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Stormy game night ! Elsa & Anna toddlers - family fun

Mar 12, 2024
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you never know what's going to happen yeah that's the fun thing and the whole


is together I can't wait mommy we just want to check in to see if you're done with the



snacks games, well, we put these. on the table, delicious cookies and sweets, but they won't eat too much girls, well, they won't leave a seat for this game night, right, yeah, it's just a little and then, excuse me, Anna, oh, sorry, there's the popcorn machine. I'm going to make some popcorn, delicious popcorn that always goes on this table, here move the clamp you want, press the button to turn it on.
stormy game night elsa anna toddlers   family fun
Girls yes, ready to pop pimples and girls, yes, the babies are sleeping, so let's try not to. too loud, okay, oh yeah, I guess I was too excited for a game night and it's also pouring rain outside hmm, I don't think I've heard it yet, I'd better go look out the window, see you there, oh, seems. Like it's night, but it's actually pouring rain, come see this, hey, look, there really is a storm, but we're in, we're going to play on game night, hey, dad, you want to win, are they fighting? each other, stop, this is not fighting, oh girls, this?
stormy game night elsa anna toddlers   family fun

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stormy game night elsa anna toddlers family fun...

It's just for fun, it's to show who could have the strongest arm, yeah, I'm fighting and whoever's arm goes down, that means you lost, so now I won, right, Jackie, mm-hmm, we'll see, I have an idea , Anya and I can judge. who wins the next round and I'll cheer on my dad and Anya will cheer on hers one more round because then I think Elsa will be ready with the snack team Jack okay here we go again three two one can I do this can I do it oh no no no yes I won this time actually this time yes yes I knew anya my dad is completely strong okay it's not 1-1 but but daddy I thought you were strong I think you left me yes I won the first round so now it's 1 -1 yeah that's true well there won't be any more games because we're here with the snacks oh yeah game night we're here okay so we'll put the snacks here and who wants a bag of popcorn corn? us, here's one to share.
stormy game night elsa anna toddlers   family fun
I've been thinking about all the times we had fun at game night, but girls, did you pick a game? Oh game, we got so distracted and excited about game night and all the games we played. Have we ever played, we forgot to pick a game for tonight, yeah, well let's do it, wait, I know the game, okay, I trust you, my favorite game, look at the rest, okay guys, here is my game. tock toe no again elsia we played it three times today and you still want to play well we haven't played it with the whole family it's very boring I think we played Candyland how about we play cards or Monopoly Candyland Candyland is great because it's so sweet and wonderful, yes it's a children's game, not even snowflake can play it, but it's so amazing, please, I think we should play snakes and ladders, how about that or spot it, but there are so many games to choose from and I think I just played tic-tac-toe, yeah, yeah, monopoly, you said we've all been.
stormy game night elsa anna toddlers   family fun
I think I have an idea that everyone will like to play. I know we have a game with trivia questions, so let's play beat the parents so you and Anya. They are a team and you try to beat us parents, yeah that's a good idea, what do you think I mean? It sounds boring, anyone, okay, we will try, yes, we will try and the best part is that you can answer. fun questions I'll go look them up oh that was a big one and it was scary oh man yeah oh what was that? That's what I do when I'm afraid the thunder was too loud.
I heard it too mom, I put the cards here. this cool little box let me see let me see let me see open it uh oh you pick a card at random everyone has a question is the orange our team or just no it doesn't matter it's just different colors okay so who wants to start first? kids kids kids kids Anya and I got this, I mean Elsia okay so pick a card and we'll be here hmm I know which one is the special one just pick another one yeah okay. this blue in this blue team right parents complicated question I have here for you okay what food never goes bad so you mean it never expires or rots yeah um I think wait I think I knew that kristoff You know, oh yeah.
I know, honey, that was funny, dad, honey, Anya, don't be happy, they did it right and this was hard. Okay, you'll see how we do it. Used cards. Now you read us the winning team. I'm going to choose one. orange card this time okay ready girls let's see if you can answer what vitamin is in an orange we have it it's full of vitamin C c yes I guess we were underestimating you guys you got it right girls vitamin C yes so It means two points, one point, one point for each team, each of us has one point.
It's time for you to choose again. I'll read the card, now I finish the song. I'm a little short and stout. What is it? I have no idea, Jack. Don't you remember that song when you were a child? No, I've never heard it before Elsia. Maybe they get zero points this round. Maybe we'll win girls not so fast. Anna and I know how to sing it. Ready. Anna. Three, two, one. I am a little teapot. short on stout here's my handle here's my beak that's how it goes girls, we did good right? Oh man, I thought the kids knew this song like we don't, they're bleeding, they're winning anya anya calm down, it was just 'cause that was their turn, let's know the next one, you see, yeah, you're right, parents take turns, it's okay, this one says what's the name of a goat, isn't that what it's called?, yeah or maybe it's a goat that's funny onyanya I remember this from science class I actually know what it is what it is what you're okay a kid yes, that's what it's called what oh okay a boy wow I didn't think you girls would understand it yes that's a very funny name a goat is called a boy that's cool how many hearts does an octopus have let's see if you understand this this is difficult I can see elsia that's very difficult guess it guess it oh really maybe it's difficult because the answer is simple a right heart you got it right dad any other guess I'm sure you won't understand I think so the answer is two because How can there be more than that? bad bad bad bad bad we have the point is three hearts yes yes yes and I think we're leaving oh that was an interesting question I can't believe that a small octopus has three hearts give us a good one in which country was pizza invented that's easy answer is wow, that was a big thunder and lightning the lights went out what happened to the lights wait it's already night what's happening mommy I can't see you anya I'm here well I can barely see you we're right here, elsie and anya, don't worry,


