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Strange Smell in the Apartment | Safety Education | Kids Cartoon | Sheriff Labrador | BabyBus

Mar 17, 2024
super catch H flying JY Old McDonald had a farm e stop, how's my performance, dad, what happened? This is a fake Mr. Goat, she fooled them all. We almost fell in love, it's horrible, you will come with us to the police station. Sheriff Labrador


talks. Children. Be careful of bad people who try to deceive you by pretending to be someone else. If you participate in any activity, always stay close to your parents for your


please remember to be careful around


rsHello, oh dad, I need to go to the bathroom, oh, there it is, stay here until we get back, okay, uh-huh, okay Hey, Kake, do you want some candy?
strange smell in the apartment safety education kids cartoon sheriff labrador babybus
But come on, it's for you. Okay, very delicious, you can eat much more. in my candy store come with me but I have to wait for my dad and my little brother it's not far from here it won't take long okay then I'll buy you some candy where did my daughter go hello I'm the



s labador my daughter is missing please help don't worry we will be there while I was taking my son to the bathroom my daughter disappeared let's separate and look oh this is a candy wrapper eh h eh these are the footprints of the donkey sister she went that way it seems that someone lured her with candy let's go take a look wow wow these candies look so delicious there are more more delicious candies inside really amazing it's so dark here I'm scared oh yeah well you can't run away you're a bad person welcome to the police shut up wow look at those candies welcome what kind of sweet would you like we have fruit sweets milk sweets chocolate lollipops gummies and sweets that change the color of your tongue sorry, we are here to find the donkey sister oh I haven't seen her around here, have I? hm, that's right, huh, that's the donkey sister's hairpin, the owner is lying, everyone look around carefully, oh no, did you find anything?, huh, huh, this is our most popular cotton cart, It's really delicious, there must be something behind it. we know what to do wow I love it c c what's that sound uh no there's nothing behind the door uh I found it there's a secret door here Sheriff labador sister donkey you found her standing right there you'll never catch Dr antel is it you again antel oh no try this, yeah, watch out, Sheriff La, you'll never catch me, no matter how hard you try, papion Doby, change places, eh, okay, that what oh no, oh.
strange smell in the apartment safety education kids cartoon sheriff labrador babybus

More Interesting Facts About,

strange smell in the apartment safety education kids cartoon sheriff labrador babybus...

The mission fails. I will never go with


rs again. Labrador


's safety talk,


, some strangers can be bad. people, so don't trust what they tell you, don't eat any food they give you and don't go with them either, remember not to go alone to remote places. Yoo, play and win a prize. Amazing toys are waiting for you. Wow, they were all my favorites. I'll do it, hey, hey, it's your hey, hey, turn perfect. I can not believe it. Congratulations, you won a prize. It's cool, please follow the arrows to collect it. Let's go this way.
strange smell in the apartment safety education kids cartoon sheriff labrador babybus
Where I am? Wow, that's my PR. Another boy fell in love. Let me know what another kid is missing. This is the third. It's horrible new evidence. All the missing children play this dance game. There must be something wrong with this game. Let's play and win a prize. amazing toys are waiting for you I'll do it start oh no I can't keep up I'll try well it's getting faster I can't keep up careful I'll do it from here eh perfect eh even with those movements congratulations you've broken the record please follow the arrows to collect your prize come on come on woohoo it's too easy for a big prize H it must be a trap I have an idea eh it's here Doby let's go this way eh giving away prizes like that a remote place like this another fool comes along there's no one here someone's attracting children to remote places places to collect prizes for winning a game they could be nearby be careful Wow so many prizes are coming with me I have been waiting for you the police you are the one who tricked the children you are under arrest now you have me hey eh where did he go? you'll never catch Dr.
strange smell in the apartment safety education kids cartoon sheriff labrador babybus
Anto to, uh, you can't run away, look, take this, it stinks, uh, it looks like my stink bombs. They are quite useful, how about some more? they are useful take sa the missing children are all here sh now you are safe don't go to remote places alone okay, we won't do that again Sheriff Labrador safety talk children never go to remote places In lonely places, there are often many dangers in remote places because there are few people around. If bad people do bad things, it's hard for you to get help. Remember not to damage public facilities.
Dig, dig, dig for treasure, hey, where is it? Hey, hey, where is it, uh, another water pipe, are you sure there's treasure here? Of course, look at the map, the treasure is buried right here w W, let's hurry up, huh, ow, ow, wow, it's the treasure we found, oh no, another water pipe. Oh, where is big brother brother brother, help me, let's go find Sheriff Labrador, careful, careful, oh no, something is wrong Papo, go find where the water comes from, I got it kby, let's establish a police line, the people should stay away uhuh Shi Labrador, I found, I found It's because of a broken underground water pipe.
I closed the door of blood. Well done. Sheriff Washer. Our older brother was swept away by the water. What paved the way. Now it's right down there. Let's take a look. This is the shovel we used to dig. Search for treasure, search for treasure, aha, while we were digging, the water suddenly spilled and dragged my brother away, so it was the Marmet brothers who broke the water pipe. This is a public place, you cannot dig holes or break water pipes here. I'm sorry. I will never do that again there is a tunnel here you guys go somewhere safe now brother Mari would have been dragged from here we go where am I so many bgs oh help brother Marmet huh?
I heard something here, it's just a mistake there there are so many of them I scared them ugh what's that sound run it's brother marid oh come on daddy let's go upstairs Doby uh hold on to that ladder hey look at me and activate speed mode I will never dig holes near you again water pipes Sheriff


safety talk


water pipes are public facilities for everyone, if they break, they will not only waste water, water resources, but also be very inconvenient for all of us, even endangering our lives, so that they do not damage public facilities and always take good care of them. please remember who is following me, stop there oh, no black mamba ran away again we have to catch him before he harms other children pH finally ran away from Poli bye bye huh, the boy is alone, it's my chance to take him so delicious what is that sound?
Who are you, Mr. Beaver? There's something strange about that pile of robes, let me take a look, kid, this is just a normal rope look. Thank you sir, you're welcome. Where did the rope go? I'll catch the strange sound again. Who is it? following me dad, can you teach me how to jump rope, of course, again? Dad, incredible, oops, the rope is very slippery, son, let's play soccer! I'll get you this time Sheriff Labrador, the police, someone is following me, don't be afraid, little one. rabbit we will keep you safe let's check it there is no one here this is the trail of a snake it caught you what is this? this is the Black Mamba scale it's the black mamba that's following the bunny it's him again this time he won't get away that bunny we look around no one is following you don't worry just go home the police couldn't find me I'm going to get you kid This is a quicker way home A perfect place to catch the boy Don't run Little Rabbit, hey, you can't escape.
I wasn't planning to escape. H, the police, we've already seen through your tricks. This is called blurring the snake. You have neon spray paint. You can't run away. Chase it. There you are, the painting stopped here, why is there a light here? No, that's Black Mamba, they found me. No one can escape from me. Sheriff Labrador's safety talk. Children going out alone can be dangerous if you notice someone following you, don't panic, stay calm and quickly run to a crowded place and ask for help, remember these tips

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