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Starship Troopers - Nostalgia Critic

Jun 04, 2021
Hi, I'm the reviewer for Nostalgia, I remember it so you don't have to do it a long time ago, director Paul Verhoeven, director Robocop, he also directed Total Recall, it was amazing, he also directed Basic Instinct, which I've only seen this of. scene, but I hear the rest is amazing and he also directed Starship Troopers. It underperformed at the box office, received mixed reviews at best, left an uncomfortable and confusing feeling for many of the viewers who saw it, and was amazing, although it did gain a bit of a cult following in recent days at least enough to warrant cookie-cutter video sequels, many audiences still aren't sure what to make of this movie, is it secretly saying something provocative, just another attractive people vs. monsters movie, or both people can't decide if?
starship troopers   nostalgia critic
There is an aggressive message in this movie or not, which ironically could be part of the movie's intention. what do I want to say with that? Well, let's take a closer look at this movie to find out. Let's squash some bullets with some possible commentary on the fascism that's weighing on you right now. No, you're happy, no, let's take a look at Starship Troopers. It begins with a recruiting video for mobile infantry. The future version of the army that you will notice like in any commercial. Everyone in the ad. is beautiful and when we get into real life, everyone is beautiful too, rookie movie mistake or clever suggestion that this is all a satire of possible future propaganda, laugh at it all you want, benign usage, but I'm convinced That there is more to this destroyer than meets the eye, there is not.
starship troopers   nostalgia critic

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starship troopers nostalgia critic...

What the movie gives us about the enemy Earth is the fight against the insects, as you will notice that it is almost comical how little information they provide about them. They are mixed after the source of meteorite attacks to ensure the safety of our solar system. We never really get any more information than that, we don't even know why the bugs are shooting meteors at us, as the focus is more on making the villains look evil and the heroes look strong together, maybe not quite together, a news report during an invasion. about errors is interrupted, which is a shame when you have great journalistic lines like this, its interior design leaves a lot to be desired.
starship troopers   nostalgia critic
It's good to know that while the future PSA from his Gore outfit and this live footage is apparently okay to post on primetime news. Look, kids, you could be Dad bleeding strawberry jam, and I for one welcome our new bug overlords. I'd like to remind you that I can be useful and rally others to work in your underground sugar caves, cut from a year in advance when those future cadets are in school. learning how that one-year-old cliche will be a staple of bad movie releases in about 20 years. Rico Rico, pay attention, answer the question about why my arm is a baked potato.
starship troopers   nostalgia critic
This is Rico, played by Casper Van Dien, who has a passion for Carmen, played by Denise Richards, drawing cartoons of them meeting because, as he can see, this is clearly the physique of your average everyday cartoonist. He may also notice that the teachings in this future are not as peaceful as we are used to. This year we explore the failure of democracy something given is worthless and forced my friends is violence the supreme authority from which all other authorities derive that is why President Alec Baldwin is the leader of our humble country Rico and Carmen they're going to see how they did in their finals I'm totally going to be a rocket scientist in a Bond movie now 35 percent very enjoyable Wow, the latest count loss is disguised as best as possible, but it brags about Rico writing it big letters to Amelia again, which makes you wonder what kind of world allows it. that option on his public computers as they rush to their insect dissection class led by Dr.
Nefario likes to think that we are nature's greatest achievement, it is simply not true that we are going to be bred and sacrificed, in fact it is a difficult future where lab coats and gloves are for the weak and the weakest student. mocks potato soup in protest. people covered in soup is a constant theme in this movie, oh, and psychics apparently also exist in this future, as Count Olaf uses it to let the food transmit to see if he can bring out psychic powers. Enrico, trust me when I say you're not going to find much on Casper Van Dien's head.
I see Ace of Spades, good assumption, but wrong. Count Olaf, while demonstrating his powers on his ferret, annoys Mom Cyrano and finds my Oscar presentation incredible. I hope you don't do anything like. That for me, don't be afraid, I can't be human, but officially it's scarier than insects again. I'm not sure if that's what's intended. We see that this future clearly does not have the concussion of the movie, and not just our football uniforms, far from it. It's safer than before, but they predict it's so stupefying, even silly cartoons wouldn't be able to handle the game.
