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SuperTruck, the BABY CAR is missing! | Super Truck | Car City World App

May 11, 2024
They're for Sonny's birthday It looks like someone needs your help Please bring the cupcakes to Sonny's birthday Barry is angry because he doesn't get any gifts Ben and Lily stopped Barry from stealing the gifts He's one of the


babies The fairy must be in the maze to transform st hmm hey look in the work area you will have to transform again st uh hey eh hey oh quick stop it sonny will share his gifts with you okay, is the music broken do you want to play with barry always be nice? and learn to share things with your friends, come on guys, try hard, ben wins, yeah carl someone needs a



today, we have a big race through Car City to the beach, but we need one more participant to start the race ,



, please help them a lot. awesome it's time to transform get ready and go oh it looks like jerry is up to something hmm eh oh no super truck on the wrong road oh aha wow super truck jerry and marley are cheating again please help amber and matilda we're about to get to the beach we can't let those cheaters win yeah it's working and we have the winners you see it's better to play fair hey hey thanks super truck you saved the day hey guys making a birthday card for the Bobby's surprise party, someone needs your help.
supertruck the baby car is missing super truck car city world app
You better get home right now. I'm Massimo. Everyone has come right away for Billy's surprise party. Billy is on his way home. Can you bring the birthday card and gift? Carl, huh, hurry up, you don't want to miss the surprise. Wow, there's so much traffic. the problem the traffic light is not working you may have to transform into the super truck hey chu chu let's go get bobby's birthday card bobby's party is early tim the super train will bring the card and we will pick up a ticket to ride in a hot air balloon on the train the tracks end here hmm hurry up super helicopter get the tickets oh let's go quickly to the beach everyone sign the card aha hmm oh no super helicopter do something hmm okay surprise happy birthday bobby thanks for saving the day super truck bobby is having a great party enjoy your cupcake no way it's a racing steamroller now that's the spirit someone needs super truck ben has found a perfect christmas tree the babies are already waiting for him you have to help him save christmas super truck come on, this job requires a strong vehicle it's time to transform super excavator amazing super truck ben take a step back super truck is going to put the tree in your cart okay, we are ready to go to the town hall super truck the tree is too heavy please help ben yes, Let's go see the babies The babies are very excited, there are our heroes with our Christmas tree, what's going on?
supertruck the baby car is missing super truck car city world app

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I see how we are going to put it in the pot. I can't wait to see what's going to happen next, that's the most beautiful Christmas tree. Have I seen it before, thanks, Super Truck, Merry Christmas everyone, Hello Super Truck and Dane, looks like a fun game. That's the st3000. Carl, you better go see him. Oh no, it looks like Carrie isn't feeling very well. Carrie should go to the hospital first. others get sick too carrie needs help this is a job for super truck look there she is carrie come back everyone give her space amber says carrie is too sick to drive to the hospital alone can you help her get there super truck looks like there's a traffic jam? a pole is down and no one can get around it hmm oh, Gary needs to go to the hospital now you can't waste a second super truck huh, huh, hey, you did it, super truck now that the pole is off the road.
supertruck the baby car is missing super truck car city world app
Cars can drive again Don't forget Carrie Super Truck She still needs to get to the hospital Oh no, it looks like you can't take Carrie to the hospital now that you're a bulldozer, what are you going to do Hmm? the tow rope big plan super truck now they can take you to the hospital safely hold on tight carrie carrie will feel better in no time look super truck amber gave everyone hygienic masks so they don't get carrie's disease


is right, the masks yes they serve eating stronger ice cream this is amazing it's so much fun great idea super truck the babies are playing with a magnet their magnet fell into the canal and the


went after it and then sharks appeared you have to save it super truck hey baby please calm down downstairs, This is very slippery you have to transform the super truck suction cup truck that is going to be perfect okay baby the super truck is here to save you oh no these sharks again how can we handle this super truck aha dump truck Let's hide the baby inside, see?
supertruck the baby car is missing super truck car city world app
The babies got you the ramp, come on, super truck, you can do it, oh no, the sharks are here, super truck, use the st-3000 to get out, now you're safe, well, that was a very eventful day, everyone deserves hot chocolate, thank you very much. truck you are a real hero

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