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Stop Procrastinating: Heal Trauma by Taking ACTION

Mar 11, 2024
Have you ever had the experience of knowing you should do something like go to work on time or put away laundry or finish a creative project or brush your teeth before bed but you just couldn't do it? We all procrastinate sometimes, but people who experienced abuse and neglect in childhood. Procrastinating can take over your life. It can


you. It can get you down. You are stuck day after day in the same old routine like paralysis. Now, what has happened to me? I have spent months at a time in this place before and I will tell you that it is very demoralizing when it happens to know that you are here in the world to do good, but something in you does not allow you to do it, what causes it?
stop procrastinating heal trauma by taking action
I will tell you and show you how you can take


today to change. Well, the problem with procrastination is that it sabotages your will, your correct intentions and I call this state paralysis because you literally find yourself unable to take positive


. on your own behalf and this can be in small everyday things like surfing the Internet when you have work to do or in big things that affect many people in important ways, like not having to mail your utility bill and leave all the money. family without electricity now, that used to happen in the home where I grew up, you can also procrastinate to the point of ruining your relationship, your career, your integrity and your


th and in fact, we have all failed in our good intentions to the greatest extent. part of the years. these areas at least once, so what happens when we can't act honestly?
stop procrastinating heal trauma by taking action

More Interesting Facts About,

stop procrastinating heal trauma by taking action...

I think doing things, committing, spending energy, creating something out of nothing, the reason we put it off is because it's not really a big deal, it's really simple, it's because it's hard that's why it's hard one of the great joys. of my life is to post videos like this and then read all the comments and discussions that you guys contribute I love doing this but if posting videos is my joy and this is how my family also earns their income, then why do I spend days in the that I'm supposed to be preparing these videos and planning, researching, writing, making the right introduction and recording them?
stop procrastinating heal trauma by taking action
It's like torture for me. I'm dying to escape during those days and because making these videos requires days of preparation, it's really about six to eight hours per video of focused creative work, that kind of work that's difficult where you're making something out of nothing well when It's time to plan the content. OMG I'm so interested in, you know, cleaning the cutlery drawer, combing the cat, I've done both today, I'm finally getting this video right and it doesn't make sense because posting these videos makes me happy but doing the work What leads up to that moment is just hard work, that's all, there's nothing wrong with it, there's nothing that complicated, it's just hard, I want it so much when I have to plan a video, I just like it, I have this big desire, I just wanna.
stop procrastinating heal trauma by taking action
I want to go to bed I want to watch, you know, Hulu, but like you, if I give in to that all the time, my life will never go anywhere, so lying down sounds great, it's a nice fantasy that will make everything better, but in It's totally depressing, so what makes me happy is sticking to my intention of creating videos, even when it's hard. I make good videos, I'm happy with them, well sometimes I make death, but being involved in creating, sharing and serving people in the world is what makes me happy. It works for me now


is a very weak solution that tries to solve the problem of stress, it is stress, right, stress is a problem and it can make it seem like at any moment we are going to focus all this energy, which I will. procrastinate from time to time boom, you know, like a grenade, I'm going to explode with energy.
I always think that I wish there was the creative version of the defibrillator, you know, those things that they put in a person's chest when their heart


s and the heart starts beating again. I always think about what's going to take me away. I'm back at work and he's going to take me back to the desk and there's nothing magical about it, it's like it doesn't matter how I feel about it, it's just getting up and walking around and then sitting in my chair here and doing it like this, another part of that fantasy It is the illusion that


is self-care, but it is not, there is no rest, it could be self-care, but procrastinating is not self-care, it is like the worst waste of time, it does not de-stress you, it causes stress for people with stress disorder post-