, we should go check on snowflake and adrian, oh boy, yeah, they're sleeping, let's go check on them, we'll be right back is that one hand is that dad is that jack, that's me, I want to stay with you um, He's my dad, I'm supposed to stay with you two, you can sit here girls, it's okay, the flashlight is here, what's that light, dad, remember it's me, we see you, oh, I feel better, yeah , now I can see more in the room, oh yeah?
I hope everything is going to be okay, so girls, sometimes when there's a storm with lightning, the power can go out like this, look, this is what it was because of the lightning, yeah, oh wow, maybe this happened When I was little, I just don't do it. I just don't remember, it's pretty weird and cool, actually, Elsia, I have an idea, oh wait before my idea, dad, can I have the flashlight, sure, just be careful, okay, I want to play with it, look, there is my family, me and Elsia, my and. my mommy and my daddy and here is the wall small big small and big it looks like a donut in the reflection oh elsia and now let's do this my idea will you continue playing just tell me the idea so you know when the night comes In our room sometimes we make shadows and Since it's dark here and it seems like night, how about we do that?
Elsia, can you shine the light here? Oh, here, yeah, because I'm going to move this around to create a space for you to play with the shadows. They are on that wall over there yes, come on, elsia, come here next to me like this, yes, perfect, let me show you some of the animal shadows that I know you make with your fingers, first this is a rabbit with ears and now look at this . flap flap I'm a bird I'm a bird you try it whoa that looks so real elsia yes the bird is flapping I want to try it now that's how you do it no but you have to fold your ears like this yeah oh yay now let me try the bird it's so cool girls look at this oh kristoff that's so cool how does that sound tracy daddy did you like it uh no I've never seen anyone do that before it was so cool a real dog right yeah tracy You thought it was a real dog it was just the Kristoff girl.
You can stay with us until power is restored. About how she made her own shadow. I think she thinks she's another real dog. Hey, Tracy girl, it's just the shadow. Oops, look at me and Tracy sees us. my face the babies were fine they were just sleeping everything is fine oh girls we were hoping to find you scared curled up in a corner you're really enjoying it yeah actually fine as long as we have each other we'll be fine and we're having fun making some shadows. Oh, I see you had fun with the flashlight. Yes, and Tracy joined us.
I hope the power comes back soon. Yes. Do you think we can continue the game in the dark? Yes i think. we should do it too because it makes family game night so much more fun elsia look look look so small on you but then when I back up big on your bigger, bigger, bigger, look at my head, let's do that together three two one small and then we get bigger and bigger dancing in the shadows until the power comes back let's continue the game girls yeah game night night mode I'll just set the flashlight here you can see the cars what they say and it's time to start this very late night game night.
Come on, but the last question before the power went out was: do you girls remember it? Oh, where was pizza invented? So do you know the answer? Oh yes, Italy is that correct. Yes, they understood it correctly. We know we have to correct you, girls. shining in my eyes I'm sorry girls you are so smart and I can tell pay attention in school and I'm glad we weren't afraid of the dark we can still move on to the next okay what's the biggest ocean? Simple, the answer is, oh, the lights came back on, yes, the power came back on.
I knew it would come back on. It was actually a cool experience with the power going out and now it's gone, I kind of wanted it to continue, well yeah. It was a great experience, but I'm glad the power is back on and how about this? Anya, we can make it a tradition every game night, we can do shadow games, hmm, yeah, that sounds like a good idea and I'm happy to be back. I like that idea, girls, great, now read us the next question, but you didn't answer Elsa, oh yeah, because the light distracted me when it turned on, so the largest ocean in the world is the Pacific Ocean, yeah, my mommy It's very smart below. ask what, again you know what that means, the flashlight is off, yes, and now we can continue with this cool experience, so we were on to the next question, oh wait, I'm the flashlight, oh here, mommy, at the end of the day, this was an interesting night for sure.
It was, I will always remember this. Yes, for more videos go to our channel and subscribe.

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