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Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League Has The Worst Story Ever Made

May 31, 2024
the writing for this game Squad Killed the Justice League is absolutely garbage, so obviously Squad Killed the Justice League came out about a week ago and I'm not even going to waste much time on this intro, this game is garbage, the


is one of the most It's not one of the most disrespectful and tasteless tone deaf media I've


seen and I'll get into the game at the end of the video, but this is mainly focused on the


, which doesn't It is exaggerated, the


story I have


seen in my life. my life, but before I get into this, I want to thank SK and League Entertainment for helping me with this video, they were very helpful in doing some of the critiques in the video and pointed out several things that I didn't do.
suicide squad kill the justice league has the worst story ever made
I don't even realize it, but with all that being said, let's get into the structure of the video. I'm going to break this video into four different sections, plot number one, armor, number two, Argus recordings, plot number three, and finally, writing four characters, so without further ado, let's get into the first section. plot armor and this game has some of the


plot armor I have ever seen in my fucking life so the first point I have to talk about is plot armor and we have to talk about this because this is one of If not is the biggest problem in this story and that is the fact that Brainiac, as shown at the end of the game, can freeze the


in place at any time and teleport them to his ship and be mind controlled or


ed, he also has a giant laser on his ship can completely decimate any living thing in at least a two block radius and is never used for anything significant in the plot and this is a problem that affects almost every second of this game's plot because the


should be dead or mind controlled like 99% of the story, even if I literally had no other problems with the narrative of this game, this problem alone is enough to bring it down to a 6 out of 10 at least, so I need you to have this problem in mind for almost every single point I'm going to go over in this entire video, the second thing is that there is literally no point in Green Lantern's tour at the beginning of the game, all it serves as an exposition dump, but the player and Green Lantern are patrolling around Brainiac, so why is he wasting time giving the squad special treatment when he's about to take them to the Brainiac ship?
suicide squad kill the justice league has the worst story ever made

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suicide squad kill the justice league has the worst story ever made...

He stops on some random roof for some reason instead of just taking them to the ship to be mind controlled which is what he said Brainiac wants and this obviously causes Flash to save the squad at the third point and then we get to the fights with Batman at the beginning of the game so he


s all the people in this building, he's even killing people when he turns off the lights and he's being sneaky with the squad but for some reason once again the squad is getting a deal special and there is absolutely nothing stopping him from breaking everyone's necks, slicing their necks with a batang or throwing a batang at their necks like he does with this person. he even tells Brainiac that he will kill them to make an example of them when he is about to shoot Harley, so we have two statements from Green Lantern and Batman that Brainiac wants the squad dead or captured for mind control, absolutely garbage too when Batman uses Detective Vision at any point in this encounter or when he is stalking the squad, like in the open world you can see Batman stalking you, he should be able to hack the squad's bombs, if Riddler can hack their bombs and communications, he will. which one we will get. for a second there is literally no reason why Batman shouldn't be able to hack his bombs and this brings me to number four and speaking of Batman, Batman literally doesn't try to hack the squad or Argus communication, if he does this he can do it.
suicide squad kill the justice league has the worst story ever made
Nip every single thing they try to do in the bud right away, one of the most important things is that he would know about the squad that makes the anti-sp speed force devices before he kills Flash, he would also know that no, he wouldn't even believe. I need to explain what else he would know too if he played the game. You know what he could do if he hacked into his communications. Hacking communications has become a staple in the Arkham-verse; It literally happens in every Batman. game and he even does it later in the game during the boss fight with him, but for some reason he doesn't do this at any other point earlier in the story.
suicide squad kill the justice league has the worst story ever made
Strategic genius, so we come to number five and this is another lingering problem with the game's plot. for almost its entire runtime and that's the fact that again the squad is constantly messing with Brainiac's communications networks or destroying parts of his army. Batman even says over comms to focus on the low priority kill list being the squad when they're doing everything. these things and are never addressed even once, even when they continue to constantly prevail in everything. The sixth thing is that brainiac thugs find the team after Deadshot breaks the lantern statue like in the little Stadium, then Green Lantern shows up and again doesn't capture or kill the squad when it would literally take a maximum of 30 seconds to kill or take them to the Brainiac ship for mind control.
The seventh thing is why Green Lantern doesn't destroy the Hall of Justice or Superman when Superman is ready. Batman has been actively tracking. and stalking the squad and he would absolutely know that there is a group trying to go against them that is just sitting in the Hall of Justice. The eighth thing is that it follows from that last point. Batman can track Ivy and once he knows she is alive, he can use her pheromone tracker and can scan the largest roots in Gotham using the Batmobile as shown in Arkham Knight. Ivy must be easily tracked and captured and this is exactly what Brainiac wants.
They don't even need to track down Ivy because there's literally a major fight going on. that takes place where they send the military after Ivy and not Green Lantern or Batman or Brainiac's freezing ability to just teleport her to the absolutely brain dead ship. The ninth thing is for the squad not to approach the bus and just shoot. flash in the face I bet you didn't think I'd be talking about plot armor for flash of all people, but they could literally hit him with the device a second time for love and this is actually the only moment in the game where I would even think acceptable that they could kill Flash because at this point in the story Flash has no idea that this device even EX exists even though he should because of Batman but that's another problem I'll get to later.
Tenth thing, why doesn't Brainiac freeze and teleport Luther at any point in 3? We encompass this invasion and mentally control it. He literally wants Luther captured and can freeze the squad at any time, so why doesn't he do it? Same for Luther, the eleventh thing is that Flash can throw swords and fire normal weapons at super speed to avoid touching the team. He can throw lightning bolts. He can create large tornadoes. He can call the


