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May 01, 2020
dress, it's okay, because it was extra small, I'm not extra small and I looked like a damn sausage in this one, if it was my size maybe it would have looked nice, but I wish it did. They don't look good guys, I know for a fact, it didn't look good, I walk out and she's like, oh my god, Liz likes it to look good like this and I was, she's like, I think I like it, but another one, I'm like, uh. I don't think so so I took the one I had originally chosen everything was fine everything was fine and then um we had already gone to the hotel we got ready we went to the event and then we are at the event and at first I was a little discouraged because there weren't many people there who I wanted to see and then more and more people started showing up, the events started getting more fun, everyone started having fun, having fun, partying and me.
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I also met a lot of people there that I had seen, owned, and see online. You know, I've wanted to meet them for a long time, then I kept going and everything was fine, but I feel like it's football. I feel like the reason we clashed a lot was because she's so critical, she's a liar, she loves drama, so I think that's what I think she loves drama so much and she's like, I don't know, I don't know, I just feel like she's a little jealous, not necessarily like me because there's nothing to be jealous of, but I feel like if you're doing better than her or if you like her, she doesn't want you to be successful, you know, like me.
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I feel like I'll talk about that later but basically I was having fun and everything was good and we met a lot of important people there guys and then the night came to an end and then she starts telling me like oh hey let's go and like if you knew, I'm like oh, like if you knew, like I'm putting it off because I'm like a guy, like we drove to California. I'm not going to leave early, I'm going to stay here until it's over and then she teases me like, hey, come on, let's go and finally, like the night is coming to an end, so I say goodbye to everyone, um.
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I call an Uber and then I go to the front where they had gift bags and then I'm going to receive, I'm about to receive this guy's gift and he's like, oh, like we have to wait for them to do it. bring more la la and I was like oh my uber is outside la la and all the time the football is bothering me like hey hey come on come on like the uber like the guys outside like the uber isn't outside so she kept bothering me telling me hey come on let's go ahead of the guy and stuff and I was like um and I was like she said I'm not going to wait for another uber and I was like I'll just get another one and then yeah it was whatever, Like it wasn't that important, we did it, it wasn't really an argument, I have my goodie bag, we leave, we get into the Uber and everything is fine, guys, everything was fine.
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I know we went out, we had a lot of fun like we knew a group of people. I thought it was fine. We get to the hotel and at this moment I'm hungry. I liked some leftover chicken teriyaki from earlier. I heat it in the microwave. and I'm sitting on my bed eating my food, you know, enjoying life like I had a lot of fun, but the bull starts talking about how, oh yeah, it was fun, huh, but sometimes we just have to be careful with What we're doing. because you never know who's watching and I was like oh like you know I was just following that and so are you guys another thing I forgot to mention is I feel like she I don't know I feel like she's just like for you , I feel like she wants to get you and I feel like one thing I had noticed about her before too is that I felt like she took ugly videos and ugly photos of people like me and I just saved it for no reason.
I feel like she took shady photos of you, she took ugly videos of you or even little things like she had my glasses on. I'd say, "Oh, no." record me she would be like you know how to record me and things like put me inside her in her things like you know when I would tell you like when I like I don't like to wear my glasses in front of the camera you know and she would put me in her things like that, that no It's a big deal, but a little something to know every once in a while, because it's going to relate to this part of the story that I'm going to tell you guys, so she's like, oh, you know.
Like, but sometimes you gotta be careful and I was like uh-huh, you know whatever and she's like why were you dancing on this guy and this guy, I tell you guys when when I say guys, I almost spit my food on him. . I almost spit my food at her because she was so shocked like she was, she was because you were dancing on this guy and I was like, "I drop my fork and like I, just like I'm, I'm looking." she like what, i literally do what and she's like yeah liz you were dancing with this guy and i was like it was like hell no it was like you were tripping she's like liz i swear on my kids, you were dancing this guy and I was like, "no, dude, you're lying," I said, I said, "I know I didn't do that, I don't know, I said, I said, what are you talking about?" and then she said, yeah, I took a little bit of the video and I thought, and at this point, you know, at first I was a little confused because I knew I didn't do that and this is why I told you the story from before above all. dancing about a guy situation because she was going to relate to this um she uh so at first I was a little confused like no, like I know I didn't do this, I don't know what the hell you're talking about and then as soon as she He was like, oh yeah, I took a video and that's when I went from zero to 100, I went from confused to, oh my god, I'm angry and I was like, show me.
