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Stormy Calls Trump an “Orange Turd” in Wild Testimony; Greene Booed by Republicans: A Closer Look

May 14, 2024
-An embarrassing week for Republicans continued today as Stormy Daniels returned to the stand at Donald Trump's criminal trial and discussed more humiliating details about her affair, and Republicans argued over Marjorie Taylor Greene's failed attempt to impeach President Mike Johnson. To learn more about this, it's time for "A Closer Look." The political world has been obsessed with Trump's criminal trial, which means Marjorie Taylor Greene hasn't gotten enough attention. She has been behaving like your cat does when you come home from the hospital with a new baby. "Oh, is there anyone else in the spotlight now? In that case, say goodbye to your leather couch." Then, yesterday, Greene introduced a motion to impeach the president, Mike Johnson, which was met with boos from her own Republican colleagues. -For what purpose does Mrs.
stormy calls trump an orange turd in wild testimony greene booed by republicans a closer look
Georgia seek recognition? -This is the one-party game, for the American people watching. -I love that she thinks the American people are watching C-SPAN on a Wednesday at 5 p.m. If you've ever watched C-SPAN, you know that not even the people in the C-SPAN control room are watching C-SPAN. And it's not necessary. What would a conversation be like in that control room? "Take camera one. Prepare camera two." "We don't have a camera two." "Stay in front of camera one." That's why even Republicans hate Marjorie Taylor Greene now. Imagine being elected to Congress, which for most people would be the pinnacle of their careers, an honor they would cherish for the rest of their lives, representing their neighbors and their community in the eyes of the world, and what it is like .
stormy calls trump an orange turd in wild testimony greene booed by republicans a closer look

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stormy calls trump an orange turd in wild testimony greene booed by republicans a closer look...

He's best known for dressing like a gangster's ex-wife and being


mercilessly by people who are supposed to like you. And she clearly loves it. She always


s like she's standing in the middle of a wrestling ring, absorbing the hate, you know, right before pinning the local hero. "Are you all ready for the subsection four-legged blockade?" Greene's motion was quickly rejected, and her own Republican colleagues held a press conference in which they attacked her. -Moscow Marjorie has clearly gone crazy. Perhaps the result of a space laser. -That's a Republican. It's a Republican who says that. I love that her party line is: "Democrats are making this economy worse, making our borders less secure, and our universities are waking up too.
stormy calls trump an orange turd in wild testimony greene booed by republicans a closer look
They have some good opinions about Marjorie." Hey Republicans, maybe reflect a little on how you got here. Democrats certainly have their own problems, but they don't have this problem. You never see them paralyzing Congress, holding press conferences among themselves and booing one of their own. Bernie criticized the Democrats quite a bit, but even he doesn't boo, although I'm sure he would do just fine. The top 1% of Americans get 99% of my boos. Republicans, you elevated Marjorie Taylor Greene. So if you are angry with someone, be angry with yourself. The guy everyone supported for president is his biggest fan.
stormy calls trump an orange turd in wild testimony greene booed by republicans a closer look
He has repeatedly praised and shouted at her at rallies. -Oh, and one of my favorite people. Ahhh. She is so smart. I hope she's around. I hope she's around. She is an incredible woman. She is a brilliant woman, she doesn't get the credit for it, but we all know about that stuff. Marjorie Taylor Greene. -It's such a backhanded compliment to say that someone is brilliant but doesn't get credit for it. Marjorie Taylor Greene, you know, contrary to popular opinion, is actually very intelligent. She gets no credit for it. Most people think she's so dumb. Ask around.
I tell them they are wrong all the time. I know people who tell me, "Her IQ is the same as her shoe size." Or they tell me things like, "If your age was the same as your IQ, you wouldn't be old enough to vote. No, really. They tell me things like, "Marjorie Taylor Greene is so dumb she sold her car to buy gas." .Which is unfair, because she's a know-it-all. I could go on. She's so dumb... ...she went to a football game and when they called her quarterback, she thought she got a refund. - and this is true, I saw this happen - he bought a puzzle and thought it would take him 5 to 7 years to finish it - Also... what's going on here - Ahhh. noise?
Sounds like my aunt trying a chocolate mousse. Ahhhhhh! The point is that this is not happening to you. You created a political movement that elevated these people, and you continue to support Trump even when he appears in court. day after day, facing accusations that he defrauded voters by covering up a payment of money to a porn star, a porn star like him. He had an affair just months after his wife gave birth. And I say this knowing full well that, while it is a bad time to sleep with a porn star, there is also no good time in a marriage to sleep with a porn star.
It's not like you're saying, "Look at us, both kids are going to college, a couple of empty nesters. What are we going to do next, honey?" "Well, there's one thing I've always wanted to do." "I'm just checking if it's the right time." But the party of so-called family values ​​continues to act like Trump paying a porn star is no big deal because everyone knows Trump is disgusting. -Stormy Daniels'


