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May 30, 2021
You see, try mom, you have bad eyesight, terrible, I guess obviously, can you read that side? Says Jason looks like a grandma, you look great and I'm actually, you know, you look like Johnny Depp in Secret Window, I think since it's vlogmas it's a good vlog because you're a YouTube queen I have glasses I really need them you need them I I need to let it go and get you guys what we're going to do today is we're going to make David nostalgia we're going to make his


Czechoslovakian food without nostalgia like my vlogs like years ago I used to wear David and a cross because Elvis did it and I never knew why I was doing Elvis, so I finally looked at the reunion why Elvis was both because he wasn't Jewish, he had both the devil's chance of getting to heaven, so I thought, "Oh, me too, I'm in a good mood because I'm NOT going to die." ".
surprising him with his favorite family recipe
I'm so excited to help you today, you helped me with so many things. videos I love you yeah you always help me so I'm excited to help you you can vlog to know I hold your camera I don't move your camera okay yeah you know get my good angle this is my only good angle, right? It says, yes, just the top of my head, not my face, I'm going to a concert last night. I walk in and the security guard stops David and the other security guards. No, no, he's good and she's like, "No, he's not good, he's great." I don't understand she wasn't a fan of the videos that was pretty sneaky and then she stops me and says hey I just want to say you know you get hit a lot but it's not bad in person. you know what everything with you I don't like what you're not flirting with saying you're not bad that's flirting you don't like people flirting with that my boyfriend I'm going to be making pork chops Oh with carrots carrot sauce that looks like it your type literally move on on earth that's the type of girl Jason is going to marry that means my type what does that mean what does that mean you fall in love with the person yoga you fall in love with the person yes I don't have a type you go out with someone because they're attractive no you don't date say no I'm not dating someone do you think I would be with you if I just thought you were attractive no yeah you're supposed to call me attractive no that's not it.
surprising him with his favorite family recipe

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surprising him with his favorite family recipe...

I would go out with you for a couple of weeks and then I wouldn't be able to hold a conversation with you. I have a lot to learn. Why are you really getting married? That woman would be crazy. I called it. I don't understand what yes, at any time. Trisha looks like a mother. No, but I was like the others. And you just tell her that she's bossy and. Jason loves a bossy woman I'm a bossy queen okay Trish j-bot my hand man maybe not yeah you can talk you're a person there are people on the dock no vlogging it's supposed you should talk, you know you're having a good time. -camera voice I'm not a Joe, I can't beat Kamryn and be the talent, yeah well I guess I'll do this alone people Oh your ankles are fine I'm ready pork loin cut into one inch pieces . one large onion, chopped three or four large carrots cut into four inch pieces I hate grocery stores I have no idea where they have anything why so many vegetables you argue out of place I know I hate all this stuff, can you eat the food as such? shopping, why couldn't you just post all this stuff to me?
surprising him with his favorite family recipe
I don't know where any of these things are. Our chocolate cake looks good and then they said, hey, what kind of noodles make this wish possible like an elbow, okay, perfect, okay. I'm going to do elbows on an IRS door, well guys welcome to chef Jason's kitchen, we're here and today we're going to make David's


Slovak food, oh seriously, it's just Amelie, this mom makes delicious pig, why do you hear, screaming, dreaming of a meat dish? I don't know, that sounds good and I'm doing all this from Intex. Wow, wow, this is so impressive. Watch Jason cut that onion.
surprising him with his favorite family recipe
He was crazy. I cut the onion. I don't know how to do any of this. You don't know it that easily. just follow the


