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Sucesión2024: Impugnan candidaturas por violencia política en razón de género

Jul 02, 2024
Hello, how are you, welcome and welcome to your 2024 session in the context of the International Working Women's Day commemorated on March 8, today we are going to dedicate ample space to review the agenda of the feminist proposals of the candidates and the candidate. to the presidency of the Republic we are also going to review Now in depth how much empowerment we women have achieved on the poli


l map heading towards next June 2 we begin Morena challenged before the electoral court the candidacy for a Federal deputation of Gabriel Quadri under the argument that she is ineligible because she has a sentence for poli


l violence based on gender, Morena's representative before the INE Sergio Gutiérrez Luna explained that the application of Teresa Castel, who received a sentence after a discriminatory publication against her, will also be appealed.
sucesi n2024 impugnan candidaturas por violencia pol tica en raz n de g nero
Also legislator Salma Luévano, this happened in March 2023. And in accordance with mechanism 8 against violence, which was developed precisely by the National Electoral Institute, no person can be nominated for a Popular Election position, a position or a commission of the public service if you have a final sentence under the following assumptions for the intentional commission of crimes against life and bodily integrity for attacking sexual freedom and security for violating normal psychosexual development for incurring in family or domestic violence due to rape to sexual intimacy due to political violence against women based on gender in any of its modalities or types for being declared as a delinquent food debtor, also precisely about this challenge, we are going to talk with Hann de la Madrid, she is a candidate for mayor of Coyoacán for the Morena party and one of the promoters of this challenge or in reality it is an appeal if I am not mistaken to the list of candidates presented by the Pan, the PRI and the PRD and that includes Gabriel Quadri in its ranks, welcome And Thank you very much for taking the communication.
sucesi n2024 impugnan candidaturas por violencia pol tica en raz n de g nero

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sucesi n2024 impugnan candidaturas por violencia pol tica en raz n de g nero...

Thank you very much Luis. It is an honor to be here with your entire audience. It is precisely a challenge and it is a challenge because they have already presented their candidate, they already have their candidacy firm and what we are asking the INE is that obviously If we have fought for years so that there is a list of violators who cannot come to power, who cannot show themselves from the top, as you have already seen, nothing happens, we can continue doing it and we want to give a statement that violence has reached this point in all its forms. forms because it cannot be possible for you to submit for re-election a candidate who has clearly committed a number of repeated acts of violence against all minority groups, now he has put them all on top of him But who is already classified within the registry of violators to give you an idea, the court at some point and what his party is trying to propose and is encouraged is that since he has not lost his honest way of living, he can continue to be suitable for this candidacy.
sucesi n2024 impugnan candidaturas por violencia pol tica en raz n de g nero
What is my intention, so let it be known that this is not valid and that there is no way for us to justify these any type of violators of power, so eh, I think it's going to be good. I think the Debate puts at the heart of the hurricane that we haven't been sufficiently profound in terms of the regulation of this issue, the TR law of TR that was finally an act for all groups was Well, an achievement after dozens of years of struggle to say Hey, it is that if the violators continue to cover each other and They continue to justify each other and continue to reach high decision-making positions.
sucesi n2024 impugnan candidaturas por violencia pol tica en raz n de g nero
Well, the minorities or the victims or those of us who have something to appeal are defenseless, so the challenge, I believe, has legal political support and many citizens. Ana, let's say that there would have to be two. reactions or two paths for this challenge that you make, one is of course the one that continues its legal course in the electoral court, first ask yourself about that, what has to happen now, they are going to review because I understand that this is one of many challenges that were made from all the parties, but this one in particular, as you say, is obvious because there is a law in force on the matter.
So let's say that is one way, that of the court, asking you what is next to expect and also the other one, which is, let's say the public one, not that of a candidate who She just told us over the weekend that she is a feminist but that her own bloc is also nominating a rapist and someone who is openly discriminatory. The truth is that she has been so with open hate speech on multiple occasions that is clearly contrary to at least What was the narrative of this weekend, first of all, the citizen and political issue that I think we cannot leave aside, which is to explain to the citizens, Well, that there is a group of people who act violently with impunity and that They don't think that anything is happening, that is, they don't even think that it's done wrong.
They don't think that it's something bad. They don't think that what they really did. They don't think that they did something wrong. My grandmother would say that they don't understand that. The most normal thing for them is to run for re-election a deputy who has clearly failed the citizens and who has failed. Imagine in the heart of Coyoacán the most progressive, most avant-garde mayor's office where all rights and access to multiple spaces and multiple social rights because there again they want me to be elected again so this is the citizen way and the way of letting people know Well, let them analyze that they are the same, pretending that they have already changed but that they are the same looking for the same same attacking the same thing and that they have not changed And they are not going to change that they put on makeup and that they say one thing in the speech but in reality they are not being different nor have they learned the lesson and the other is the way Legally, as you point out, it is waiting for the INE to respond to us.