, which was lewd. That was the goal. Listen, there is not a single person on planet Earth who believes that Donald Trump has been celibate his entire life.
That's not news. But they want to drag it down the road because it is political defamation. -First of all, a defamation job is one of the things Trump paid money for to cover up his silence. In fact, here is the sound he made when they did the smear job on him. -Ahhh. -Can we hear the reaction of the local public to that joke? It is not news that Trump is not celibate. But once again, Trump receives the same backhanded praise. "This trial is ridiculous. I mean, really, is anyone surprised that Donald Trump is a dirty dog?
The man is a sex-crazed maniac. I once saw him put up a flag in broad daylight. Old Glory "More like Old Glory Hole." Okay, okay, calm down. Every day, the trial becomes somehow more humiliating, both for Trump and the political movement that has elevated him. Today, for example, Trump's defense attorney questioned Stormy on the stand. They tried to portray her as someone motivated solely by money and essentially tried to extort Trump. But in at least one case, that line of questioning backfired. -Necheles asked Daniels if she eventually wanted to publicly announce that she had sexual relations with Trump. -Daniels said: "No.
Nobody would want to say it publicly. I wanted to defend myself publicly." So they say no one would want to say publicly that she had sex with Trump. -Then Trump's lawyers asked Stormy Daniels if she planned to publicly announce that she had sex with Trump, and Stormy responded under oath that no one would ever want to admit that she had sex with Trump. Phew. And Trump just has to sit there! And the best part is, how can he defend himself against that? What is he going to say? "That's not true. Ask all the other women I secretly paid money to to keep quiet." By the way, this comes after Stormy's


on Tuesday, in which she described the stupid silk pajamas she was wearing and the time she slapped him on the butt with a magazine that had her face on it, and Trump just had to listen .
This test is like some kind of crazy Japanese game show where the contestant has to see how long they can sit silently while everyone they know talks bad about them. The only way this trial could be more painful for Trump is if they introduced a physical element where every time Stormy testifies, she receives an electric shock with two electrodes placed on her balls. Which would at least keep him from falling asleep. Even when Trump's lawyers try to discredit Stormy as a witness using her social media posts as evidence, they end up accidentally embarrassing Trump. Here's an actual exchange from court today that the MSNBC hosts had to read aloud. -The defense tries to use the documents in its favor. -Including tweets, by the way. -They have introduced a Stormy Daniels tweet in the past.
It's a tweet of hers where she actually retweeted someone calling her a human toilet. And then she responded with that retweet saying, "Exactly, which makes me the best person to throw out the


shit." And now this has been put into evidence and Necheles asked, "Did that refer to Trump?" Daniels: "He doesn't say that, so it depends on your interpretation." Daniels: "I'm not a toilet either." She goes on to say, "If someone can make fun of me, I can make fun of them." Necheles: "What did you mean when you said


poop?" Daniels: "Oh, I absolutely mean Mr.
Trump." Necheles: "Then why didn't you say that a minute ago?" -Because I thought it was obvious? When Trump's lawyer started asking that, I was surprised that Trump didn't jump in and say... Oh, me. She was talking about me. Everybody knows. You could write Orange Turd in an email and that would be enough to get it to me. Not only were the words "orange poop" officially entered into evidence, but they actually had to have a tug-of-war in front of the jury to establish who the orange poop in question is. I mean, what was the rest of that exchange like?
This should be a time of reckoning and self-reflection. Anyone who


themselves a Republican should ask themselves, "How did we end up here?" The man they're supporting for president is sitting in a courtroom facing accusations that he defrauded voters by paying hush money to cover up an affair with a porn star. Or to put it another way, all of this is happening because some orange


got a... -Libel job. -This has been "A




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