Rico prepares to go to the Big Dance. Well, he's 29 years old, but people are upset with the idea of ​​him joining the federal service to go fight bugs. after said teacher graduated, right? What is his name? Mr. rad, check it out, yes, thank you for doing my work for my movie and let's be honest, is it weirder than the actor's real name? I think this character would be more awesome if they called him Michael Ironside. I don't think anyone at the audience would care at the dance, we find out that while Rico is in love with Carmen, another girl named Dizzy is in love with Rico after tonight, we should have a father once again, let's not just be friends.
I mean, it's our last night. together surely I can start a relationship with you now I want to talk to mr. Ike Jack, you better hurry up the incest troika dizzy Andrew and now tell Olaf's impression of Neil Patrick Harris pretending to be straight again scarier than the swamps Rico finds out that Carmen is also joining the federal services, but honestly they I say they will pay attention to that. after pointing out to this guy how he's doing, I mean, there's jazz hands and then there's giving up dancing. I think this is Dan giving up. The next day the most talkative office workers easily signed up.
Fresh meat for the grinder. Hello how did you do? Guys, I'm going to be a pilot. Good for you. We need all the pilots we can get next time we meet. I'll probably have to salute you, Sir Infantry. Good for you. Mobile infantry made me the man I am today. Another line would be. It would go a lot faster if you gave them their papers, so where do you come from? I was born in Mississippi, in good old Europe. I listen to my life story after we say goodbye, we move on to more propaganda which, as you can see, It's hard to distinguish between VAD and the reality of this movie.
A murderer was captured this morning and attempted to be executed tonight at 6:00. All channels will be hosted by Mary Hart and run me. If you think you're psychic, maybe not. They're hey wait, that's lassie doesn't believe in psychics those believe in demonic woodpeckers has come up rich arrives at his new home to find out how aggressive your career senior sergeant is second I'm only here because our lee Ermey is too busy filming the terrifying ones, he has a bit of company since he's in the same group as him, as well as a braggart named ace, stand in line like everyone else, you have guts for a rich kid and you have quite the career considering you're related to Gary Busey, these find out what happens when you don't follow orders, who needs a knife in a new fight anyway, Joe in Wall Trooper now shows you're a wrinkled caricature of Jon Heder, so ask the bun to put his hand against the wall and you'll be good anything that's crazy look at this mixed showers Johnny what about you?
I'm going to go into politics, so you know you have to be a citizen for that, so here I am. Is it ironic that in the future we will try to prove that men and women are equal? This was probably done just to get some boob shots. There's some side dicking, but they're pretty much on par with the Austin Powers nude scenes, so, um, fascist. Meanwhile, Carmen seems fine with where she's stationed as she flies around the space mutiny set. Rico's group plays capture the flag by throwing him into the spotlight. You shot the church. You can't kill.
Oh, when they use live ammunition to fight him. Toy Story Army Men Rico tells a soldier to take off his malfunctioning helmet. I'm pretty sure we can still say them as punishment. The soldier who shot him is fired. All the Co have to talk to them hanging on Breaking Bad. I think the soldier who got kicked out got the better deal Hank is tough why did he order his man to take off his helmet during a live fire exercise? I need everyone in my squad to be operational, sir, we're going to set up the administrative punishment, the administrative punishment, by the way, is to get his ass off with his shirt off.
They dragged him in front of everyone and whipped him again. I feel like the soldier who actually shot the guy got off pretty easy compared to this, but in this Sun Alps, I know I went through this too, just not in public. wondering where the hell they got a guy to whip people for the military, no less, so here it says you have experience as a professional witness, oh yeah, years of experience and what made you want to pursue this profession, oh no. you know well, sometimes I just get tired of surprising friends and neighbors who spoil friends and neighbors and wouldn't it be a surprise now that you're right and I just decided that I want to give back to the community by spanking people for a good cause.