I was like, show me, I was like, where was she she, show me like it was like you took a video of her, she was like, show me, show me, show me and she goes, where does she want to go she? She goes, she goes well, I can't find. but I swear, while you were dancing on some guy and I was like and then and then we started arguing like I was like no, I was like you're like she's like yeah, liz the guy in the flower shirts you were like dancing on it and I was like no, dude, you're tripping like we're arguing like we're yelling at each other we're arguing and like I remember thinking in my head like someone's going to like it, I remember thinking if someone was going to come or something because we were in a hotel, it was like two in the morning and we were literally yelling at the top of our lungs at each other and then we started saying kind of arguing about other things like she she's like oh how and something else What she had also done is I feel like she would try to make you feel like she was saying these things to be a good


like she was by telling me well I'm only telling you because you have to be careful and like la la and I said no, Dude you're tripping and we're literally yelling at each other guys um and then she says yes to me. because the last time, when the whole situation happened, the last time, you were crying because of the hate that you were getting and I was upset because I was so angry that I didn't do it and I was getting all this hate. and she's like, well, I'm just trying to be a good


, like you're dancing on this guy, like, um, she was basically telling me that I was dancing in heaven, uh, with the flower shirts, and then we said, literally, basically I went into it, we were arguing like I was saying well, you know, you take


, you take, you take, you take videos, you take shady videos to people like, why would you take a video?
She says like, I don't know because I was upset because I was okay, like I was doing something wrong, like yeah, it's up to me, but like you say you're telling me to be a good friend, but why, like I am doing something wrong. For example, if I see my friend doing something wrong, I'm going to go and say hey, you know, I'm not going to sit there with my phone and take a video, but why doesn't it make sense to yell at each other, you know? like we said to each other, you know, I told him that he takes shady pictures of people, I told him that it was shady, you know, I told him, you know whatever, um, then the next thing, the last thing I remember is just yelling at him and then , like I screamed and then I fainted like, oh, okay, I remembered something else she had told me, okay, I don't remember anything she had said to me when she was telling me oh, but you know you were crying, you were crying because of hatred of Allah and she's like uh, like she started telling that situation about how she was dancing with the other guy at the other party and I was like she says she was actually dancing with him because she danced with him, okay, it did, it didn't. pekadita or anything like that was like breaking up or whatever, which is no big deal, it's not, but the thing is how she is, if she had done it, it would have made me feel like it was a thought, she would say oh Well. like it was me like my husband didn't agree with it like la la la you know why she would tell me like that um and after that I remember we were yelling at each other and the last thing I thought I remember she was yelling and then I I fainted as if I had fainted.
I was already over this and then in the morning I remember waking up and thinking, "Oh my God, this shit is about to get so awkward that we have a five-hour car ride and we have to be together and like I'm not ready." for this and then I start to slowly get up and she says to me like, oh we have to leave in like 30 minutes or 30 minutes or whatever and that's all she told me, um, I have my things. , she grabbed her stuff and then we started dating, no one mentioned the situation and then when we left the hotel she mentions it and says hey, um, about last night, like we got into that and stuff, but. like I called Selena, the girl from before, I'm sorry, it's like it's too sunny, she takes the car off because the sun was stuck in my face there, but basically, we walk around the hotel and she mentions the situation and says: hey, like about last night, i know we got into this or whatever um and i was really worried about la la la um i even called selena, the girl from before, with the girl from the girl group, but like she was more of a friend of a bull, um, said i called selena and asked her, hey, am I wrong here?
I was just being attacked, you were telling me I was doing something I know I didn't like and then you telling me you were making a video like you know, like you're telling me I was dancing with a guy and I know. I didn't do that she's like no liz like that's not what she was trying to say like she wasn't saying you were dancing on a god she was saying he was dancing and you were slapping his ass like he was twerking and you slapping his butt and I was thinking in my head okay, so he has flower shirts that everyone can wear flowers, okay, but I'm pretty sure the guy he was talking about was probably gay, You know, and I like like she was telling me that she was twerking and like I didn't know, it just bothered me because she had told me like she, guys, I swear to God the night before, she told me that she was dancing with a guy and then in the morning she completely changes her story by telling me no, like I wasn't dancing on him, he was twerking and I was slapping his butt so I thought, uh, not that is what you said, although she said, yeah, Liz, like that's not what she was trying to do.
I said "like" and then we both got over it, it was whatever we had in the car, right, everything was fine, everything was whatever and then, um, but after this, honestly, I was a little upset because I was , I just finished. really like mad because she had basically lied to me she changed her story like what was she trying to get out of this like what was she was trying to make me go oh my god like I was like no way like please don't say it daniel like no, I know I didn't do that so don't lie to me and then change your story, at least if you're going to lie, stick with your story, don't lie to me and then change it, that's why because you know each other, yeah, and she swore by her children , man, he said, I swear on my whole list of kids, like why would I lie like something she always says why would I lie and oh my God, oh my God, you know, she just says like that.
She loves drama, go home and everything is whatever, but I really felt bad. She had already planned another trip in January to go to Imats and this time it was going to be all of us, so it was me, poo. um selena and cass and then they also invited this other girl over we'll call her anna so anna so anna anna popo and selena we're mostly friends and cass and I are mostly friends and then I realized she was acting like me I just get the weirdest football vibes like the weirdest vibes and at this point I honestly admit I feel like even I was becoming a hater because every little thing she was like I don't hate her but I wish I knew how shady she was right now, that every little thing she was doing was bothering me, so right now I knew after this. trip, I was just going to distance myself like you know I wasn't going to tell him that I don't want to be your friend anymore, but I knew that we couldn't become super best friends anymore because it just wasn't going to be that way. exercise and then another thing she would do is just, oh, I forgot to say this, I don't know, II hate myself so it's okay, another thing that had already bothered me too was that she literally talks about everyone.