Why do you consider it appropriate even when this law exists, even when this list exists, even when there is this registry that explains to us legally in a very supported manner Why did they allow that candidacy to be coming And from there obviously also the INE and the counselors who will have to respond to the citizens Because if it cost us so much to get a law to have a registry to bring the TR of three to have to have so much Progress in this legislative matter because at the end of the day the regulations will It is failing the citizens, of course, it is even an issue that the counselors themselves, within the horseshoe of democracy, as this general council is called, even grew, let's say there is a law, as you say, three out of three and now a whole mechanism eight out of eight that extends let's still say the no, still more violence Not clear, look at one of the topics that I have been talking about with many colleagues in the media because they tell me Hey, but the thing is that he violated but only a little and only on Twitter and only to a trans colleague, I What do I tell you?
We have to learn to say that he who violates violence, women generally have to say, I'm not going to allow you to hit me even a little bit, yell at me even a little bit, I'm not going to allow you to take away my rights even a little bit, that is. Not one of them has ever brought me face to face with these comrades from the alliance who told me, Hey, but we only kicked one of your comrades and she is a brigadier and I. Well, the life of a brigadier is worth the same as the life of the president of the republic, what's wrong with you and there were only a few kicks, no.
Well, how do you think so, that's why I'm telling you, they're not going to change, no, they don't have the tools to be able to carry out a catharsis and realize that they are making a mistake by pushing the Mexican state towards a state of violence So we have to go back and that is where the citizens, if you look at the national level, well obviously the project headed by Claudia Shen is devastating me because the citizens are fed up with black campaigns, they are fed up with bickering, they are fed up with that, well, the the same ones in the plural lists the same ones in the candidacy lists the same ones doing the same the same ones they put on makeup they change their colors but they continue doing the same thing so they are the same thing they represent the same thing and I am convinced that the city will tell them up to this point and we have to go for plan C to make these legislative adjustments that allow us to go deeper into this rule of law.
Yes, precisely as you say, it is a Federal District, but let's say that it represents Mexico City and particularly this area of ​​Coyoacán and the City of Mexico has a constitution that recognizes the right to identity that he has violated repeatedly on Twitter in plenary sessions in interviews with public media, that is, well, public and private, so Jana ask yourself, too, no. Well, he answered us, he answered our tweet saying, “morena loves me.” to challenge because I defend the space and the sacred place of women and he does not understand that he did not understand this, our citizen's work is not to let him reach because look, eh, Imagine this, this small group that continues to think about these privileges because there are also people who think that the party n Yes, it was a good idea and there are also people who think that killing by beating is a good idea or public inflation is a good idea and that does not mean that from the public side we have to say Ah okay, since there are people who think that, let's give space to A representative who thinks about it and represents it, the Mexican state has the guarantee and obligation to tell its citizens, there is a better way, there is a better space, there is a better way of doing things, do not resolve disputes with blows, on the contrary, let's find a way to that from our communities the culture of p to the way in which we solve problems and Well, just to say that it is also not a partisan assessment, as you said, there is a sentence.
Well, no, that is what should be enough And just ask yourself, What is happening? when not What happens when there are laws but in the end they are not complied with is like a perverse incentive No because then in the end those who are violators are going to say well nothing happened last time we can continue repeating this violent pattern that is not fair that is why for me it is obligatory as social fighter, raise your voice, that is, you cannot go unpunished, you cannot go without a response, you cannot go without someone turning around and saying what you are doing is wrong.
And if the wrong person is wrong and if the INE commits the barbaric act of saying, Well, yes, yes. Yes, he sinned, but he violated a little, but a little. If he is on the registry, but a little, well, we have to fight and we have to raise our voices because this is happening right now with gender-based violence. But what is going to happen on the day of tomorrow when we talk about intern violence or that we talk tomorrow about someone who took their children but only a little or who did not pay the pension but only a little for 10 years or if I explain myself, that is, when you allow something to be done a little bit Impunity is one of the great evils that allows people to remain entrenched in privileges and only the citizen cause, only the citizen voice, only joining together as a collective and raising our voices Until the system changes, as many of us in the streets say, no.
It is going to fall, we are going to throw it away because we have to raise awareness that the state has to be very careful. Why? Because we are only 2000 years behind in coexistence in public life. No. So we have to be very alert, we have to be very alert. added to each other to tell us if he does it to you he doesn't do it to everyone and that's why I became solaric with Salma that the truth is that she is a super legislator and she brings the cause of diversity well and they told me Hey but yes You are not one of diversity, why are you defending it because it is also my job as a social fighter to cause the causes of others.