for support. Hell. He could literally throw a penny at their heads. at massive hypersonic speeds it doesn't even need to be the speed of light which flashes faster than in this game keep in mind you and the squad are dead and then Green Lantern shows up and Green Lantern can hold off the squad and kill them but it doesn't. t Green Lantern also misses every shot in The Suicide Squad and then doesn't go through the portal the squad goes through, he tries to catch them even though Brainiac could easily bring him back.
Thing number 12 is that Brainiac allowed Green Lantern to step up his Manhunt for the squad, but Green Lantern allows them to leave as mentioned in the previous point and Brainiac doesn't just freeze the squad and capture them himself after this event, when it would literally take like 30 seconds. Max probably even less than that. The thirteenth thing is that Sinestro's core batteries do not enhance the squad's physical abilities. The game literally tells us what it does to the squad or squad and Green Lantern can keep up with the flash of someone who has claimed to be faster than time.
Idiot Challenge. God, who is faster than Green Lantern, he could grab the squad and kill them like he does at the beginning of the game, create a barrage of weapons, missiles and landmines like he does at the beginning of the fight and when he finally does make. something similar in the boss fight, there's literally not a single reason why they won't die here. I don't even care if you can scale them to massive hypersonic reaction speeds, which you can't. There is no possible way for you not to do it. Feel overwhelmed by having to dodge so many things unless you can literally move as fast as the Flash or Superman.
Wonder Woman literally effortlessly takes down the squad literally effortlessly and now they can magically defeat Flash and Green Lantern. because they are stupid because they are stupid the fourteenth thing is why doesn't Superman take the kryptonite shield that Wonder Woman uses when he fights her and just throw it into space or throw it all over the planet, why doesn't Brainiac follow? Superman under conditioning for longer after blocking the nuclear bomb, they explain to him that Superman needs more conditioning, otherwise he will kill Wonder Woman and capture her. Not only would Wonder Woman be an important ally for her Brainiac to control, but if Superman isn't conditioned enough, why not? killing her whatever happens should be the opposite of that, if he is not conditioned enough we see that the


, although mentally controlled, still has emotions.
Green Lantern is emotionally affected by Flash's death, so if Superman isn't in control enough, then he shouldn't be. trying to kill Wonder Woman and instead trying to mind control her by taking her to Brainiac's ship and although this is something that would fit more into the plot section of the video, I gave you a little teaser because this is also plot armor. because if Wonder Woman doesn't have the Kryptonite Shield, not only would Wonder Woman probably be captured instead of killed, meaning the squad would have had to fight her because she would never have stabbed Superman in the chest, but Superman would have had killed the squad, thing number 15 is Batman's boss fight, there is literally no reason why Batman shouldn't or should lose to the squad here when he has them all under the fear toxin, don't worry , Alfred Quinn was never very smart.
I'll be fine. man, four thugs, all armed, two hostages, this is going to be easy, not only does Batman literally one-shot each of them at the beginning of the game, but you're telling me these people can defend themselves from a toxin of fear most powerful. from what we saw in Arkham Knight the same is not the same a more powerful version of the fear toxin that caused Batman to kneel several times in Arkham Knight tripping balls throughout the game you're telling me these people can overcome that and beating Batman absolutely trash Hardley literally goes into this unprepared, doesn't mention anything about fearing toxin countermeasures beforehand, but somehow, in the middle of the boss fight, he prepares a magical anti-ar toxin that affects Batman and somehow Batman doesn't see her doing this anti-toxin thing while she's tripping, even in the game, we don't see her doing anything different from the rest of the team.
Batman also says not to underestimate the team to everyone else in the league and not to play with them, but then Batman literally does it. that during this boss fight, what are you doing, they make Batman look like a bumbling idiot who's nerfed right before he dies and I'll talk more about that later because oh my god, thing number 16 is that we obviously know when they fight Superman and not me. I don't even think I need to explain this: Superman scales The Flash and speed and Batman claims it and/or Batman claims Superman is the most powerful being in the Justice League or the planet, even the bar is massively confused about how Brainiac can Even capture Clark, I don't need to explain this, he's Superman and I don't give a damn that he's affected by the cryptocurrency of Gold Kryptonite, Purple Kryptonite, Pink Kryptonite, it doesn't matter, he doesn't even need to go near any of them. although he could literally Blitz any of them and rip their heads off before they can react but he can easily launch a car at light speed use his heat vision from range use his frozen breath from range throw 100 rocks at the speed of light and at the beginning of the fight he can literally do any of the things I just mentioned and instead he flies away for no reason and then comes back instead of doing any of that, there is literally no reason for them to win this fight, then we get to number 17.
Brainiac freezes them like I mentioned at the beginning of the game in case you haveforgotten that he had this ability like the plot does all the time and is about to mind control them and Luther takes them out so instead of teleporting them and Luther back he just forgets that he can use this ability and it's never explained why can't he use it again, then we get to issue #18 at the end of the story, they beat Brainiac, the same Brainiac who sold out the entire Justice League by himself, why not? he just freezes them in place again.