Friend, about everyone she talks about, about everyone she talks about Cass, she told me that I'm not going to talk about that, but she talked about Cass and she would try to get me to go with that and then how she would do it. She would say she would, but she would tell me like this. She was just saying those specific things to be a good friend to her, like she was trying to make it seem like she was just trying to be a good friend like she had. I be like, oh, should I tell him this because I feel like a friend?
I'm just saying no, don't tell him that, that's rude, you know, I'll just tell you, don't tell him that you know, like don. It's not like not saying that and then she talked about literally everyone we met the night before at that event like the event we got involved in, um, she talked about the girl like that during the event, um, she owns it like a clothing brand I'm not going to say her name but she talks about her saying that her butt looked weird she talked about these other YouTubers we'll call them the burrito twins okay we'll call them the burrito twins um and we I had met them that night too, they were super cool, they were also super calm.
One of them follows me so I felt safer approaching her and I approached her and she was nice, like we took a picture of her and everything. And the other thing that made me a little angry that night too was that dad was telling me, oh yeah, don't drink because I don't want to take care of you and I was like I don't need you to. take care of me like I can handle myself and then um you guys were super cool you guys were super cool everyone was super nice she talked about them too she's like the whole car at home she was talking about the people she was telling me , oh, how their tits look weird like they look too old like how old are they?
They look older than me, she said they're like oh yeah and then like and then she was saying she was talking about her tits and I was like, well, I think that's the look they wanted because they were like, um, In one of their videos, they had said that they wanted to go for a more natural look, like they didn't want everything, like you know. like the silicone looked like the


silicone look, they wanted a more natural look and she's like that so after I told her that, oh I think they like it, that's what they were going for, she says no, this like, I'm pretty sure they just did it.
They don't understand what they wanted so they just have to say that every once in a while she starts talking, who else does she talk about? She talked about everyone, okay, but what separated me from her is like she didn't. I don't like you, I'm not going to say that I like everyone because I'm not okay, but if I don't like you, I have my opinions, if I don't like you, I won't be fake with you and go take pictures with you and hang out with you and then go and talk about you like she's also with the rear twins like you know how to be there like she's talking to them like she's nice to them and then like come back and talk, that's what bothered me about her, I feel that she would go to people and be fake to them and then go and talk about them, which would make me think like you know, like I wonder what. she says about me and then yeah, basically now you know she would talk about everyone, this will relate to the story I'm about to tell you now, we had all gone on this trip, there were the five of us, basically it got to that, everything was okay but we got to the Airbnb we had it and everything was fine but I could tell she got upset over the smallest things like um since Papua Anna and Selena were closer I thought they might I got the room that had a big bed and then I had a little so I thought it was okay for them and then there was another room that had just a bed and I thought Cass and I could share because she and I know that they are closer and they were all okay because we don't It was a big deal and then a bubble comes in and she says what's going on and then Selena says, "Oh, they have, they like to call the room and she leaves." She makes a kind of face like and I'm just like dude, it's no big deal like it's just a room, if you wanted that bad, say something, you know, if we'd gone to sleep that night, we'd wake up.
The next day I started getting ready for the imats and then I got ready and couldn't find a damn outfit so I told them they would help me pick an outfit. I walked in with the outfit I finally had. chosen and then he's like ah your nipples and I'm like dude like my nipples aren't even showing like that like they're probably like that like you could be okay so you know if your nipples were here you could see where they are. it was because my nipple was hot, you could see where my nipple was, but it was like it was a shirt like this and it was like you know whatever and if you like my picture imath on my Instagram, you could see that no It was nothing too scandalous and I'm like she was like you can see your nipples and I'm like you know like whatever and then we went to imats and I started like I like like I said I felt like I was getting weird vibes from her when we were at imats, she wasn't really with us either, like they left and me and cass were left alone and like we were going to do our own thing, which was not a big deal, you know, but i feel like at this point I said everything she was doing was bothering me.
We went to eat at this restaurant after the whole event was over, we ate at this Madison Place and then Also another thing I forgot, another thing I forgot to mention also is this other girl, what should we call her bo? If her friend had come with the star, I'm in son, we'll call her pedo, okay, then she's poo. she spread fart and she was cool, man, like she was cool, like I was talking to her, like you knew we were all cool with her, like she was nice, like I thought she was cool, she was calm and then, After the event, like I said, we went. to this muddy, mushy place to eat and then fart is talking about how they want to like it, everyone starts talking about how they want to go to like the club and they're like, oh, how can we listen to like, uh, whatever ? know and then because uh because fart she had like these two guys that she knew that I guess they have money and stuff and um they like that she was telling us, you know, they'll pay for everything and like you know, it's like whatever and and then , but she had also said, you know, just go with them because, as you know, they're not that nice, but they'll pay for everything and I don't think there's anything wrong with them paying for us, um.
