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Stop Dancing Awkward At Parties! (5 Bad Habits to Fix)

Apr 11, 2024
Those are the things I never want to see you do on the dance floor. I'm going to break them all down. Those are some of the things that, by the way, I'm teaching clients in my paid speaking program through dance, they helped. My students go from looking a little


on the dance floor to looking like they know what they are doing and can now comfortably mingle with others every time they go out. Let's move on to the first very uncomfortable habit, which I see often. the dance floor doesn't have good moves and what happens many times you've probably noticed that we also have a stiff upper body, stiff shoulders, arms can be a little stiff if you don't realize it and fix it, it will affect the form everything else is seen, for example, if my shoulders are tight, if I'm tense because I'm trying to do the movement perfectly, it affects how the steps look, how everything else I'm doing with the lower body, even if I add the hips, let's say you know, the lower part of the body here moves very well, but what happens on the upper part, this is a very uncomfortable look and maybe I'm exaggerating a little bit, but you can tell that my shoulders are like wrinkled just when you are. dance no matter what movement you're doing, I want you to pay attention to what's happening, especially with your arms, with your shoulders and then just breathe and even like Shake It Out, loosen your arms, loosen your shoulders, make sure you're not holding any tension there, this will make a big difference, not only does having your shoulders be tight affect everything else you are doing, but keep in mind that when you are on a crowded dance floor and it is darker, people won't see your the feet don't see the knees nor the hips see everything up so this is the first thing I want you to pay attention to to relax when you move when you are


bad habit number two is looking up when you dance or looking down is very easy to fix looking up makes us look like we're thinking we're thinking about what move to do next we're thinking about the rhythm we're thinking like what am I going to do you know that shows we're thinking it shows we're uncomfortable, so just don't look up, it's a very easy solution and then looking down makes us look very shy, because where your eyes go, the energy goes to the right, so it's like you're having a conversation with someone. who is always looking down, he's not looking at you, so you don't know if he's really listening, if he's into the conversation, he doesn't seem engaged and the connection just isn't there, same with


, so the best solution It's, of course, when you're dancing, let's say with your friends, you're looking at them, it's totally okay to look down from time to time, you know you can look at, for example, a hip that you're moving if you're moving your hips and then just you look ahead.
stop dancing awkward at parties 5 bad habits to fix
If you are dancing with a group of friends, you will look at them, but not up all the time, or down all the time. Don't forget when you are dancing, it also adds a smile. This is like an extra tip that always makes everything look better. Bad habit number three is covering up other people on the dance floor. You think it's helping you. I can assure you not, unless you already know how to do it. dance then yes, but if you are a beginner, you are just starting your


dance, don't try to look for ideas of what other people are doing because those moves won't fit you if you are not coordinated. you're stiff, if you don't have rhythm you won't be able to do those moves correctly and you'll also be stiff doing them, so what's the point of trying?
stop dancing awkward at parties 5 bad habits to fix

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stop dancing awkward at parties 5 bad habits to fix...

The reason we want to copy someone's moves is because they look great on them, but those people who do those moves have been doing them for the last 10 years, right. I do the same moves at every party I go to because I know which moves are comfortable for me and which moves feel best doing. I repeat them. It's natural to do the same with a person you're looking at. They repeat the movements they feel comfortable with again. If you don't have the skills, you don't know how to make those moves look good. For you, you will look everywhere trying to copy a move that looks good on someone else.
stop dancing awkward at parties 5 bad habits to fix
Makes sense? So it's always best to have even a few goto moves that work for you that you've practiced ahead of time, and this would be a Start and I talk about this in my other video. I'll link it below and definitely check it out. Trust your own movements, your own abilities. This is much better than just looking at random people and limiting random steps. Bad habit number four is having your arms. Just hanging there, not moving them at all, having them stiff and that look that we don't want to do, doesn't mean you have to know any fancy dance moves with your arms, not if you're a beginner when When you're dancing, let's say you're doing a move. simple, maybe like a bath or something very basic, it's much better to keep your arms slightly bent at your sides and let them bounce with your body, so it just responds like any body. is doing so just doing that maybe it's more comfortable but you don't have to have the skills to bend your arms like it doesn't require a lot of effort and it makes the movement look a lot better.
stop dancing awkward at parties 5 bad habits to fix
I'll show you a couple. more examples step forward with loose arms bouncing moving freely I'm not doing anything specific they just stay bent instead of straight it looks totally different I look shy shy like I'm not sure what I'm doing so this is always better you can start like this and bad habit number five is trying to do too much too much energy being all over the place too much rhythm too many movements in a song doing complex movements one after the other and forcing it, that doesn't look good and people can tell when you're trying to do more than you should, for example if this is what I see, a lot of beginners try to do moves to impress others, but one doesn't know these moves very well and two It's kind of a package of a song full of those advanced complex movements with no parts where they just move to the beat of the music.
They look relaxed. They seem to be having fun. It is a disaster. Okay, so you don't want to be the person who tries it too. a lot because then you're going to be looking all over the place and we don't want when you're dancing it's totally okay to do a fancy move once in a while, but then you're going to like basic groove moves after everything you're doing. dancing at a party you're on the dance floor you're not on stage trying to impress people by acting like a robot or something yeah don't do it this is bad habit number six yeah I've seen it before I hope If these tips have been helpful, let me know in the comments.
This is something I help my clients with within my program every day. I turn awkward social dancers into pretty decent dancers so I can help you enjoy dancing at any event you go to. In my program we develop lifelong dance skills so that rhythm coordination can have that control of the body to move different parts of the body so that it looks natural and perfect, preparing you to be able to freestyle in social settings because this is the style of dance. that each person does on the dance floor, learning choreography routines, choreography will not prepare you to dance casually at a party, so we work on the ability for you to be able to move spontaneously to the music if you want to work with me.
Would you like to learn more about my program? I will include the link below for a free consultation. Book it and let's chat, let's see if we can get you ready for the holidays ahead and that's all for today. I'll see. Guys, goodbye in the next tutorial.

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