This idiot is so stupid that he knows that the squad already beat Flash, which is already described as a problem, and it's also a problem here that they can beat him again, but he uses the speed force that has a counter because if He approaches them, does not deactivate that counter they have and tries practically the same thing. Flash. This is stupid on so many levels and has so many things it can do to the squad. and he just doesn't win this absolutely garbage fight. I hope I've explained to you how bad the plot armor problems alone didn't make this story, these problems alone bring the game's story down to a two out of 10 for me, this is the worst plot armor I've ever seen in a single medium; completely breaks the concept of good C and effect in writing, but now let's get into the Argus recordings and the plot problems, so the first thing I want to talk about is Batman and the others recognizing that Brainiac could be a threat .
Superman decides to welcome Brainiac with open arms, but no. I didn't check to see if he could be a threat, so the chances of anything being friendly are slim to none. We need a plan, right, Bruce, you're right, Cal, until we know more, we should treat this as a raid waiting in the wings. I understand your Caution, really, but that thing hasn't even fired a warning shot yet. I'm with Cal on this. Diplomacy first leads by example. I don't like it, I know Bruce and if I'm honest, I don't either, but we have an example to give, especially today, if Superman used his x-ray vision.
Batman used his detective vision. as attached to the Batwing and we also see that the Batwing has things like Arkham Knight scanners. They could use Watchtower and satellite scanning. There is no possible way they wouldn't have noticed the weapons on the ship and the enemy battleships there. on the ship and everyone enters at the same time without a plan Brainiac wants to start negotiations on board his ship it is a trap agreed that much is obvious I hear you both but we have to go in good faith but we have to go in good faith sh the season , what if I had come to Earth and C friend?
I mean, let's face it, you didn't appear in a giant skull. I didn't choose how I got here. flash now, I'll admit they're not the most attractive gifts, but if we can avoid fighting all together, we owe it to the people of Metropolis to try. They know the strength of the league. Now everyone knows her. Let's show them our hearts. Our compassion. Our recklessness. We can't just lead Metropolis without defense. We will be in it. In the middle of this, Bruce's conversations get nasty, we throw that thing back into space, we're in this gang together, all five of us, united, there's nothing we can't do, let's show them our intentions, you know what they say about good intentions, clarify everything. what they need to do is send just Flash or Superman to talk and have the rest of the league outside ready to attack or better yet set up a voice call.
It's that easy. The second thing is why Green Lantern doesn't ask his fellow Lantern Corps. members, if you have ever seen this ship or have any records of it, the lantern corpse should be aware of what this ship could be and if the lantern corpse does not know about Brainiac, then John Stewart should inform you and See it more as a potential threat. The third thing is that Batman mentions that Brainiac wants open negotiations aboard his ship. It's a giant skull ship. Why is Brainiac's design, especially if he wants to try to fool people and why does Superman want to go? on the ship in good faith and it is stated that they have dealt with evil aliens before such as Sinestro's core.
The fourth thing is why the Justice League didn't inform the police and government about the alien ship to evacuate the city just in case. If Gotham can be evacuated just because of a damn bomb threat from a scarecrow, then Metropolis should be easily evacuated from this and the fact that they don't try to evacuate the city is a blatant smear no matter which way you look at it, the fifth thing is Why doesn't the Justice League have Superman and Green Lantern just agree to negotiate with Brainiac off the Planet? The sixth thing is Wonder Woman telling Flash that she doesn't know what to do when the league captures my head, I'm sorry Diana, I broke down. the sound barrier to get us out of there if we had stayed a second longer that thing would have given us everything it got, got Cal.
I mean, how do you get Cal? Kryptonite for one, but that's not important right now, Barry, is it? I need a plan, do you have a plan? Civilians, we have to start evacuating the city. I got as many people away from that ship as possible, but then what will Hera help me? I do not know yet. She knows about the Batcave with the Kryptonite and the Sinestro Tech and she doesn't do anything with it. The seventh thing is that Wonder Woman is sitting in the Watchtower recording a message while Barry fights Green Lantern and the city is being invaded.
A complete evacuation order. I repeat if you and your loved ones are still in Metropolis, we urge you to get to safety from such Devastation. My heart breaks for this city and its children. Inner sanctuary. Activated biometric access granted. The Watchtower identifies those. Biometric scan identified as user Barry Allen. Flash. How did you access the Tower? commit some absolute garbage, so now let me move on to the plot, so the first point I have against the plot is why are there only four members of the squad, why is there no killer crocodile, why don't they force the scarecrow to mass reproduce his gas so that it can be used against the Justice League or why Argus hasn't done that again for the scarecrow to begin with.
I feel like a company like Argus would definitely have used scarecrow fear gas otherwise, but why not? Firefly, why isn't Deathstroke here? The only defense I've heard for why these people aren't here is that they could have died because at the beginning of the game, Waller says the