You know, as long as we didn't have to do anything or talk to them, you know everyone who was there clearly has boyfriends or are married or whatever, um, but I know that if it had been me, football would have been for me. made to feel like it's a thought for having to pay bezos starts talking about how this place is like a 70 um rooftop club, so i was thinking, you know, security is going to be really high, like no. I think we're I'm going to be able to do it and then football goes, oh well, I don't know, I'm going to be a little selfish and I'm going to go and I said, "Okay, you know, whatever" and then basically the whole plan was that poop. cass um and anna we're going to leave and then honestly it bothered me because I know maybe I'm being childish about this, maybe it's not a big deal but they were okay with me staying in the hotel alone it's like even Selena I had to go, everyone wanted to go and I was going to stay at the hotel, but then Selena, as Selena is, is not like her, she was kind, as if she were a little bit. too nice and she just doesn't like to say her opinion and she says I was being nice and she said oh you know, we're all going to stay with Liz at the hotel and I said, you know, I don't want to stay at the hotel.
You know, maybe I'm being a brat about this, but I thought it was really cool that everyone looked at the club and didn't care, like I didn't know. out of town like we got together, you know, if it's something I know, it's not his fault he can't get in, but if it's something we can't do together, why are you going to go like, you know, just me? They didn't even ask me, you know, oh, like you know, it's like, are you okay with that if we go like no one asked me for my opinion, okay, go the other way, it probably would have been yes, if it was the other thing. out there, okay, another thing, another thing also is that the whole time we were there I was planning to meet with the breeder, like the breeder that we are going to get our puppy from.
I wanted to go meet them and get to know them. in person finally and introduce myself and um I like even the last time we were there before I was also talking about going to meet the breeder too and like it just didn't end up happening and then this time I wanted to meet the breeder and then this brand invited me to meet with them too, so I wanted to meet with a breeder or meet with the brand and the whole time we were there I would like to say Everyone likes, hey, what are we doing on Sunday?
Because I want to do something like you know, and then they had talked about going to Disneyland on Sunday, so from what I understand, we're going to stay there on Sunday and do something. I thought maybe I could go meet the breeder or do what I want to do while they do something and then we can meet up to go home and then there's that weekend we were there too, the charity pop-up shop. I was there for their new roller coating, it was like a pop up shop and I was there all weekend. I was talking about going there too.
Cass and I were talking about going. They said, "Hey, we should go there." when we met, they weren't too happy about it, but they said, oh, maybe like the day, like you know, the day after maybe after I met, we can leave, yeah, but then, after I met I met, no one brought it up, no one really. I was worried about dad's charity pop-up shop as well as getting elected, so then I was angry because it looked like they were going to the club without you knowing they were there. I was mad because they were going to the club and I was going to have to just stand here like I was more mad because they didn't even ask my opinion, although as you know, I thought it was really inconsiderate and really annoying, um, but at this point I was fine, like If you knew whatever, it's okay, you can go. have fun and then in the morning I'm going to go meet the breeder because at this point it was too late to go meet the brand owner and the whole weekend I felt a little bit selfish like I felt like oh I don't know if I should call me like go do my thing because I don't know if I'm being rude like I don't know if I mean, I don't know if they're going to be mad about it, but at this point I was like, you know what, they went to the club without me like they abandoned me. , so I'm going to do what I'm going to do.
Go do it and I better not hear it and then we were driving home and I was a little mad, especially because my friend Cass went and I feel like my friend, she should have stayed with me because she and I were. closer and then on the way home, selena and I mean obviously selena stayed with me and then on the way home like you could tell she was mad and like selena was like, you know like, oh, we can go do something like, you know, maybe we can go to the movies and hang out and say it's okay for me, a lot of things are not like I've always done it, like I always have something on my mind, like you know, that's not the point. , as if you know that I don't want to.
Like you know, see like I feel like I'm sending this to brat, but the point is, the point isn't, she said oh, like you can, we can go do something, the point is, the other girls didn't do it. . but let's do something the other girls are fine with us staying in the hotel while they party and there's nothing wrong with them going to the club there's nothing wrong with them doing those things there's nothing wrong with I know that if it had been me, but what would have made me feel like it was a thought like oh um junior I wouldn't be okay with that if it was me like um my husband wouldn't be okay with that if it was like I like I didn't know about Dana. with me but he wouldn't be okay with it if it were me and like she just told me like that, you know, still, sometimes, like one time she told me. about like what she was wearing like oh like she only knew if it was me like my husband I wouldn't be okay with that and the thing is you know, she would have made me feel like I was a thought and when she was the one that went to the club, They went to the strip club they left. the boys pay for everything she didn't tell her husband she didn't tell him and I'm not the type to talk like it's anyone's marriage I'm not the type to meddle in anyone's business it's not my relationship no It's my business, but you guys are going to see what she said about my relationship, okay, she didn't tell her husband, you know they went to the club, she told Cass, don't take Snapchats, photos or videos, you know. , whatever and then whenever.
