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Strongest Women VS Strongest Fish

May 31, 2021
last year we filmed stronger men against stronger


this year stronger woman against stronger


we have steffi gohan probably the


woman on the planet eight time world champion arm wrestler sarah backman and chris nunn she has them ready last year for the


man video the objective was for the rod not to touch the gun the fish when the hooks are going to pull as hard as possible to try to get the rod to touch the boat right here this is the gunwale okay, your job is Use your strength and try to keep him away from the gun.
strongest women vs strongest fish
I'm going to pull as hard as you can if you touch the side, it's the first blow. That makes sense Kristen, you go first, you're ready, I'm ready, come on, let's go over some technique here, okay? so you won't be able to use the back of the boat so when this goes well what's going to happen is I'm going to put the brake on here okay so here you're going to relax so I'm going to hold it here you're going to sit here and You will relax when the fish grabs it. I'm going to hit the drag like this, okay, okay, that's when I'll tell you to get ready.
strongest women vs strongest fish

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strongest women vs strongest fish...

You know, wait, wait. on or reel, you might have to wind to be on it, okay, okay, and then what's going to happen with this rod is going to go slow and it's going to be like a hook on a car, okay, yeah, it's okay, kristen, yeah, first one to go. ready a little nervous but I'm ready here's the bait let's just look ahead there's oh oh you're doing amazing come on come on come on come on come on come on go reel reel reel reel this is bigger than you come on come on there's almost there's five foot five feet squat come on wow wow that's great buddy that's a strong fish incredible incredible that one of the hardest things you've ever done yes it is yes, the weights can't even compete today no no, our fish are stronger than the gym yes they are yes that's a monster yes this is the biggest fish you've ever seen yes it's almost 400 pounds yes let them go okay yes sir here we go watch out okay so one thing that was really helpful was that my left hand, as I was, whoever is holding the bottom must put one hand on the bottom of the rod.
strongest women vs strongest fish
I saw them to keep the thing inside the inside of The thing is okay, okay, so we can practice, we have that hole exactly because if you didn't do that, it stayed like that, you just had one hand here and then you wrapped your other hand around the other one. side and kept it down there. You just went to a war Yeah, yeah, I bought it, I did it, yeah, I mean, I did it, so are you sure you're ready? I'm ready, we're going good, the strongest arm wrestler, the strongest fish, yeah, here we go, you gotta get up.
strongest women vs strongest fish
You have to stay at the top where you have no influence. Oh, very real. How's that compared to arm wrestling? No, there is no comparison. Neither comparison was far-fetched at all. What are you going to do with this? No, this is the worst. That fish is definitely bigger than you. I can promise you yeah, see you here buddy, good job, thank you, thank you ladies, seriously, I want to jump from 1 to 10. How hard was that? No, it was like a 10 is an armrest in Devon. Yes, no, it was 10. Actually yes. When you're seven to go it's like everything's fine, it's fine, here it's like you're dead, I told Stephanie that she used that heavy lifting, that's the feeling she's going for and weightlifting, so she'll take care of it. mentally from this, you know, yeah, you're ready, Stephanie.
I feel like, um, what's that person you meet after third base, fourth is like that? Yes, did you hit him? He will bring it home. This will be me, basically, are you alone, alone, no, brother, that's right, but you. are you ready you're excited I'm excited you're training your whole life for this my whole life this is where it's all about the hip thrusts all the squats are the deadlifts just for this goliath fish here we go he ate it he's got it he's got it got ready get ready ready ready and three two go for it look what you've got okay that's it look what you've got let's see what you've got let's go let's go what you've got what you've got what you've got pick it up, pick it up, pick it up, come on, come on, come on, oh, he's almost 10 feet away, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, seriously, hurry up, hurry up, he's coming, hey, throw me that a hard fish yes my left hand couldn't hold this thing anymore you had big problems no so do you think you think about your future strengths yes I did yes forearms yes yes like dorothy and I could barely hold this is not easy no this is not easy here come on stephanie that's a good goliath soldier right there look at my huge mouth I'm ready for lunch here see you buddy I'm glad at least we all know oh you know what I mean right, it wasn't, she's the best in the world, okay, so the next one we're going to do you know what we're going to release, are you ready to do another one?