squad was the first to make it. I enter Metropolis alive, but that doesn't work because why doesn't Brainiac have any of those people mind controlled right now? Green Lantern literally tells us that Brainiac is looking for metahumans and the only other defense I can think of is like Waller had them sent via airlift to get to the city, but that makes Waller look like a complete and utter brainiac and I'm sorry, but I also don't believe in the fact how the shark Boomerang came to Harley and Deadshot, but not Deathstroke or Killer Croc.
The second problem I have with the plot is what is the point of Waller testing the squad at the beginning of the game. Why doesn't she plant the bombs herself? What if the squad kills each other if the king shark eats anyone? loses a member and Waller would lose a troop. The third thing is that King Shark should be bullying others. He has super strength and durability and they make it blatantly obvious that he is the strongest member of the squad several times over. How is Harley pushing back King Shark? finger why doesn't the king shark jump during this whole fight? why doesn't it break the device?
How did the king shark lose the device to begin with? Twice he lost it twice. The king shark can't even feel it being stabbed. in the back but can't beat three normal humans, the fourth thing is that Waller puts his team on a speeding train while they are knocked out, this could kill them if they don't wake up and Waller gave the squad the C4 in the train, if the train accident doesn't kill them, the C4 sure could and without taking into account that she is just complete for putting them on this train without telling them anything or preparing them for the situation.
The fifth thing is why the museum has technology in place. that can be stolen behind normal glass because they're stupid because they're stupid it even has a speed force gauntlet why aren't these replicas of things? The sixth thing is the Justice League or Brainiac not clearing the museum and/or other bases and batcaves of resources that could possibly be used against them and we see this later with other things as well like the Kryptonite and Sinestro central batteries and they also leave things like Shrink Tech inside the Hall of Justice. The seventh thing is what Green Lantern says.
Tell us this Invasion has been going on for 3 weeks, this means Wonder Woman and Flash never fought in the league for 3 weeks, you really need to look in the mirror and work on your game young man, and if you hear this dialogue, blink Bry. I was wondering how you got out of the boat speeder secret the league leaves no one behind let's do the right thing buddy this is some very cheeky dialogue you would hear from someone who is having a first meeting with someone this means that despite of knowing where countermeasures are taken. are Diana and Barry don't fight Batman or Green Lantern, those are the only two members of the League that are affected right now with brain death and then we get to the eighth thing and this also means that Batman didn't erase any of his plans. contingency against the Justice League in their Batcave for 3 weeks, then we get to the ninth thing.
Brainiac is looking for metahumans and Batman knows there would be metahumans in Arkham Asylum, but Brainiac never attacks Arkham Asylum. The tenth thing is why Flash stops to talk to Green l Lantern. he could literally catch Green Lantern off guard and hit him with a barrage of punches before Lantern can even get his bearings. This could possibly knock out Lantern. Also, why does he make no attempt to contact Wonder Woman for help and again we know who Wonder Woman literally is? she's just sitting in the Watchtower right now doing nothing but recording a voice recording, so she should absolutely be helping Flash defeat Green Lantern.
The eleventh thing is and speaking of Wonder Woman being in the Watchtower, how does Batman not know that Wonder Woman was in the Watchtower? and why didn't he change the codes or security clearance for the Watchtower? Why didn't Brainiac take over The Watchtower to use the technology and probable satellites of it? Point 12 is that neither Batman nor Green Lantern use the Speed ​​Force Gauntlet in the Hall of Justice to track Flash and capture him, but Captain Boomerang of all people was smart enough to do that, yeah, like a great writer, your intellect is as weak as your dollar, failure is your destiny, you disrespect yourself and your nation, you are


