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Stranded 100 Hours on a Homemade Raft

Jun 11, 2024
Jacob stand there, Jacob, can we get you to stand on the edge? We are using these stairs against a prop, it will work at least a little. Yes, I can get there in a second. Yes, we need more weight here. All the weight is right in the cracks, okay Jacob, we need you to come, okay Jacob, stand here, oh, it's almost on the floor, we'll both be sitting here, buddy, that works, buddy, that's so Well, dude, that's solid, this is so perfect. Here I think it made it much more stable. Yes, we can try to fill something like this for the other side.
stranded 100 hours on a homemade raft
Yes, this side needs help. It is very bad. Here Michael is here. This is an emergency shipment, so we will replace this small part. of wood with these 10 footers, okay, so we'll do this on that side too, although, my God, let's look, man, this is such a crazy power of lag screws, good friend, it's solid, I can feel it good, it's well, that's it, guys. We're fixing this so we don't skip this challenge early. We are making it to the end. Good friend, you feel much better. I can already tell you it's crazy how far we've strayed.
stranded 100 hours on a homemade raft

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stranded 100 hours on a homemade raft...

Oh my God, we are. already in this foreign blue room so we need you to stay here what happened what oh look at that that thing broke I don't know if you can see it but it's broken right there let's rebuild that, let's put one here friend It's much better now, look it's barely It's flexing. The efforts have solved the problem. The boat is much more solid. We honestly thought this was going to fall apart and it might have if we didn't have the support team. Shout out to the support team for helping us. We have one more problem, although the wind is pushing us there and the boats are not strong enough to pull this, so we are worried because tomorrow we will have to return to shore. we were going to use our trolling motors we are not going to work at all we are not going to work we are trying to figure out what to do we might try to get pulled into a cove we are going to contact the marina maybe they have a bigger boat that can take us to another place and in the worst case scenario we would have to deconstruct this to the core so that it is no longer a sale, this is crazy, Jeff, you know one thing we can do: raise the flagpole, friend.
stranded 100 hours on a homemade raft
Hell yeah, I forgot about this, we got a show, it's like who's the boss, danger, danger, bro, dude, this is sick, I gotta get up and hook it up, be careful dude, it's so loud, there's a guy which is like waving like crazy, this is so sick, okay? Got it, hell yeah buddy, gotta try, gotta take a picture overseas, here we go oh my god buddy, so to everyone who donated to Zoe, thank you so much for making it to the crazy win in the morning because, as we said. it's going to be much worse we have a crazy plan that will solve it we're not going to abandon the


we're going to make it at 100


so you guys just have to wait and see what our plan is in order so you're about to sleep in these beds sick brother good night the wind is about to pick up to about 25 miles an hour so we gotta take this down as fast as we can you guys are ready for it yeah buddy that's it. incomplete I think it's unstable, it's like the first Nest on a pirate ship, friend, the black one.
stranded 100 hours on a homemade raft
I'll need you both ready to grab the plywood real quick, I got that right foreigner, we have six more


until 100 hours. I'm very glad I did it. We're almost done, the rest of the crew is here, they're bringing the piece back from the dock and we're going to unload everything there and then they'll take it back to shore, one shipment at a time, check out this Bare Bones. This thing is no longer structurally sound, okay, we have a load ready to go, we're not taking down the walls, this is becoming less of a sale, it's working, watch out, we've been working on this all week and now we're taking it came down earlier than we expected this is honestly a little sad a little bye first shipment we're making progress we've removed a lot of the walls this thing looks like look this is a skeleton it's like shaking so much just in time Also, the waves are getting louder.
I really feel like I don't have Aiden for two. How much time a day have I not eaten in 24 hours? I also dropped a large piece of wood on my foot and then boxed Chris. head with a piece of wood, so if you're a danger, all this is a danger or the danger, brother, what are you waiting for? Are you ready for the last, let's say, the last pose? This is a disaster, the waves are so closed. down, reattaching our second shipment guys, no power, next one is ready, bye, third shipment, the


is shrinking, foreigner, let's separate this thing, friend, bye, rap shipment gone and we'll be back with this one Dude, bye, Matt, okay, Jeff, this is the last leg of the race, we have an hour and a half left.
I can't wait to finish. I'm still hungry. Oh my god, I'm going to get so much food. I'm a little scared to be on this platform again. I overdo it, yeah, oh. man dude, nothing's happening here Chris, oh the waters are here dude, oh it's just going to break, oh okay, okay, okay, looks like we're back to square one, it's literally a square and it's just one, it's the first one, oh my god, this is It's crazy, the goal was to get the entire raft to shore, but this was literally the only way we could win this challenge.
Now all we have to do is suffer here, we are stuck on a platform again, so once we get the keys, we are going to unlock the anchors and then we will be towed to shore on this journey which is going to be a crazy ride. All we have to do now is try not to fall off the raft. This is our safety guy if we fall. We're going to blow ourselves out of the water, so we had two people donate a thousand dollars. Let's draw their names on this wrapper. Shout out to Parker Skyler, Summer Savannah and Richard for winning a thousand dollars.
We really appreciate you guys, we survived I think. They're coming to get us, yeah, it's been almost 100 hours, man, I'm so happy to be able to go home. I can't wait to see my wife and son and eat and shower. The boys yell at the family for our wives. being so strong and helping us do this challenge, we couldn't do it without them, yes they see the babies they love you. Alone babe, thank you all for Zoe International. We made it, come on, yeah, thank you 'cause our freedom is in that bag, bro, we're getting captain's hats, hell, yeah, buddy, here you want this.
I guess we're SS Captain Zoe, uh, I've got the key, here we go Chris, okay, we'll start drifting, buddy, once we pull. Lift these anchors, oh my gosh, it's so windy, buddy, open it up, Jeff, this is what's been holding this whole raft up all this time, the moment we've been waiting for, hey, we're free, we're free, close the hatch , we did it 100 hours. I'm so happy that right now they are taking us back to shore. I'm just remembering all the times we had on this raft, night one, our suffering, I can do it, getting enough platforms, getting our cots, night three, we built a house, then we got our heater, day four, we almost wrapped it and now we are heading home, we reached our next donation goal of ten thousand dollars, so we kept our word and matched it.
The work Zoe does for those in need is truly amazing, thank you. Thank you very much for your support, it makes these next moments much more incredible. We're almost there, we're almost there. I can't wait to be solid take the first step bro yeah Christopher my turn oh my god we did it. We did very well. I'm so glad I left that thing behind. Bye bye. Bring food. Now come on guys. Thanks again for talking to Zoe and pointing us out if you haven't already. Make sure you subscribe. See you later abroad.

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