Now you're not tired, I mean, I'm tired, but I need to do it. pull yourself together brother because she doesn't drain like that, you know, okay, okay, so for Christmas we're going to change the whole technique now, now we're going to use our body weight instead of using our strength, I'm going to show you. a totally different technique or see if they sell all the fish, they're just a gun so all of those weren't clean so let's try it one more time, this time you guys really have to try to keep it out of reach. weapon or you can do it all yourselves you do it all yourselves I will see you when I believe it you can do it I will believe you when I see it you can do it Do you see how these threw me? "You are exactly incredibly powerful, so how am I going to do it myself?" m I'm 155 I'm a small guy okay I never go to the gym I can't I have no idea how much I deadlift I have no idea how much and I do anything because I never go Well now I want you to lower this rod and this is the technique, pull towards down, I mean, pull down hard, look how those fish pull up, look as hard as you pull, look, look, I'm using my, I'm counteracting that pressure with my body. weight, so the harder I think he pulls, the more I'm going to sit deep and I can back off, okay, come on Kristen, why are you being tortured, come on, come on, come on, you got it, you got it, you got it Come on, come on, come on, Chris, come on. come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, chris, come on, come on, come on, you did it, kristin, you did it, put that out there, how do you feel, the team effort, what?
How does the equipment matter? Bro, different technique, that technique I'm sorry, which one is easier, they're both difficult, maybe maybe this, but not by much, actually, yeah, we'll let them go, I think your left arm is pretty raised right now Yes, yes, quite comfortable. It feels good though, that's like uh like 10 visits to the gym, right, yeah, sure, yeah, I'm proud of myself, I'm proud of you, great, you did great, thanks for the gloves on, feel safe, no, yes, no, demos is a test look at that look at that look at that that's beautiful oh my god, we got she's got this, yeah, she's got this, they'll turn purple, you got those legs of steel ready, okay, yeah, Dude, good job, that's not even funny, it's not. even funny definitely pushes your limits making it look easy your fish is stuck in the wreck yeah meaning you beat us like there's nothing funny about it just no when they're on the rack you're trying to get the dirt out Yes, the earth is. very hard yes, no, it was, it's very heavy, I don't know how much it weighs, although it weighs a lot and uh, it doesn't move.
The fish is smart, it knows how to beat us and it beat us most of the time when they. Get into the rack, they just break the cable with the frame here. I think it's not rigid so they're not breaking it so they're just there so yeah it's Stephanie's turn she's feeling pretty safe no you're not sure bro. let go of that because my grip is already feeling it good, okay, okay, she's in a hurry, here we go, ready, let's catch it, oh my god, okay, I think I'm going to prepare it now, what I think she's got it, buddy, come on , no, it is not. no, he spit out the bait while we were throwing bait for the glass grouper, a huge hammerhead shark that Davis actually saw, came up to the boat, we caught it a couple of times, Carl screwed up, the barracuda, we got the live barracuda out , came within 10 feet. the boat ate the barracuda, grabbed it like a dog bone, literally grabbed it like that and just swam away with it, we let it eat forever, it didn't get hooked, we haven't seen it again so I think it's time to go down to have a glass. more time it's getting late we have storms on the horizon what are you saying I want to go it seems like you're tired I'm exhausted let's go for it let's go let's do it here is what's left of our cuda can you look where the hammer had grabbed him hiding his mouth well, unfortunately the hook when you pull it it twists back on the bait so it sucks that happens sometimes here we go we want to catch one more goliath we really want to see a step we can. do this on her own but that storm is no joke we have to get out we're struggling just to get the bait back you're struggling with the bait come on I swear he's so tired you would have caught the hammerhead if we had hooked them, I was going to try it altogether, we caught five goliath groupers today, we did it, you guys were amazed at the way I seriously fist pumped for all that hard work, the only thing we didn't accomplish was we didn't keep the gunner up, but even the boys struggled with it, so I think maybe next year we'll have a girls vs boys battle, black group, how does that sound?
Do you think so, does it sound good? Do you think maybe because we started later, it took us some time? I had to find the fish today, it wasn't easy, that definitely wore you out 100 um, your arms got tired holding that rod for about an hour, so that wore you out, yeah, yeah, I mean you know the guys definitely had a advantage. I'm not going to lie, they were able to catch fish right away and pretty quickly, so they had to wait a lot longer, so next year we will have a final battle and see, do you think you can beat them?
I think so, I think we have a much better strategy, like watching the guys' video, I think we work better in the team than them, okay, yeah, you know what the guys in the comments below tell us which one worked better than girls. or guys write it in the comments below and also be sure to check out their social media and youtube channels their links in the description stephanie's sarah christians check it out link in the description my friend carl falls in love here you didn't see it him on video but there he is on his phone as always, yes carl, yes, yes, wow, there's carl.
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