of a fool, thing number 13 is If there is a Speed ​​Force Gauntlet, Why doesn't Batman use this type of technology in his suit?
He literally already has gauntlets on his suit, so why doesn't he use this type of technology to get better at fighting crime and helping the world? It's and I already went over the museum fight with Batman, but there are bigger problems here too and outside the plot armor, why is Batman killing random civilians in some random museum when he literally knows Green Lantern is fighting against Flash and would he do it too? We know that Flash is pinned down and seriously injured on the roof, as Brainiac's army shows up when they think we have to defend Flash from them.
The second thing is why Batman wastes time fighting The Suicide Squad instead of just turning off the lights and immediately. teleport flash to the ship before he wakes up, this risks flash getting up and running away three even though we've already gone over the fact that the squad doesn't die here, why doesn't batman take and break any of the technologies? that they stole from the Hall of Justice, thing number 15 is where the hell is Green Lantern after critically wounding the flesh, why doesn't he show up when Brainiac's army shows up, and why doesn't Batman send Green Lantern to capture or kill the squad? . after he's done capturing the flash, we have both a plot and plot armor issue that I understand and didn't mention in that section of the video.
Although technically plot and plot armor go hand in hand, but whatever the 16th criticism is why. is the Justice League's security fingerprint, only there is literally technology that can easily steal fingerprints, we even see biometric scans in the game and Batman would obviously know that this technology, this type of technology can be easily bypassed, since that this type of security was bypassed in Arkham Knight in Stag's Airship and then we get to issue #17, which seems to follow from the previous point and what I mentioned earlier with the fact that the Justice League has verydangerous sitting in the Hall of Justice behind normal glass, this doesn't give I'm very confident that they have good security in the hole of


, so if their security is so bad, why is one of their bases open to the public?
This runs the risk that someone who wants to get to the


league could bomb this building or something. that nature and that puts civil lies at risk and I don't care that this is something that is present in the comics, it might as well be stupid there too unless there is a context for it that makes it not the 18th thing. Why is Riddler delaying? Suicide Squad when they need to stop Brainiac from taking over the world and if they don't stop Brainiac this would affect Riddler too, he hacks their bombs for stupid races and trophies and Riddler doesn't even care about going after Batman or Brainiac who would absolutely want to prove that he is superior to why he's messing with the team.
This literally makes no sense. The question is why Waller doesn't have streaming video on her computer at all times or unintentionally sharing audio so she can always hear what they're saying. I'm saying that or having a drone follow the squad would also prevent them from doing literally anything behind your back, like Earth 2 Lex Luther. Thing number 20 is when the squad breaks into Lex Corp. Luther still has all of his files in his database. despite knowing that Brainiac Batman or a hack could breach his data, all of this should be on a completely separate server, away from his building, which is extremely difficult to find or hack, but this is not just a problem on Lex's part , but also a hack.
Batman and Brainiac don't try to breach Lex's data at all before this. The 21st thing is that Waller should do everything she can to keep her distance from this Lex Corp employee. It's an obvious threat he makes to her and it could be anything. Detonating risks him dying if the bomb has a large enough blast radius, so it's complete at this point. Thing number 22 is and at this point again, why would Waller even bring in Lex Corp in the first place when she? she can easily get trapped or killed. Number 23 is when we meet Ivy for the first time.
First of all, I just want to talk about this relationship between Ivy and Harley. They literally have no pre-established relationship before this game and Harley literally contributes to getting her almost killed. by Scarecrow at the beginning of Arkham Knight and Harley follows the same plan that would kill all the plants in Goth, it's something else and this part is nitpicking, but how come Ivy doesn't realize that Boomerang is planting a bomb in her neck and this next? The part isn't nitpicky, but why is the squad talking about putting a bomb on Ivy's head around her where she can easily hear them?
This risks Ivy being able to escape or possibly kill them right now, which she was literally about to do before Boomerang saves them. and tells Ivy that there's a bomb on her neck and also I already went over the fact that the Justice League should be here right now in the plot armor section of the video, that's another problem with this part and another problem with this part is the fact that the dialogue in this scene between har and Ivy is very strange I don't know you but my pheromones remind you of strange emotions tell me I didn't expect you to come in Fun Size you don't really know me Harley and iy eternally intense story, letters hot, no, we have tonight, who is it?
I'll get to that in a minute, who are you? Thing number 24 is that Argus knows that Ivy can be tracked through pheromone trackers that Batman had, but he keeps Ivy at his main base of operations. There's also a brainiac thug sitting in Justice's hole, which also puts them at risk of knowing his location. Thing number 25 is that Harley knows that Lex set her up, but she falls into it anyway, risking that she won't be able to do anything if they get attacked and you know. how he does this by grabbing Deadshot's butt. I just want to mention if it was Deadshot doing this to Harley.
I don't even think I need to explain that thing number 26 is Lex using the squad I guess to get attention. In the league, I assume that was his plan, although there are literally much better ways to do this and as far as we can tell, there is literally no trap setup, which would definitely be a much better plan and also his suit has no countermeasures if superman's flash or speed bomb him, why isn't his anti-p speed force device set to auto like the toy master had his setting later in the story? flash, this man's biggest villain is Superman, how can Superman possibly lose to this clown?
Also, Batman literally has his own anti-p speed force device, which we see in his contingencies, I should absolutely be worried that Lex Luther might have one like well, that's why I said before that Batman probably should have warned Flash something like that and Flash doesn't check Luther's body at all to see if he has any more tech left after taking him out of the suit. Thing number 27 is Flash. should capture the squad once Deadshot fails and if not capture them just take them out too, where's Batman or Green Lantern? Why isn't Batman monitoring Flash? Batman literally tells Brainiac that the Flash could be a problem because of his personality, so Batman should have sent both Greens.
Lantern or himself to do this or rather just help Flash and monitor him and again we still have the problem that Brainiac can simply freeze Lex and teleport him to the ship and Flash kills Luther because he got irritated with Luther. Well, then why? He kills the squad for the same reason and if he is so confident that the game wants to portray him to the point of making him complete, then why doesn't he start fighting Wonder Woman and if your defense is oh Wonder Woman, beat him up? really tough and that's why he ran away, okay the squad also tires him out and damages him a lot during the boss fight, so why doesn't he run away during the boss fight by that logic?
Thing number 28 is why does Flash put Lex in a shipping container instead of just teleporting him directly to Brainiac's ship for mind control, this is another time where Batman should intervene or send Green Lantern and the Thing number 29 is why The Flash just let the squad destroy the cannon, another thing. The squad deals damage to Brainiac's army and they are not killed or captured by this. I probably should have put that in the plot armor section of the video, but again, who cares? The 30th thing is that Wonder Woman throws a metal box at a building that Lois is inside and she knows that Lois is in Lois could be in the area where Wonder Woman throws the box when she throws it, which could risk that one or the shorter one gets hurt, she also wastes time doing this and now again Green Lantern should be here, thing number 31 is that Toy Man already had the anti-p speed force device automatically prepared, but Luther didn't .
I don't think it's a problem that Toy Man has it set to Automatic, the anti-p speed force device on it automatically, that's actually one. Of the only smart things in this story, I'm just pointing out how stupid it is that he has this, but Lex Luther doesn't. Thing number 32 is Harley and the squad has no reaction when the toy man has a bomb placed in his head even before they had a problem with it when it came to Hack and Ivy's inconsistent morals. Thing number 33 is if Flash leaves traces of the speed force around people he passes, shouldn't the squad have it more than anyone else right now?
Their plan is that they hope they can run into Brainiac's goons with similar speed force traces and every time they leave the Hall of Justice they risk dying, even when they are in the Hall of Justice they should be dead but they are not. for some reason and they also don't try to siphon that energy away from the squad, which risks them dying or Batman finding out that they're making an anti-p speed force device, although again he should have already hacked into their communications and know that they did. They were doing. this, but he didn't do it because they


