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Super Monster Truck is Trapped! | Hero Stuck in Mud | Monster Truck Compilation for Kids

Mar 12, 2024
Wow, what a race Jerry is in the lead and going a mile doesn't look very happy. She's throwing eggs at Jerry. You are a sheep crocodile. Oh no, are you okay? Jerry Super Truck Frank, you have to help him. Oh no. Jerry is


. in the mud you are so evil crocodile be careful guys there is a lot of mud oh no


Truckin Frank also got


you can't let the crocodile escape it's time to transform wow they are




s look at those giant wheels now it's time to help them them and the boys, you can do it in time, super



, yes you did it, can anyone go after the villain?, yes, super monster truck can do it, super truck, you got it, oh get ready crocodile, watch out, super monster truck, there are mud eggs. everywhere skills oh no, don't give up, the super monster truck, yes, amazing, you can run like you can hide a crocodile, oh no, a landslide, you have to save your friend's super truck, Frank Jerry, You have to run away or Jerry, he has a flat tire. monster truck Whoa amazing oh no, there is no time to run away you have to use the st-3000 aha the monster truck Super telekinetic Ray the rock wall stopped the landslide now you have to stop the villain abandon the crocodile it's over super monster truck watch out big move sorry crocodile looks like you were the one that got stuck now that new tire looks good Jerry oh and I think someone regrets the chaos they caused Marley hocus furiously destroying the city again four babies spider truck Marley Hulk is too strong Baby Spider Truck runs Super Truck Marley Hulk is going to hurt Baby Spider Truck Hmm you may be strong Marley but Super Truck is faster than you Super Truck Marley needs to be stopped time to transform Super Spider Truck is here to stop the angry Marley Hulk oh stop him right there Marley Hulk Super Truck watch Marley Hulk attack the spider web is blinding Marley Hulk follow Marley hope and stop his fury the baby spider truck wants to learn to be a


let's start with the first lesson move fast like a spider oh your turn, baby spider truck, you must stay on the ground, try again, the spider trucks will reach Marley Hulk as fast as possible.
super monster truck is trapped hero stuck in mud monster truck compilation for kids
Oh no, Marley Hulk is removing the web. Luckily, super spider trucks are here to stop it. It's time to learn your second lesson shoot webs this will slow down Marley Hulk let's see what baby Spider-Man can do it's okay to fail the important thing is to keep trying good move baby spider truck hmm super spider trucks it's still early to celebrate Molly Hulk is free another time to jump for the third lesson wall crawl you can do that too baby spider truck hmm the four tires that were nearby oh no Marley Hulk is using the street lights as a weapon the light bulb is going to damage the Spider Baby truck Super Truck it's time to use the st-3000 the telekinetic Ray stop the fear no Molly Hulk is attacking again someone will get hurt stay here baby spider truck Super Truck will take care of the angry Marley Hulk oh no Marley Hulk is too strong oh you don't have to do something baby spider truck wow the super baby spiders are joining forces to stop Marley at home the super spider team wins you officially became a super


super baby spider baby spider truck do you still remember your first lesson hey babies having fun at the amusement park the wheel of the octopus is a lot of fun oh no, it's citron is here something bad is about to happen uh oh you're stuck in the mud Super Truck chili is stuck he needs your help great job Super Truck zitron what are you planning oh no Citron trap Super Truck and the babies in mud let's get out of the mud Super Truck it's time to transform the super monster truck will free you babies, let's take you to the safe place its giant wheels will help you drive over the mud now you are safe Sonny oh no, it's Citron again and he has a Super Truck mud gun the babies are


how are you going to get them out of the mud?
super monster truck is trapped hero stuck in mud monster truck compilation for kids

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super monster truck is trapped hero stuck in mud monster truck compilation for kids...

Super Truck it's time to use the St 3000 the hook will pull the babies out of the mud the babies are stuck in the mud again don't worry Babies, they will be safe soon. Oh, no veteran will go out of his way to keep them