So tomorrow, for example, my cause is motherhood as a profession, the day my cause is being stoned, beaten, etc. I will wait for all the collectives to say Hey, not like this with arguments with proposals with ideas, not with calls to the obvious with discrimination on Twitter because Twitter has become a space from which public swelling is summoned, let me explain. So if we don't add all our voices to try to make a better community in a much more lively environment Well the meme is going to win us the dirty war is going to win us the primes and diretes and in these types of campaigns only the strategists win, eh those who get paid millions for making black campaign strategies That's what everyone else wins, we lose, we don't lose, society loses, the communicators all, let me grab this same Hanana conversation thread to ask you one last question, thanking you a lot for the time, especially in these days of such a busy agenda.
Eh What you are saying about the narratives, the president said a few weeks ago, since much of the opposition's narrative is concentrating in the country's capital and that perhaps that could be that it is being plastered not on this phrase that was later controversial by the head of government and a lot of figures who say no, it is not that it is being breaded, not only that the narrative is being concentrated. Here, what is your opinion about it, what is happening is that here the right-wing proposal or the bread proposal It has normally been not to present proposals but to declare guilty, that is, instead of debating Dr.
Shb, eh, each of her 100 proposals and saying, I like this one better or I don't like this one or this contrast it with this other eh. What they do is speak badly about people. There is a scientific argument. What fascinates me is that when people in a debate run out of ideas, they run out of arguments, they run out of enthusiasm, where to speak, they start talking about people.So normally the truth is that the pre-entanglement alliance has been around for many years and since they have not allowed internal democracy to enlighten them, they have allowed fresh ideas to arrive and they are entrenched in a 20th century system that refuses to die.
If they do not manage to offer a programmatic plan of systematized actions with numbers and amounts that society falls in love with, then the only thing they do is speak badly about others, that is, they speak badly about each other, they speak badly about them and their governments speak badly. The one across the street speaks badly of the girlfriends of the ex-girlfriends of the cousins' uncles, they speak badly of everyone they come across, they speak badly and they look for culprits and they look for victims and they are victimizers and they bring such a strange vibe eh And that's breading the capitals, that is, instead of talking about freedom of rights from your position, what do you dream about when you dream, well, the alliance is poisoning the public sphere with Well, with a very blackened environment, and look, it just gets with with with with the power went out no this is very gloomy so uh that's what the president was referring to the truth is that those of us who more or less understand what the strategy of the alliance is uh break hope break the community break break everything What is being projected, imagine after 30 years of fighting for the birth of the National Care System, we should be debating that, our debate should be how we are going to help caring mothers, how we are going to help caring grandmothers, how we are going to help fathers. that are taking better care of the respectful upbringing of children every day.
How are we going to deal with the rights of minorities? How are we going to deal with disabilities? We should be debating all that, which is the Mexico that we all dream of. And instead That's why we are debating that if there are blood pacts that if Chuchita did I don't know what that if Perenganito recorded a video I don't know what you're saying why they always cling to lowering the level and bringing out the worst in everyone instead of detonating in no Do you like what Dr. Shen is proposing Okay, what do you propose? No, nothing.
No more than I'm the least worst. No, well, come from Madrid. Thank you very much for these minutes of conversation. We will closely follow this legal process that you have initiated in against Gabriel Quadri and some other candidates, if you allow us, we will maintain communication, very good evening and thank you very much. Of course, Luisa, here we will be talking to you and at the territorial level in Coyoacán, you will encounter a fierce opposition that will not let you pass. Thank you very much and good evening, good evening, a fan of Madrid and a Morenoist candidate for mayor of Coyoacán, and she is precisely one of the promoters of this challenge to Gabriel Quadri's candidacy for the lower house.
And the fact is that actions like the ones we just mentioned like the 3 out of 3 law like the 8 out of 8 mechanism help women participate more in this competition for popularly elected positions if they do it without violence possibly there is an incentive it is an issue in which we know Mexico has great pending issues currently nine women are governing one of the 32 entities but this panorama could change precisely on June 2 since in the nine entities in dispute there is at least one candidate, let's see the current map ter Jiménez governs Aguascalientes she is a PAN member Mara lesama governs Quintana ro she Maru Campos is a morenista who governs Chihuahua and she is a PAN member Indira Vizcaíno governs Colima and she is a morenista Marina del Pilar Ávila governs Baja California and she is a brunette Laida Sansores also a brunette governs Campeche the same is Evely Salgado who governs Guerrero and Lorena Cuellar who is also a brunette or with Morena governs Tlascala, the same as Delfina Gómez, the teacher who governs Edomex and the doctor Claudia Sh won here in the capital in Mexico City but currently the city is governed by bi batres because the doctor made a request for a license to compete for the presidency So instead of 10 we go back to nu.
