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Stezzi The Parrot | A Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure!

Jun 01, 2024
Hello everyone, welcome to



, I'm jamie and this is your place for


stories and fun, it's easy, just copy the moves I do and enjoy the


now we always start the same way, sitting on our butts and crossing our legs and joining our hands on our hearts and saying our secret


keyword which is namaste ready after three one two three na ma stay there now, let's take a look through the cosmonoculars and find out who we will meet today by putting together thumbs and fingers take a look oh look at the colors isn't it amazing? all the ways can you see the picture? yes, it is a


, it is desi the


, oh what is it constantly doing, is it doing yoga, is it doing the moon pose or is it the banana pose, this is very exciting. we're going to meet stezzy in the brazilian rainforest we're going to have to catch a flight so let's get ready we roll our shoulders over and over again we lift them up and down we lift one up we lift two we go down one we go down two going up up down down up down down up up down down up up down wiggling wiggling wiggling wiggling then we raise our arms very high and keeping our butt firmly planted on the ground we lower our hands in front of us like two flip flops ready flip flops flip flops keep your butt on the ground and flip flops again flip flops flip flops flip flops well done Everyone, it's time to get on the plane.
stezzi the parrot a cosmic kids yoga adventure
We kneel and extend our arms. We lower one hand to the ground and salute the sky. We place one foot in front of our knee and throw our back leg to the side. We raise our hips and turn around completely in a direction and then in the other. side two knees open arms fall to the other side wave to the sky place your foot in front of your knee and shoot your back leg behind you raise your hips and let's go now again ready here we are in brazil oh it's very hot we reach for the sun and say hello son ready here we go hello son and here comes stezzy flying towards us folding halfway lower your wings reach them up and lower them up and lower them land in front of us reaching his wings all the way up and making a sudden movement with his beak while the low yariba r-r welcome


children I need your help all my friends in the jungle keep complaining about being bored I get bored when it rains I get bored all the time I'm bored I'm bored and bored Can you help me come up with some ideas?
stezzi the parrot a cosmic kids yoga adventure

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stezzi the parrot a cosmic kids yoga adventure...

I'm sure we can. We may have said things like that before too, but Steady leads the way through the very tall approaching trees. one foot on top of the other using the heel, hands together at heart level, grow your tree very tall and since you are a tree in the rainforest, you are a very strong tree, right? Hmm, let me see how strong you are. Will I try to take you down? Ready, you are strong. What about the other side? Shall we try to climb to the other foot? Now place your foot on top of the other foot.
stezzi the parrot a cosmic kids yoga adventure
Hands together, it grows well and tall. Now, can you close your eyes? A little wobbly then, right? I think we should open them again. Well done. Now everyone, steadfast, has made the way through the trees. Now we have to cross the river in a small boat. We sat in the back. We hold our hands. behind lift one foot lift two lift one hand and lift no hand and give me a salute well done we row this little boat across the river and stezzy teaches us a new song for our row row row your boat ready raising one of your oars here we go down gently the stream if you see a little mouse don't forget to scream well done to everyone and show us another one on the other side grab your other everything ready gently to the shore if you see a lion there don't forget it very well we all get out of the little boat and it starts to rain oh well I guess we're in the rainforest here we go use your fingers and tap them all over your head oh and your face oh that feels good all over your body, your belly running down your legs, my god can you reach your feet and your arms up and down?
stezzi the parrot a cosmic kids yoga adventure
We see a cave, you jump with your feet open and your hands above your head and we go to take refuge inside the next cave. To sit there is a big, beautiful blue butterfly that joins the soles of your feet. Hold your feet. This butterfly is called macaroni and it raises its wings and lowers them a little sad. Oh, I'm so bored it's raining outside. Can't. Come out, I have to stay in my cave, oh macaroni, we know that feeling, but sometimes when you're bored you just need to relax and let the ideas come, oh we have an idea, why don't we go upside down with a dog ?
Posing upside down is a great way to refresh your mind, we show stezzy and macaroni how to do it by getting on your hands and knees, everyone walk a little with your hands forward, tuck your toes in and lift your butt towards the sky , walk with your feet. in a little bit and then press down into your dog's pose, go all the way down again, go upside down has given us some really good ideas. We see at the back of the macaroni cave a dress-up box placed on her buttocks, attached to the soles of her feet together grab your feet and close your head towards your feet as if you were closing your dress-up box, we open it and inside We found a lot of fun costumes from last year's Halloween, got up and spun around in them, spinning them all around. the way around from one side to the other stezzy puts on a big white sheet and flies around the cave pretending to be a ghost adopting a flying pose turning to the side find a place to focus in front of you raise your arms raise one of your feet , try not to wobble and send your foot back, adopting your flying stance.
It even makes ghost noises and let's try it on the other side, facing the other way, now find a place to focus on raising your arms. your foot try not to wobble and send your foot back behind you entering your flying stance on the other side well done everyone now macaroni finds long black spider legs and turns into a spider open your feet bend your knees and take your toes between your feet and then we tick-a-tick-a-dick-a-tick out turning into little spiders and we find some standing bat wings, we all put the bat wings on our backs and then We turn to look in the wrong direction with our legs open We bend completely forward to look through our legs Can you see me Give me a shout out? ah, well done everyone and look out the sun is shining again coming up to stand twisting sitting your buttocks and put the soles of your feet together again because the macaroni are fluttering he says hello oh, thank you all so much, I really enjoyed you helping me learn how not to get bored now after that it's very muddy here on the hill in fact it's turned into a landslide, put your toes forward, reach your hands back and stand up into the sliding stance.
Now Stezzie can fly down, but we're going down this style of landslide surface, so we stand up. one foot forward one foot back and bend the knee we extend our arms and surf through the mud we jump with our feet to the other side and surf on the other side also the sun is setting and we cross a small bridge sitting on your buttocks knees feet bent hands flat behind you let's get some rest in Stezzie's family nest we get up and walk on tiptoe we tiptoe in we don't want to wake up Stezzie's family everyone is sleeping tight sitting up your buttocks cross your legs we turn on a very lovely fan to keep us cool placing your fingers in front of your mouth take a deep breath ready the fan blades spin and spin keeping us lovely and cool and we lay back down on a bed of beautiful soft feathers enjoying a nice moment to rest and be calm after our incredible


in the jungle while we lie here we think about how we help macaroni learn not to get bored and that actually being bored is often a sign that we need to relax a little, we can be very busy so being bored is actually A good way to stop for a moment, relax and leave room for new ideas to arise, so next time you feel bored, try to relax and watch. what ideas come to mind we stay very still enjoying this beautiful and peaceful place and then we start to wake up moving our toes, our fingers, giving our knees a big hug against our chest and swinging towards a side and sitting with our eyes open. and our hands joined in our hearts and we finish just as we started with our secret yoga keyword which is namaste ready after three one two three namaste well done everyone thank you for coming to Brazil to meet stezzy with me you were great, I hope you come back soon for another cosmic adventure for


, goodbye, after that for a while, it feels better.
I'm glad I got rid of my evil bug, all that unpleasant feeling, but unfortunately it doesn't work out that easily because the evil bug. He loves it when you're bad and comes back after you feel better. You may start to feel bad for being bad.

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