tic childhood, especially when there are many things un


ed, you are in a state of stress almost all the time, so everything is difficult and that is what is cruel.
Cyclic stress makes things difficult, so you avoid tasks, which stresses you out more, which leads you to avoid tasks even more. There are people who don't have childhood PTSD, they have no idea how much work it is for some of us to do ordinary things. exhausting and stressful just being in the world, sometimes there's a reason, people it's stressful leaving home it's stressful following a schedule it's stressful expressing yourself is stressful and listening to other people's opinions when you don't agree with them, that can be too stressful and making money, of course it is stressful, but you know what is more stressful not doing all these things and that is why when you feel overwhelmed and stressed the solution is not always to just walk away and give yourself permission to procrastinate, sometimes the The best way to relieve stress is to simply cope correctly.
Get into it and take the chaos of all those unfinished tasks and piles of to-dos, forgotten emails and unfinished projects and just get to work on them one at a time. You may want to stop thinking about the stress and overwhelm to stop telling yourself that. the solution is to avoid everything that is stressful for you, just stop labeling it as stress, look at it like this is life, I am alive, I am doing the things that are part of my life because in the end the path of least resistance is simply do things, do them anyway, that's how they become easier, you're bringing order to chaos and it feels good, it feels inspiring and that's how you become happier, so how do you start?
Sometimes you feel the need. Once you feel ready to run out and do it right, do you ever understand that it's such a childish PTSD to go from I can't do anything to I'm just going to do everything and there are times when there's no point in just running out. , try it and force yourself to tackle your list in one day. I don't want to discourage you if you have that positive energy, but what can happen is that you make a list. of 20 or 40 or 100 things, you start with the first thing and then you expand it to the first 10 things and you do them all at once and you run back and forth and the next thing you know it just regulates you because you're tired and you know that you're trying to juggle too much and you don't really like keeping your thoughts in order, you just say, go, go, go, go, and then you fall back into procrastination, so take action at a good pace, a healthy pace , it's like a muscle, you can start exercising it slowly, little by little at first and then you get stronger, whether you do it little by little or go on a cleansing binge today.
I'll tell you what the solution is, the solution is not to not give up, don't identify with the


and the mistake, the paralysis and giving up on being good to yourself, when you let yourself down, your worst behaviors will start to emerge now. I'm aware that some people are workaholics so I don't want you to follow this advice and it's usually not workaholics who write to me about this, it's people who are worried about addicts disappearing. to work, but what about work addiction? It's not always good. to move forward and of course everything can be done in the extreme, but you know who I'm talking to, you know who you are, they are the procrastinators, okay, when you let yourself down, your worst behaviors will start to emerge when you don't reach your goals. own goals you know what your cptsd wants to do he wants to find someone to blame is he going to blame you?
Are you going to blame him? she your parents society, right, starts to get agitated and you start having random thoughts about how people are against you or you are repeating over and over some harm they did to you in the past, if that happens when you are trying to take action Check in with yourself, ask yourself: is there something I'm having trouble handling right now? Am I avoiding something? In fact, I'm angry at myself for not doing what I need to do, and by the way, if you're not sure if complex PTSD is driving some of your counterproductive actions like this, you can take a quiz that I developed. and it's right at the bottom in the description section, it's in the top row, you'll see it right below the video.
You can take that test and I will send you a list of really common symptoms of cptsd and you can check and see if apply it, your strength lies in action, action taken in proper proportion to your ability, so don't wait until you feel good to start to brush your teeth, it's okay, just take that step and brush your teeth even if you're tired. just to practice, just to stretch and the next day you can do the laundry and if you still feel good you can answer emails that people wrote to you weeks ago but you never responded to, you can schedule a haircut, you can visit the gym the one where you pay all the time but haven't been in three months.
Okay, you can check your credit card bill to see all the monthly subscriptions you forgot you were paying for and see if there are any you can eliminate. You know the good stuff. The actions you need to take next maybe you have to try hard not like a maniac but some every day you know what you say you sometimes hear don't be a human being be a human being well it's a good feeling to have grown up in a commune I'm always a little skeptical about things like that and the reason is that doing and being are both really important, okay, I like that, the criticism of doing, having something wrong, not doing and being both important and doing is how we make a living and it's how we express ourselves and how you're going to fully become yourself if you don't do things, it's not just what you do, it's the momentum you generate just by doing anything and the more you act, the easier it becomes. comes back and it feels more natural to continue acting.
I procrastinated for years on the idea of ​​the shitty childhood fairy, it was in my mind for two decades, I mean, it wasn't fully formed yet. I didn't learn everything I needed to learn to be truly prepared, but it was on my mind and I didn't have the power inside to do anything about it, so I finally did it. I'm very happy and what launched me into action was I signed up for an expensive seminar on how to share your own life story as a way to teach others like online and I wanted to do this.
It seemed like a huge amount of money and I was terrified to do it. What if I actually did, you know, I launched it this started as a blog and what if I did that and they judged me right? I did a little. What if my work was bad? Sometimes, what if I was successful and then I committed to always having it? work hard at it, that's pretty much what happened, but I don't have to work hard, I like to work hard, I procrastinate, sometimes it comes from exactly the same place as anyone's procrastination. I simply lack the power to do what I want.
I had the intention, but that was the big fear: that I would get stuck, I would have to be in action all the time and there would be no escape, so I found that I have more confidence in my ability to really step up and work. hard, if I can, periodically, like take some time, go to bed, not for a long time, not so big, like waste time or go to bed, but just go, hey, I can take a break anytime I want, I don't have to be afraid This, I'm not afraid to make a commitment, I'll talk about this in another video at some point, but making commitments is where life starts to get really rich, so that's what we're talking about a lot when we act, some of that is just make a commitment to start a new project and if you start the new project, I mean, let's say you open a store right now, you have to go to work every day in the store and that's it, it's difficult, you know, you can foresee like Even when I'm sad, even when I'm dysregulated, I'm going to have to leave, but I really can't emphasize enough that while that's stressful, it's much more stressful to not take the step of not opening that store when that's what you want.
I wanted to imagine if I had never done the childhood fairy because I was afraid it would involve work. Part of me would love to lay around and just watch TV. There's so much great television out there, you know? And it seems like unlimited television would really be nice, but most of us know what it really feels like, right, it feels terrible, your life is passing you by, it feels like it's passing you by because it's passing you by. long, you are not being you, you are not doing what you should do. be doing and what you're supposed to do is really the only thing you can do.It will make you feel happy and fulfilled and have that feeling that I lived well today this was a good day it was worth it I lived my life and for me, the things that make me feel that way are how to connect well with my family and the people close to me and a little bit of that every day also going out and walking as if I were going for a walk, I feel like that.
I lived my day and did work that I know makes a difference in people's lives and makes it a good day. I like those days and I used to be envious of people who build roads for example, I don't know why roads but you know you get stuck in traffic and there is road work there and people are working. I used to think that God is so lucky that they come home at night and say, "I built 100 feet of road today and it's a real thing and they did it and you know they had it and I often had work that was a little less tangible, like You know, working online, working in offices and I didn't have that satisfaction, but really the path is not what I would have done for myself, it's doing what I was created to do and I'm finally doing it and it's a lot of fun, it's a lot of fun to do.
I knew what you should do. One day I saw that seminar, I paid the money, I went and it was a lot of money and it was four days in a small corporate hotel that added up and then on the third day I had the stomach flu, I couldn't even get to the room. day, it was a little difficult, but I started and that was the day that the feeling that life was happening to me went away, I started and I was using my gifts in my own way and I had to make use of all that money that I spent on it. seminar.
I felt like I had to follow up and do this blog, the blog then became the videos, the videos became the youtube channel, then there were courses, now there is a membership and all that just grew and grew and it's. It kind of leads me towards something that I had a vague feeling I wanted to do, but I couldn't even see it until I was walking through the steps and to this day, like I don't know exactly where it's going, I just keep


