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SUPER HERO MARIO vs. PLAYGROUND RABBIDS Skit! FGTEEV plays Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle (Switch)

Jun 16, 2024
oh what is the video suspension by ubisoft? what's going on whoa whoa oh it's cold here it's a rabbit trap excellent job agent he's in the kitchen making a mess don't let this one get away don't worry I cornered him and he froze way to go I lost I have a rabbit inside frozen oh where It was a rabbit please oh oh no where did it go good did you miss the rabbit oh foreigner what's up effigy taverns it's me fgtv


I caught you the rabbit in the house he's the duckling that sticks to the wall wait it's going to be too much job keeping your accent throughout the video.
super hero mario vs playground rabbids skit fgteev plays mario rabbids kingdom battle switch
I'm going to turn on my dad impersonation on Energy TV. Ah, oh yeah, look at that, oh oh, my voice. weird, oh my god, my mustache, guys, what's up? Mctv Mario is still here, no buddy, although I sound like him. I have this Mario cannon right here. Let there be a lesson for all stinky rabbits. Listen, I caught the rabbit wandering around though. in the house there is still a problem the rabbits have landed in






is a new game with your partner together and mario on team luigi peach toe everyone has to stop this crazy rabbit with these headphones who is driving others crazy rabbits but I have been lucky enough to team up with two good rabbits, the rabid luigi and the peach rabbit, so we have to stop them, but not with this thing, although I wish it was cool, but we will only use our remote control, so let's do it that's us a world dash one unlikely


es i got my team here princess peach rabbit and uh fgtv chase daddy's son hey he's finally by my side hey you know what i think i could get used to these crazy bunnies look what they did all these goombas got stuck on me so I don't even have to defeat them now if you want to know who this little guy in front of me is, his name is beepo, he is actually the partner of the inventor who caused this problem to cause these two worlds. so we can combine what's going on are you shooting at us I've got your back I turned Chase into a rabbit people are giving us a special weapon we have an arm cannon a yo-yo oh no mario brother he is I also have an arm cannon here we go boom ah peach rabbit she's nice let's use mario stark's lightning come on mario we got it we got it thank god for those weapons wow right, this little guy has muscles, follow your daddy brah No, I have more muscles than you, no, sorry i mean i'm definitely not your dad fgtv mario so if you want to learn more about this game since i'm getting into it you can check out our link in the description box but we have to stop the rabbits in


s where we confront each other using our new weapons oh no what is going on here oh she is taking a selfie in the sky look at that and the moment begins where the rabbit teleports to the mushroom


super hero mario vs playground rabbids skit fgteev plays mario rabbids kingdom battle switch

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super hero mario vs playground rabbids skit fgteev plays mario rabbids kingdom battle switch...

What is this? I'm afraid, I'm afraid. I just went through it oh oh, it's the red coins. She's back in the game. Here we go, here we go. I will do that. This is so easy. This is so easy. I have this. I got this, yeah, oh, we get a prize, sure, and we get a rumble from the rabbit launcher. You found a new item if only there was a place you could see it, oh this must be something that unlocks later in the game, so what is it? this button hey what oh those are angry tunnels let's see what this is oh it's a shortcut what is this oh yeah oh koi it's koi it's go oh it's like a little side area to get some extra coins oh that's cool so the tunnels take us to places to get coins just like normal Mario games should have expected that, oh dad, go on, this is a rabid launcher, rabbit launcher, we should do it, I don't know, oh, oh, more coins, yeah, that It's great, there are a lot of little extra areas. to explore around here but let's go the way we're supposed to go hello I don't see any bad rabbits yet it's not number two oh is that a giant golden sweet sunflower perennial while the prairie perennial oh bart threw up a rabbit oh no , that's just luigi, why did you do that after the strange creature with the headphones arrived?
super hero mario vs playground rabbids skit fgteev plays mario rabbids kingdom battle switch
Those guys have been nothing but bad news. This rabbit with the


fused headphones is making all the other rabbits bad, but you guys are good, right? yeah, okay, I'm rolling with the two good rabbits right here, okay, I'm still waiting to defeat some bad rabbits, we can go there and get a chest, let's do it, let us in, let us in, oh, it's broken for now. I gotta step on a button, right, oh, ha, oh, the battle, come on, boy, come at me, people, okay, it's the three of us against all these rabbits, now we can use our zr, I can come here, come closer, Hide, oh no, he'll hit me if he sees me?
super hero mario vs playground rabbids skit fgteev plays mario rabbids kingdom battle switch
I see you I see you I see you I think Princess Peach can hit that rabbit right there Yeah, I see you right there Who me Yes You I say you can't hide I'm going to move Luigi there even though I don't I don't think we can catch him. I'll try. I missed him. This guy is easy. Are you afraid. Aren't you scared? Oh man, it's Peach's turn. Peach, go get that rabbit. There is no Peach. I wanted you to shoot that rabbit. Oh no. It's the enemy's turn no oh oh oh no oh oh no don't hurt me don't hurt me no my health is down to 140. my health is down to 120. okay it's my turn now I'm running bro smart and ready go kill him , yeah, revenge, sure, yeah, I didn't know we were playing dirty like that right now, I'm coming for you little one, I'll get closer right here, yeah, you're ruining yourself, bro, yeah, oh, no, nevermind. you're just disappearing i fooled you he thought he was just getting a script ooh who should he take? this guy has three hit points left this guy has 50. boom, yeah, uh, oh, it's his turn, no, ah, you're right, yeah, we got this, oh, I can't crush it, it's out of bounds, He's out of bounds, but I can shoot you, boom, baby, oh, he's strong, okay, smash him, smash him, yeah, I knocked him out of existence, the battle cleared, okay, so we just beat him up. battle very fiercely oh there's another battle let's do that guys get into this tunnel come on follow me go to the rabbit's mouth okay I guess we're going to jump into this rabbit's mouth first and where does it bring us this?
What's going on? Why am I running? Wow Princess Peach Hey, how's it going mom? Oh, it's cold here. What's up guys? Where did the pretty peach lady go? Go world 2-1, sweet shortcut, let's all go, okay guys, go ahead, I'll go. This way daddy, where are you going? Hey guys, I'm working hard here, you should try it, guys, it's gotten bigger, there must be a way to stop it, we have to stop it, no way guys, I'm out of here, yeah, oh, where is that? The fan makes it very cold in here. I'm out of here.
Finally I take my clown and put him here. Yes, they are like that. Oh, we're having a little party. It's a parade. Look at the elephants around. It was fun. Are you happy, child? Yes. It was fun thank you very much sir oh now I'm bored again bored again okay I just have one thing okay clown listen let's add an adjective

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