. They must get out of the mud and save the babies time to transform. The spring truck will jump out of the mud. Let's use his grappling hook and get the babies out of here real soon. good Super Truck, the baby trucks are safe now, but there is still Citron Citron is seriously stuck Citron After everything you've done, you better help him.
super monster truck is trapped hero stuck in mud monster truck compilation for kids
Super Truck Citron takes the bait. Great, now he let super truck take you out, come on citrin super truck. is trying to help them oh no super truck needs help the babies are using the Citron gun great job babies this will teach them a lesson thanks for the truck no one can believe them after what they have done looking good St St uh no that car looks like you huh uh-huh that's a fake Super Truck impersonating UST Ed the fake Super Truck is very weird and robotic ah why is that car impersonating UST not ST? Don't look closer at a distance, let's follow him and see where he goes oh hmm don't let him see you st hmm crocodile created the fake super truck to bring him ice cream from the restaurant oh get the remote control eh oh that was rude of him oh yeah oh no ST he's being mean to everyone and they think it's you oh eh SD do something mm-hmm St your transformation looks exactly the same you have to do a strength contest to prove you're the real one St ink the evil twin is winning you must deactivate it with the remote control uh-huh there is the crocodile St. go get the remote control, he has camouflaged himself St. use the st-3000. looks like you found the crocodile he's still using the remote control St Foreign now everyone knows it's fake thanks for saving the day St oh come on guys pull hard then win Carl someone needs Super Truck hey we have a big race through today from Car City to the beach but we need one more participant to start the Super Truck race please help them hey hey very impressive it's time to transform hey get ready and go oh it looks like Jerry is up to something eh eh oh no Super Truck in the wrong way oh eh wow hmm Super Truck Jerry and Marley are cheating again please help Amber and Matilda oh we are about to reach the beach we can't let those cheaters win oh hey hey yes it's working and we have the winners see it's better to play clean oh oh thanks super truck you saved the day oh no something is wrong with Marley's tires your tire is damaged Massimo will fix you a new one Tom will tell you at the tire store where Massimo is eh Massimo needs you super truck the tires he had they're rolling down the street oh no, those are your new tire shipment do something super truck fast oh watch out super truck go super truck super truck behind you huh, get out of the way super truck whoa super truck it's time to transform unicorn to the rescue super truck Stop the tire Rainbow Road stay out of the way wait there are only three tires one has time to transform again Super Truck Jerry be careful at least you're safe Jerry, are you going to stop it?
super monster truck is trapped hero stuck in mud monster truck compilation for kids
Wow, here it comes. Oops, you didn't stop! the tire, oh, use the st-3000 fast, super cream, good choice, good catch, do you want to throw it at the tire store? Look out guys, Marley can finally get a new tire, thanks to Super Truck for saving the day, what's the rush? Marley is a giant tiger. chasing you destroying the park, be careful, you were close, someone help Super Truck, quick, Marley needs your help, no, you can't drive it, that terrain looks like you will have to transform a super monster truck to rescue it, go after it, oh no , Super Truck.
Quick you have to do something you scared him Marley he can't get up thank you super truck now bring that tiger be careful the tiger comes back hungry he is eating the food calm down he can hear you he has found you okay Drive away Barry just in time Super Truck, you better get away, get away is approaching, be careful, it's a dead end. Oh no, you're stuck, what was that big distraction? Sonny, you should use the A3000 to scare away the tiger. It's time to listen to some noise. Okay, maybe he thinks it's another tiger that did it.
Don't scare him, he's trying to attack quickly, try something else, the tiger stopped oh, the tiger loves music, now everyone can enjoy a quiet picnic together oh, don't run away, huh, that's weird, the sound is coming from the restaurant, but there are no fireworks around here, Dr. Zig looks tired maybe he ate too many cookies oh no, there is a fire in the restaurant are you okay surrounded by fire? I think we will get to him in time Super Truck Let's help Frank rescue the crocodile it's time to transform thanks oh poor crocodile, just shoot one more flame well to extinguish Frank you need to investigate how this fire started Super Truck will help with the investigation fireworks started the fire but who did that fire investigators seem to have a monster truck leader did you start the fire monster truck? here to steal a cookie Ed and I started the fire you can continue the investigation after the medical checkup Dr.
Zig is not feeling well he also needs medical treatment you need to take that pill crocodile a fire is starting at the hospital Super Truck Frank it's time investigate the fireworks, this fire was started by the same suspect, uh, crocodile and Dr. Zig are missing, which one of them is the fire starter, he was hiding from the fire that started it, what's up, Frank, is he the crocodile looking to start another fire, the crocodile, the crocodile was escaping to avoid Amber's pills if it wasn't the crocodile then who did it oh no, not another fire Amber keeps an eye on the suspect the two fire trucks will continue the investigation after stopping the fire will not extinguish this huge fire in time to use the st-3000.
Foreigner will save Chile before it's too late, you're safe now


, good firefighting equipment, did you see who started the fire, huh, cold, huh, where are you going, oh, Shelly started the fires, I was trying of playing with fireworks, huh, should you never do that alone? chili you should never play with fire baby only adults can use it

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