Batman a in this game.
Thing number 35 is that the squad doesn't activate the anti-e speed force device before calling Flash so he can speed up Blitz and kill them all before they even think about but he doesn't and thing number 36 is that Flash doesn't he notices the anti-p speed force device in boomerang's hand and doesn't check any of their bodies for that when they're absolutely sure they can fight the Flash. Flash should absolutely know there's something up here and check his bodies or just get rid of his weapons in general before fighting them and Batman should tell Flash to be careful about that possibility.
Thing number 37 is that the squad doesn't shoot Flash after they hit him with the anti-speed force device, so not only do they not have the speed and the anti-speed force device ready before he shows up , but when they have their best chance at the beginning of the fight, they don't even have their weapons ready to fire flash I. I would also like to point out the fact that the squad broadcast this broadcast to all metropolises Batman absolutely would have seen this and should have sent to Green Lantern to back up the Flash, especially after what happened last time, but no, Green Lantern doesn't. they appear at any point in this fight until we kill Flash and I've already gone over the armor section of the plot so when Green Lantern finally shows up we get to issue #38 and that's the fact that Brainiac doesn't send anyone to Earth 2 to get the squad and Absol there would absolutely be suspicious activity on Earth 2 and the other brainiacs could keep an eye on the squad if the Earth One Brain contacted it and even if it didn't, it should.
There is still suspicious activity due to the fact that there is still someone alive on Earth and that person is able to defeat his forces and defeat them. The 39th thing is that Deadshot takes down his main source of information about Green Lantern's plans or his communications. stupid you are, this could literally give you information not only about what they are doing, but it would also tell you if Brainiac is actively searching for you on that other Earth and if he is notified that you are on the Earth you are on right now. Thing number 40 is that Waller doesn't ask the squad how they got back to their Earth, even though she didn't get a response when their quote-unquote comms went out, she just forgets to ask them about this, when, when, when they get back to when. they go back to the Justice hole like, oh my god, thing number 41 is that the squad has the best possible chance to get the bombs out of their heads right now with Earth to Lex and they don't ask him if he can do it in Thing number 42 is that Batman knows that Wonder Woman is in one of his bases with Kryptonite and Sinestro batteries and does nothing about it.
Thing number 43 is why Wonder Woman just arrived at Bruce's hideout with the Kryptonite batteries and Sinestro. 3 weeks. later and Wonder Woman only takes the Kryptonite and not Sinestro's central batteries, like how stupid are you and then we get to issue #44, your friends are beyond saving how many more lives will be lost while you try and fail. I don't need a morality lecture from a racist shark from Wonder Woman thing number 45 is that Batman knows Flash was defeated but doesn't back up Green Lantern when he knows there's a high chance they have the Sinestro cor batteries. The 46th thing is that if Green Lantern dies, someone can just take him. the most powerful weapon in the galaxy and I think now is a good time to address the whole clone theory that people have been trying to use in this game, so number one, if this is a Green Lantern ring that Brainiac made , why don't you believe it?
Also, he could literally have a whole army of thugs with Lantern rings, he could give each member of the Justice League a ring and the second thing is that if he can clone people as quickly as with Batman Flash and Lantern, then he should have several of all those. people and this would break the plot even more. I don't think you guys understand how dumb that theory is and if that theory ends up turning out to be true, oh my god, this story is already the worst thing ever, but it just gets even. worse and I just can't tear apart thing number 47 is why doesn't Brainiac keep Superman under conditioning longer after blocking the nuke, they explain to him that Superman needs more conditioning otherwise he will kill Wonder Woman and capture her.
It wouldn't just be Wonder Woman. be an important ally for Brainiac to control, but if Superman isn't conditioned enough, why would killing her be what would happen? It should be the opposite of that, we see that the league even though they are mentally controlled still have emotions and Green Lantern is affectedemotionally over Flash's death. So if Superman isn't controlled enough, then he shouldn't try to kill Wonder Woman and instead try to mentally control her. I'm not going to say that Superman is just a character killed off here because they're explaining what he's doing to his brain or whatever.
I'm saying that what he does to his brain doesn't make sense with the way he was previously established with Green Lantern and with the way Batman talks to Wonder Woman over comms. The 48th thing is that Superman takes 22 seconds off screen without punching Wonder. Woman and then he throws rocks at her that don't even hit her, why do you waste your time throwing a rock at her and why don't you just unleash a barrage of blows on her? And thing number 49 is that Wonder Woman could have punched Superman while he. was getting up, getting back up or used the last lasso of Truth to stop him and Wonder Woman should have been using the lasso of Truth to start right after hitting Clark in the chest with the Kryptonite and that would be especially characteristic of her . do it because she knows she was able to talk to the real Flash for a second when she used it on him and she should definitely want to do the same with Clark and I don't even want to hear that she couldn't because if she can react to Superman's heat vision then she absolutely can do one of two things I've mentioned and I don't even know if I mentioned this before, but Krypt is completely brain dead and the Kryptonite that Wonder Woman has hasn't. he has been eliminated by Batman or Brainiac if Wonder Woman stabs Superman in the head with that kryptonite, he is dead.
The 50th thing is that Superman shouldn't be able to fire even more powerful lasers to kill Wonder Woman if the Kryptonite simply pressed against his chest previously prevented him from doing so. to use it completely and weakened him and had him like this and thing 51 is that the squad wants to try to save Wonder Woman but they literally do nothing to Superman while the Kryptonite is in his heart or before it is in his heart to try and even help Wonder Woman 52. What happens is that none of the squad members take the lasso of Truth. This could be very useful later on, not just after, but also in combat for them and I'll talk more about that later, after Batman's boss. fight, but I think some of you can see where I'm going with that, but anyway, thing number 53 is why doesn't he hack into Batman's files so the squad doesn't even need to go to the Batcave.
Thing number 54 is why. Does Batman have his contingency plan? Play Once the squad enters, he already killed Robin with the bat, so he would have shut it down. Why doesn't Batman erase the contingencies completely again? He had three whole weeks to do this. Thing number 55 is. Why doesn't Batman turn off the technology as soon as he knows they're in the Batcave or purge all the data from his files like Luther did? This risks more of his files getting into it. Thing number 56 is that Batman's contingency doesn't say anything. On how to counteract the toxin from him, all he tells Tim is for the Bat Family to attack him with his highly specialized training when Batman could easily find a way to defeat them all.
Look at how it worked for Jason and Arkham Knight. He had a whole army and couldn't do it, making you think that the bat family jumping at you will be enough to defeat you. Batman's strategic genius, come to think of it, maybe he knew this game was going to be written for completion. Thing number 57 is that Harley shouldn't be able to produce the fear toxin that is better than cranes to the point that Batman is losing the fight. You're telling me that Harley Quinn, a constant jerk in the Arkham series, suddenly knows. how to make a fear toxin better than master chemist scarecrow and batman, yes mister reed, i thought to myself, get out of here.
Thing number 58 is the scarecrow instructing Harley on his fear toxin, it's a blatant smear of the scarecrow, it takes away the power of fear. which he wouldn't want to give it to people and was about to kill the deer in Arkham Knight just to help him test it on people and that's why the deer betrays the scarecrow at the beginning of Arkham Knight. The 59th thing is that Luther should be worried. about Batman possibly having a Tracker like in his suit or even his body and not having the squad check or take off the suit and throw it away or check inside his body to see that and the fact that Batman doesn't have a Tracker is extremely stupid of Brainiac.