We see this. More like a tragic necessity than a good cause, you're sure, but if you have to do it, you might as well do it with a slightly excited smile on your face. You are by far the scariest person I have ever met in my entire life. but luckily that's a qualification, now you have the job with all due respect, try never to see me again, why are all the people I know like this while Carmen is piloting the ship and the bug asteroid seems to be floating towards the captain? We are in the path of an unidentified object that is moving towards us at high speed.
The profiles suggest an asteroid. Ma'am, you need a computer to see it. I guess the qualifications to be in this army would be at least two points, that is, in one eye. graph that the asteroid could be heading towards Earth, although Rico finds out by talking to his parents, Jonny, Dad, where's the bill for your uniform? What is that giant that portends us? Turns out that list of the asteroid that destroyed Rico's hometown has a million dead. They are personally Rico's parents, but a new boom, one of my favorite girls in the movie, probably comes from this.
The war effort needs your effort at work at home. In your community from now on cockroaches are officially called freedom bugs, even our heroes get a little time in the news. Here's a group of my kids who look like they could eat bugs for lunch. Oh, yes, grant it, it's already a very uncomfortable sentence, but. that surrender didn't make it any less uncomfortable i have love in my belly tum tum some say that the insects were caused by the intrusion of humans into their natural habitat that a policy of live and let live is preferable to war with the insects but then it I remember The same guy who directed this also directed backup singers and that hinders our plausible commentary.
However, Rico seems like an old fling, as they seem to cross paths. Pity. I can't believe we're both working for Planet Spaceball, but Karma's new boyfriend. seems to have some harsh words Chuckie wait he didn't forget a lieutenant he's mobile infantry he just doesn't pay to be polite you have something to say about mobile infantry he literally just made my concern the stairs don't stop this don't mix it up he's like Steven Seagal and acting some things just don't go together, they fall into hero duty as several of their ships get shot at, it would be perfectly fine in a later scene like a small cut on their head, that's it, how are these damn doctors? the bugs are literally on them so they try to attack, they show us the scene from the beginning while the media continues to react to what is happening, it gets smart, sensitive, have you ever met one?
I can't believe I'm listening to this hell, you invited the Mad Hatter into this conversation, rain of bugs, frankly I find the idea of ​​a blooper video offensive, not so offensive for Johnny Depp messing with me, but still offensive, still being a better spectacle than the hard game. As our team recovers, they are assigned to a new unit with a new lieutenant. tension on deck bettermake it Bruce Campbell oh it's Michael Ironside close enough everyone fights no one gives up you don't do your job I'll shoot you if you mention the next Karate Kid I'll shoot you too after giving a bug bomb so big if you put an orc and a logo on it On top of that, they go in and take care of the surviving bugs and for a weapon that could have given any generic explosion, this one makes a big boom, mom, buy me they shoot down one of the other big bugs they show that their blood is super lobster bisque colored pea green I told them there would be a soup theme and they relaxed for the night while Ironside presents some entertainment, so violins are among the entertainment given to the troops.
Fascinated by this world where people who study arts are ripped commandos, maybe my grind is more developed than we think, so Nikko finally decides to give in to Dizzy's advances. This would be so much more romantic without the face of the guy who just bought a windowless van. Being a Busey, it's amazing, this is the first time I've mentioned this. Hey, if you thought Spider-Man's kiss was romantic, listen to this. Okay, I'm literally smelling my armpits. This isn't as romantic as you think, but. Ironside tells them they will give a distress call report in ten minutes.
Yes sir. Who is with you? Sir, make it twenty more minutes. People can die, as long as you get it. They catch one of the soldiers, however, by a flying insect and Ironside shoots instead of the monster. I would expect anyone in this unit to do the same for me. Okay, Rico, sir, his acting sergeant came out, listened to the lieutenant, actually we did, he spoke very softly, why are we? following you, they come across one of their bases, the bugs attacked when they say the line, any good quality movie should make the circus tick any movie that says they are on the right path, the bugs attack, as our team is trapped in his Alamo. place sir we need you to pick us up now and it better be my girlfriend, it would be dramatically convenient, I'm sure she's the one coming to rescue you, but unfortunately at the expense of your dear lieutenant Cherri, I'm on the boat, wait, what are you doing?