And the more women there are in a party, the more likely they are to run for a popularly elected position. But this is not necessarily the case. Even though women are predominant in absolutely all colors, we go Let's see, Morena has 1,628 1,000 women in its ranks, a figure higher than the 93,000 men registered with the INE. The PRI is the second party with the most women after Morena. It has 924,000, out of the 518,000 men. In third place is the PRD, which has 650,000 women. and 333,000 men the ver has 425,000 women and 235,000 men the PT 297,000 women and 170,000 men the citizen movement has 228,000 women and 154,000 men and the pan is the party that has almost the same number of men and women with 149,000 and 129,000 respectively within the framework of This 8m the candidates and the candidate presented their feminist agenda or their agenda for women, we are going to review it and we will begin to do so with the brunette candidate, the PT and the green party, Claudia Shom, she announced new economic support for women between 60 and 64 years old is To support their economic independence after a lifetime of hard work as heads of families, the government is going to give them support, we are going to start in 2025 with one million women aged 60 64 and in the following years we will We are going to make that support universal sochil Gálvez, the candidate of the PRI, the Pan and the PRD, presented 10 proposals on gender, she mainly took up the National Care System, but she recovered the child care scheme, the National Care System with child care homes, full-time schools. doctor in your home, villages of knowledge and universities of life so that if you wish, women can stop being caregivers and dedicate themselves to what they want.
A few days later at an event yesterday, Sunday, Sochil and a mariachi group performed the song Vivir sin fear of living Quintana this caused a lot of criticism on social networks for the appropriation of the song and for using politically a song that is an activist on the other hand Jorge Álvarez month of citizen movement called on his opponents to convince their benches in both the lower house and the senate to approve 13 opinions with a gender perspective that said the citizen movement has presented issues of great relevance such as reducing the wage gap between women and men guaranteeing reproductive health recognition of the right to care and receive care Mexico can be a fairer and safer country for women the new Mexico is one where women can live safely and without fear the new Mexico is one where men and women are equal in opportunities the new Mexico is one where all women in the country are guaranteed all rights, the new Mexico is one where a caring welfare state is born and where women Stop being in time poverty, the best way to commemorate a historical date like March 8 would be that we approve as soon as possible this historic agenda that would help settle the gender debt that exists in this country, let there be no excuses, let's advance the gender agenda, with this we go to our first break and return after a few minutes, this is your 2024 session, no.
Don't let yourself be fooled. No one can take away your social programs. Don't be afraid. It's not fair that they want to scare you with that lie. I voted in favor of scholarships and pensions because they are necessary and valuable for your family. Don't be afraid. Soil goes for a Mexico. without fear sochil president candidate of the coalition strength and heart for Mexico the citizen option votes PRD I studied physics later I did a master's degree and doctorate in energy engineering that led me to be part of the intergovernmental panel on climate change Impuls environmental policies we planted 35 million plants and trees we have the largest solar plant in any city two garbage recycling plants that are the largest in all of Latin America we can no longer think about economic growth if we do not think about society or the environment that the green party lives There is no doubt Claudia is the best option, all of Mexico breathes because all that Love with love is paid because the people are the heart of the transformation Claudia shb president candidate of the coalition let's continue making brown history Thank you very much for your tune again in your session 2024 we greet Miguel Arzate in the studio, he is a reporter for channel 14 and the ad every morning of the Presidential Source welcome Miguel Thank you very much for being here Luisa What a pleasure to share this space with you and it is worth doing it because in recent days The contest for the presidency of the Republic in our country has taken international paths because not only do these campaigns continue on social networks that are votes from abroad, not from our country, but also a Spanish representative comes to our country, a representative who has declared herself to be In favor of these ultra-libertarian economic policies, he comes to throw flowers at the bread candidate and speak badly of the government of President López Obrador and also badly of the brunette candidate, but let's go in parts, not Luisa.
It must be said that there is a communicating vessel, it seems that No, but these same trolling centers, as Julián Macías calls them, the digital pandemic activist who we will talk about a little later, has detected that there are precisely activations in different parts of the world that retweet, let's say certain speeches and normally they are speeches that have to do with with the foundation for freedom, which is precisely one of the promoters of the event where Cayetana was then. It seems that they are isolated but in reality they end up being woven together.
Do you want to start then with the war of digital narratives? That's why Julián Julián Macías from the digital pandemic published a message A few days ago to see if we can see it I think we have it and it talks about the fact that it analyzed 30,000 messages on this social network Since these armed campaigns were previously called Bot farms, now they are called troll centers, in these troll centers, mistakes are made as if they were schemes, a person, a flesh-and-blood user, could make it, but when this mistake is made 30,000 times, it is already evident.
