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Superhero Ryan FULL Episodes kids cartoon animation for kids!

May 08, 2024
coloring. Wow, the colors look so cool, oh no. Forget the bow, perfect, eh, we're adding more yellow. I know that means we're going to color the k. Next we add the skin tone. Oh, we look like cute little


s. Well, it looks like we're done. The only thing left is to add color. two are the cute little hearts wow I love those lines of action it really looks like we're flying to fight them guys with a few more final details we're done if you like this video give it a big thumbs up today. I'm going to play, whoever drops the ball loses, ready, be stupid, wasn't it me?
superhero ryan full episodes kids cartoon animation for kids
Emma, ​​you broke the ceiling. I should have said there are no magical powers. How about we watch a movie? Good idea guys, what should we watch? Combo Panda, okay, welcome everyone to my last video. scientific achievement this isn't cool um I guess he went to get a snack okay oh my gosh you're ruining oh my gosh I'm fine where did my sisters go? What are you doing in our room? Yes, what are you doing? our room get out of here I'm the Cat Rats minion meow and you can gladly stay in your room I'll let you out once I find what I'm looking for now find it hey Emma I have an idea back off okay they could put a scent on it it's too strong, you can try Kate, but maybe let's multiply our powers, this is not the time to hide and seek we are in the good part look what is that that appears on the way to the Coco Panda residence where are you I'm fine who are you I'm pack rats minions pack rats minion my name is Mimi and I'm here to take back Ryan's world wait, do you have anything to do with my sister's disappearance?
superhero ryan full episodes kids cartoon animation for kids

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superhero ryan full episodes kids cartoon animation for kids...

Maybe you can get your sister back once she gives me the glove, of course, how about no, what's that? How about I let you escape safely? Yeah, where are my sisters? never Emma still in trouble I have to go find them it's Ryan's glove of the world oh I can't find it if I was a godless where would I be uh it's nowhere here this place is


of booby traps it's time to get the boss on the phone in the background it's okay Okay, please don't be angry, save us abroad, how is your mission going?
superhero ryan full episodes kids cartoon animation for kids
Can't. The red gauntlet anyway, all of this can't be right. There is no need to shout. I know sending you was risky. However, I will give you a surprise superpower. prize, I'm warming up, I'm still not moving, okay, greetings, okay, but what are these ears for? They are supersonic ears and come pre-tuned to track the glove's sound waves. Okay, are you really very strong? Supersonic sound. Did I stutter? Now go, you better bring me the Gauntlet rookie. Okay, now it's time to locate that Gauntlet. Where is? keep it safe, where do I want to keep it?
superhero ryan full episodes kids cartoon animation for kids
Oh, I'll put it in a secret hiding place around the world. Ryan will never find it and I just have to tell Cameron where to find it. Red line, activate three two. one, now let's go find that minion, let's go first. I'm going to make sure my gauntlet is safe again. I have to call again. Peck, are you there? Oh, hello, Ryan. I was right in the middle of a fun science experiment with Dr. Ryan, how can I? Help, someone broke in and stole my Gauntlet. Can you locate it? Yes, according to my research and calculations, and thank goodness you put a GPS on it, it is somewhere in Japan.
Pam, well, yeah, Ryan, it's like on the other side of the world. world, I can't go there, I'm just a kid, but I know who can be a


, dad, hey Ryan, I need to send you on a secret mission secret mission what is it? My new super gauntlet was stolen and I need you to get it back. I, oh yeah, a piece of cake, but where is it? I have a tracking device and it currently says it is in Japan. Japan is so far away that I have to get on the plane and it's too far to the right.
Oh, and one more thing you might want to go to. Undercover, well, I don't fit in like that in Japan, good luck dad, because the bad guys are looking for you too. Hey guys, I'm walking through Tokyo and it counts well. This location I am looking for. Ryan sent me this map to lead. down the gauntlet but I'm still looking it should be somewhere near here it looks good inside some kind of building that's supposed to be four people but something's going on let's get this right this is it this is the location I've been looking for It's so strange it doesn't look like a building but there's a door here okay let's go in I'm nervous what is this place worth all this I mean closer hey hello there's someone here no one answers wait a minute look what I found guys They are Titan family figures, but wait a minute, what is this above?
Someone is trying to capture us and it's like a secret plan. Okay, I better hurry, this must be the evil villain Slayer. I think he's getting close. Because? they make such a small passage I can barely fit through here Gauntlet what oh this is what I've been looking for guys it's here oh yeah that's cool but this is for Ryan's I have to bring this back to our house it's okay in Hawaii It's okay Let's wait a minute, do you think you'll go, dad? Titan's last minion actually delivers the Gauntlet. This is what I call a two for the price of one kind of deal.
My path to destroying the Titan family is finally becoming clear. Yes, now it is. It's a matter of crushing you, the feeling is falling, it was a trap. I wonder why it was so easy to get a discount. Welcome to the new Ultra Quake 2.1 camera. Yes, pack rat. I should do it, uh, I'm not here. I should transform, where is my? glasses where are my glasses? get ready to say goodbye daddy Titan transform yes, now I'm a Transformer this is a piece of cake, piece of cake, very easy, now goodbye, back to us, see you guys, oh what a lousy trap design.
I knew I should have gone with the super fast 3.0 oh dad it's taking forever. I really need that glove to complete the Ryan mission. I finally got back from Japan, look what I found, there you go, but yeah, I hope it fits, it fits, but let me try. to make sure it works, oh it definitely works, it's time to complete my mission, okay Dragon children, are you ready? Yeah, oh, where are those Titan


? I have to get the garment, we are the Titan children and you must leave our house. Get out of your house and give me the glove again together Oh yes, the floor is lava, what are we going to do with this lava?
How about we combine our powers and eliminate the lava? Okay, let's do it together, one, two, three, you too. Strong, don't move, she might have gotten away this time, but never come back, yeah, yeah, and remember we're the Titan


, goodbye, thanks for watching, remember they were happy lies, goodbye.

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