I would even go to the other events we had attended whenever we went to the club and stuff, she didn't vlog about those parts because she didn't want her husband to see it, um and it's none of my business, but that's something to Keep in mind I told Selena I was mad, you know, I told her, you know, well, you know, I think it's kind of like they left, you know, it would be different if we were in Arizona and like everyone wanted. I'm not going to go to the clubto say don't go alone because I can't go in I'd just go home it's fine but we're in another state you know my house isn't here I can't just go home I think it's my fault they're gone we all came together we could have done something more together you know I just thought it was so messed up and I was really mad about it and even on my blog I was trying to I was trying to tell my vlog you know yeah well they went to the club without us without trying to act like I was angry, but he was angry.
In the morning, I woke up and started getting ready to go meet the dog people and then, uh. What Selena told me was that she said, "Oh, well, can you try to do it early?", because as you know, I don't know what we're doing tomorrow and I was like, "Well, you know, I'm going to try to do it early, but" . This is not that, so I tried to do it early. I was going to have lunch, but decided to meet her at 10 in the morning. Instead, I get up and start getting ready to go meet them and then. um, everyone else wakes up and they all start making a big deal about how I'm going to meet them and, um, especially football, she's like she's making a big deal, they all say they want to go to home and they like it. la la la and this and this and that and I tell them you know well, I thought they were going to do something and then everyone was talking about how no, they didn't want to do anything, they just wanted to leave. at home and then my friend Cass said, well, you know, they waited for us last night, maybe we can go do something while she goes and does this and then, uh, bubbles like she has the adapter to say this, she says, Well.
No, no one waited for us because uh she's going she's going well I don't like what we're going to do we're going to go back home and we're going to sleep we're going to come to the hotel and we're going to sleep so no one was waiting for us friend I was angry, I want I mean, honestly, like that morning, I was also having a lot of anxiety, like the whole time they were talking, I was just putting on my makeup, I wasn't even paying attention, but when she said that, I was nice. like like like like like what do you mean we didn't wait if you were like we waited for you I don't know like like I just know that she had the audacity to say like no one was waiting for us Yes, we're waiting for you, okay?
So, uh, it was like they like, man, at this point, like you could feel the tension in the room, like it wasn't like good energy, negative vibes, like you could feel the tension and then they. everyone comes down and then everyone comes down and they're taking forever and I know they're talking, I know they're talking about me and then, and then another thing they told him was that Selena was like oh, maybe we can go, uh, maybe We can go with her and go to the restaurant with her and just wait for her until she finishes.
I didn't want that because I know if it took forever they would come to the table and bother me. Hey, can we go like you know? So I told you, I told him, you know? Do you mind not eating where I'm going to eat? That's awkward and then another thing that made me a little angry too was that football like Okay, the whole time I was talking about going to the charity pop-up shop, she wasn't really into that, everyone was kind of like cass and I was the only one who was like this. really excited to go or like we really want to go, they might like they don't care if we win or not, but now that I'm going to do something, but it's like, oh, maybe we can go to the charity pop-up shop. and I say you guys really didn't mind calling the other days, but now that I say no, it's not your fault that I'm going to do something, it's my own fault, but now that I'm just the fact that I know that she said it like to make me angry and I know she did because it's like that thing lena had said oh you know so you don't have to take an uber you know we can We can take you and then we'll go eat somewhere else that's why she had the bright idea of ​​eating where I'm going to eat and then I said, "Oh, you know what it is to you guys that I don't eat where I'm going to eat?" then another thing also was the night before when we were at the seafood place after they said oh let's go to the club, whatever you know, I told him, I told the people, oh okay, in the morning I'll go meet the dog boy, she's doing well, how are they going to get there?
I'm like I just thought it was a drink because of the way he said it and how he said it like you guys have, like you know, I'm not telling you to hitch a ride but I feel like if it were me I'd tell you like you know. oh well I'll take you you know or like you know I don't know I just thought it was because of the way she said it angrily I, at this point, I'm ready, I get off and then as soon as I get off, everyone shuts their mouths, everyone they shut up and then like they could sense it was awkward there was tension and they were taking forever so I just called my uber and then they all said oh well you can't reschedule like you know like this and this and that like you know it I'm sorry, I'm not rescheduling and then earlier, I had also gone down, uh, Selena had gone up the stairs and she said to me hey, I'm sorry, Liz, but I think we're all going to go home and I think she was expecting me to say , oh my gosh, let me cancel and I was like, well, I.