They are not real users, but rather automated machines generating this type of messages. What did Julián Macías see that Sochil T was coming instead of Sochit? time the same idea the same words in the same order and the same order of words to convey this message and Why did I call it porn Bots for the profiles Luisa the profiles of the supposed users that is to say all these accounts that function as troll Center What they do is retweet these hashtags even with sochil galves errors, that's why we know that it is not, let's say, an organic behavior and at the same time they criticize Andrés Manuel López Obrador and Claudia and when you get into the detail, these images are like of models in bikinis or Well yes women let's say eh with a lot of exao Very beautiful eh but they are clearly fake profiles and this is something that he had already detected in other moments of trolling for saying one way or of massive campaigns against of President López Obrador a year and a half ago it will have been you Miguel covered it in the morning conference the president presented precisely a message from Julián Macías on Twitter in which he analyzed the hashtag amlo betete and the communicating glass between that moment and this is precisely these how I gave him says porn Bots well these profiles of models that are false and that simultaneously from different uh locations in the world are growing inorganically a hashtag in the in the morning conferences The chat between reporters uh we talk and what is being observed that these fake profiles before Only the name of a profile appeared, maybe it couldn't be a person's full name, otherwise some words appeared, an image did not appear, but now what these troll centers are doing, they are creating profiles with the names and faces of people who are being talked about. create with Artificial Intelligence first Julián Macía you will remember Luisa had already broken down this campaign with the message Amlo narco-president President López Obrador his morning conference began well, uh, an information campaign called Who Who is us Bots where they are breaking down And if you can even see the network Where do these messages come from and again with this campaign, what a piece Julián Macías has done with this soil TL soil TL one can see that the messages are not from Mexico, they are not users from Mexico, they come from abroad, which makes it clear that it is a campaign Armed with all the intention of positioning the bread candidate in this case and leaving it in a bad place to create a misinformation campaign against the dark-haired candidate, because what I see here is that this same thread by Julián Macías Tovar who you can see on Twitter or x as he likes to say like @julian maast is that in addition these same accounts, let's say that respond to these Bot farms, retweet characters like Max Kaiser according to the analysis that he himself does and other characters Let's say linked precisely with the opposition to President López Obrador and speaking of that, Miguel, do you think if we move on to our second topic of the day, which is the presence of the Spanish PP deputy Cayetana Álvarez, she is a woman who made a lot of noise, especially on the networks. social for their participation in this festival of ideas, an evolution of Ciudad de las ideas, a festival promoted by Ricardo Salinas and in hismoment by Andrés ruemer now as we know ruemer is a fugitive so it changes its name and becomes this festival where caletana Álvarez said the following let's listen to Mexico this formidable country this admirable nation this impressive economic and cultural power is being taken over by organized crime with the complacency of those who should defend it hugs not bullets or rather hugs to those who shoot the slogan is nice but the result is catastrophic catastrophic for democracy and especially for young people Mexico is not condemned to suffer more than 30,000 murders a year Mexico is not It is condemned to be El Cortijo of the cartels Mexico is not condemned to mutate into a narco state Or something similar organized crime can be Defeated it only takes two things brave politicians and Young rebels and the president responded Miguel That's right it was on the agenda of the fellow reporters before entering the morning conference in the talk we talked about something that caught a lot of attention about this new version of the city of ideas organized by the businessman Ricardo Salnes spread that on this occasion was made very much like an exhibition business some Dean was like a shar Tank type or business ideas Cayetana comes to our country she is well known in Spain for her oratory against left-wing governments and particularly her messages in favor of ultra-liberal economic models always attract a lot of attention.
This weekend she comes to our country and draws attention to the fact that she openly positions herself in favor of the candidate of the National Action party, the Well party on the right in our country, and she is also identified as a Spanish legislator. Very conservative, Luisa, President López Obrador. He did not wait for someone to ask him a question about this forum that was held in Puebla, he himself answered Well, to the legislator because he not only spoke about Suil Gálvez but also referred to the candidacy of Claudia Shenon and also spoke about the policies of the government of the President López Obrador obviously the Spanish legislator spoke to criticize the government of President López Obrador and the president responded in this way they just brought a lady from an association that exists in Mexico, a young Spanish representative, I believe, this Yes, the conservatives gave her a wide publicity came to speak badly about me, the truth is that it is a sign of pride because this young lady belongs to the extreme right and well, other guests at this festival in this same broadcast are, for example, Sergio Sarmiento or Roberto Salinas himself, who are, as you said, figures linked to This liberal thought, let's say almost of a completely open market, normally criticizes in its postulates anything or candidate speech that talks about strengthening the state, the public, and it is interesting and, as we said, it communicates in some way with what Julián Macías published because precisely It is these characters that this Bot network amplifies.
