot, our guys are getting ready like it's a little dark outside, we haven't seen it yet. We've been dying, we've been talking about it all day, so there's like a giant tiger on the side, maybe yeah, Chandler Michelle is your biggest fan. Hey, look at the cards right here, can we look, let's take them outside and see what the reaction is? so the tesla is outside I'm going to cover my eyes please don't drive me up against a wall I'll leave you guys okay I'm moving I can't see I'm terrified I just want to see a tesla if you're watching this video make sure subscribe, okay, watch your steps, okay, you guys are almost there, okay, if you are enjoying this video so far.
Okay, I'm playing something. Chris, where is my Chris? touching me yeah, okay, I haven't seen each other this long in a long time, we don't want to jammer, I almost fell asleep, okay, one, two, three, oh, what's that tiger's butt? That tiger is putting me on to show you brother, oh okay, that's right. something cool, that's amazing, that's really cool, oh, we collapsed, yeah, let me be honest, this looks a little out of place, just take it back, okay, he left before us, please joke, this is a crazy it's a monster it's a monster wow man thanks chris and chandler out there what if i made you guys do rock paper scissors and the winner got the tesla?
I'll be pretty crazy, that would be really crazy. I've had people break into my house before and it would reveal where I live, but I don't think they can. I'm depressed. Can I have this? This is mine. You actually mentioned something I wanted to do and we were arguing, so I need you to stand here in front of the car. This is what my home has been. They broke in before and I have a lot of stalkers so obviously I can't drive a car like this people follow me but you guys yeah people can follow me I don't care wait put your hands up rock paper scissors and whoever wins are two. out of three, keep this custom car, the stakes are high, wait before in this video here, chris, you won a tesla.
I did better. The winner of two out of three gets a new promise from tesla when they want to hate each other. ready alright come on rock paper scissors shoot rock paper scissors shoot rock paper scissors shoot good oh it broke this chris is up if you lose again get back to having a tesla again , rock, paper, scissors, time is up, what's the problem, sir, we weren't there? ready rock paper scissors shoot rock paper scissors sorry you're in the way of my car see you later hey no that's the salt give me the hat that's my hat oh you've got a tesla I think you'll be fine.
I'll trade you the Tesla for the hat. I took it from you. The deal is off. Why are the windshield wipers? I'm not smart enough. Okay, Chandler, you came really close once, you didn't even win one. You were two away from winning a Tesla I was I was that's very close just having two at least one a hug thanks Jim I'll give you a huge How does it feel to win a custom Tesla? It feels amazing and looks beautiful. I'm super excited. These are all yours. Okay, see you later, right there when I went, we'll see, okay, bye, I don't know how to turn off the windshield wipers and they're getting aggressive, you just have to wait, I'm so sorry buddy, a hug please. guys you have to be friends he's going to hit me anymore I don't know okay chris enjoy your tesla thank you very much now I have a phone a tesla what's next?
You are going to paint me a house, okay, if you do that I want it.

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