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Streamers Reacting to Hearing CORPSE'S Voice For The First Time Compilation

Jun 07, 2021


bill what's going on hello friends wow what's cool wait what's




like under infrasonic is that real no oh my god it's real believe me he would be that guy who, as you know, kills people in the game I think a fist fights, yeah, John said, it sounds like God and the devil should sound like I don't know, I guess since I haven't done a face reveal, okay guys, well, I just don't think someone with This


looks like you. they don't look like what they sound like you're accurate you're completely accurate everything I don't know he doesn't look like what they sound like remember how everyone thought I feel like your voice is touching you is that a strange thing I feel like your voice is hitting a part of my ear that's never been hit with that yeah pokey that's a weird thing oh sorry i don't know how else to describe it okay it's like i still love you oh thanks jack i feel violated like what is this in good sense though immediately what he played oh no way it's that corpse actually no way at night frank go to bed too early that's us try one two come on I'm going for another hour and a half buddy I'm going for another hour and a half or someone else invited you there is a corpse I can't kill him I can't I can't do it his voice is very good it's really good no It doesn't make sense if it were the two of us, we would have killed them both, it doesn't make sense for a corpse to scold us, something like no, that's the corpse, who is the corpse, of course, husband is great, hello, what was I waiting for?
streamers reacting to hearing corpse s voice for the first time compilation
It was like he's okay let's see how they react Hi of course oh my gosh he's going to be so happy. You just said that, Hey cops, Hey, oh my gosh dude, anyone else likes hair and arms, they just start sticking out. Here we go again. Hey. hello corpse hello hello what's up baby this is how some say cartoons uh this is court say hello hello corpse hello cartoons the holy teams got me oh it's going to be a good night once again hello hello cartoons okay , yes, I'm glad I woke up to this Hi, nice to meet you Hi Jason, I'm glad you're back.
streamers reacting to hearing corpse s voice for the first time compilation

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streamers reacting to hearing corpse s voice for the first time compilation...

What's going on? Corpse. It's a pleasure seing you again. Hey, how are you? Hello, I'm going to murder everyone. He's fine, very good boy. uh I'm gay I just wanted to remind myself that we have a dead body hello wow it gets me every


there's a man named thank you that's so true whoa whose voice was that that was sexy was that why do we laugh? Who was that? Everyone, corpse, everyone, corpse, corpse, everyone. hello oh my hello corpse what are you doing tonight oh my god? Does it get annoying? Does it get annoying at all?
streamers reacting to hearing corpse s voice for the first time compilation


you meet new people, they say: I know, but I'll get all the questions out of the way. I've never done. I smoked anything before I didn't wake up. There are many who are fighting their lives. What's up with that? What about the question? Can you whisper in my ear? Oh, did you hear his voice, you know, give you a little rumble in the butt? If you know what I mean, oh oh corpse, you want, you want, you want to blow everyone away just by saying hello and you guys always do this. What is the benefit of deafening God?
streamers reacting to hearing corpse s voice for the first time compilation
That voice is incredible. If everyone is deaf, then holy people can. unmute uh yeah i'm julian nice to meet you corpse i'm charlie you have an amazing voice man i been up why does corp sound like vin diesel bro corp sound like five vin diesel all crashed into one person his voice is? crazy, that's funny, this guy is amazing, I don't know the corpse, but damn, I'm a fan, I'm already a fan, I have to say, oh man, his voice is so deep, uh, wow, different players have different levels of thought at this moment. At least he goes through the scanner, he's been dead for a while, so I've been hanging around his voice and I thought I'd hit report, sorry, I found this body, uh, uh, the door of calm, uh, does he? do we have any information?
There are a lot of us on the left side you're so good at intros which corpse am I going to murder okay I feel like the corpse is going to be my favorite friend for tonight I told you guys I thought you were already friends with him it was okay I still do it he was lying let the corpse calm down a little yeah I love them so much and he's so cool why why is it your voice you know I'm sorry my voice or his is too deep what's the problem no it's not your voice connor like To what extent do your balls have to drop to have that deep voice?
Are they on the ground at all times as if you were dragging his body? It's a body, a voice, no, I don't know well, we won't know anything, yes, I want to know deeply daddy, you know what's happening, wait a corpse, where were you? I need to ask please, I was, I was angry because you guys They thought I was joking about the eye patch, but I was actually serious, explain more, yeah, yeah, julian, are you, what are you? saying look I just that's why I said oh when I came back because I didn't know we were still like I didn't know the game that started I'm not walking like Charlie I swear I wasn't actually here Chris where Are you a good threat?
He's playing right now. Good moment. Damn, he was bottom left. I saw Jeff and I think Julian for a moment I was doing the tree tasks and the water task. Those of hto. Jason, where were you? He was just trying to listen to daddy deep. It's good to have your corpse welcome, happy to be here, we're in n a, by the way, okay, the chat is very happy right now, I'm happy, right? You're so kind you deserve a corpse you're a good boy I don't think he'll ever do anything wrong the corpse will never be him the corpse has an imposter five games in a row once don't trust them and then I heard cycuno's voice and I said :whoa how is this real?
And now I heard the voice of the corpse and I was like, yes, of course, what a god, you have a very good voice. I don't think I can, I could never go that deep every time you meet new people, you talk and everyone always does it. this every time imagine him turning around in the morning it's like good morning imagine we don't even have to imagine it's happening right now it's happening right now, I have someone else if we want to fill it, yeah, sure, he's dead. He sure is dude, I love his voice, his voice is so deep, oh, he has the best voice, let's do this, he gets up all the time, he's probably sick, I won't be the guy to say yeah, dude, nice voice, just to let everyone know it's a nice voice, I walked in and Corps was standing over the body the moment he saw me, he reported it, but that reactor was about to explode, uh, so we're playing that kind of game, okay Oh my god, the purple one just murdered him in front of me. of course while I'm still alive your voice is beautiful brother okay I can't believe that's his real voice 30 seconds exactly yeah it's like his voice vibrates why is the corpse's voice so deep ?
I literally feel my ears tremble when he speaks, I feel like he is hitting my ears with the decibels of his larynx. I've actually never heard this sound before, I'm


it from a human anyway, half my talk the girls are like, oh my god, who is he? this corpse guy and the other half of the girls are like saints, this guy's voice is scary, okay, corpse, the guy with the buttery soft voice, okay, so are we doing this? I love it I'm actually delirious and I'm trying to calm down like groups together and I thought oh well I already killed them and I'm not even in the game yet damn I need you guys to say I'm Batman oh my god you guys really do it They are trying, they did not see the body kill him. after wrongly accusing the laser you guys are going to go you're just going to try it's classic no corpse's voice is too good i can't disagree with him i mean sure i mean if you want to be a sim for a voice yeah I want to be a simple voice, of course, go, did you kill someone?
I'm sweating too. They're all after me. My conversation right now says that Jason is over because he's getting horny in Maine over a dead body right now and he's just uncomfortable. I'm not gonna lie, I was about to say stomp on me and one between one of those rounds, but you know I did. I'm still confused about the corpse's voice, that thing is deep as hell, yeah, it sounds cool, Right, Ryan, the man should hurt Ryan." like Batman right there, the environment to play with you is very different from that of Felix's corpse. His voice is so deep.
I've never met someone with a deeper voice. You probably touch on a few reasons. Yes, yes, I'll go now, this


time we played. corpse corpses he's an awesome guy and I love his voice I want to play with corpse again he's super cool they followed him on Twitter I have to make sure he's included in the games

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