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Steal It & I'll Buy You a Real Diamond!

May 28, 2021
hidey ho players carl what do you have in your hand a


then carl? You're probably wondering what you do with that


. I wonder that, jimmy, what do I do? I'm going to unleash a horde of 100 people and you need to take that. diamond and go as far as you can oh god we have a marker on the right and we are going to have dozens of people competing in this challenge and whoever gets the skin will get a ten thousand dollar diamond in


life so first start first. challenge, I'm going to show you guys what I mean by prove it boom, the doors here fell and the doors on the other side of the map fell for 100 players, oh, as you see, an army of people in blue armor are now running carl we They're coming for you, Carl, the further you go, the more chances you have of winning.
steal it i ll buy you a real diamond
I hate Chris Carl. They come after you, Carl Carl, have screwed me over. All my friends have always hated Chris Carl. He reached 99.6 meters. Okay, I hit it twice. buddy 30 seconds dead carl let's trade you for someone else on the blue team signer i never liked chris not even once ender bow is our second contestant how are you doing? man, it's great because you have a deep voice uh, I'm 15 years old. now andrew, before you start your obstacle course, i need to introduce you to dream hello, if you don't know he's a youtuber, he has like five subscribers, okay, let's get started, server, oh, go, go, go, if you go further. distance without dying i will buy you a ten thousand dollar diamond in


life stay less wait left side left side hey where are you currently are you in the first place why are you jumping towards people okay, the plan didn't go as planned, okay, the plan didn't go as planned, if it makes you feel better, you managed 10 meters more than Carl, so from now on you have won the 10,000 diamonds, I'll accept it.
steal it i ll buy you a real diamond

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steal it i ll buy you a real diamond...