action, I still take action, I try to show up, it can be hard, but never as hard as it would have been if I knew I could create.
Shitty childhood fairy, but I didn't make the effort and that's why you feel like life is passing you by when you can't act because time is ticking and the world is just waiting for you to step forward and occupy your true self. place in it. It's time, okay, it's time for you to do that, you can do it by


action, you can do it with one, you can do it with a big burst of action, but I think it's a little more sustainable if you take small consistent actions, just take a few. every day incorporate them into your routine because they will get you there they also give you a little respite between actions so you can know how to go through your deregulation cptsd re-regulate re-balance do you know that word? that means balancing things so that you can handle the stress that life gives you every time you put yourself out there, that's what's scary when you take action and start going after what you really want, you're putting yourself out there and so when you get criticized and you will do, you know you will do it and that's okay when you are very clear about what you are trying to do, it hurts less, it doesn't like to stop you dead like it used to, so you need that strength. small actions taken consistently to deal with what happens balancing and it's like super vitamins for childhood ptsd if you were forced to let your light shine your spirit will love doing this these small actions you are getting somewhere and the achievement feels really good, that's what you were retained with your cptsd when you keep taking those small actions, success always follows, no, not always, but what follows is the adventure, the adventure of your life, you are in the game , okay, you're in the soup, like my mom used to do.
To say that you may or may not reach the goal, you may not even want to reach the goal when you get there, but the act of taking those steps will increase your vitality and open you up to life in all kinds of ways you didn't want to. even wait it's okay you're open for business your strong point is action it's totally common now for people with cptsd to act in big bursts and then crash and lose all momentum and I have a video that's all about how to avoid let it flow very well. with this video and you'll find it right here and I'll see you very soon.

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