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Structure of Atom

Jun 02, 2021
Hello friends, I'm sure you've played with the fidget spinner. Have you ever thought that this spinning toy is very similar to the


of an


, that is what we will explore in this video, we will see how sub


ic particles, protons, electrons? and neutrons are arranged in an atom, we also look at the Thomson and Rutherford atomic model, listen carefully because towards the end we will ask our three main questions on this topic, first let's review the subatomic particles, protons, electrons and neutrons in this video. was going to learn how these particles are located in an atom, a scientist named JJ Thompson, who discovered the electron, proposed the plum pudding model of an atom, now at that time the neutron particle had not been discovered, so scientists were only working with protons. and electrons now, what was your plum pudding model?
structure of atom
He said that electrons are like tiny plums sitting in this big positive pudding. Now I don't have a plum pudding with me, so I'm going to use this watermelon instead, so if you look at the watermelon, this red part is like a big positive mass and these little seeds are like electrons sitting in this big red mass of positive charge. Thomson's model of the atom was an atom consisting of a positively charged sphere with negatively charged electrons embedded or trapped in it. and the negative and positive charges are equal and opposite so the atom is electrically neutral let's add Thomson's model to our concept Wood Thomson's model explained the neutral nature of the atom but could not explain the result of the experiments carried out by many scientists A scientist by the name of Ernest Rutherford came up with an interesting experiment that completely disproved Thomson's model.
structure of atom

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structure of atom...

With his experiment he ate Thomson's plum pudding model or the watermelon model, that's refreshing, so let's take a look at what is the experiment he did to analyze the


of an atom Rutherford and his students tried to bombard a thin layer of atoms with small charged particles they wanted to study the deflection of these particles by the atoms now how did they get a thin layer of atoms? I'm sure you've seen a tin foil. So it's quite thin, like those used in the kitchen to wrap food, but he used gold aluminum foil because it can be beaten into a sheet even thinner than aluminum, since gold is the most malleable metal.
structure of atom
Now I don't have gold foil with me, so I'm going to use this gold foil to represent the gold foil. Now the real gold foil is much thinner than this gold paper. The thickness of real gold foil is only about a thousand atoms. What are the small particles that were used? During the experiment they are called alpha particles and are positively charged. Each alpha particle is basically the nucleus of helium, as it contains two protons and two neutrons. So what do you think the charge of the alpha particle is? That's right, it's plus two, since there are two protons in their alpha particles, they are like small bullets that are emitted from radioactive sources such as radium.
structure of atom
Now I have these little red balls here that represent the alpha particles, so what did they do? They took the gold foil and bombarded it with these alpha particles and observed the scattering of the alpha particles across the gold foil, which is why this is known as the alpha scattering experiment. Let's try to recreate Rutherford's experiment. I need his help, so let's imagine that we are going to magnify this thin layer of gold atoms. here and then we are going to study the scattering of these alpha particles by this thin layer of atoms right here let's use these balls to represent a layer of gold atoms my gold atoms are green the actual thickness of the gold sheet is approximately thousand atoms, but for simplicity, let's keep the thickness as a single layer of atoms and we will bombard this layer of gold atoms with our alpha particles right here, let's shoot the alpha particles towards our gold atoms as expected, you saw that most of They deviate or Rather, Ford and his students also expected the same thing, but what were their observations exactly the opposite?
Their observations were that most of the alpha particles passed directly through some alpha particles were deflected backwards at small angles and few were deflected backwards at large angles and actually very few particles returned to their original path, so for To their surprise they found that most of the alpha particles pass straight through without deflecting, it's almost like the gold foil is empty, like there are no atoms there, so I'm going to go ahead and remove these atoms now. What did Rutherford conclude from his observations? Most of the space inside an atom is empty because they observed that most alpha particles pass straight through without being deflected, so the atom is basically hollow.
Very few alpha particles are deflected. so the positive charge of the atom takes up very little space, even fewer alpha particles return to their original path, so all the positive charge and mass of a gold atom are concentrated in a very small volume within the atom represented by these little green spheres here. so these represent the positive charge and the mass of the atom, so this is our new model of the atom. Let's perform the alpha scattering experiment one more time with this new model now and as you can see, most of the alpha particles pass straight through without being deflected.
Only a small number deviate and even fewer bounce, so this model agrees with Rutherford's observations. Rutherford proposed the nuclear model of the atom which states that there is a positively charged center in an atom called the nucleus, almost all of the mass of the atom is in the nucleus the electrons revolve around the nucleus in circular paths the size of the nucleus is very small in comparison with the size of the atom the neutron particle was discovered much later and added to the nucleus of the atom, so the structure of the atom looks like this spinning fidget spinner with protons and neutrons in the center and electrons spinning outside let's add the model Rutherford to our concept board we can now complete the location of the proton, neutron and electron in the atom now that we are done with the structure of the atom Let's move on to our three main exam oriented questions on this topic.
Here are the three main questions. I encourage you to pause here and try to resolve these questions. I will post a video about the solution soon. You can find a link to the solutions. video in the description below or look for it on my channel page so I hope the structure of the atom is very clear to you now so next time you play with your fidgets spinner remember that the spinning part is the electrons , the heaviest. The particles, which are protons and neutrons, are located in the center called the nucleus and remember to like, comment and share this video and press the subscribe button to my channel.
Thanks for seeing you.

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