I'm sorry, but I'm not canceling, I was like, I was like, so you guys can go and then um and then I put my stuff in the car and then at this point um popo and anna go upstairs and then popo anna. and cass goes up the stairs and then me and me and uh celina are the ones downstairs and then it's a little awkward and finally my uber gets here and I leave and at this point, honestly, I was having so much anxiety that like I just wanted to cry because I was very angry and upset, like you guys went to the club last night and I didn't say, but you guys are going to attack me when I go to meet someone for an hour.
You guys are going to criticize me for that when you understand that you were going to do something the next day, but now everyone is complaining saying that they're not going to do something and that they just want to go home and I'm like, well. I'm sorry, but I'm not canceling. I've already made my plans. I met with the dog breeder's wife and she was very, very nice, very, very sweet. And then I had to talk to her, you know, introduce myself to whatever and then, them. start texting um selena texts me and says hey like um where are you like like let's go pick you up they said oh maybe we can have breakfast and dina and popo leave oh we don't really have breakfast in the morning You I know, as I understand it, they didn't want to do it, they didn't even want to have breakfast, they just wanted to go home, so I sent them my address because I thought we were going home. there like 1007 they picked me up literally at 11 o'clock like 11 00 something like that as soon as they picked me up like it was just awkward in the car like no one really said and then they started talking about how they started talking. about how they are going to go to breakfast and I'm upset because I'm like guys like these who don't want to eat, they don't want to do anything and I knew that they were doing it to make me angry and then they went to a place to have breakfast and that made me angry because as if They could have had breakfast first and then they came looking for me as if they were complaining so much that they were rushing me like that. a lot they picked me up like I literally hadn't been there for that long and it didn't bother them at all because the moment they left the hotel they came to get me and this bothers me because if I had known like, oh, like they were still going to go to breakfast, I would have told them, oh, well, go eat first and then come find me, you know, but we went to the breakfast place and it took them an hour to eat there, like a whole hour after they They're complaining at me because after complaining about how they want to go home I didn't even sit down with them I was so mad no one said like me Cass and I were still talking but no one was saying no no one was talking to me and then we got on to the car and no one says anything and even Casa told me that she feels like they were mad at her because she was still talking to me and then we're driving and this is going to ruin your guys. mind, oh my god, this pissed me off so much we were driving and we were stopping at a mall and cass and I looked at each other we're like, you know, and then, uh, and then I said what are they like?
We're like what are you guys doing and then like um and then Selena Selena says oh well let's say uh popo she needs something real quick like say she's sitting in the car not saying anything and then I? I'm like what do you need to get she's like I still don't know dude they were complaining about me so much you decide to go to breakfast for a whole hour they decided to stop at the mall and then uh I It was like oh I had also said where They were going, what were they doing and she said we were going to the Gucci store, like you guys decided to stop at the Gucci store after you looked at me.
Honestly, at this point. I was speechless and I liked that she was a little mad at myself because she wished she had said more. I wish I had put my foot down and said, hey, no, like you guys want to go home, let's go home, like if you don't, let's not stop. you guys wanted to go come on but for some reason I didn't say I was just because I was so shocked like oh my god this actually has the audacity to do this right now are you kidding me too bad guys? I swear to God it took them over an hour there too, which is already another two whole hours wasted that they supposedly wanted to go home, but they complained to me about it and then like they were trying to tell Cass to like it, oh, as if she were you.
I'm supposed to be your good friend, but she doesn't care that you are, that you have work the next day, she doesn't care, you know, shut up, you know, they like it, she always tries to make it happen. It seems like she's trying to be a good friend to you, but she was trying to turn Cass against me when she doesn't give a you know, since she didn't care, she stopped, they wasted two whole hours after she was they complained. I like it dude you guys really need to stop at the Gucci store it's really necessary not that it really makes me mad and then the whole car ride no one like no one really talked it was just Cass and I were talking and then they talked among them. but we and I and like no one else communicated and then football fell asleep for the last time anyway so it was whatever and then at that point we had already gotten home and I think he was so mad that he didn't I did it.
I even said a word to dad, like even when she left, I didn't get off, say goodbye or give her a hug. I didn't tell him because I was so angry and like and like I said before I realized it. like before this like like i wasn't really trying to be best friends with her like i still wanted to be mutual but at this point even though she had already pissed me off she lied to me she was like oh like she said she said she was dancing with the guy changed his story guys I swear to God after she said she was dancing with that guy that one time she's there the next morning I swear to God I put this on you like I was lying.
I can lose all my subscribers as it keeps going boom because I'm not lying she changed her story she said I didn't she wasn't trying to say she was dancing with him she was denting that but she wasn't trying to say she was dancing with him what He was dancing and I was slapping his butt when I also know that she didn't happen although there is nothing wrong with that I know that it didn't happen because especially because of the situation that happened to me the last time. I really took care of myself this time to not be in another situation like that because I didn't want drama like that.
Then, even after everything she had told me, what she had done to me had been a problem for me, it was still there. planning to be mutual with her, I was still going to follow her, I was still going to be cool with her, you know, if she ever texted me, I would text her back anything, but I just wasn't trying to be her best friend, I was still going to go and, you know, support her or whatever, but um, I was just going to try to distance myself and then, um, Cass and I were talking about it and she tells him.