The 60th thing is that neither Luther nor the squad make any attempt to try and study Batman's body to see if it's possible to reverse the mind control and get the bat out. This is another reason why they should have taken the lasso of Truth and used it on Batman. Number 61 is that it is revealed that Waller knew the squad was working with Earth Two. Lex all this time, she can't act like that now that she knew you're telling me she knew everything. time and she did nothing to stop this when she would risk having the bombs taken away from the squad and she did nothing to try to put a bomb on Lexa's head up to this point in the story.
I don't know if ingesting Seaman lowers your IQ, but maybe you should check it out because you could be in danger of reaching single digits once again. Waller is a complete. The 62nd thing is that we get into it as Batman when he's led to his death and again I'll talk about this. More later, but for now, if Brainiac can absorb people immediately when they die, why can't he do it with the league when they just got beat up? Why doesn't he teleport Batman to his ship right now so he doesn't die on day 63? The thing is, and this is when we're shown one of the biggest problems in the game with all of Brainiac's freezing ability, why did Brainiac let Squad go after Luther teleports them?
What's stopping her from bringing them and Luther back to his ship? mind control and thing number 64 is and this comes from the last point. Brainiac literally tells the squad over the comms I'm on schedule but he doesn't stop the squad after they kill the Justice League and he doesn't just use his ability to freeze and teleport them again. What's wrong with these people who are writing this? And now that we've gone over the armor plot and the Argus recordings that Cor relates to the plot, let me talk about the dog character he writes about. In this game, I first want to go over the team, so the development they have in this game is some of the silliest and most shallow I've ever seen.
Their character Arc literally becomes more confident at the end of The Game and the banter they have with each other at the beginning of the game is literally exactly the same as it is at the end of the game. It is a straight line. Their attitude towards each other doesn't really change at all, but. I don't even know how anyone is supposed to be connected to this Arc because the entire team is completely unpleasant, with the exception of maybe the king shark, but even I have problems with him at the end of the game, they treat the entire League.
The deaths of the members are like it's an over the top moment, although throughout the story we see what these characters have with the league, the league has always been right by putting them in prison and they try to do this with Wonder Woman, who Is he the only character? whose death they treat with some kind of respect and try to make this a moment of change for the team even though Wonder Woman has been constantly treating them like garbage throughout the game, this moment shows that she is with us and I am not . I even know why they have this sudden change of heart that comes completely out of nowhere and they gain respect for Wonder Woman because what she saved them I guess, although that wasn't what she was doing in this fight, she was just fighting against Superman. but guess what Flash saved them at the beginning of the game?
Flash also saved Harley from being shot in the head and this results in Flash being captured and you know what Boomerang does. He tried to urinate on him and they made a prank on him. Batman inadvertently saves Harley from the Joker's abusive relationship and places Harley in Arkham Asylum so he can receive mental help and also saved her life in Harley Quinn's Revenge in Arkham City. Superman is a symbol of hope for the entire metropolis and the world. and they treat each of his deaths as garbage, disrespect. The beloved characters never feel any sympathy for having to kill the League members, even when they know they're just people trying to do the right thing and protect people and none of them grow at all. individual characters and you're probably wondering why I didn't mention Green Lantern and I'm about to get into that with all of these characters individually as I go through them so first let's start with Deadshot so we learned about Deadshot in The Argus. recordings is that he refuses to take responsibility for his bad actions and his failures to be there as a father to his daughter and there is no arc, no character work done to explore this in depth or develop him as a character, nothing.
It's already over and it's on throwaway ARG recordings and the way they portray Green Lantern in this game is so unbearable that I don't even care that much about Green Lantern as a character, but Green Lantern had the right to hand Floyd over and yet the game celebrates that they shot him in the head and they treat him like a dirty cop and Deadshot never realizes, hey, maybe Lantern wasn't the problem and what's even stupider about this is that Deadshot goes after the other Deadshot because he thinks that He's a threat to his family because the police may be after him, but how are Floyd and his family going to be in the heat of what his fake SL alternates like his white Caucasian/fake SL alternate Deadshot has been set in Origins?
Black Gate and City to have been caught by Batman Bruce has a database of crimes on him including his identity so Floyd has no need to worry about this fake Deadshot making Heat do all these things he could have continued with his life and would have been completely fine, it seems like he's going after him for his reputation, which contradicts his point about ending up with Deadshot or the name Deadshot, this just emphasizes the point that he's a selfish asshole who almost leveled downtown Gotham. and loses custody of her daughter. brain dead reason to put his daughter at risk of losing a father and yes this is a character assassination it goes directly against what he wants in this game and why he stopped being Deadshot in the first place and also the Police wonder if this is so. the real Deadshot and the black Deadshot when interviewed says no, that's the other Deadshot was the fake Deadshot.
I'm the real Deadshot. Are you a stupid god? And now let's move on to Harley Quinn and Batman first, let's talk about Harley, there is literally no growth in her as a character, she is a straight line throughout the game, like every other member of the team, and Harley has surpassed the Joker off screen and no longer wants to follow him, but this never developed. it just happened and in her bio it shows that she knows that Batman is a good person and acknowledges that he has never killed anyone he went after despite everything they could have done, even in her final speech to Batman she says that you are still.
Too good, the only reason she was angry at Batman to begin with was because she thought he killed the Joker, but now she knows he didn't and, again, Batman has tried to save his villains many times and I've gone over that before. The times he helped and saved Harley and again, they suddenly care when Wonder Woman dies and they want to show her that they can be better and they feel bad for her, this makes him get his way, but with Batman of all people they have him he. promote his death scene, you know what I'm thinking, no, it's not a possibility, but whatever it is, I'm depressed, is it something violent with Lex's surreal quality?
I'm going to need you to discharge the patient into my care. I'm done with him, take one of my counterpart cars, if Batman goes to Superman's funeral he might as well travel in style, oh we forgot, sorry don't ruin this and they might do it as a joke. Everyone laughs when they are about to kill him, you're going to die screaming at Superman's feet, why what about his feet? I don't know, man, so far we are two against two to kill your son. Love works and it works and it is a pleasure that they have barely told him about his trauma.
He had a good career. Brucey flew around Gotham beating up bad guys, cleaned up the streets, and caused long-term mental and emotional damage to everyone he knew. He then shot him in the face without any sympathy. do it and then superman stops and she laughs again and says mhm and you're next. Not only is this scene disgustingly disrespectful to Arkham Batman, but he also murders the entire squad and what literally, quote, came out of and everyone just regresses as characters right here, the story even shows that the league is still there, of somehow, so instead of asking Luther to try to break Batman out of his mind control, they use Batman to lure Super Supermanwhen there are many other ways they could do it. have gotten his attention and make Superman laugh at it too, one of the greatest heroes in the world, turned off by this when he sees Batman's dead body like that and again it's literally already been established that the leagues still care about his friends , even when they care. controlled I don't know why this doesn't work when it's with Superman what's the difference with Superman but let's talk even more about the lack of respect they show Batman in this game first of all they blatantly murder Batman's character by making him come out as a public member of the Justice League which directly contradicts the reason why he stopped being Batman and Arkham Knight and it is to protect his loved ones from the attacks that intend to harm Batman through them, now Robin and Nightwing would obviously still be in danger just for being Watchers, but this puts an even bigger target on their heads now that Batman has returned and also puts Jim Gordon Barbara Lucius Fox and Alfred in danger again, but also these fools are so bad at writing that they somehow manage to murder to Batman even when he is mind controlled again, it has been established that the league still cares about his friends and if there is an option to capture Robin instead of killing him, there is no reason for Batman not to take that option, he literally tells Batman.