In fact, at some point there was talk of these foundations for freedom or foundations that change their name, another one is called, uh, Roberto Salinas' Roberto Salinas foundation for freedom and progress, they are a series of foundations for freedom. There is even one that Vargas himself directs and the one that former President Felipe Calderón was invited to, you will remember all of these foundations, let's say they are in constant communication and lobby discursively with these events against these left-wing proposals and one of those messages that is being spread. in these Bot farms in these roll Center precisely the message from Deputy Cayetana where she calls on Mexican businessmen to raise their voices says against the moral impunity of the government of President López Obrador and for that reason President López Obrador responds It is a sign of pride because they come from other countries to see what is being done in our country Lisa Now what the president said is complex, not that it is just people from another country who come and openly make calls to ignore authorities because No, that's right, but that's how the electoral contest is taking its path in our country, and well, with Justo, a visit by Sochil Gálvez to this Vargas yosa foundation when he was in Europe with just right-wing and libertarian think tanks in the United States, the candidate Justo el Pan pri And the PRD stopped with several of these foundations when it was on its tour in the inter-campaign stage in the United States that's right and another issue that was also in the inter-campaign period Luisa was also already there the church not only the Catholic Church in our country but different religious organizations were already focusing on the electoral issue in our country and just today there was a meeting of the two candidates for the presidency of the Republic and the candidate at the conference of the Mexican episcopate to have a Union What did the Catholic Church do so that the candidates for the presidency could speak out or follow a path that would seek peace in our country?
So it is a kind of document of the national commitment to peace that has as its theme the issue of social fabric. issue two security three justice four prisons five adolescents six governance and seven human rights evidently the security issue, let's say, was the most controversial since despite the fact that everyone signed the document, it is based on assumptions that at least one of the candidates said I can't take as valid, that is not to say that I sign it because of my commitment, let's say with the core, but it does not mean that I am recognizing that this is how it is being painted.
Is it okay if we listen to Claudia, let's listen. With the understanding that the dialogue with all sectors of the Society must put our coincidences at the forefront and continue talking to build greater consensus. I present some of the assertions and proposals with which I do not agree. I do not share the pessimistic evaluation of the current moment. I do not agree with the vision of fear, impotence, distrust and uncertainty. What Claudia Shenon proposes is that there be among the candidates, between the candidate and the candidate, in addition to her, that there be a common sheet route so that the candidates, whoever reaches the presidency, can work on that path and well, what he left of course Claudio Shan eh in this participation eh In this forum of the Catholic Church it is that it is working in the same sense of looking for a way to pacify the country and why precisely in the days before this meeting it was even a topic in the morning conference that some fellow reporters asked the president was that they said it is not seen that there is a way, for example particularly with Claudio Shenon to talk about pacifying the country Luisa and no it was not what Claudio Shan made clear yes we are working on this path and we must make a common route between the three, yes completely let's say that in the description part of the problem it just says our social fabric is in a process of degradation we have been losing the sense of belonging a community has emerged and different types of violence have worsened, so what Claudia says is, well, let's not assume that this happened right now, it is not necessarily saying, as she says, that we have these objectives in common without feeling like accepting a certain narrative flag that she has also tried to place.
Let's say the opposition Well, Miguel, we're running out of time a bit, but there is another issue that has also been in the sights of the presidential candidates and the presidential candidate and it has to do with the views on energy sovereignty and a healthy environment, the refineries are there. Something that draws a lot of attention on this particular topic, our fellow reporters at the National Palace were talking in the morning that it is curious that the INE asks the president not to talk about electoral issues, not to talk about the candidates but the candidates, their government platforms or their messages. politicians are always around what is happening in the government of President López Obrador, particularly this weekend, both the bread candidate and the citizen movement candidate because they talked about the refineries, they even talked about why there should no longer be so much money in Pemex.
President López Obrador even talked about the proposal that if they become president, closing refineries was what President López Obrador responded this morning and well, he said, our plan to seek energy sovereignty is giving results today Pemex It no longer has a debt like it had before, we are close to producing the number of barrels necessary for Mexico to produce the gasoline it needs and not bringing them from abroad. In addition to this, by having Mexico have its own gasoline, it is not enough to produce its own gasoline. from abroad helps to have a stable price of gasoline and this also helps to control the inflation of other merchandise because all merchandise is moved through vehicles that consume gasoline and this to maintain to maintain That it does not overflow that it does not get out of control Inflation and having controlled inflation helps the pockets of Mexican families, but let's say that it is a position of this candidate that is consistent with what their parties have done, for example, in the chambers.
The truth is that while the president has presented reforms precisely to move towards electrical energy sovereignty and not to strengthen state entities, these parties had actually always voted against that sovereignty. Now there is a change in narrative to say it is for an environmental issue but the substance is the same apart from an environmental issue. They are with this message that the world is already moving towards green energy and electricity is going to be produced with eh wind generators, vehicles are going to be electric And the truth is that this message, one that has covered environmental issues for years, has been given Keep in mind that this message that vehicles will be electric in about 5 years continues to be delayed, continues to be tied up and also if Mexico does not have refineries eh Well, not only would it lose the opportunity to produce its fuels but also different products eh eh chemicals that are used for the manufacturing of other plastic materials, that is, the refineries do not only produce gasoline but also many petroleum derivatives that today. energy transition as a flag, as we say, always in the spotlight, but it is not that the CFE is not happening.