I knew what they said when I was upstairs and they were downstairs in the hotel. You know how I said that. They were downstairs and talking like I knew they were talking about me. And I know exactly what they said. Cass tells me she starts telling them how, dude, like she has nothing you can talk about, that she was just trying to get off her ass, like she starts selling them. Sorry, my teeth hurt so much, I have my retainers on. but she starts telling them how, the time we were in California before, I was dancing with a guy and I know there's probably more than what she said, but Cass doesn't remember it all, but she was telling them. them how she was dancing with a boy how she swears he swears by her kids and she swears like she's like why would she lie to Cass? because I told her, you know, I don't think she did it, she's just like, why would she lie to Cass? like why would she lie like she swore she was dancing on this guy and Cassie even told me she did a move like twerk like she didn't work like she did it like a body move like yeah like she was dancing on him just like you You know I like it and then I like it and I like it dude it's like I don't even like not even that but you're going to go from telling me I have something with a guy to telling me I wasn't but you're still going to tell him.close because I never talk about you at all they are very open to you hello well I'm sorry I have real friends I'm sorry I don't have to tell my friends to have my back they just do it and they surprise me I'm sorry no I need my friends to support me. up I don't need my friends to jump to something that's not there I don't need anyone to back me up it's fine and it's fine for me it's fine what she wants to say right there if she's basically trying to tell me That Cass is talking about me because she says friends real and I only have cats, I don't have many other friends and in this she only knows that Cass is my friend, she doesn't know any other people that I like. friends with um but she said um she said real keep those real friends close because they never talk about you the way she said it like she was trying to imply that Cass talks about me but another thing I forgot to mention is the day They were downstairs talking about me the day she had said that Daniel deserves better the way I treat him and that I was the kind of person who also told Cass that I'm talking about her told Cass that I'm talking about her that I'm telling her this and that thing about her when all the things she said to Cass that I say, she's the one who says them and now you're going to turn around and tell me that Cass talks about me, so she basically told us that I talked about her, now she's telling us I said that about myself and I thought that's not real friends, boo, as immature as you, so I guess you're right, I guess you're right, that's not supporting you, you guys are in a high school, just like they told Cass.
I talked about her lol um you always try to turn everyone against each other okay so that's why the only reason I said high school photo shoot is because dude she reminds me of the high school, that's the kind of high school drama you get in high school and she's like 31, like dude, girl, up, she's like, hahaha, I posted first, hahaha, I'm fake because I blocked you and I don't like you, I'm sorry, that's why I'm fake. question mark I feel like she was trying to get something out of me, I feel like she was trying to make me feel bad in these text messages and trying to look so good, I don't know why because you guys know. she keeps the ugly pictures of her in hers little receipts from her um from her and I think she said I posted first, right?
I posted it as me and but I don't have anything from this blog because I don't care who sees it and then it says I'm fake because I blocked you and I don't like you, I'm sorry, that's my choice, no, you know? Why are you scared? Not because you don't like me. Since when they don't like me. I thought we were friends. I always talk about everyone, I always make everyone feel like they're wrong, she said goodbye, and then after I said this, I feel like it was when she was okay, like she was on top, I was like friend, even your best friend exo the one you talked about, yes, I said yes.
That's right, bye, because you don't like to listen lol, she said yes, yes, yes, yes, you always write and and friend, although it's like someone who wants to keep her with because exo has good followers, she is like a clown chase. She has over 500,500,000 subscribers on YouTube, she has a big butt on Instagram, you know she wants to keep it wrong because she said that and then I sent her a little thumbs up and she's like, "You're crazy, be bipolar and cry." funny I said hahahaha and so that thing made me angry too because you don't make fun of something like that because a lot of people struggle with that you know I feel like she fell so low like that's not something you talk about that you know it's something in what you know I trusted her and she throws it in my face you know when first of all you don't provoke me okay then I'm sorry okay then the other day I got a text from her and she says this she apologizes with me guys and the only reason this is fun for me is because she's not the type to apologize to me another thing to keep in mind is that every person she likes brings into her life she always ends up in some kind of problem with them because she is very similar and all the other people she hasn't apologized to but you know why she apologized to me and I know this is probably the only reason she apologized to me is because of exo, because she No.
She doesn't want to lose her great youtuber best friend, she doesn't want to, she's like I feel like I don't know if she thinks I'm going to go and mess with Jack, so I tell her I'm not going to do that. because it's not my place and I feel like exo is slower for her, who knows if she's going to believe me and if she, if she does, if she, if she doesn't, it's okay, you don't know, that's up to you. but as a girl, keep your eyes open because she is fine, then she says I have been thinking about the whole situation and I want to apologize for my actions.
