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Steve Bannon begs House GOP to bail him out

Jun 30, 2024
They could have rolled a springboard to the House floor today, giving everyone in the House a chance and still the elected Republicans would have used their time and energy more productively than they did in their last Adventure because now apparently the People's business includes keeping pardoned Steve Bannon out. from President Mike Johnson, saying House Republicans are working to file an amicus brief in Bannon's emergency appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court. It's hard to say what part of that decision is more degrading than the fact that the Republican Party is putting itself on the line for a Trump ally. that they ignored a subpoena of their body that has to do with a deadly attack on their own workplace or that by arguing that Bannon should have been allowed to ignore the subpoena, they are effectively endorsing a diminished version of their own authority from the Congress that is owed to Steve Bannon. report to prison in July to begin a four-month sentence for a crime he committed we're back with David jolly and Charlie syes um Charlie is Mike Johnson is kind of an incredible underworld figure from Maga talks about this series of decisions that he's making around Steve Bannon, well, it's the same series of decisions that he made around what he's willing to do for Donald Trump, what he's willing to say, how he's willing to have the House of Representatives become a instrument of obstruction of justice.
steve bannon begs house gop to bail him out
It's strange and, I'm sorry to repeat the phrase, it's not normal for congressional leaders facing serious problems to spend so much time trying to keep someone like Steve Bannon out of jail, but it's an indication of what the Congressional Republican Party is all about and what they feel they need to do, you know, to stop Donald Trump and the Maga world and it's an indication of what you would get if there was a Trump 2.0. presidency, if anyone thinks there would be any resistance from congressional leaders to the worst abuses of the Trump administration, look at the way they are behaving right now, when he is not even in power, what they are willing to do this kind of things.
steve bannon begs house gop to bail him out

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steve bannon begs house gop to bail him out...

From what you already know and the Supreme Court is once again another character in history Steve Bannon apologized in the last hours and days of Trump's presidency for another crime that was really in dispute: he defrauded his followers and Trump when He came to build a wall um, heh, he asked for donations, they didn't go to the wall or anything remotely like a wall, they fattened his pockets, um and now he's in trouble again. I mean, the issue of criminal recidivism is another plot point that keeps repeating itself in Trump's inner circle, David, cheerful, yes, that's right, and we're seeing the law catch up with Steve Bannon, so already you see you know Dy fish float before they expire but what he expects and what all the other Trumps are criminals.
steve bannon begs house gop to bail him out
The network people hope, I guess, if you can call them that, that Trump wins and is somehow able to alleviate the responsibility that they face, but I think there is a behavior that we see in Steve Bannon that Donald Trump himself has normalized. . and it is the refusal to even recognize the authority of basic institutions. Steve Bannon wouldn't be in this situation of having to report to prison if he had simply shown up. In reality, he didn't have to cooperate with Congress. He just had to respond to the subpoena and introduce me and then say you know what I'm not answering your questions for the following reasons or I'm claiming fifth or exercising other privileges instead he just dismissed this executive privilege and then said screw Congress and Congress said well, that doesn't work, that's not how it works, so when they made the referral, the Department of Justice said there has been no cooperation, in contrast to the Biden hunter scenario, for example, with Congress of the United States if there is an adverse witness. who really doesn't want to report at least shows some level of cooperation and some level of making legal claims and their own defense before Congress, the Justice Department doesn't want to touch the contempt of congressional claims, but with Steve Bannon he just said: " I don't want to".
steve bannon begs house gop to bail him out
I don't care who you are, I don't recognize your authority, I'm not going to cooperate with you, the stupid Steve Bannon part and that's all he had to do was show up and shut up, but he didn't and now. he's going to jail yeah I mean it's the arrogance um it's the kind of Fu um that has him in this position let me get back to the substance of his role on January 6th let me show you this this is a presentation of the congresswoman. Zafen Charlie, but the evidence indicates that Mr. Bannon had advance knowledge of Mr.
Trump's intention to declare victory on election night, but also that Mr. Bannon knew about Mr. Trump's plans for the 6th from January. This is what Bannon said on January 5. All hell is going to happen. let go tomorrow everything is converging and now we are as they say the point of attack right the point of attack tomorrow I'll tell you this, it's not going to happen like you think it's going to happen, okay, it's going to be quite extraordinary different and all I can say It's buckle up, you've made this happen and tomorrow is game day so buckle up let's get ready let's talk about Steve Bannon um he's a singular figure both in his um kind of malevolent role that he plays in attacking the establishment. and his lawsuit against The Establishment, he is a prolific source for the mainstream media covering the Maga movement, very proud of his contributions to it and this feels a little like the moment Charlie got him Well, well, it's, I mean, it's the identification of the mega movement at this point, but keep in mind that he is doing the bidding of the former president of the United States, the future president of the United States, and let's go back to Mike Johnson, which Mike Johnson is looking. and says: this is our man, this is someone we want to defend, this is someone who is a victim, so the bigger picture here is the assault on any type of legal responsibility for the people who were involved with 9/6.
January, this is part of this revisionist history turns January 6 into some kind of legitimate protest and the Republicans and Congress are now involved in all of this, so you know, Donald Trump is out on a regular basis, joining the supporters on January 6, promising to forgive everyone. them and in many ways you know that Steve Bannon is just a symbol of all of that. What's extraordinary is that Mike Johnson has a decision to make. He could distance himself from that agreement with the country's companies. Get the country over it and move on. Because Donald Trump demands it, he has to go and use his authority to try to defend Steve Bannon, who was obviously deeply involved in the conspiracy to try to overturn this election, but again, this is all part of this Continuum, this attack on criminal justice. system this this this this insistence that everyone is a victim and the fact that the Republican Party The Law and Order Party I can't get over this I'm sure David can't either The Law and Order Party Go now to a Trump rally and people go.
I'm voting for The Convicted Felon. The chairman of the Republican Party in the county I'm sitting in now had an op-ed. I'm voting for The Convicted Felon and the more criminals there are. The more zealous I'm going to be to support them, I mean we're in a really strange time in American politics and it's not fair and when we talk about democracy, there's a real attack on the concept of the rule of law if you delegitimize the entire criminal justice system. and you turn criminal behavior like that of Steve Bannon into a kind of martyrdom. Hello MSNBC fans.
I'm Luke Russer and be sure to join me Rachel Matto Jen saki Lawrence o' donnal Steve Coraki Joy Reed and many more September 7th in Brooklyn MSNBC Live democracy 2024 click link for ticket information see you there

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