To begin with, it is the largest producer of clean energy in our country, not even in the public-private percentage, eh. And the truth is that sovereignty sometimes does not It is 100% compatible with intermittencies, no, we cannot risk people running out of energy, for example in a time of emergency like the pandemic, and that is why we just started talking about this security in energy matters. But well, Miguel is a A topic that is very useful, eh. With what you leave us, thank you for having joined the 2024 succession. President López Obrador was clear that we have to move towards energy security because it is not an electoral issue, it is a national security issue.
What would happen if the country that sells us gasoline to Mexico decides not to sell us we would enter a crisis and that is why it is important to continue investing in Mexican oil Miguel Azate reporter from channel 14 Thank you very much great privilege to listen to you and talk with you here I hope we take more care Yes I hope we do take you at your word very good evening Here we continue with the information, the general council of the INE of the National Electoral Institute unanimously approved that the news anchors, mostly from television but also from radio, Denise Merker and Manuel López Arm Marín moderate the first debate for the presidency of the republic which is scheduled for April 7 will be at 8 p.m. at 8 p.m. and for the first time at the INE headquarters in an extraordinary session it also approved the final schedule for this first presidential debate, they are going to be more well defined. the participation times of the three candidates, the order in which they will be presented and the reference times that each one of them will have.
In addition, it was approved to offer them as payment as remuneration 150,000 gross pesos would be delivered through receipts for fees or through companies in their name, these moderators also have the option of rejecting payment as has been done in previous years. Likewise, the general line council approved the venues for the three debates. We remind you, we already said it the first time. to be on April 7 at 8 pm at the INE central offices, the second is at the same time but on April 28 at the Churubusco studios and the third is at the same time but on May 19 and with headquarters at the Tlatelolco university cultural center to all this How important are the debates for Mexican citizens, what question do people consider that could not be missed?
Our colleague Diego Camacho took to the streets to ask precisely: Yes, they are important because in this way the perspective of what What is going to happen from what is possible from what they offer us Although we know that much of that never becomes true, I do take them into account because what interests me is that they benefit the country, they benefit us all, Not just a few of you You are super defined I don't go for the party I don't go for this one because of what they offer I go for the person in case I know something very relevant or something that is very irrefutable not about some candidate something especially very negative No no now Definitely, no matter what happens, I am not going to change it to combat insecurity in the country of the main vanto dedicate themselves to improving the country they are going to seek security for all Mexicans or we are going to continue with the same security I don't live here I live in Cancun and the truth is It's terrible rather What is your feeling in a society that is sexist I don't like the one we live in, I would ask Sochin why they attack this government so much And why For everything, they want to file lawsuits, complaints, because they complain about everything, they want respect, but they don't respect, they rely a lot on the Supreme Court, but definitely, well They do not respect others, allow us With this a pause and we will return with more information, women are afraid, afraid to go out into the street and not return alive, afraid that someone will violate them, to free women from violence, with me, there will be zero impunity.
I will defend and support them with all my strength and with all my heart from beginning to end we are going for a Mexico of women for a Mexico without fear soil president candidate of the coalition strength and heart for Mexico the PRI does resolve vote pri without fear Mexico with strength of heart work and speaking with the truth United we will recover peace and prosperity without fear in the streets without fear of getting sick and not having medicine without fear of dreaming without fear of undertaking and getting ahead this choice is ours moment for a Mexico without fear soil president candidate of the coalition Fer and heart for Mexico the time has come for change, bring bread, let's continue and move forward with the transformation, the fourth transformation is to build a homeland, I love my homeland and I love my people who visit Mexico long live Mexico long live Mexico sh president candidate of the coalition let's continue making brown history it is our third and last block of succession 2024 we are going to dedicate it to security precisely the president advisor of the INE of the National Electoral Institute Guadalupe Tadey confirmed the reinforcement of security for the electoral personnel in the districts of four entities, we are talking about San Luis Potosí, Puebla de Chihuahua and Durango, this is decided based on the security requests that have been made in each region, specifically in these four states, all the supervisors and trainers in These four entities have already received an emergency telephone number.
The call to it guarantees an immediate response in coordination with the Sedena. The president of the INE did not give the total number of elements of the national guard that will be assigned to each of them. the entities but he did celebrate that there will be women in the teams that will be providing security during this contest, President López Obrador and the head of government Martí Váteres had crossed or opposing statements about whether Mexico City was becoming impassioned or not This This is what the numbers say today, Luisa. As the campaigns progress, we have more details about this electoral process.