this is great so awesome there are pork chops with an orange like carrot sauce on top this is uh oh you are making the sauce I am making the sauce so you cook all this if you were my house My husband and I win everything the money. I would make you cook in your skimpy underwear. You'd love that wind, sure, yeah, babies, that thinks I'm broke and have to depend on you to eat.
I'll try it without promises, I'm sure it will detect the food they were worried about, the Chester. I would worry about something else. It's weird talking to Danny's mom because we're the same age. Really, yeah? I think she might be younger what are we going to do someone asked my dad yesterday a fan a random person can take care of my dad while we have lunch what did you say she was a girl I'm sure the boys they love trash I love your daughter she has to do it be just as good and then she asked you like my dad, this isn't weird, she was dating someone your age.
Me, first of all, my dad is 62 years old, she said let's dance like my dad doesn't care what you do. She thought: Very conservative, so everything makes him uncomfortable, even being in my Lamborghini yesterday, he says: I feel like people are getting perverted traveling with you. I'm like, oh my God, you're my dad, but he's always uncomfortable with that stuff, so. What she said was I said, "Oh my God, well at least they said he looks young or you look 62." So we have our pork chops here, these are very good. Krishna is not a fan of pork.
I'm going to make it taste great. and we have our oil here, so basically she has brownies in the pan. I'm blocking coats. By the way, I wash my hands. I want everyone to know that I don't want to hear any comments. Did you wash your hands or wash yourself? I rub them like for surgery versus Julie Gordon Ramsay cooks on TV look at that no, we're good what's a four legged animal that doesn't have a good shot even though your mom needs a picnic oh they're so basic mac and cheese burgers and mash of potatoes because all of that is like our dinner every night skinny I never had a skinny phase in my life yeah it's like when we ate it wasn't like oh me and vegetables it was literally like well have a pizza, pasta and some cookies in some houses. our meals, I love when people season things.
I have such a mild taste that I never season anything when I cook, so when I see people they see that their little room smells good and they actually season it with salt and pepper, carrots, onions, they analyze it and Bailey did it. You cut them small enough so that in large pieces they go in the blender. The chicken to get the 4q4. So why do you put it on top? These are the vegetables that will be yours. We can have a good carrot sauce. At the top, David can live long. Did he send you a photo of how everyone is supposed to look?
No, you have wisdom, it's very good, so you know what it looks like. Wow, what does that do? What does that do? No, you're just going to like cooking everything Wow. How impressive, Scooby, go, honey, okay, add water, not too much meat, a cup, okay, if I can, I don't know what that is, but I'm the reference. I think we felt like you could take care of me if I was ever disabled and able to. I don't work, I say, oh Jessica, cook and make money cleaning fast, you're pregnant when you sit on your stomach like that, no, it's okay, you were just holding back and, wow, look at that lady, yeah, she needs a pause for a moment. . 2000 2000 OMG I need dirty dishes, OMG, Oh, perfect, amazing, from any celebrity you wanted to be stressful.
Oh question I didn't have yossi the other day because you guys have been getting all these beauties lately. I'm like me. I don't think I have any, really yes, I don't think so. I mean, let's meet Lin-Manuel Miranda. Probably Ette, but we'll see in January. This smells very good. Come here. What they can't smell. him, but no, but that smells good, I really like pork, but it actually looks, it looks good too. She never told me who her mother is, she just does it, cooks my heart, that's my heart, would she understand? Understand, okay, now we have moved our pork chops and our base, this is what will go in the blender, this is my male cut cooking David over your favorite food, you will have it in front of you because I am a pastor editor, okay, we are.
I'm going to boil this my tea I put my mustard and I put my vinegar so this is one of David's favorite foods. I don't know this is what when we were in Burning Hills we all sat down to eat it and I looked. Seeing it I thought, oh, what is this? David loved it and it was delicious, but it's not something I cook every day, it's definitely a mom's


and that's what we're going to do today here's a tape measure, I don't know. if it's going to fit in there, we've got Todd's nutribullet, we've got Todd's nutribullet, that's right, okay, we've got Todd's nutri ninja, so let's put all this here and see that, that's all that Slovakian goodness that there's there, it's a baby food, well, it's going to be a sauce, yes, yes, and this sucks because not many people see it there, but I don't know how to say it, you have it there right now, it looks very modern , looks good and there are eggs, the other Holly is fine. we have our nutri ninja I feel like one of those infomercials, right, yes, for people like you, you can cook anything with it, you can cook Slovak carrot sauce, yes, Tod's nutribullet, ha, who would have thought?
So we've got our shelves okay we've got our shelves okay we've got our shelves look at this wow oh wow oh wow wow that's really we should call Christina which isn't done yet I know but just to show her this maybe she can talk to us oh, that's hot, yeah, I've got the dough going. I'm going to let him call you back and I'll call you when we're serving him Sam God, you were smiling the whole time talking to him, oh my god, she's a beautiful woman, what am I supposed to do? It is a workplace. maybe I'm not flirting with her oh, I saw you smiling the whole time no, this is the whipping cream, this makes me nervous because I never cook with cream, okay, mmm, it's ready, okay and like in the comedy in the cooking time.
It's all good too, today I was going to make you too hard, no, that remains today, David, that's how you serve it, I who was distributed the payment, I'm going to silver this, this is called begging, yes, come down, go down, where there is something funny. the comedy video, wait, that's it, that's it, there's no vegetables or anything, oh that's cool, the yellow lion's vegetables work, we're puree, hey, are you on the phone? Oh, Jason, you needed to sprinkle the sauce all over. Yes, it looks a little dry. that's because I think you would prefer it okay okay if you want that way I don't care okay he's about to try it you're going to see him taste it well here it is, he just told me he says: you know you have to have the orange in the noodles , the sauce on the pasta, like you're an idiot, this is the spoon Jason, oh yeah, you'll hear the spoon.
I'm so excited that it doesn't seem like it, the meat of the truck is. huge okay here we go there we go smell this is big says it smells exactly the same this is exactly how I imagined it if you made it the best you could be it's really good it's exactly like an off-brand version of it its cutlets are more tender yeah, you know what else is frozen this piece of me is too hard yeah after her I was like the movie fell apart from the second trick do you cook it for a long time oh are you frozen?
Meat with fruits is really good if I hadn't made it I should have cooked it longer. I think I made the sauce right, but I think yeah, my pork chops are gone. The sauce is good, as if you couldn't cut the pork chops with a spoon, he is also eating noodles with a spoon Wow, Patricia likes it, if you try it, no, oh no, I don't eat it, I don't like carrots at all, I don't even think about it, it scares me, yes. It's not like that I'm glad well, it's dead no, I hate carrots like I guess the truth is okay, I don't like them, okay, now I have to clean up this mess no, no, this place was a mess when I got here, it's well, thank you, ensure your help, what do you want the description?
Something will be taken. I don't know what you look like. I mean, it'll be better without it. You want a real house, yes, for everyone.

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