I just lost my legs I've lost lives before no, I turned down five episodes of Jett Jackson for this, he's not the only one who gets exterminated although dizzy he smiled for a second, which of course means you have to die, we're doing attacks on Mars until death, you can be okay this I have to have you the rain will make the flowers grow it seems like they are giving her a funeral which must have been complicated seeing how you have to mourn the loss of a person called Izzi without breaking into a giddy smile she was my friend she was a soldier, I could have done it then Dean, you are a better actor than I give you credit for more than that she was a citizen of the Federation of all the souls I have ever known, she swung more in the sack and if there is anyone who doesn't follow thinking this is an aggressive fascist propaganda satire, just look at how they dressed Doogie Howser in this scene, the books set us up, weren't they now looking for evidence of intelligence?
You did not know? I sent them anyway you don't approve, too bad we're in this for the species, boys and girls, they're simple numbers. In fact, I might take it more seriously. It's Bart Simpson killing someone in a TV movie. This is something adorable and everyday. I have to make decisions that send hundreds of people like you to their deaths, didn't they tell you, Colonel, that's what mobile infantry is for? Well, they told us that's why we sent it, so they attack again and somehow they don't. I can't imagine they'll spread their ships out instead of keeping them grouped together to make it easier to hit you, right?
Oh no, I think they actually want to kill us this time. It's okay, you'll just have a scar here. Alright. How's this for an embarrassing ending? Death bite Door Okay Doors of what weight The most intelligent science fiction characters Carmen and her boyfriend arrive on the planet where they are captured by the insects and brought before their white judge from the wall that Rita wants. to save them but knows the chances of them surviving are slim rescue group cancels you know that as well as I do she's already dead apart from the love seen in wild things her career is basically over so they're going to remove the bugs and Garmin is down It is said that she is dead, she is still alive.
I thought you said she was dead. How many times can she die in this pit? Apparently at least one more time, because despite being stabbed in the chest, she grabs a gun and starts shooting like it was nothing. For her, what kind of milk is she drinking? Because she has a damn indestructible. The queen's anus is pulled out while Gestapo Patrick Harris reads her mind. It's free. She is scared. Could I be afraid if she knew that she would see you in the 2 Smurfs movies? patrick harris sums up who we really have to thank for today's victory this is when everything changed and it wasn't the mighty fleet it wasn't a fancy new weapon it was a drill instructor names in we caught a break who the hell is Zim oh the drill instructor I guess he was busy defeating the main bug while we focused on our heroes, which was strange.
Wow, Zim, apparently we could have done it without you. The film ends as it had begun with a recruitment video urging people to join his battle and fight him. annoys soldiers like Sleepy Soldier and Lieutenant John Rico, well it practically seems doable, oh yeah, the way the spaceship that is still in extreme danger may not return by attempting a risky re-entry, blah blah blah blah and that was Starship Troopers isn't really just another Dumb Action Movie, don't get me wrong it's over the top cliché and has a lot of generic characters but I think that's the point where the whole movie is filmed as propaganda , which makes you imagine yourself as the heroes Trey Blood and immerse yourself in the battle when someone dies.
It's because of those damn mistakes and any


ism to understand why this war is happening is pushed aside by the war cries if you look at this as a movie that would be shown in their universe, which again isn't difficult given the service announcements. public they show can hold up interesting mirrors that show what we can look like when we focus more on destroying our enemies instead of finding other ways to solve the problem peacefully and that's just one way to look at it, there are many other ways you can read . this, if you choose to go for it, maybe you don't want to, maybe you just want to watch a shoot-em-up movie about bugs and as they go, this isn't that bad either, but I really think there's more to it. to this dumb looking movie from what meets the eye oh I see, you still don't believe me no, you don't have pants on again no joke this time we don't believe you you know what's good because in the future people will see this for the masterpiece it is, it's the future, this movie is over 20 years old, well people are starting to realize it's brilliant, no one ever talks about it, they will, they will, if I've raised enough awareness , I will never have the determination.
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