We no longer only have surveys on preferences towards the presidency or entities. Now there are even surveys on municipalities and mayors and on this occasion we will see the details of Mexico City through the compilation made by pols MX that begins its exercises today in the estimates of Who will win the mayoralties of Azcapotzalco álvar Obregón Benito Juárez and Coyoacán let's start with the mayoralty of álvar Obregón where according to the compilation of polls the front led by the pan PRD and PRI leads the polls with 53 percent. followed by the coalition of Modena PT and the Green Party with 42 percent and the citizen movement with 4%, however, there is a good possibility that Modena will regain the mayor's office since it already cut 10 points in 2021, losing it against the PAN party Lea Lemon who won with 21 points of difference And currently there is only 11 points of difference between first and second place Morena would also recover Azcapotzalco today governed by bread according to preferences at this time the coalition Let's continue making history has rebounded in the polls and is at the head of the preferences with 54 over 39 of the opposition and 5% of the citizen movement and with the numbers that the work of Pauls Modena shows us, we have an advantage of 15 points in the entity.
Now let's review the panorama of Coyoacán where the The race for mayor is quite close despite the fact that the PAN PRI and PRD lead with 51. Those from the Let's continue making history coalitions remain firm in Coyacán with 43 and further away the citizen movement with 5%, a completely closed panorama for the demarcation in Modena. has cut the 17 points with which it lost to the alliance of the Pri pan and PRD in 2021 And currently they are only eight points away and we end with the panorama of the Benito Juárez mayor's office The Jewel of the PAN crown in Mexico City according to pors The PAN members together with the PRI and PRD are in the lead with 54 per. followed by Modena PT and the Green Party with 40% and the Mistas only with 4%, despite the fact that Juarez Avenue is one of the PAN strongholds, it is notable that Modena has closed the gap in first place, 48 percent away.
In 2021, today they are only 15 points away from Luisa, as we can see in this first compilation of surveys in the capital's mayors, Modena is set to recover the mayor's office of Azcapotzalco, a demarcation that it lost in 2021 and to rec est ad distance significantly in Coyacán Álvar Obregón and even in Avenito Juárez marking historically associated with bread so far the surveys Luisa see you next week Thank you very much Santiago for this information Only four have been published four will be published each day due to the complexity of this model You know it the surveys of surveys what they do is recover let's say the surveys that the different houses publish and with their mathematical model make an average So how do they come to this that my partner already presented and well there are four that give let's say the start to this new pols exercise but Every day they will present four plus four plus four more.
It is interesting that they begin in strict alphabetical order but that coincides with some mayoralties that were pendulum Álvaro Obregón was won by Morena in 2018, he changed to the front in 21 and now he is in this kind of close margin tie that Santiago Azcapotzalco already told us, the same thing in the 18th was won by Morena, who changed to the front in the 21st and now looks to be reversed since Morena is in the lead, even Benito Juárez where Santiago Taboada had a victory with a historic distance in his re-election now the gap seems to be closing, the same in Coyoacán there are four of 16 that We will continue reporting week after week So we say goodbye but you will stay with your section until next week this week your section is loaded the campaigns started and the There are not a few elements worthy of attention and reflection.
Let's start by talking about something that for many of us in Mexico City finds it difficult not to see Santiago's face blacked out overnight with the beginning of the campaign, his face appearing on banners. thousands of posts he also presented in a dark video his campaign team made up of several alibra chicks like Mr. Javier Lozano The one famous for the copelas or collar The truth is that the gero candidate of the prian and PRD for Mexico City passed from Cartel to cartel with great fanfare on the national stage, the green party championed by Claudia shb seems to return to the old ways that cost Caro in previous campaigns to resort to influencers for political advertising and what I did not know about the green challenge that Claudio literally Sheva did it because he planted 40 million trees and plants to help the diversity of Mexico City and Wow, the PRI, for its part, insists on its campaign of 120,000 pesos that it offers to the Chaviza to vote for them in a campaign that reflects a real hunger for resources, the institutional revolutionary party, once the party of Mexico that apparently is feeling steps, puts into practice that old PRI recipe to promise No Cost, they are going to give you 12,000 pesos so you can go doing your own things.
Damn, well, candidate Sochel Galvez took advantage of this March 8 to give a political message this year I am not going to go to the march to prevent it from becoming politicized and to launch a proposal I have the proposal of having a line against anger that can also ask for help and help to the men because they are also having a bad time, the men that we think are not very suitable for an 8m But well, each one the curious thing that has caught our attention is that in the light of their campaign guided by fear where we are not afraid to go out out on the street afraid of getting sick afraid of dreaming candidate Gálvez seems to be hiding something behind her characteristic and cheerful self-confidence a shadow appears her campaign has adopted the phrase without fear of success and in her section we want to remind her of another phrase born from the networks Max scolds me hey friend, realize your public media wherever and whenever you want, find favorite content on our platform or download the MX Plus app

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