Brainiac that's why he should introduce Superman when he fights Wonder Woman. or maybe Robin just killed himself while fighting Batman because he read the script for this damn game and was like, no, I'm not going to be a part of this, but seriously, this also goes on with the rest of the Bat-Family, or Batman killed Nightwing and Oracle or both are killed for doing nothing to try to help fight this invasion, but another character assassination moment I forgot to mention from Batman is this audio recording Bruce, you're doing it again, no You are good for us, unconscious.
What would Alfred say? Alfred understands Clark. Crime never sleeps, yeah, yeah, and neither does the Watchtower, it's basically you, you helped us build it, it's crime never sleeps, of course, listen, you have the support of the league, now this fight is. Yours alone, that's the commitment we made. I'm not ungrateful, Clark and the league is working. I just need time to adapt. You know, P used to tell me: don't ask for lighter loads, ask for broader shoulders, nice and easy to say when. You can carry an entire planet on your shoulders, this is something that has grown in two different games.
Superman shouldn't need to be talked into this kind of stuff, but outside of the character assassinations, they make Batman seem whole throughout this entire story. I described it earlier in the other sections of this video. They give him the worst death scene written for a beloved character I've ever seen, but that's a trend this game follows a lot and the icing on the cake is that they literally make Batman die helpless and helpless. making something like his parents died right before promoting his death scene, this is really disgusting, now let's move on to the king shark.
I actually liked the king shark during the initial parts of the story, he was quite funny and friendly and was one of the Only people in the squad really respect the heroes they were killing, except for the fact that at the end of the game his character does a complete 180 and yes his character is killed while laughing at the fact that they killed both Batman and Superman and they have no sympathy for that, this also goes directly against Wonder Woman's death and that's quote unquote character growth and he has a piece of internal conflict that lasts about 3 minutes during Batman's boss fight only for it to never happen.
It's touched upon again in the story and it never grows from this. Now move on to Captain Boomerang and Captain Boomerang is just an annoyance with no character development. Amanda Waller is also an annoying one who won't stop complaining and completing the entire game. Don't tell me that she is like this in every iteration of the squad because there are multiple iterations where she is calm and collected while they are on her mission, but she will get it if she has to in this game, she gets angry if the squad gets angry. goes. lifting the toilet seat after urinating or if they walk down the street in the wrong direction, she is very annoying and other good adaptations by Amanda Waller allow her to at least have something respectable and an understandable goal: she has to understand why she behaves like this in certain situations. moments and being very serious, but this Waller is just evil and wants to mind control all the metahumans, so let's move on to the other members of The League.
I think Wonder Woman is probably the only decent character in this game who writes wisely outside of the fact that they suck dry gu from Lex Luther's files absolutely nothing this is yes because this is totally Lex Luther right I'm prone I'm prone to wild imaginings As a man of science, speculation is how my brain finds leisure and the closest thing it knows to play, but there is little fun in imagining how much better the Earth would be if instead of forcing the Amazons into hiding with their cruelty and cunning, we regarded them as a replicable replica model if only we could let go of our ba, our most basic instincts. our most basic instinct expects a model for them they solved many of the ills of our society broken democracy lagging technology toxic masculinity and on and on and on FL prosper through higher learning Mutual help and govern without cruelty there is a golden society that deserves to be as secret as they are, enter one and give her more respect than any other member of the league and she is also complete at some points in the story, but I liked her internal character flaws and her character development before she died.
Is he arrogant or just both Is arrogant at numerous points throughout the story Superman is a completely enlightened brain who believes he can stop a possible alien invasion through the power of good faith oh my goodness, what a great way to inspire. people with this version of Superman Rock Steady I'm going to walk through a landmine and I have good faith that it won't explode on me I hate this game God forgive me and we finally get to Brainiac and now I'm already gone about the fact that he's an idiot for the whole story, but does it have any good motivation?
Does he have any depth to his character? Well, he has an interesting beginning of motivation: he wants to terraform the planet because his planet was destroyed, but this has never been explored to make it deeper in any way, it's literally the worst version of General Rozad for Men of Steel, so yeah, not only does it have a boring motivation, but it is also complete throughout the story, how do you make the character named Brainiac a In this game, yes sir, I thought about killing myself. A couple more reviews I forgot to include and am adding now.
Batman knows that the squad hacked into his communications at some point in the story. He knew you're listening, criminals. Investigated debris from your vehicular weapons Second rate mechanic job Gizmo job, you four have really been sent to your debts and for some reason you can't get them out of your comms and you also don't try to use this comm link you know about. they have to take advantage of it and try to catch them or something, another criticism that is based on the fact that Green Lantern never tells any of the other members of the Lantern Corps that this ship appeared on Earth, if he had told them this, they would probably they would have come. to check on Earth which means the other members of the Green Lantern Corp probably would have been able to help fight this invasion so to conclude yes this story is a zero out of 10 A- 10 out of 10 a negative 100 out of 10 a negative to millions out of 10 almost all the characters are constantly or are killed sometimes multiple times with some characters like Batman everyone except Wonder Woman has zero character development the dialogue is garbage for most of the game the pacing at the beginning of the game and during the Earth 2 section is too slow, has the worst plot armor I've seen in any medium, the plot is garbage and doesn't even remotely understand what good cause and effect is needed to This.
The Arkham and Batman universe has the worst Justice League adaptation of all time. The writers of this project should be fired and blacklisted from ever touching an established universe again and Sweet Baby Inc should be abolished and the company should be shut down. The worst of humanity and like I said, if it were up to me, I would put them all in prison for 25 years to life without parole. I can't wait until the day this becomes a true crime as far as gaming is concerned. I don't have much to say, it's pretty fun, the traversal is good, the gunplay feels good but it's pretty shallow and the variety of brain dead enemies feels pretty much the same, like with every enemy type you get practically all the skills in the first two hours of the game. so it gets very repetitive very quickly and there literally isn't much skill or variety in the combat, the mission design is extremely repetitive and the boss fights suck.
If I were judging this game as if the story wasn't here and it was just a game I would give it a 6 out of 10, but due to the fact that this is the worst story ever created, I'm going to lower my score to a four out of 10. The only thing I like about this game is the facial art direction. animations voice acting some of the music the game is pretty fun yes that's it. I hope this game dies before it gets to season 4. I thank you all for watching it. Sorry this video is so negative but I hate this game, it pissed me off. a lot and uh yeah

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