I just felt like that photo you posted was obviously going to start something. Oh, my screen recording stopped, well. No, I'm not even going to scream. I'm just going to tell you guys, she said I've been thinking about this whole situation and I want to apologize for my actions. I just felt like that photo they posted was obviously going to disappear. to start something funny, um ash, what's bill, um, funny, okay, something funny, people sent me asking if it was about me, I said I don't know, but I feel like we're both childish, no, you're childish, not me, I just felt it. like you and I didn't connect anymore and they went south and I wanted to distance myself from that situation yeah we didn't connect because you're a me I wasn't trying to be fake I just wanted my space yeah I told the girls about ours trips and how we got involved, but I was never talking about you, no you didn't tell them how we got involved in our chips, but you told them I was dancing with a guy after you told me that's not who you were. trying to say it after you know damn well that was a lie and you start talking about my relationship like no, don't lie, no, no, I'm naked, I wasn't very nice and I feel bad about it but I can't back down.
In time, all I can do is apologize. I feel bad because I shouldn't have acted the way I did. I hope you can really think about our actions and how we both messed up. This doesn't mean we have to be the best of friends I just want you to know that I never made you look bad or be fake and then she puts both in capital letters like no, don't say both because what did I do to her? she nothing, I didn't do her like I will, I'll admit you guys, like me, I like her, yeah, like when we got into it in that hotel one time, I was yelling at her, I was telling her I was talking to her, but she was telling me speaking to me. but as if she spoke to their faces, I'm not going to go behind her back and speak to them before this.
I never felt like I had never talked about her. He had never said anything about her. Never again. Guys, I swear. god I don't like it I'm not the type of person if I have something to say I'll say it to your face if you're going to apologize to me at least be genuine at least send me a genuine apology I think that's what pissed me off the most also it's like You're not being genuine, you know, she still swears she'd never talk about me, she's still like she's trying to say it was both of us, you know I didn't like it.
You know, I didn't make you, what did I do? I made them waste their time because I went to meet the dog readers, but technically I didn't even waste their time because the moment they checked the hotel, they came looking for me, so yeah, that's basically it for the store, guys, right now, I'm just done with this, I'm not going to know that I don't wish you anything bad, I don't know. Don't like him, I don't wish him anything bad, I don't wish him anything, I just don't want to be friends with a fake person like that, I don't want, I don't want anyone. like that in my life I don't want someone so negative like that in my life like and then like she says she wanted to distance herself because she went south no, she went south because you're fake what you're talking about everyone you make up is lying like they're not, No, he didn't go south just because of me, like he went south because of you.
I didn't do a lot of face shaking. Everything I've said in this video is literally nothing but the truth. I even addressed the whole situation that was going on when people were saying I was dancing with that guy, nothing happened like believe what you want but it is what it is, I know what I know and everything in this video is nothing but the truth. No, I don't know what it is, but yeah, for some reason, exo watch this video, keep your eyes open girl, because popo is a jerk and he's going to stab you in the back, he is if you, if you were. closer to her and if you want to have her closer, trust me, you would know what she is like and and it's crazy to me because I know she's like that, the things that I know, she probably talks a lot more about me and everyone else. in front of other people and even as brand owners, she was talking about brand owners that we would meet at these events because we met the owner of this brand new and she was the sweetest person ever and she was wearing this. like an open dress and I'm like, oh my god, damn, her breasts look really good because, like I thought, not having a bra on her breasts they looked really good, she's like, oh no, they're fake, like, like , like, she's like. she's like the biggest mistake, you know, she's telling me she's got a lot of work done, um, but yeah, that's basically, you guys can't drive, that's basically, you guys, I really hope that you guys, oh, I'm sorry, I hope that they have enjoyed. this video, if you have fake friends or any fake that you have dealt with any snake, please leave those stories in the comment box below.
I would love to hear them. I know I was everywhere. It's enough money for everyone. eat man come on yeah and that's also another thing I was going to say cass and I do the same thing cass and I you know we're both trying to do it like you know we're both like me youtube she's not. I don't use YouTube much, but she uses Instagram. We're both basically trying to make it like the entire beauty community, you know, and she and I have never had an argument and we hang out a lot more than me and the popular ones.
We've never had an argument, we've never gotten into it because neither of us are like that, neither of us are jealous in that way, we're not jealous of each other like we just both want, we want both of us to succeed, you know? ? we're not like that and my point is that's why Pablo clashes with everyone because she's very jealous and lazy and she likes to talk and she loves drama so a lot of people like her, not a lot of people there but there have been like four or five people that have messaged me knowing who it is because when she was like oh be bipolar and cry like um, I posted that on my thing like wow, you know, because that's something you don't make fun of, right?
You know? A lot of people struggle with that and that's something that I've struggled with for a long time, you know, and it's something that affects me in my everyday life, affects me all the time, you know, and a lot of people knew that. who she was, but as soon as I posted that text message, a lot of people were like, "Oh, is this bullshit?", because people met her and told me that yeah, I had a bad vibe towards her, that I could tell that She was a great you. I know, but yeah, like this video.
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