How about next time? We have a dream to be the runner let's see how far the dream can go well dream how many meters do you think you'll make it well I don't know we'll have to see I think I could potentially finish it you tell us when to start uh psyche begins the challenge I love trolling dreaming it's so much fun oh It's a dream oh no what are you doing I'm doing it better than them that's what I'm doing he's already in first um oh what was it that he's on the right side right side giving him some hits oh he's dead oh it's not a dream You got to 155 meters that's pretty good I bet your technoblade would do better I'm not going to lie empty squid do you know what you're doing?
steal it i ll buy you a real diamond
I think it's perfect, start. Up, well, let's go as far as you can, I'm going, I'm going to stop the squid from coming down, oh, he's coming, I don't see people, oh, oh man, that's what I beat Carl, yeah, so next one It's a victory, hello, hello. Do you know what you are doing? Hey, Chris, your turn. The further you go, the better the place to get the best place to get the diamond. It is so complicated. The server releases the doors. He just runs. Run as far as you can and use your. fireballs oh he's on the left side to the left I'm going to help her I'm distracting you stay away and chris is hitting people watch out he's on the left side robbery no oh oh no oh my god, you actually came quite far dream that I'm going to give it to you.
steal it i ll buy you a real diamond
You have to explain the challenge to the next person. I don't want to do it. Okay, so stop, come, stand here. I have something very important. Your job. You have a diamond. You have to choose a kit. You get to the other side. You win if you get there. faster than everyone else, okay yeah, I'm first, I'm right behind you, I'm actually pretty close, wow, my server responds faster to dreaming than me, go cover more. floor, stop looping and start sliding, yeah, you gotta slide, I'm behind you, jedi boy, oh, don't jump, don't jump, oh, oh, my God, oh, my God, big brain, oh, Oh my gosh, oh, okay, you. you're in first place you're in first place get um go go go go go oh hey okay how far did it go 177 super kai dream was dethroned just crouch down if you can hear me okay start the challenge, come on i'm helping him, i'm helping him, Go, run, go, he doesn't have a working microphone, nick, can I redo it?
Can I be taking? He was using the bathroom. You can redo it if you say. Subscribe to Mr Beastgaming. Better for everyone. a mr b themeing and mr beast and any other channel, what is he doing, ran back since he said, subscribe to mr b games, can have a reading. I feel like we should help him, he explores and we'll do the damage for you. Put the door down, come on, come on, come on, come on, let's try to destroy them for you. ah, I blew myself up, so far there's no one, yeah, you have time, oh, they're all around here, oh, you're a rainbow, uh, it just rambled into a whole. crowd wait where are you oh they're right behind him oh oh my god you're seven meters behind soup everyone's on top of each other no one knows where he is we should let chandler go chandler I'm really nervous drop the doors I've got you chandler oh the lower sword right it doesn't hurt wait wait oh you used them both oh i didn't mean to catch the water catch the water no chandler i hit you chandler you're in third place that's not bad, that's not bad, although I'm better than the dream boy.
Jedi is our next contestant. How is he doing? I'm quite well. How about you? Well, have you already spent the ten thousand dollars you won in the first challenge? No, I haven't. Okay, now I'm going to need you to stay here, we're going to have to put you at a disadvantage, okay, server, lower the doors, okay. No, I don't want to hear anyone say, "Oh, you favored this person, that person." you're being fair that seems fair to me what class did you pick the pen oh my god why didn't anyone else get in the way oh my god oh my god he'll make it to the end we ran past you brother have you played this? map before exploring it I told Chandler my plan before he beat him in 45 seconds that's going to be hard to beat what's up new guy hello you're going to beat the jedi boy I don't think so that's the spirit okay let go of the doors They're okay, I'm going to go help them by spawning them, catching them.
Ugh, I'm throwing fireballs, stop. Oh, you guys killed me, we're just bombing you. Please, do I need all the help I can get? Hurry up. I have to finish in 45 seconds to be in first place come up chandler you killed him ah chandler we're supposed to help him I have a gift for you give me a second uh here's a camera here hold it just go find a McDonald's or something Invisible, I'm pleased report that we sent Chandler to buy 69 chicken nuggets so you don't have to worry about getting killed. This time I'm going to McDonald's again because apparently I blew up the contestant and I wasn't supposed to do that, put the doors down, I'm falling tnt, don't worry guys, we're fine, uh, I fell, jump, jump, jump, jump, yeah, go, go, go, uh, I really suck, I mean, boy, we got you a lot of help, I tried my best.
Uh, what's up? Uh, what's your name? leno mini the server is voice activated say server close the doors okay I said it and he heard me sorry I was listening to you yeah yeah wait there's Chandler there I wonder what. he's doing it right now oh can I get the 69 chicken nuggets? Guys, I just embarrassed myself again. Oh, that was a good try, next Mr. Strategy, wow, I haven't played Minecraft in a long time and wow, wow here, wow, wow, don't miss, don't follow. going if you stop you're not going to win don't stop don't stop okay oh they're waiting for you oh oh nice nice nice nice who are those people it's jedi boy they knew they knew they're off the server I request a sword to kill with a single shot , I also request one, no campy Damies 69 kids, yeah, we're like oh hey, Chandler's back, hey, everyone clap your nugget in three, one, two, three, clap, boom and now that we're cheering for our nuggets, Let's go to the IKEA business. for life why are you so passionate about ikea I'm from Sweden there you go so I need it okay are you ready yeah wait how's this person who's already out?
The empty squid has already come out. I don't know where the Jedi boy is, oh, oh, big brain. I have one more rainbow use it here use it here and you might be fine good good good well we have to protect him get away get away get away my sword is not one hit oh there is a tunnel down here secret tuttle oh he died oh no and now, the moment that you've all been waiting for, that dream boy is going to leave again, I'll beat him, I'll beat him, don't worry, I'll help him a little, that's okay though, I'm ready whenever. he's watching techno, show him who's boss, oh wait, jimmy has to eat mayonnaise or something.
I deleted the footage. I didn't make a reference to dream and techno. I don't know what you're talking about oh oh so how is he going to get into the portal oh my god oh my god wait you did it in 41 seconds oh it sucks to be a jedi boy right now mister jedi boy the dream expired your time, but dream has two chances, that's why I want to give you a second chance, we have to be fair, okay? now that I think about it I think we should give jedi boy three chances let's do this you got this jedi boy you got this I hope he does it right so you're doing the same thing yeah I mean it worked the first time oh oh oh jedi come on come on Oh my god, that would have been it, you would have beaten him for a second jedi guy, you literally have to be perfect at this sport, okay let's do this, open the door, help me, we're helping you. as much as we can, how are they fishing already buddy, I swear they literally run here and fish why they're fishing me again, they found my fish, yeah, catch it, catch it, let's see it one more time, one more time, right ?
I can see the other pass because I've only really explored the middle path no, it's okay, let us know when you're ready, lower the door, can he win?, no, no, it's okay, jump, jump, jump, oh, oh , okay, come on, come on, protect me. carl, okay, let's see jeddah, you have to oh no, he left it, there's like a thousand people right there, jedi, you didn't get first place, but we'll still give you a prize for second place, five thousand dollars and you dream, congratulations, you will get a ten thousand dollar Diamond just tell me your address very quickly and I will send it well my address is

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