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STILL WAKES THE DEEP - A Horror Game Where You're Trapped in an Oil Rig..

Jun 19, 2024
I'm here here it's him here what's close to who do I listen to his wife him my wife I just want to get back to her finally to my wings I listen to my boy when he was we know second Kate second we won't see them again C you have to come yourself it you said CH come on we don't want Jesus to come, I'm sorry I don't know what we do, let's face it, come on, what do you mean we're coming back, we're coming back, we're not going to go through us, for the love of it, I want your life, be brave, be brave for him you can save yourself you can't save him Jesus you can finally give him a chance if he comes to the mainland you know I'm right your M was right that's true brother he'll take care of everything it's okay, it's okay oh my god brother , you have to be me right now, everyone is dead, everyone and we are about to die like we are about to risk everything to stop this from reaching the mainland and happening to everyone else, including our own children.
still wakes the deep   a horror game where you re trapped in an oil rig
It's crazy. I guess this is the most realistic ending if you think about it as much as it sucks for everyone to die, including yourself, after everything you went through you should have the ultimate sacrifice. I wonder why you listen to someone specific. when you are in this or close to it you know Almighty God, Christ, a possibility is not crazy, what if there is something like this


in the oceans? You figure he'll go there, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, well he'll throw it away. there and the oil lights it up, but damn, when they drilled that damn guy, you don't recognize me, no, I'm sorry love, you know me, you could tell it's been a long time, though C, hold Susan, laugh at love , is that you are the same car of Christ, but you don't look different.
still wakes the deep   a horror game where you re trapped in an oil rig

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still wakes the deep a horror game where you re trapped in an oil rig...



have my nose. Well, it looks like someone did a good job. He's spreading all over your face. Oh, with a big man, a drink. Jesus C, because I really want to be thinking about Roy right now. he takes care of me, he adores you, you know well, I'm easy to love C and mle, yeah, I'm finding it, shut up, cool, Suki J. I do those S. I love you, I love you more than anything in this world. yourself, considering everything I'm serious, marry me, we make beautiful wings. I want to spend my whole life with you.
still wakes the deep   a horror game where you re trapped in an oil rig
Wow, that's pretty sad, dude, she's perfect, she looks like you, thank God for that, she has your eyes, my dad's eyes though. I'm sorry because I know you would have wanted me to meet you and he, the bastard wasn't interested in me, why would he care about her? You love the days, we fast, I will never leave you, I will be by your side forever. and I will always be here for this, they say that when you die, you have massive, very fast flashbacks of your entire life, like your life literally flashes before your eyes, it's not what happened there, it's a bit like just between her, her, um, him and his wife, but it was kind of a little flashback or whatever and now we're, what is this?
still wakes the deep   a horror game where you re trapped in an oil rig
Damn, it's a wedding photo, oh, that's our character, that's him, you have like a little mullet when you see the reflection, this


is very well done, our wife, the second born children and the wife, the drawings for the kids, it doesn't get any better than that, oh man, that's it, he seems to look because I don't know, it could be him, just his spirit looking up. her or what this is like once we walk out this door, that's important to me, tell her I'll be back for Christmas, oh that was the next morning before she got out of the car.
Sorry it's been so hot, I just wanted to send you over. This means we will get through it. I know we will take care of each other and bring my big beautiful gas man back home in one piece. Okay, I miss you and I love you. The disaster of girls and I love you. I'm


furious. to Roy, but he is a good man and I know he will take care of them, no matter what, we will be okay, we can use them, I just want you guys to say that to keep them safe and close and make sure they know to come home to us.
I love you camera stay safe in those waters man my love wow that was so good still wake up Deep what a good


this was a really good


game it wasn't


like just survival horror pure, but obviously it was. a horror game, but it was a very rich story, characters, a good amount of very linear scenes, which is just one of those games


you just sit here and enjoy the experience and I really enjoyed everything about this game so far. now one of the best I've played here this year, let me know what you thought was amazing.
The narration was actually very good. Visually, obviously, visually, 10 out of 10 for me, it was great. I really like it. I'm a little bummed that that was the end of it, but that's probably realistically what would have happened in that scenario and it also reminds me to never go on an oil rig, not that I'll ever need to or I hope not. I need it, but yes, thank you. You guys still awaken to the depths from watching this, if you enjoyed it please consider leaving a like on the video and hopefully I'll see you in the next one.

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